2,187 research outputs found

    Transparency in the food chain : policies and politics

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    The dissertation is organised in four parts. The first part (Chapter 2) sets the background. It explores the status quo and explains the need for transparency in the food chain. This chapter argues that transparency is a condition for responding to the set of changes that occurred in the food system during the last decades. The second part (Chapters 3, 4 and 5) presents the theoretical approaches that this dissertation draws on as well as the analytical perspective and methods used. Chapter three examines the theories and approaches most valuable for analyzing the process of promoting transparency in a multi-actor context. Having reviewed the major approaches, the dissertationÂżs own analytical perspective is presented in chapter four. We view the formation of policy outputs for transparency, as a result of both actor strategies and network structures. More specifically, the network is considered to set the context within which individual strategies can evolve. The way actors and network characteristics are operationalised and measured is presented in chapter five. We also present the dissertationÂżs methodology for the collection as well as analysis of data and case selection in this chapter. The third part (Chapters 6, 7, 8 and 9) presents the empirical analyses. Putting the model into force, chapters six and seven assess the political feasibility of efforts to improve transparency in the pork chain in the Netherlands and the EU respectively. In a similar vein, chapters eight and nine focus on the farmed-fish chain in the Netherlands and the EU respectively.\ud Finally, the fourth part (Chapter 10) concludes the dissertation, interprets the results and discusses their implications for transparency and sustainability related policies and politics


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    Singapore Colloquial English (SCE/ Singlish) is an indigenized variety of English spoken in Singapore existing alongside the Standard Singapore English (SSE) (Leimgruber, 2011). The former is used in informal circumstances, while the later is used in high-levelformality situations. Singlish is actually a result of English that is learned as an official language and a medium of instruction in education influenced by many Mandarin, Cantonese, or Malay grammatical structures, phonetic features, and lexicons (Terry, 2000). Its owndialects and unique linguistic features have made this language variety appealing to be investigated. Researching Singlish in its genuine geographical context in which it is spoken will be less feasible for the researcher. Therefore, a local English-language movie entitled Singapore Dreaming (2006) is selected as the corpus of the study


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    The Best of MekaryaNicholash Sparks merupakan novel yang mengisahkantentangperjalanancintaantara Dawson Cole dan Amanda Collier yang terpaksaterhalangolehkedua orang tua Amanda yang tidakmerestuicintamerekakarenaperbedaankelassosialsehinggapadaakhirnyamerekaharusberpisah.Namun, setelahsekian lama berpisahmerekabertemukembalidengankeadaan yang telahberbeda.Tugasakhirinibertujuanuntukmengkajitentangnilai-nilai moral yang adapadatokohutama.Kelebihandari novel iniadalahnilai moral yang adapadatokohutamadankelemahanterdapatpada plot danpenggunaanbahasa yang susahdipahamidari novel The Best of Me. Dalammengkajibukuini, penulismemperoleh data denganmelakukanstudikepustakaandanmelaluireferensi yang penulisperolehmelaluisumber-sumberterkait. Dapatdisimpulkanbahwa novel The Best of Me banyakmelibatkanemosi yang menyentuhpembacadanmengajarkannilaisosialberupapengorbanan yang tulusuntuk orang lain sehinggabukuinilayakuntukdibacaolehremaja yang gemardengancerita roman


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    Each ethic group in Indonesia has its own vernacular language to communicate each other politely and effectively. Among abundant vernacular languages spoken by various ethnic groups in Indonesia, Madurese language spoken by Madurese inhabitants is worth investigating due to its peculiarity. There are three speech levels of Madurese language namely ÉnjĂ©k IyĂ©h (BĂąsa AndhĂąp/Low Level), ÉnggĂȘ ÉntĂ©n (BĂąsa Tenga’an/Mid-Level), and Enggi BuntĂ©n (BĂąsa Tenggi/High Level). These different speech levels determine the use of different lexicons based on the setting of the conversation and the participants’ social role and age. This vernacular has four dialects divided based on their regencies namely Sumenep, Pamekasan, Sampang, and Bangkalan. Among the four dialects, Bangkalan is the most well-known for its frequent use of ÉnjĂ©k IyĂ©h variety. However, Enggi BuntĂ©n is still used when talking to more educated people such as Kyai and teachers, when talking to the respected elders, or when talking to strangers. This study aims at (1) elaborating the speech levels of Madurese language, particularly Bangkalan dialect, used in different settings by speakers of different social statuses and ages and (2) explaining the different lexicons used in each of those settings. The data were collected from the daily conversations of Bangkalan-dialect speakers living in Galis district

    Book reviews

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    Book review

    The 2013 Cypriot banking crisis and blame attribution: survey evidence from the first application of a bail-in in the Eurozone

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    The policy responses to the Eurozone crisis were mainly driven by taxpayer funded bailouts and austerity packages, with the exception of Cyprus where a bail-out was supplemented with a bank bail-in for the first time in the Eurozone. This paper examines how voters assign blame for the 2013 Cypriot banking crisis. The results of an original public opinion survey that was conducted in Cyprus show that neither the incumbent government at the time of the bail-in nor the previous one are assigned primary responsibility. Instead, blame is dispersed towards two non-elected actors; the national central bank and the banking sector. The findings carry implications for democratic accountability at the domestic and European Union level

    Assigning Liability in an Autonomous World

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    Liability laws currently in use rely on a fault-based system that focuses on a causal connection between driver actions and the resulting road accident. The role of the driver is set to reduce with the emergence of autonomous vehicles, so how will liability adapt to meet the needs of an autonomous world? The paper discusses possible frameworks of liability that could be implemented in the future, and accentuates the importance of the causal aspects of the current framework in the new system
