12 research outputs found

    Doświadczanie stresu a uzyskiwane wsparcie społeczne przez kobiety w ciąży wysokiego ryzyka: Doniesienie wstępne

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    A prenatal diagnosis of a congenital disorder is a traumatic moment in the life of a family, especially the pregnant woman. This is why a supportive attitude from not only the husband and medical personnel, but also the wider spectrum of social support is so important.The goal of the undertaken research was to assess the relationship between the course of pregnancy and the subjectively perceived stress and social support. We examined 30 women (15 – the experimental group – women in high-risk pregnancies characterized by an impaired development of the child, the remaining 15 women – the control group of mothers whose children were prematurely born and had a very low birth weight). All of the examined women were hospitalized in the Obstetric Clinic of Gdańsk Medical University.We used the following research methods: Ustrukturowany Wywiad (Polish for Structured Interview) by M. Bidzan, M. Świątkowska-Freund and K. Preis, Nieland Social Support Questionnaire adapted to Polish language by E. Bielawska-Batorowicz, Perceived Stress Questionnaire by Levenstein adapted to Polish by M. Plopa.Results: Women diagnosed with a complicated pregnancy where the development of the child was impaired reached higher levels of stress than the mothers whose children were prematurely born. The contentment resulting from the obtained social support, especially from the husband or partner, lowered the levels of negative emotions such as worrying, irritability, feeling overwhelmed, perception of tension and pressure. It also lowered the overall levels of stress and increased the perceived happiness.Sytuacja, w której zostaje zdiagnozowana wada wrodzona dziecka w okresie prenatalnym jest momentem najbardziej traumatycznym w życiu całej rodziny, a szczególnie przyszłej matki. Dlatego tak ważna jest wspierająca postawa nie tylko męża i personelu medycznego, ale szersze spektrum wsparcia społecznego.Celem podjętych badań była ocena związku przebiegu ciąży z subiektywnie odczuwanym stresem i uzyskiwanym wsparciem społecznym. W tym kontekście zbadałyśmy 30 kobiet (15 z nich stanowiło grupę kryterialną – kobiety w ciąży zagrożonej ze względu na nieprawidłowy rozwój dziecka, 15 – grupę kontrolną, w skład której weszły matki wcześniaków o bardzo niskiej masie urodzeniowej). Wszystkie badane były hospitalizowane w Klinice Położnictwa Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego.Zastosowano następujące metody badawcze: ustrukturowany wywiad autorstwa M. Bidzan, M. Świątkowskiej-Freund i K. Preisa, Kwestionariusz Źródła Wsparcia Społecznego M. Nieland w adaptacji polskiej E. Bielawskiej-Batorowicz, Kwestionariusz Poziomu Stresu PS Levenstein w adaptacji polskiej M. Plopy.Wyniki: Kobiety z diagnozą ciąży powikłanej ze względu na nieprawidłowy rozwój dziecka osiągają wyższy poziom stresu od matek dzieci urodzonych przedwcześnie. Odczuwane przez kobiety w ciąży wysokiego ryzyka zadowolenie z uzyskiwanego wsparcia społecznego, w szczególności od męża/partnera, obniża poziom negatywnych emocji, takich jak: zamartwianie się, drażliwość, poczucie przeciążenia i napięcia oraz presji, a także obniża ogólny poziom stresu, zwiększa poczucie radości

    Massive pulmonary embolism mimicking ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome successfully treated with hybrid therapy in a trauma patient receiving nadroparin : diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas

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    A case of a 48-year-old woman with a comminuted fracture of the left tibia and receiving prophylactic doses of nadroparin, with massive pulmonary embolism mimicking ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome and complicated by cardiogenic shock and cardiac arrest, is presented. Pulmonary angiography showed total right pulmonary artery occlusion. Intraarterial thrombolysis with reduced dose of alteplase (50 mg), platelet GP IIb/IIIa blockade with eptifibatide, endovascular embolus fragmentation with a pigtail rotation catheter, and rescue pulmonary balloon angioplasty were performed, after which complete recovery was achieved. On day 4 of hospitalisation the patient was transferred to the orthopaedic ward where she underwent uneventful tibial surgery

    Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis in qualitative research psychology – a review of the most current studies

