60 research outputs found

    Gastroesophageal reflux disease — current problem

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    Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is frequently met disease in current gastroenterology. In highly developed countries GERD is present in about 20–40% of its adults’ population. Frequency of GERD’s occurrence shows how important social problem it is nowadays, mainly because of its long-term presence, tendency of reoccurrence and various complications. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease decreases a quality of patients’ life, causing at the same time worse functioning in their professional, family and social spheres of life. In this paperwork new ideas on etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatmet of GERD have been presented.Choroba refluksowa przełyku GERD jest obecnie jednym z częściej spotykanych schorzeń w gastroenterologii. Występuje nawet u około 20–40% osób dorosłych w krajach wysoko uprzemysłowionych. Częstość występowania GERD powoduje, że jest ona znacznym problemem społecznym, głównie ze względu na wieloletnie występowanie, a także skłonność do nawrotów choroby i możliwość powikłań. Choroba refluksowa przełyku obniża jakość życia pacjentów, przyczyniając się tym samym do gorszego funkcjonowania w sferze życia zawodowego, rodzinnego i społecznego. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono nowe poglądy na etiopatogenezę, diagnostykę i leczenie GERD

    Reformy w polityce oświatowej na przykładzie nadzoru pedagogicznego

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    Reforms in the educational policies illustrated with an example of educational supervisionPolish educational system has been in the recent years the playground for incessant reforms and experiments. The purpose of that paper is therefore, to present the changes that took place in the last decade, hence influencing Polish educational policy, in particular pedagogical control. Moreover, the analysis of legislative acts, organizational documents and the literature regarding the area of pedagogical control aim at assessing the effectiveness of such policy

    Czynniki ryzyka ostrego zespołu wieńcowego u osób z przedwczesną chorobą sercowo-naczyniową

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    ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the main cause of death worldwide. In the last 40 years we can observe increase in prevalence of CVDs among young population. [1] Control of risk factors is especially important in young group of patients because the long-term prognosis for this group is particularly unfavorable.[2] MATERIALS AND METHODS: 100 medical records of following patients hospitalized between 2014 - 2017 in Department of Cardiac and Vascular Diseases in Cracow Specialist Hospital were analyzed with special attention to myocardial infarction risk factors. The study included 58 women under the age of 55 and 42 men under 45 divided into two groups with or without acute coronary syndrome (ACS). RESULTS: 86% of examined population had LDL level higher than 1,8 mmol/l, 65% smoked cigarettes and 86,4% had thickened intima-media complex. HDL level was below the norm in 47,4% of the group with ACS and only in 20,9% of the group without ACS (p < 0,05). Significant differences between groups in combined risk factors were observed in decreased HDL level accompanied by increased LDL (40,4% with ACS, 20,9% without ACS), tobacco abuse (38,6% with ACS, 18,6% without ACS) or arterial hypertension (40,4% with ACS, 18,6% without ACS). CONCLUSION: The most important risk factor of acute myocardial infarction in the studied group with early onset of CVD was reduced HDL level.ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the main cause of death worldwide. In the last 40 years we can observe increase in prevalence of CVDs among young population. [1] Control of risk factors is especially important in young group of patients because the long-term prognosis for this group is particularly unfavorable.[2] MATERIALS AND METHODS: 100 medical records of following patients hospitalized between 2014 - 2017 in Department of Cardiac and Vascular Diseases in Cracow Specialist Hospital were analyzed with special attention to myocardial infarction risk factors. The study included 58 women under the age of 55 and 42 men under 45 divided into two groups with or without acute coronary syndrome (ACS). RESULTS: 86% of examined population had LDL level higher than 1,8 mmol/l, 65% smoked cigarettes and 86,4% had thickened intima-media complex. HDL level was below the norm in 47,4% of the group with ACS and only in 20,9% of the group without ACS (p &lt; 0,05). Significant differences between groups in combined risk factors were observed in decreased HDL level accompanied by increased LDL (40,4% with ACS, 20,9% without ACS), tobacco abuse (38,6% with ACS, 18,6% without ACS) or arterial hypertension (40,4% with ACS, 18,6% without ACS). CONCLUSION: The most important risk factor of acute myocardial infarction in the studied group with early onset of CVD was reduced HDL level

