4 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Calcium tendinopathy of the shoulder is a familiar, unpleasant situation distinguished by calcium buildups in rotating tendons. Current assumptions suggest that these calcifications might originate from a cellular-involved procedure in whom, following a calcium sedimentation phase, calcifications are suddenly re-orbited. Objectives: This paper aims to establish non-surgical therapeutic conduct of maximum efficiency in the case of calcified Tendinitis in the shoulder by combining methods of physiokinetotherapy. Methods: The research methods used by us were: bibliographic method, experimental method, case study method, observation method, test method, statistical-mathematical methods of data processing, graphic method of presentation of results, Shapiro-Wilk test, t-Student test, parametric test for unpaired data, respectively Mann-Whitney test, non-parametric test for unpaired data. Results: As a result, statistically, using the t-Student test, p<0.05, we found a statistically significant difference between the averages of the abstraction values in weeks 8 and 12 in the two lots. Conclusions: Kinetic treatment ensures improvement of the algal component and functional parameters, thus ensuring the patient's quality of life by combating muscle contractions and increasing joint mobility. REZUMAT. Tratamentul conservator al tendinitelor calcifiate la nivelul umărului. Introducere: Tendinopatia calcică a umărului este o afecțiune frecventă, dureroasă, caracterizată prin prezența depunerilor de calciu în tendoanele manșetei rotative. Teoriile actuale indică faptul că aceste calcifieri pot fi rezultatul unui proces mediat celular în care, după o etapă de depunere a calciului, calcificările sunt resorbite spontan. Obiective: Obiectivul lucrării de față este stabilirea unei conduite terapeutice nechirurgicale de maximă eficiență în cazul tendinitelor calcifiate la umăr, prin combinarea metodelor de fiziokinetoterapie. Metode: Metodele de cercetare utilizate de noi au fost: metoda bibliografică, metoda experimentală, metoda studiului de caz, metoda observației, metoda testelor, metode statistico-matematice de prelucrarea a datelor, metoda grafică de prezentare a rezultatelor, testul Shapiro-Wilk, testul t-Student, testul parametric pentru date nepereche, respectiv testul Mann-Whitney, test non-parametric pentru date nepereche. Rezultate: Ca și rezultate, din punct de vedere statistic, utilizând testul t-Student, p<0,05, am constatat că există o diferență semnificativă statistic între mediile valorilor abducției în săptămâna 8 și 12 la cele 2 loturi. Concluzii: Tratamentul kinetic asigură ameliorarea componentei algice și a parametrilor funcționali, asigurând astfel îmbunătățirea calității vieții pacientului prin combaterea contracturilor musculare și prin creșterea mobilității articulare. Cuvinte cheie: tendinită, fiziokinetoterapie, calcifiere

    Pancreatic autoantibodies and autoantibodies against goblet cells in pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease

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    BACKGROUND: Significance of pancreatic autoantibodies determined by using exocrine pancreas (PAB) and antibodies against recombinant pancreas antigen (rPAB), as well as the importance of autoantibodies against goblet cells (GAB), is not known in pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Our aim was to determine the complex analysis of PAB, rPAB, GAB, antibodies against Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and perinuclear components of neutrophils in pediatric patients with IBD. Moreover, association with NOD2/CARD15 and disease phenotype was determined. METHODS: A total of 152 pediatric patients (median age 13.9 years) with IBD (103 patients with Crohn disease [CD] and 49 patients with ulcerative colitis [UC]) and 104 controls were included. Serum autoantibodies were determined by indirect immunofluorescence assay. NOD2/CARD15 variants were tested by polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphism. RESULTS: The presence of PAB and rPAB was significantly higher in CD (34% and 35.9%) and in UC (20.4% and 24.5%) compared with pediatric control cohort (0% and 0%, P<0.0001). In addition, GAB positivity was significantly increased in patients with UC in comparison with CD and controls, respectively (UC, 12.2%; CD, 1.9%; controls, 1.9%; P=0.02). Specificity of PAB and rPAB was 100%; however, sensitivity was low. The combination of PAB and/or antibodies against Saccharomyces cerevisiae/perinuclear components of neutrophils improved the sensitivity of serological markers in CD (87.4%) and in UC (79.6%); specificities were 89.3% and 93.2%, respectively. Pancreatic autoantibodies (PAB, rPAB) and GAB were not related to clinical presentation, medical therapy, or need for surgery in CD or in UC. CONCLUSIONS: Pancreatic autoantibodies and GAB were specific for IBD, but the sensitivity was limited as well because there was lack of correlation with clinical phenotype. Combinations of these antibodies have shown increased sensitivity; therefore, it may be recommended in the diagnostic procedure of IBD

    Diagnostic yield of upper endoscopy in paediatric patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Subanalysis of the HUPIR registry.

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    According to Porto Criteria upper gastrointestinal (UGI) endoscopy is recommended in patients with suspected inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Nevertheless, previous studies revealed frequent involvement of UGI tract even in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC). The aim of the present study was to determine the diagnostic role of esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) and assess the prevalence and different aspects of UGI involvement in children registered in the Hungarian Pediatric IBD Registry (HUPIR) from 1st of January 2007 to 31th of December 2009