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    Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) is a method of qualitative research focused on understanding how people give meaning to their life experiences. First described by Jonathan A. Smith in 1996, IPA is currently gaining popularity thanks to its application in clinical psychology, psychotherapy, or psycho-oncology. This article reviews the latest research based on IPA, detailing the topic, sources, authors, and number of participants. It also marks the growing number of publications using interpretive phenomenological analysis. The article shows possible application of IPA in psychological studies, and proves that this methodology allows for the collection of unique data, unobtainable in quantitative studies.Interpretacyjna Analiza Fenomenologiczna (IPA) jest metodą badań jakościowych skupiającą się na zrozumieniu, w jaki sposób ludzie nadają sens swoim przeżyciom i doświadczeniom. Po raz pierwszy opisana przez Jonathana Smitha w 1996 r, obecnie znacznie zyskuje na popularności znajdując zastosowanie w psychologii klinicznej, psychoterapii czy psychoonkologii. W artykule dokonano przeglądu najnowszych badań opartych na IPA z wyszczególnieniem ich tematyki, źródeł, autorów i liczby uczestników. Pokazano także rosnącą z roku na rok liczbę publikacji wykorzystujących interpretacyjną analizę fenomenologiczną. Artykuł ukazuje możliwe zastosowania IPA w badaniach psychologicznych iudowadnia, że metodologia ta pozwala na zebranie unikatowych danych niemożliwych do pozyskania w klasycznych badaniach ilościowych

    The importance of narrative medicine in palliative care

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    This article discusses narrative medicine, i.e. drawing knowledge from the narratives of both patients and medical staff. Information obtained in this way can be used in the diagnosis and treatment process and it also has an educational value. This article aims to present the importance of using narrative medicine for palliative care, as well as building relations between doctors and patients. Challenges related to narratives were identified, with their particular significance during the current COVID-19 pandemic taken into account as well

    Fatigue, Pro-Social Attitude and Quality of Life as Predictors of Empathy in Medical and Social-Oriented Students

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    Empathy is significant in professions that require establishing proper contact as a condition for providing help. Identifying factors related to empathy is important for understanding how to teach empathic behavior. The main goal of this study was to find variables related to empathy in a group of students from two universities: medical and social oriented (N = 1701). The study group consisted of female (81%) and male (19%) participants, aged between 18–20 (37%), 21–23 (49%), or 24 years and above (14%). A self-designed questionnaire was used to collect socio-demographical information, with additional questions (social self-esteem, prosocial attitude, subjective quality of life). Empathy was measured with the EQ-40, fatigue with CHFQ-PL, and stress with PSS-10. The results showed a statistically significant regression model for empathy. A high quality of life and having feelings of pleasure when helping other people allows to predict a high level of empathy, especially among females. Higher levels of fatigue and social self-esteem, the latter of which is measured here by the belief that you are more important than others, predicts lower empathy. There were no differences between students from two different kinds of universities when taking into consideration stress levels, subjective quality of life, and prosocial attitude. However, students from the medical university were more exhausted and more convinced that their value was greater than others, as compared to the students studying social sciences. When teaching empathic behavior, it is beneficial to attempt to maintain or restore students’ well-being and reduce fatigue and to teach how to achieve such effects in the future. Learning the balance between compassion, willingness to help, and self-compassion also seems to be important

    Doświadczanie stresu a uzyskiwane wsparcie społeczne przez kobiety w ciąży wysokiego ryzyka

