45 research outputs found

    The effect of linagliptin treatment on gut microbiota in patients with HNF1A-MODY or type 2 diabetes : a preliminary cohort study

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    Wst臋p: W wielu dotychczas przeprowadzonych badaniach oceniano zwi膮zek mi臋dzy cukrzyc膮 a mikroflor膮 jelitow膮. Obserwowano zmian臋 mikroflory jelitowej pod wp艂ywem inhibitor贸w dipeptydylopeptydazy-4 w modelach zwierz臋cych. Celem niniejszego badania by艂a ocena wp艂ywu linagliptyny na flor臋 bakteryjn膮 okr臋偶nicy u ludzi. Materia艂 i metody: W prospektywnym badaniu kohortowym wzi臋艂o udzia艂 24 pacjent贸w: 5 chorych na cukrzyc臋 monogenow膮, zwi膮zan膮 z mutacj膮 HNF1A, i 19 chorych na cukrzyc臋 typu 2. Pr贸bki ka艂u pobrano przed i 4 tygodnie po intensyfikacji aktualnego leczenia za pomoc膮 linagliptyny lub pochodnej sulfonylomocznika. Z pr贸bek ka艂u wyizolowano rRNA, a nast臋pnie wykonano sekwencjonowanie 16S nowej generacji. Wyniki: U 9 pacjent贸w do leczenia do艂膮czono linagliptyn臋, a u 15 pacjent贸w do艂膮czono sulfonylomocznik lub zwi臋kszono jego dawk臋. Po leczeniu linagliptyn膮 nie zaobserwowano zmian na poziomach taksonomicznych L2鈥揕7 na podstawie analizy sk艂adu mikrobiom贸w (ANCOM). To samo odnosi艂o si臋 do r贸偶norodno艣ci alfa [wska藕nik r贸偶norodno艣ci Shannona, p = 0,59; wska藕nik r贸wnomierno艣ci Pielou, p = 0,68; obserwowane operacyjne jednostki taksonomiczne (OTU), p = 0,77] i r贸偶norodno艣ci beta (niewa偶ony wska藕nik UniFrac, p = 0,99; wa偶ony wska藕nik UniFrac, p = 0,93; wska藕nik Braya鈥揅urtisa, p = 0,98; wska藕nik Jaccarda, p = 0,99). R贸wnie偶 po intensyfikacji leczenia pochodn膮 sulfonylomocznika nie zaobserwowano zmian na poziomach taksonomicznych L2鈥揕7 w ANCOM ani zmian w r贸偶norodno艣ci alfa (wska藕nik r贸偶norodno艣ci Shannona, p = 0,19; wska藕nik r贸wnomierno艣ci Pielou, p = 0,21; obserwowane OTU, p = 0,42) i r贸偶norodno艣ci beta (niewa偶ony wska藕nik UniFrac, p = 0,99; wa偶ony wska藕nik UniFrac, p = 0,99; wska藕nik Braya鈥揅urtisa, p = 1; wska藕nik Jaccarda, p = 0,99). Wnioski: Po 4 tygodniach od do艂膮czenia linagliptyny do aktualnego leczenia cukrzycy nie zaobserwowano zmian w mikroflorze okr臋偶nicy. Konieczne s膮 dalsze badania w celu ustalenia, czy linagliptyna wp艂ywa na mikroflor臋 okr臋偶nicy u ludzi.Introduction. Many studies have evaluated the relationship between diabetes and microbiota. In animal models, the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors altered the gut microbiota. We investigated whether linagliptin alters the gastrointestinal flora in humans. Materials and methods. This prospective cohort study enrolled 24 patients: 5 patients with maturity onset diabetes of the young associated with HNF1A mutation and 19 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Stool samples were collected at baseline and 4 weeks after treatment intensification with either linagliptin or a sulphonylurea alongside current treatment. Faecal 16S rRNA was analysed by next-generation sequencing. Results. Nine patients initiated linagliptin whereas 15 patients initiated or increased the dose of a sulphonylurea. After linagliptin treatment, we did not observe changes in taxa in L2鈥揕7 based on analysis of composition of microbiomes (ANCOM). The same held true for pairwise alpha diversity (Shannon diversity, p = 0.59; Pielou鈥檚 measure of evenness, p = 0.68; and observed operational taxonomic units [OTUs], p = 0.77) and beta diversity distances (unweighted UniFrac, p = 0.99; weighted UniFrac, p = 0.93; Bray-Curtis, p = 0.98; and Jaccard, p = 0.99). Similarly, after sulphonylurea intensification, we did not observe changes in taxa in L2鈥揕7 in ANCOM, nor were there changes in alpha diversity (Shannon diversity, p = 0.19; Pielou鈥檚 measure of evenness, p = 0.21; and observed OTUs, p = 0.42) or beta diversity distances (unweighted UniFrac, p = 0.99; weighted UniFrac, p = 0.99; Bray-Curtis, p = 1; and Jaccard, p = 0.99). Conclusion. We did not observe changes in colonic microbiota 4 weeks after addition of linagliptin to current diabetes treatment. Further studies are required to determine whether linagliptin influences the colonic microbiota in human

