16 research outputs found

    RNA stem-loop to G-quadruplex equilibrium controls mature miRNA production inside the cell

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    Biological role for existence of overlapping structures in RNA is possible yet remains very less explored. G-rich tracts of RNA form G-quadruplexes while GC-rich sequences prefer stem-loop structures. Equilibrium between alternate structures within RNA may occur and influence its functionality. We tested equilibrium between G-quadruplex and stem-loop structure in RNA and its effect on biological processes using pre-miRNA as a model system. Dicer enzyme recognizes canonical stem-loop structures in pre-miRNA to produce mature miRNAs. Deviation from stem-loop leads to deregulated mature miRNA levels, providing readout of existence of alternate structure per se G-quadruplex mediated structural interference in miRNA maturation. In vitro analysis using beacon and Dicer cleavage assays indicated that mature miRNA levels depend on relative amounts of K+ and Mg2+ ions suggesting an ion-dependent structural shift. Further in cellulo studies with and without TmPyP4 (RNA G-quadruplex destabilizer) demonstrated that miRNA biogenesis is modulated by G-quadruplex-stem-loop equilibrium in a subset of pre-miRNAs. Our combined analysis thus provides evidence for formation of non-canonical G-quadruplexes in competition with canonical stem-loop structure inside the cell and its effect on miRNA maturation in a comprehensive manner

    Role of G-quadruplex located at 5′ end of mRNAs

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    Background: Secondary structures in 5′ UTR of mRNAs play a critical role in regulating protein synthesis. Though studies have indicated the role of secondary structure G-quadruplex in translational regulation, position-specific effect of G-quadruplex in naturally occurring mRNAs is still not understood. As a pre-initiation complex recognises 5′ cap of the mRNA and scans along the untranslated region (UTR) before initiating translation, the presence of G-quadruplex in 5′ region may have a significant contribution in regulating translation. Here, we investigate the role of G-quadruplex located at the 5′ end of an mRNA. Methods: Biophysical characterisation of putative G-quadruplexes was performed using UV and CD spectroscopy. Functional implication of G-quadruplex in the context of their location was assessed in cellulo using qRT-PCR and dual luciferase assay system. Results: PG4 sequences in 5′ UTR of AKT interacting protein (AKTIP), cathepsin B (CTSB) and forkhead box E3 (FOXE3) mRNAs form G-quadruplex whereas it is unable to form G-quadruplex in apolipoprotein A-I binding protein (APOA1BP). Our results demonstrated diverse roles of G-quadruplex located at 5′ end of mRNAs. Though G-quadruplex in AKTIP and CTSB mRNA act as inhibitory modules, it activates translation in FOXE3 mRNA. Conclusions: Our works suggests that G-quadruplex present at the 5′ terminal of an mRNA behaves differently in a different gene context. It can activate or inhibit gene expression

    Effect of loops and G-quartets on the stability of RNA G-quadruplexes

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    The loop length, loop composition, salt concentration, and number of G-quartets are major determinants of G-quadruplex stability. We examined the effect of each of these factors on the thermal stability and folding topology of a library of RNA quadruplexes. The thermal stability of G2 and G3 RNA quadruplexes was investigated upon varying the loop length (from 1-1-1 to 15-15-15) and salt concentration (from 1 to 100 mM KCl), while the effect of loop composition was explored using 18 naturally occurring potential RNA quadruplexes predicted in untranslated regions (UTRs). We found loop length and quadruplex stability to be inversely related for G2 RNA quadruplexes and G3 RNA quadruplexes with shorter loops. However, melting temperature saturates for G3 RNA quadruplexes with longer loops. RNA G-quadruplexes with longer loops (G3 15-15-15) displayed Tm values significantly higher than the physiological temperature. This study thus highlights the need to modify the consensus motif presently used by quadruplex prediction tools. An increase in the loop size from 7 bases to 15 bases in the consensus motif will add to its predictive value for the discovery of potential RNA quadruplexes across transcriptomes