    Morphokinetic parameters as a source of information concerning embryo developmental and implantation potential

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to present the results of time-lapse observation and to verify whether morphokinetic parameters are associated with embryo developmental and implantation potential. Material and methods: The analysed data concern the development of 1,060 embryos, 898 of which (84.72%) achieved the blastocyst stage and 307 were transferred into the uterine cavity. As a result, 126 (41.04%) biochemical pregnancies and 109 (35.50%) clinical pregnancies were observed. Time from fertilisation to further divisions into 2–9 blastomeres, first to fourth round of cleavage, second to third synchronisation parameters and the duration of stages after the first, second and third division were analysed. Results: Most of the parameters in the group of embryos developed to the blastocyst stage reached lower values than in the non-developed group. Moreover, parameters in the first group clearly had less dispersion. The differences between the groups with and without a biochemical pregnancy were smaller than the differences in the analysis of development to the blastocyst stage. However, in the case of clinical pregnancy analysis, there were again larger differences between both groups. A strong correlation was found between the majority of absolute morphokinetic parameters. A weaker, but still statistically significant correlation, was established between relative and other parameters. Conclusions: Morphokinetic parameters are associated with embryo developmental and implantation potential and can be considered as predictors of their quality. However, the development of efficient pregnancy prediction models needs further research utilising information from all available parameters and using advanced biostatistical methods

    Penetrating Crohn’s disease – adult vs pediatric patients

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    Crohn’s disease (CD) is increasing in prevalence worldwide, especially with young people. Magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) differs from routine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) by oral administration of neutral fluid contrast before scanning. It allows for recognising and monitoring changes during therapy as well as assessing complications, which makes it valuable diagnostic modality

    First-line ultrasound assessment of penetrating Crohn’s disease in pediatric patients

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    Introduction: Crohn’s disease is classified as chronic inflammatory bowel disease. The incidence in Europe ranges from 1 to almost 11.4 per 100,000 population per year. Ultrasound examination plays an important role in imaging diagnostics of inflammatory bowel lesions. It allows for assessing response to therapy as well as recognizing possible penetrating complications of the disease, i.e. fistula or abscess

    Insights into Barley Root Transcriptome under Mild Drought Stress with an Emphasis on Gene Expression Regulatory Mechanisms

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    Root systems play a pivotal role in coupling with drought stress, which is accompanied with a substantial transcriptome rebuilding in the root tissues. Here, we present the results of global gene expression profiling of roots of two barley genotypes with contrasting abilities to cope with drought that were subjected to a mild level of the stress. We concentrate our analysis on gene expression regulation processes, which allowed the identification of 88 genes from 39 families involved in transcriptional regulation in roots upon mild drought. They include 13 genes encoding transcription factors (TFs) from AP2 family represented by ERFs, DREB, or B3 domain-containing TFs, eight WRKYs, six NACs, five of the HD-domain, MYB or MYB-related, bHLH and bZIP TFs. Also, the representatives of C3H, CPP, GRAS, LOB-domain, TCP, Ti y, Tubby, and NF-Ys TFs, among others were found to be regulated by the mild drought in barley roots. We found that drought tolerance is accompanied with a lower number of gene expression changes than the amount observed in a susceptible genotype. The better drought acclimation may be related to the activation of transcription factors involved in the maintenance of primary root growth and in the epigenetic control of chromatin andDNAmethylation. In addition, our analysis pointed to fives TFs from ERF, LOB, NAC, WRKY and bHLH families that may be important in the mild but not the severe drought response of barley roots