75 research outputs found

    Negative and positive implications of social networks in bronchial asthma

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    Bronchial asthma is a disease in which psychological implications play a role in increasing or in reducing the severity of bronchial obstruction. Internet and, in particular, social media are increasingly a part of daily life of both young and adult people, thus allowing virtual relationships with peers sharing similar interests and goals. Although social network users often disclose more about themselves online than they do in person, there might be a risk for adolescents and for sensitive individuals, who can be negatively influenced by an incorrect use. However, although some studies show an increased risk of depression, other observations suggest beneficial effects of social network by enhancing communication, social connection and self-esteem. In addition, social network represent a useful tool in disseminating public health messages

    Effect of carbocisteine in prevention of exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (CAPRI study): an observational study

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    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic and progressive lung disease characterized by irreversible airflow obstruction, airway inflammation , oxidative stress and, often, mucus hypersecretion. The aim of thisstudy is to determine if carbocisteine, a mucolytic and antioxidant agent, administered daily for 12 months, can reduce exacerbation frequency in COPD patients

    Effects of combination therapy indacaterol/glycopyrronium versus tiotropium on moderate to severe COPD: Evaluation of impulse oscillometry and exacerbation rate

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    Abstract Background Small airways are considered the major site of airflow limitation in COPD. Impulse oscillometry (IOS) is a forced oscillation technique, which provides passive measurement of lung mechanics. It can differentiate small airway from large airway obstruction and is more sensitive than spirometry for peripheral airway disease. In this study the efficacy of the combination of Indacaterol/Glycopirronium (IND/GLY) versus Tiotropium on airway resistance (R5, R20, R5–20), lung reactance (X) and resonant frequency in moderate to severe COPD patients has been evaluated. We also evaluated inspiratory capacity (IC), forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), exacerbation rate and quality of life. Methods Forty patients were monitored with forced oscillation technique and spirometry. Patients were randomized in 2 groups: 20 received fixed dose once daily Indacaterol/Glycopyrronium (Group A) and 20 received single Tiotropium (Group B). The oscillometry parameters were the measure of resistance in the airways at 5 Hz (R5), at 20 Hz (R20) and the lung reactance (X). Results There was a statistically significant difference between pre-dosing at V1 and at follow up visits in R5, R20 and X values in patients receiving dual bronchodilation but not in control group. Pre-dosing IC value at follow up visits in patients receiving dual bronchodilation had a statistical significant variation. Conclusions The “new” bronchodilator combination LABA/LAMA significantly reduces bronchial obstruction in small airways too. The oscillometry demonstrated greater sensitivity compared with spirometry for monitoring outcome measures of airway obstruction and the effect of long-term therapy

    COPD: adherence to therapy

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    Adherence to medical therapies is a growing issue, so much so that the World Health Organization defined it as "a new pharmacological problem". The main factors affecting compliance are: frequency of administration, rapid onset of action, role of device. The most severe consequence of non-adherence is the increased risk of poor clinical outcome, associated with worsening of the quality of life and increase in health-care expenditure. It appears crucial to identify those COPD patients who are "poorly or not at all compliant with their treatment". In order to evaluate adherence to the medical therapy, several methods were proposed, the most effective of which turned out to be self-reports, i.e. simple, brief questionnaires (e.g. Morisky test). To increase the likelihood of quickly identifying non-compliant patients, it may be useful to administer a simple questionnaire to naĂŻve subjects (for example, in the waiting room before an examination) including six specific items allowing to identify the patient's key characteristics. Depending on the answers, patients who do not comply with their pharmacological treatment may be classified as belonging to 6 phenotypes. For patients who are already under treatment it might be useful to administer another short questionnaire during follow up examination. Once the risk of non-compliance is identified, four possible types of measures can be taken: prescription-related, educational, behavioral and complex combined measures (combination of two or more actions). Therefore, while it is clear that adherence in COPD is a critical issue, it is also obvious that raising awareness on the disease and improving cooperation among specialists, general practitioners, health-care professionals, and patients is the starting point at which this evolution should immediately begin. Each medication is able to foster good compliance with the therapy, and consequently to maximize the efficacy, by virtue of its specific inhaler and its own active ingredient

    Dynapenia is highly prevalent in older patients with advanced idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Body composition and muscle strength are emerging aspects in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) clinical assessment. We aimed to study the relationships of handgrip strength (HGS) with anthropometric variables, body composition, and disease staging, and to evaluate the prevalence of dynapenia in 102 clinically stable IPF patients (70 M; mean age: 69.4 years). Fat-free mass (FFM), skeletal muscle (SM) were estimated with bioimpedance analysis. HGS was measured with a digital handle dynamometer for both dominant and non-dominant body sides. Dynapenia was identified according to six recognized criteria sets. Mean body mass index (BMI) was 28.2 ± 4.7 kg/m2, with a prevalence of overweight (BMI > 25 and < 30 kg/m2) and obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) of 35% and 37%, respectively. FFM and SM were greater in males, whereas percentage body fat was higher in women. HGS was higher and declined with age slightly more rapidly in men, showing a stronger correlation with FFM and SM. Dynapenia prevalence ranged from 20.6 to 56.9%, depending on the criteria used, and was more frequent in older patients and advanced disease. Dynapenia is highly prevalent in IPF. HGS is a promising proxy marker of muscle function to be used in clinical evaluation and follow-up programs

