44 research outputs found

    Pilot study of the influence of self-coding on empathy within an introductory motivational interviewing training

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    Background: Motivational interviewing (MI) is a framework for addressing behavior change that is often used by healthcare professionals. Expression of empathy during MI is associated with positive client outcomes, while absence of empathy may produce iatrogenic effects. Although training in MI is linked to increased therapeutic empathy in learners, no research has investigated individual training components' contribution to this increase. The objective of this study was to test whether a self-coding MI exercise using smartphones completed at hour 6 of an 8-h MI training was superior in engendering empathy to training as usual (watching an MI expert perform in a video clip for the same duration at the same point in the training). Methods: This was a pilot study at two sites using randomization and control groups with 1:1 allocation. Allocation was achieved via computerized assignment (site 1, United Kingdom) or facedown playing card distribution (site 2, United States). Participants were 58 students attending a university class at one of two universities, of which an 8-h segment was dedicated to a standardized MI training. Fifty-five students consented to participate and were randomized. The intervention was an MI self-coding exercise using smartphone recording and a standardized scoring sheet. Students were encouraged to reflect on areas of potential improvement based on their self-coding results. The main outcome measure was score on the Helpful Responses Questionnaire, a measure of therapeutic empathy, collected prior to and immediately following the 8-h training. Questionnaire coding was completed by 2 blinded external reviewers and assessed for interrater reliability, and students were assigned averaged empathy scores from 6 to 30. Analyses were conducted via repeated-measures ANOVA using the general linear model. Results: Fifty-five students were randomized, and 2 were subsequently excluded from analysis at site 2 due to incomplete questionnaires. The study itself was feasible, and overall therapeutic empathy increased significantly and substantially among students. However, the intervention was not superior to the control condition in this study. Conclusions: Replacing a single passive learning exercise with an active learning exercise in an MI training did not result in a substantive boost to therapeutic empathy. However, consistently with prior research, this study identified significant overall increases in empathy following introductory MI training. A much larger study examining the impact of selected exercises and approaches would likely be useful and informative

    Effects of Training on Social Work, Nursing and Medical Trainees' Knowledge, Attitudes and Beliefs Related to Screening and Brief Intervention for Alcohol Use

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    Indiana University's Schools of Social Work, Nursing and Medicine formed a consortium to advance education for Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT). Trainees participated in SBIRT training and completed data collection before, immediately after, and 30 days after a face-to-face training. The study explored participants' perceptions about the training and the likelihood of implementing SBI in practice, including attitudes and beliefs that may be predictive of SBIRT utilization in clinical practice. Results show the training targeting SBI and MI behaviors may improve participants' self-reported competence with SBI. This improvement was consistent and strong in all programs. The study results also provided a preliminary indication that the training affected participants' perception of time utilization and compensation for performing SBI

    StemBond hydrogels control the mechanical microenvironment for pluripotent stem cells.

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    Studies of mechanical signalling are typically performed by comparing cells cultured on soft and stiff hydrogel-based substrates. However, it is challenging to independently and robustly control both substrate stiffness and extracellular matrix tethering to substrates, making matrix tethering a potentially confounding variable in mechanical signalling investigations. Moreover, unstable matrix tethering can lead to poor cell attachment and weak engagement of cell adhesions. To address this, we developed StemBond hydrogels, a hydrogel in which matrix tethering is robust and can be varied independently of stiffness. We validate StemBond hydrogels by showing that they provide an optimal system for culturing mouse and human pluripotent stem cells. We further show how soft StemBond hydrogels modulate stem cell function, partly through stiffness-sensitive ERK signalling. Our findings underline how substrate mechanics impact mechanosensitive signalling pathways regulating self-renewal and differentiation, indicating that optimising the complete mechanical microenvironment will offer greater control over stem cell fate specification

    Niche stiffness underlies the ageing of central nervous system progenitor cells.

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    Ageing causes a decline in tissue regeneration owing to a loss of function of adult stem cell and progenitor cell populations1. One example is the deterioration of the regenerative capacity of the widespread and abundant population of central nervous system (CNS) multipotent stem cells known as oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs)2. A relatively overlooked potential source of this loss of function is the stem cell 'niche'-a set of cell-extrinsic cues that include chemical and mechanical signals3,4. Here we show that the OPC microenvironment stiffens with age, and that this mechanical change is sufficient to cause age-related loss of function of OPCs. Using biological and synthetic scaffolds to mimic the stiffness of young brains, we find that isolated aged OPCs cultured on these scaffolds are molecularly and functionally rejuvenated. When we disrupt mechanical signalling, the proliferation and differentiation rates of OPCs are increased. We identify the mechanoresponsive ion channel PIEZO1 as a key mediator of OPC mechanical signalling. Inhibiting PIEZO1 overrides mechanical signals in vivo and allows OPCs to maintain activity in the ageing CNS. We also show that PIEZO1 is important in regulating cell number during CNS development. Thus we show that tissue stiffness is a crucial regulator of ageing in OPCs, and provide insights into how the function of adult stem and progenitor cells changes with age. Our findings could be important not only for the development of regenerative therapies, but also for understanding the ageing process itself.The work was supported by European Research Council (ERC) grant 772798 (to K.J.C.) and 772426 (to K.F.); the UK Multiple Sclerosis Society (to R.J.M.F.); Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) grant BB/M008827/1 (to K.J.C and R.J.M.F.) and BB/N006402/1 (to K.F.); the Adelson Medical Research Foundation (R.J.M.F. and D.H.R.); an EMBO Long-Term Fellowship ALTF 1263-2015 and European Commission FP7 actions LTFCOFUND2013, GA-2013-609409 (to I.P.W.); and a core support grant from the Wellcome Trust and Medical Research Council (MRC) to the Wellcome Trust–MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute

    Data for: Assessing changes in US public trust in science amid the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Dataset associated with the noted study. Data are provided in raw form (e.g., please be aware of the need to reverse code some variables). A codebook is appended.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    The PharmNet Harm Reduction Intervention for Community Pharmacies: Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: The overdose epidemic in the United States has continued to worsen despite substantial efforts to mitigate its harms. The opioid antagonist naloxone has been identified as a key means of reducing the prevalence of fatal overdoses. An important evidence-based approach to optimizing naloxone’s impact is to seed it throughout the community, because bystanders are often able to reverse overdoses more quickly than first responders and sometimes are the only possible means of overdose reversal. As part of a multipronged approach to distributing naloxone nationwide, community pharmacies have been identified as ideal venues for naloxone dispensing, especially under standing orders. However, dispensing rates remain surprisingly low, and there is a need to understand how best to engage community pharmacies in naloxone-based harm reduction services. Objective: The objective of this trial is to determine whether a tailored, pragmatic pharmacy intervention (PharmNet) results in greater naloxone dispensing relative to baseline (the prior 3 months) compared to a control condition. This pilot trial is intended to determine whether it is appropriate to invest the substantial resources that would be required to conduct a full-scale, randomized controlled study of PharmNet. Methods: We will conduct a 3-month randomized controlled pilot trial consisting of 2 parallel groups with a 4:3 allocation ratio. A group of 7 independent pharmacies from rural areas in Indiana will be randomly assigned to either the PharmNet intervention arm (n=4) or the control arm (n=3). The primary outcome will be overall naloxone dispensing (both at cost and free), and secondary outcomes will include the distribution of referral cards and multiple variables at the level of individual staff members. Dispensing data will be collected for the 3 months prior to the intervention and the 3 months of the intervention, and all other data will be collected using a pretest-posttest design. The primary analysis will be a generalized linear mixed model with a Poisson distribution with fixed effects for group, time, and their interaction and a random effect for pharmacy ID to account for repeated measures within pharmacies. Results: This study was approved by the Indiana University institutional review board in 2 phases (August 2, 2021, and April 26, 2022) and was funded by the Indiana University Grand Challenge: Responding to the Addictions Crisis. Conclusions: If this study produces evidence that the PharmNet intervention results in increased naloxone dispensing relative to control pharmacies, it will be both appropriate and important to study it in a large, full-scale randomized controlled trial. © Lori Ann Eldridge, Jon Agley, Beth E Meyerson, Lilian Golzarri-Arroyo.Open access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Perceived enablers and barriers of community engagement for vaccination in India: Using socioecological analysis

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    Background There is high level policy consensus in India that community engagement (CE) improves vaccination uptake and reduces burden of vaccine preventable diseases. However, to date, vaccination studies in the country have not explicitly focused on CE as an outcome in and of itself. Therefore, this study sought to examine the barriers and enablers of community engagement for vaccination in India. Methods Employing qualitative methods, twenty-five semi-structured elite interviews among vaccine decisionmakers were triangulated with twenty-four national-level vaccine policy documents and researcher field notes (December 2017 to February 2018). Data collected for this study included perceptions and examples of enablers of and barriers to CE for vaccination uptake. Concepts, such as the absence of formal procedures or data collection approaches related to CE, were confirmed during document review, and a final convening to review study results was conducted with study respondents in December 2018 and January 2019 to affirm the general set of findings from this study. The Social Ecological Model (SEM) was used to organize and interpret the study findings. Results Although decisionmakers and policy documents generally supported CE, there were more CE barriers than facilitators in the context of vaccination, which were identified at all socialecological levels. Interviews with vaccine decisionmakers in India revealed complex systemic and structural factors which affect CE for vaccination and are present across each of the SEM levels, from individual to policy. Policy-level enablers included decisionmakers political will for CE and policy documents and interviews highlighted social mobilization, whereas barriers were lack of a CE strategy document and a broad understanding of CE by decisionmakers. At the community level, dissemination of Social-behavioral Change Communication (SBCC) materials from the national-level to the states was considered a CE facilitator, while class, and caste-based power relations in the community, lack of family-centric CE strategies, and paternalistic attitude of decisionmakers toward communities (the latter reported by some NGO heads) were considered CE barriers. At the organizational level, partnerships with local organizations were considered CE enablers, while lack of institutionalized support to formalize and incentivize these partnerships highlighted by several decisionmakers, were barriers. At the interpersonal level, SBCC training for healthcare workers, sensitive messaging to communities with low vaccine confidence, and social media messaging were considered CE facilitators. The lack of strategies to manage vaccine related rumors or replicate successful CE interventions during the during the introduction and rollout of new vaccines were perceived as CE barriers by several decisionmakers. Conclusion Data obtained for this study highlighted national-level perceptions of the complexities and challenges of CE across the entire SEM, from individual to systemic levels. Future studies should attempt to associate these enablers and barriers with actual CE outcomes, such as participation or community support in vaccine policy-making, CE implementation for specific vaccines and situations (such as disease outbreaks), or frequency of sub-population-based incidents of community resistance and community facilitation to vaccination uptake. There would likely be value in developing a population-based operational definition of CE, with a step-by-step manual on how to do CE. The data from this study also indicate the importance of including CE indicators in national datasets and developing a compendium documenting CE best-practices. Doing so would allow more rigorous analysis of the evidencebase for CE for vaccination in India and other countries with similar immunization programs. © 2021 Public Library of Science. All rights reserved.Open access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]