    Qualitative parameters of the colonic flora in Patients with HNF1A-MODY are different from those observed in type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is determined by genetic and environmental factors. There have been many studies on the relationship between the composition of the gastrointestinal bacterial flora, T2DM, and obesity. There are no data, however, on the gut microbiome structure in monogenic forms of the disease including Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY). Methods. The aim of the investigation was to compare the qualitative parameters of the colonic flora in patients with HNF1A-MODY and T2DM and healthy individuals. 16S sequencing of bacterial DNA isolated from the collected fecal samples using the MiSeq platform was performed. Results. There were significant between-group differences in the bacterial profile. At the phylum level, the amount of Proteobacteria was higher (p=0.0006) and the amount of Bacteroidetes was lower (p=0.0005) in T2DM group in comparison to the control group. In HNF1A-MODY group, the frequency of Bacteroidetes was lower than in the control group (p=0.0143). At the order level, Turicibacterales was more abundant in HNF1A-MODY group than in T2DM group. Conclusions. It appears that there are differences in the gut microbiome composition between patients with HNF1A-MODY and type 2 diabetes. Further investigation on this matter should be conducted

    Propozycja wst臋pnych ustawie艅 kalkulatora bolusa systemu Accu-Chek Combo

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    Kalkulator bolusa (KB) jest jedn膮 z najwa偶niejszych opcji wsp贸艂czesnych pomp insulinowych. U艂atwia zar贸wno oko艂oposi艂kowe, jak i korekcyjne dawkowanie insuliny. Funkcja KB poprawia kontrol臋 metaboliczn膮 pacjenta. Czyni leczenie bezpieczniejszym, ogranicza liczb臋 hipoglikemii. W niniejszym artykule autorzy proponuj膮 wst臋pne ustawienia kalkulatora bolusa w systemie Accu-Chek Combo. Oczywi艣cie ustawienia te powinny ulega膰 ka偶dorazowo weryfikacji klinicznej

    Qualitative Parameters of the Colonic Flora in Patients with HNF1A-MODY Are Different from Those Observed in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Background. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is determined by genetic and environmental factors. There have been many studies on the relationship between the composition of the gastrointestinal bacterial flora, T2DM, and obesity. There are no data, however, on the gut microbiome structure in monogenic forms of the disease including Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY). Methods. The aim of the investigation was to compare the qualitative parameters of the colonic flora in patients with HNF1A-MODY and T2DM and healthy individuals. 16S sequencing of bacterial DNA isolated from the collected fecal samples using the MiSeq platform was performed. Results. There were significant between-group differences in the bacterial profile. At the phylum level, the amount of Proteobacteria was higher ( = 0.0006) and the amount of Bacteroidetes was lower ( = 0.0005) in T2DM group in comparison to the control group. In HNF1A-MODY group, the frequency of Bacteroidetes was lower than in the control group ( = 0.0143). At the order level, Turicibacterales was more abundant in HNF1A-MODY group than in T2DM group. Conclusions. It appears that there are differences in the gut microbiome composition between patients with HNF1A-MODY and type 2 diabetes. Further investigation on this matter should be conducted