64 research outputs found

    Predicative adverbs and adjectives with infinitival subjects : a corpus investigation

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    Celem artykułu jest porównanie ze sobą dwóch konstrukcji predykatywnych w języku polskim, w których podmiotem jest fraza bezokolicznikowa: konstrukcji z przysłówkami predykatywnymi i konstrukcji z przymiotnikami predykatywnymi. Ta ostatnia konstrukcja, o postaci "przymiotnik predykatywny + łącznik + podmiot bezokolicznikowy", nie została wcześniej opisana w polskiej literaturze dotyczącej predykacji, łączników czy podmiotów bezokolicznikowych. Na podstawie danych korpusowych, przede wszystkim z Narodowego Korpusu Języka Polskiego, pokazujemy, że konstrukcja ta jest znacznie rzadsza niż analogiczna konstrukcja z przysłówkami predykatywnymi. Twierdzimy także, że w zasadzie te same predykaty mogą zostać zrealizowane albo jako przysłówki, albo jako przymiotniki, gdy podmiotem jest fraza bezokolicznikowa - obserwowane różnice nie mają charakteru systemowego, a wynikają jedynie z braków w leksykonie lub z tego, że nie zawsze przymiotniki i odpowiadające im przysłówki mają te same zestawy znaczeń. W szczególności pewne predykaty wyrażające modalność nieepistemiczną mogą być wyrażone tylko za pomocą przymiotników, gdyż odpowiadające im przysłówki nie wyrażają takiej modalności. Artykuł omawia także nowe dane korpusowe stanowiące dodatkowy argument za hipotezą, że przyczyną znacznie niższej frekwencji przymiotników predykatywnych niż przysłówków w omawianych konstrukcjach jest to, że - aby możliwe było połączenie przymiotnika predykatywnego z podmiotem bezokolicznikowym - podmiot ten musi ulec składniowej nominalizacji, podczas gdy przysłówki mogą łączyć się z podmiotami bezokolicznikowymi bezpośrednio; stąd preferencja dla składniowo prostszych konstrukcji z przysłówkami.The aim of this paper is to compare two Polish predicative constructions with infinitival subjects, namely those with predicative adverbs and those with predicative adjectives. The latter construction, of the form "predicative adjective + copula + infinitival subject" has hardly been noticed in Polish literature on predication, copulas, or infinitival subjects. On the basis of corpus data, mainly from the National Corpus of Polish, we demonstrate that this construction is much rarer than the analogous construction with predicative adverbs. We also show that roughly the same predicates may be expressed as either adverbs or as adjectives when the subject is an infinitival phrase - any observed differences are not systematic but rather stem from lexical gaps and differences in the meanings of particular adverbs and adjectives. In particular, certain modal predicates may only be expressed as adjectives because the corresponding adverbs do not express the same non-epistemic modal meanings. Finally, we provide new corpus evidence for an earlier claim that predicative adjectives are much rarer than adverbs when the subject is infinitival because they require this subject to undergo covert nominalisation; as adverbs combine with infinitival subjects directly, they are usually preferred

    Walenty: Towards a comprehensive valence dictionary of Polish

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    Abstract This paper presents Walenty, a comprehensive valence dictionary of Polish, with a number of novel features, as compared to other such dictionaries. The notion of argument is based on the coordination test and takes into consideration the possibility of diverse morphosyntactic realisations. Some aspects of the internal structure of phraseological (idiomatic) arguments are handled explicitly. While the current version of the dictionary concentrates on syntax, it already contains some semantic features, including semantically defined arguments, such as locative, temporal or manner, as well as control and raising, and work on extending it with semantic roles and selectional preferences is in progress. Although Walenty is still being intensively developed, it is already by far the largest Polish valence dictionary, with around 8600 verbal lemmata and almost 39 000 valence schemata. The dictionary is publicly available on the Creative Commons BY SA licence and may be downloaded from http://zil.ipipan.waw.pl/Walenty

    Relatório de estágio em farmácia comunitária

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    Relatório de estágio realizado no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentado à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbr

    Synergistic development of grammatical resources: a valence dictionary, an LFG grammar, and an LFG structure bank for Polish

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    <p>The aim of this paper is to present the simultaneous development of three interrelated linguistic resources for Polish: a valence dictionary, a formal grammar, and a syntactic corpus. This parallel development creates a strong synergistic effect: the valence dictionary is constantly verified by its use in the formal grammar, and both are verified in the process of constructing the structure bank.</p&gt

    XLE plus Glue : A new tool for integrating semantic analysis in XLE

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    This paper presents the XLE+Glue system which provides an interface between XLE and the Glue Semantics Workbench, a tool for computational Glue semantics. It describes how to develop grammars encoding glue premises and how to calculate meanings based on these premises.publishe

    Towards microfluidics for mycology – material and technological studies on LOCs as new tools ensuring investigation of microscopic fungi and soil organisms

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    This paper presents material and technological studies on lab-on-chip (LOC) devices as a first step towards biocompatible and reliable research on microscopic fungi and soil organisms on a microscale. This approach is intended to respond to the growing need for environmental control and protection, by means of modern, miniaturized, portable and dependable microfluidics instrumentation. The authors have presented herein long-term, successful cultivation of different fungi representatives (with emphasis put on Cladosporium macrocarpum) in specially fabricated all-glass LOCs. Notable differences were noted in the development of these creatures on polymer, polydimethylosiloxane (PDMS) cultivation substrates, revealing the uncommon morphological character of the fungi mycelium. The utility of all-glass LOCs was verified for other fungi representatives as well –  Fusarium culmorum and Pencilium expansum, showing technical correspondence and biocompatibility of the devices. On that basis, other future applications of the solution are possible, covering, e.g. investigation of additional, environmentally relevant fungi species. Further development of the LOC instrumentation is also taken into consideration, which could be used for cultivation of other soil organisms and study of their mutual relationships within the integrated microfluidic device

    ParGramBank: The ParGram Parallel Treebank

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    This paper discusses the construction of a parallel treebank currently involving ten languages from six language families. The treebank is based on deep LFG (LexicalFunctional Grammar) grammars that were developed within the framework of the ParGram (Parallel Grammar) effort. The grammars produce output that is maximally parallelized across languages and language families. This output forms the basis of a parallel treebank covering a diverse set of phenomena. The treebank is publicly available via the INESS treebanking environment, which also allows for the alignment of language pairs. We thus present a unique, multilayered parallel treebank that represents more and different types of languages than are available in other treebanks, that represents deep linguistic knowledge and that allows for the alignment of sentences at several levels: dependency structures, constituency structures and POS informatio