    Climate change and air pollution Effects on pollen allergy and other allergic respiratory diseases

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    The observational evidence indicates that recent regional changes in climate, particularly temperature increases, have already affected a diverse set of physical and biological systems in many parts of the world. Allergens patterns are also changing in response to climate change and air pollution can modify the allergenic potential of pollen grains especially in the presence of specific weather conditions. Although genetic factors are important in the development of asthma and allergic diseases, their rising trend can be explained only by changes occurring in the environment and urban air pollution by motor vehicles has been indicated as one of the major risk factors responsible for this increase. Despite some differences in the air pollution profile and decreasing trends of some key air pollutants, air quality is an important concern for public health in the cities throughout the world. Due to climate change, air pollution patterns are changing in several urbanized areas of the world with a significant effect on respiratory health. The underlying mechanisms of all these interactions are not well known yet. The consequences on health vary from decreases in lung function to allergic diseases, new onset of diseases, and exacerbation of chronic respiratory diseases. In addition, it is important to recall that an individual’s response to pollution exposure depends on the source and components of air pollution, as well as meteorological conditions. Indeed, some air pollution-related incidents with asthma aggravation do not depend only on the increased production of air pollution, but rather on atmospheric factors that favor the accumulation of air pollutants at ground level. Associations between thunderstorms and asthma morbidity of pollinosis-affected people have also been identified in multiple locations around the world (Fig.1). Cite this as D’Amato G, Bergmann KC, Cecchi L, Annesi-Maesano I, Sanduzzi A, Liccardi G, Vitale C, Stanziola A, D’Amato M. Climate change and air pollution — Effects on pollen allergy and other allergic respiratory diseases. Allergo J Int 2014; 23: 17–23 DOI 10.1007/s40629-014-0003-7 A factor clouding the problem is that laboratory evaluations do not reflect what happens during natural exposition. Considering these aspects, governments worldwide, international organizations, and cooperations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Health Policy of the European Union (EU) are facing a growing problem of the respiratory effects induced by gaseous and particulate pollutants arising from motor vehicle emissions

    Asthma-related deaths

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    Despite major advances in the treatment of asthma and the development of several asthma guidelines, people still die of asthma currently. According to WHO estimates, approximately 250,000 people die prematurely each year from asthma. Trends of asthma mortality rates vary very widely across countries, age and ethnic groups. Several risk factors have been associated with asthma mortality, including a history of near-fatal asthma requiring intubation and mechanical ventilation, hospitalization or emergency care visit for asthma in the past year, currently using or having recently stopped using oral corticosteroids (a marker of event severity), not currently using inhaled corticosteroids, a history of psychiatric disease or psychosocial problems, poor adherence with asthma medications and/or poor adherence with (or lack of) a written asthma action plan, food allergy in a patient with asthma. Preventable factors have been identified in the majority of asthma deaths. Inadequate education of patients on recognising risk and the appropriate action needed when asthma control is poor, deficiencies in the accuracy and timing of asthma diagnosis, inadequate classification of severity and treatment, seem to play a part in the majority of asthma deaths. Improvements in management, epitomized by the use of guided self-management systems of care may be the key goals in reducing asthma mortality worldwide

    Allergy in adolescent population (14-18 years) living in campania region (southern Italy). a multicenter study

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    Adolescents (Ad) constitute a difficult to manage population among individuals suffering from asthma. The aim of our study was to assess the prevalence, clinical characteristics and age of onset of allergic sensitization and clinical symptoms in a sample of atopic Ad living in the Campania region (Southern Italy). Sixteen Allergy units or Centers belonging to the Italian Association of Hospital and Territorial Allergologists (AAIITO, Campania region) participated in this cross-sectional study. A case report form (CRF) was specifically designed for this study and commercial allergen extracts used for screening SPTs were provided by ALK-AbellĂł Group (Milan, Italy). A total of 443 patients were examined (females, f 220, 49.6 %; males, m 223, 50.3%). Dust mites represent the most common sensitizing agents in allergic Ad living in Campania region (Dermatoph. pteronyssinus 67.4% and Dermatoph. farinae 66.5%), followed by Parietaria (58.9%), grasses (45.8%), Artemisia vulgaris (16.7%), Olea Europaea (32.2%), dog dander (17.1%), cat dander (20.0%), Alternaria alternata (8.1%), Cupressus sempervirens (4.9%), Betula pendula (4.7%), other allergens (19.4%). An interesting comparison has been made between clinical data of our Ad with data of elderly patients (E). The role of allergic sensitization is significantly higher in Ad compared to E. Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus is the first sensitizing allergen in Ad and the last in E. Parietaria constitutes the first sensitizing pollen both in Ad and E, the percentage of sensitization is higher in Ad. Another important difference is the higher prevalence of As, as only symptom, in E compared to Ad (19.7% versus 7.6%). In conclusion, our findings confirm the high prevalence and clinical significance of airway allergic sensitization in the adolescents living in Campania region
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