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    A prenatal diagnosis of a congenital disorder is a traumatic moment in the life of a family, especially the pregnant woman. This is why a supportive attitude from not only the husband and medical personnel, but also the wider spectrum of social support is so important.The goal of the undertaken research was to assess the relationship between the course of pregnancy and the subjectively perceived stress and social support. We examined 30 women (15 – the experimental group – women in high-risk pregnancies characterized by an impaired development of the child, the remaining 15 women – the control group of mothers whose children were prematurely born and had a very low birth weight). All of the examined women were hospitalized in the Obstetric Clinic of Gdańsk Medical University.We used the following research methods: Ustrukturowany Wywiad (Polish for Structured Interview) by M. Bidzan, M. Świątkowska-Freund and K. Preis, Nieland Social Support Questionnaire adapted to Polish language by E. Bielawska-Batorowicz, Perceived Stress Questionnaire by Levenstein adapted to Polish by M. Plopa.Results: Women diagnosed with a complicated pregnancy where the development of the child was impaired reached higher levels of stress than the mothers whose children were prematurely born. The contentment resulting from the obtained social support, especially from the husband or partner, lowered the levels of negative emotions such as worrying, irritability, feeling overwhelmed, perception of tension and pressure. It also lowered the overall levels of stress and increased the perceived happiness.Sytuacja, w której zostaje zdiagnozowana wada wrodzona dziecka w okresie prenatalnym jest momentem najbardziej traumatycznym w życiu całej rodziny, a szczególnie przyszłej matki. Dlatego tak ważna jest wspierająca postawa nie tylko męża i personelu medycznego, ale szersze spektrum wsparcia społecznego.Celem podjętych badań była ocena związku przebiegu ciąży z subiektywnie odczuwanym stresem i uzyskiwanym wsparciem społecznym. W tym kontekście zbadałyśmy 30 kobiet (15 z nich stanowiło grupę kryterialną – kobiety w ciąży zagrożonej ze względu na nieprawidłowy rozwój dziecka, 15 – grupę kontrolną, w skład której weszły matki wcześniaków o bardzo niskiej masie urodzeniowej). Wszystkie badane były hospitalizowane w Klinice Położnictwa Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego.Zastosowano następujące metody badawcze: ustrukturowany wywiad autorstwa M. Bidzan, M. Świątkowskiej-Freund i K. Preisa, Kwestionariusz Źródła Wsparcia Społecznego M. Nieland w adaptacji polskiej E. Bielawskiej-Batorowicz, Kwestionariusz Poziomu Stresu PS Levenstein w adaptacji polskiej M. Plopy.Wyniki: Kobiety z diagnozą ciąży powikłanej ze względu na nieprawidłowy rozwój dziecka osiągają wyższy poziom stresu od matek dzieci urodzonych przedwcześnie. Odczuwane przez kobiety w ciąży wysokiego ryzyka zadowolenie z uzyskiwanego wsparcia społecznego, w szczególności od męża/partnera, obniża poziom negatywnych emocji, takich jak: zamartwianie się, drażliwość, poczucie przeciążenia i napięcia oraz presji, a także obniża ogólny poziom stresu, zwiększa poczucie radości

    Experiencing stress and the obtained social support among women with high-risk pregnancies. Preliminary report

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    A prenatal diagnosis of a congenital disorder is a traumatic moment in the life of a family, especially the pregnant woman. This is why a supportive attitude from not only the husband and medical personnel, but also the wider spectrum of social support is so important. The goal of the undertaken research was to assess the relationship between the course of pregnancy and the subjectively perceived stress and social support. We examined 30 women (15 – the experimental group – women in high-risk pregnancies characterized by an impaired development of the child, the remaining 15 women – the control group of mothers whose children were prematurely born and had a very low birth weight). All of the examined women were hospitalized in the Obstetric Clinic of Gdańsk Medical University. We used the following research methods: Ustrukturowany Wywiad (Polish for Structured Interview) by M. Bidzan, M. Świątkowska-Freund and K. Preis, Nieland Social Support Questionnaire adapted to Polish language by E. Bielawska-Batorowicz, Perceived Stress Questionnaire by Levenstein adapted to Polish by M. Plopa. Results: Women diagnosed with a complicated pregnancy where the development of the child was impaired reached higher levels of stress than the mothers whose children were prematurely born. The contentment resulting from the obtained social support, especially from the husband or partner, lowered the levels of negative emotions such as worrying, irritability, feeling overwhelmed, perception of tension and pressure. It also lowered the overall levels of stress and increased the perceived happiness.Sytuacja, w której zostaje zdiagnozowana wada wrodzona dziecka w okresie prenatalnym jest momentem najbardziej traumatycznym w życiu całej rodziny, a szczególnie przyszłej matki. Dlatego tak ważna jest wspierająca postawa nie tylko męża i personelu medycznego, ale szersze spektrum wsparcia społecznego. Celem podjętych badań była ocena związku przebiegu ciąży z subiektywnie odczuwanym stresem i uzyskiwanym wsparciem społecznym. W tym kontekście zbadałyśmy 30 kobiet (15 z nich stanowiło grupę kryterialną – kobiety w ciąży zagrożonej ze względu na nieprawidłowy rozwój dziecka, 15 – grupę kontrolną, w skład której weszły matki wcześniaków o bardzo niskiej masie urodzeniowej). Wszystkie badane były hospitalizowane w Klinice Położnictwa Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego. Zastosowano następujące metody badawcze: ustrukturowany wywiad autorstwa M. Bidzan, M. Świątkowskiej-Freund i K. Preisa, Kwestionariusz Źródła Wsparcia Społecznego M. Nieland w adaptacji polskiej E. Bielawskiej-Batorowicz, Kwestionariusz Poziomu Stresu PS Levenstein w adaptacji polskiej M. Plopy. Wyniki: Kobiety z diagnozą ciąży powikłanej ze względu na nieprawidłowy rozwój dziecka osiągają wyższy poziom stresu od matek dzieci urodzonych przedwcześnie. Odczuwane przez kobiety w ciąży wysokiego ryzyka zadowolenie z uzyskiwanego wsparcia społecznego, w szczególności od męża/partnera, obniża poziom negatywnych emocji, takich jak: zamartwianie się, drażliwość, poczucie przeciążenia i napięcia oraz presji, a także obniża ogólny poziom stresu, zwiększa poczucie radości