    The tale of RNA G-quadruplex

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    G-quadruplexes are non-canonical secondary structures found in guanine rich regions of DNA and RNA. Reports have indicated the wide occurrence of RNA G-quadruplexes across the transcriptome in various regions of mRNAs and non-coding RNAs. RNA G-quadruplexes have been implicated in playing an important role in translational regulation, mRNA processing events and maintenance of chromosomal end integrity. In this review, we summarize the structural and functional aspects of RNA G-quadruplexes with emphasis on recent progress to understand the protein/trans factors binding these motifs. With the revelation of the importance of these secondary structures as regulatory modules in biology, we have also evaluated the various advancements towards targeting these structures and the challenges associated with them. Apart from this, numerous potential applications of this secondary motif have also been discussed

    Effect of Loops and G‑Quartets on the Stability of RNA G‑Quadruplexes

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    The loop length, loop composition, salt concentration, and number of G-quartets are major determinants of G-quadruplex stability. We examined the effect of each of these factors on the thermal stability and folding topology of a library of RNA quadruplexes. The thermal stability of G2 and G3 RNA quadruplexes was investigated upon varying the loop length (from 1-1-1 to 15-15-15) and salt concentration (from 1 to 100 mM KCl), while the effect of loop composition was explored using 18 naturally occurring potential RNA quadruplexes predicted in untranslated regions (UTRs). We found loop length and quadruplex stability to be inversely related for G2 RNA quadruplexes and G3 RNA quadruplexes with shorter loops. However, melting temperature saturates for G3 RNA quadruplexes with longer loops. RNA G-quadruplexes with longer loops (G3 15-15-15) displayed <i>T</i><sub>m</sub> values significantly higher than the physiological temperature. This study thus highlights the need to modify the consensus motif presently used by quadruplex prediction tools. An increase in the loop size from 7 bases to 15 bases in the consensus motif will add to its predictive value for the discovery of potential RNA quadruplexes across transcriptomes

    RNA G-quadruplexes: G-quadruplexes with “U” turns

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    G-quadruplexes are non canonical secondary structures held together by Hoogsteen bonded planar guanine quartets formed in G-rich sequences in DNA and RNA. Considerable research over the past three decades has contributed to a great deal of understanding of these unusual structures in DNA. Various factors governing the stability of DNA quadruplexes coupled with their in vivo existence have been well documented. RNA has emerged as a key regulatory player in the functioning of the cell shifting the focus to RNA Gquadruplexes which were discovered recently. RNA G-quadruplexes demonstrate immense potential for in vivo existence and function due to their inherent chemistry. We have highlighted the major findings of the field and compared them to structural aspects of DNA quadruplexes. Further, the plausible functions of RNA G-quadruplexes such as translational suppression, splicing etc. are discussed in brief, suggesting scope for an extensive role of these structures in biological systems. As the field is growing, we endeavor to review the current knowledge and evaluate the various attributes of RNA G- quadruplex structure, stability, function and applications. We have also attempted to evaluate the physical and physiological role and relevance of these motifs

    Human Telomeric RNA G‑Quadruplex Response to Point Mutation in the G‑Quartets

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    Many putative G-quadruplex forming sequences have been predicted to exist in the human genome and transcriptome. As these sequences are subject to point mutations or SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) during the course of evolution, we attempt to understand impact of these mutations in context of RNA G-quadruplex formation using human telomeric RNA (TERRA) as a model sequence. Our studies suggest that G-quadruplex stability is sensitive to substitution of the guanines comprising G-quartets. While central G-quartet plays a crucial role in maintaining the DNA G-quadruplex stability as evident in literature, there is equal importance of three G-quartets in the stability of RNA quadruplex structure. The work here highlights the alterations in the G-quartet are detrimental to the integrity of overall RNA G-quadruplex structure. Furthermore, TmPyP4 molecules are shown to exhibit similar binding behavior toward telomeric RNA G-quadruplex harboring base substitutions employing CD titrations and isothermal titration calorimetry; well indicating that mutation does not influence TmPyP4 recognition ability as it affects the stability of RNA G-quadruplex. Thus, our study implicates that mutation in G-quartets causes destabilization of RNA G-quadruplex without affecting its trans factor binding ability