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    The aim of the study was to examine the level of knowledge and sensitivity to dysmorphic features in a child with facial and body dysmorphia on the part of students of medicine and dentistry. We tested 70 students of medicine and 70 students of dentistry. A photograph of a child with craniofacial microsomia (CFM)was shown to all the tested students. Their task was to detect and name those facial deformities and describe the child in terms of selected features not related to the child’s health condition. As a tool was used the Overgeneralization Effect Scale and a questionnaire designed by the author relating to facial deformities. Significant differences were observed in the level of knowledge and sensitivity to dysmorphic features between students of medicine and dentistry. Future dentists detected more dysmorphic features in the face of the photographed child when compared to students of medicine. Interestingly, this sensitivity to abnormalities was found to noticeably increase with each subsequent year of study for dentistry students, while the opposite was observed for the stu dents of medicine. Importantly, a relationship was observed be tween the sensitivity to dysmorphic features and the general evaluation of the child in terms of non-medical aspects by the group of dentistry students. With the increase in the students’ skills to recognize dysmorphic features, the overall evaluation of the child tended to decrease. The results obtained indicate that the skills related to recognizing dysmorphic features are better in students of dentistry than in students of medicine. The sensitivity to abnormalities evidently increase with each subsequent year of study for dentistry students, while the opposite was observed for medical students


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    Sanfilippo disease (mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS IIIA) is one of the types of mucopolysaccharidosis associated with extensive neurological effects and somatic symptoms. The consequences of neurodegeneration and cognitive impairment are manifested in challenges with the daily functioning of patients who experience problems with communication and following instructions. The aim of this study was to assess the cognitive functioning of three patients with MPS IIIA and to find patterns of neurodegeneration and to make their environment more friendly. Three boys (from 5.5 to 7 years) with MPS IIIA participated in the study. Each participant attended two meetings, and his functioning was assessed by three independent person (using two-way mirror). We used Bayley’s Scale III with some modifications. Interviews with parents were also included. The communication of patients was limited to some vocalizations. Patients presented instrumental use of items, but not all of them were able to repeat actions after diagnostician or presented object permanence. The results showed that the cognitive functioning of participants was significantly hindered by problems related to motor dysfunction, hyperactivity, and ataxia. The psychological data was collated with medical results. This study allows indicating new sources giving the possibility of child phenotype variability and to create specific interventions in the field of psychological therapy for patients with MPS IIIA and their families

    Evaluation of Subcortical Structure Volumes in Patients with Non-Specific Digestive Diseases

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    (1) Background: To evaluate volume of subcortical structures such as hippocampus, globus pallidus, putamen, thalamus, nucleus accumbens, amygdala, caudate in patients with non-specific digestive diseases (functional dyspepsia—FD, irritable bowel syndrome—IBS) and non-specific inflammatory bowel diseases—IBD (colitis ulcerosa and Crohn’s disease) in comparison to healthy control group (CON). (2) Material: The analysis included data obtained from 57 patients (FD-18, IBS-20, IBD-19) and 19 persons in control group. Both groups underwent examination in a 3T scanner (Achieva TX Philips Healthcare). (3) Results: Significant differences between the IBD group and Control group in volume of left thalamus and IBD group vs Control group in volume of right thalamus. (4) Conclusions: The brain-gut axis hypothesis explains connection between biological behavior, emotions and cognitive functions in patients with gastrointestinal disease. We found that there is a difference between volume of thalamus in IBD patients in comparison to both IBS and control group and it occurred to be smaller. Excess inflammation can be linked with psychological disorders like depressive symptoms, sleep difficulties and/or fatigue. Therefore, there is a need for using treatment both for depressive symptoms and IBD to reduce the causes and effects of inflammation