18,974 research outputs found

    Generation of Symmetric Dicke States of Remote Qubits with Linear Optics

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    We propose a method for generating all symmetric Dicke states, either in the long-lived internal levels of N massive particles or in the polarization degrees of freedom of photonic qubits, using linear optical tools only. By means of a suitable multiphoton detection technique, erasing Welcher-Weg information, our proposed scheme allows the generation and measurement of an important class of entangled multiqubit states.Comment: New version, a few modifications and a new figure, accepted in Physical Review Letter

    Off Resonant Pumping for Transition from Continuous to Discrete Spectrum and Quantum Revivals in Systems in Coherent States

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    We show that in parametrically driven systems and, more generally, in systems in coherent states, off-resonant pumping can cause a transition from a continuum energy spectrum of the system to a discrete one, and result in quantum revivals of the initial state. The mechanism responsible for quantum revivals in the present case is different from that in the non-linear wavepacket dynamics of systems such as Rydberg atoms. We interpret the reported phenomena as an optical analog of Bloch oscillations realized in Fock space and propose a feasible scheme for inducing Bloch oscillations in trapped ions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Jnl. of Optics

    On the expected diameter, width, and complexity of a stochastic convex-hull

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    We investigate several computational problems related to the stochastic convex hull (SCH). Given a stochastic dataset consisting of nn points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d each of which has an existence probability, a SCH refers to the convex hull of a realization of the dataset, i.e., a random sample including each point with its existence probability. We are interested in computing certain expected statistics of a SCH, including diameter, width, and combinatorial complexity. For diameter, we establish the first deterministic 1.633-approximation algorithm with a time complexity polynomial in both nn and dd. For width, two approximation algorithms are provided: a deterministic O(1)O(1)-approximation running in O(nd+1logn)O(n^{d+1} \log n) time, and a fully polynomial-time randomized approximation scheme (FPRAS). For combinatorial complexity, we propose an exact O(nd)O(n^d)-time algorithm. Our solutions exploit many geometric insights in Euclidean space, some of which might be of independent interest

    Intramolecular Group Rotation and Hindrances in 0-Amino Phenol : A PMR Study

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    Intensity-intensity correlations as a probe of interferences - under conditions of none in the intensity

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    The different behaviour of first order interferences and second order correlations are investigated for the case of two coherently excited atoms. For intensity measurements this problem is equivalent to Young's double slit experiment and was investigated in an experiment by Eichmann et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 2359 (1993)] and later analyzed in detail by Itano et al. [Phys. Rev. A 57, 4176 (1998)]. Our results show that in cases where the intensity interferences disappear the intensity-intensity correlations can display an interference pattern with a visibility of up to 100%. The contrast depends on the polarization selected for the detection and is independent of the strength of the driving field. The nonclassical nature of the calculated intensity-intensity correlations is also discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Optimized pulse sequences for suppressing unwanted transitions in quantum systems

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    We investigate the nature of the pulse sequence so that unwanted transitions in quantum systems can be inhibited optimally. For this purpose we show that the sequence of pulses proposed by Uhrig [Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{98}, 100504 (2007)] in the context of inhibition of environmental dephasing effects is optimal. We derive exact results for inhibiting the transitions and confirm the results numerically. We posit a very significant improvement by usage of the Uhrig sequence over an equidistant sequence in decoupling a quantum system from unwanted transitions. The physics of inhibition is the destructive interference between transition amplitudes before and after each pulse.Comment: 5 figure

    Quantum Imaging with Incoherent Photons

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    We propose a technique to obtain sub-wavelength resolution in quantum imaging with potentially 100% contrast using incoherent light. Our method requires neither path-entangled number states nor multi-photon absorption. The scheme makes use of N photons spontaneously emitted by N atoms and registered by N detectors. It is shown that for coincident detection at particular detector positions a resolution of \lambda / N can be achieved.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, improved presentation. Accepted in Physical Review Letter

    Collective coherent population trapping in a thermal field

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    We analyzed the efficiency of coherent population trapping (CPT) in a superposition of the ground states of three-level atoms under the influence of the decoherence process induced by a broadband thermal field. We showed that in a single atom there is no perfect CPT when the atomic transitions are affected by the thermal field. The perfect CPT may occur when only one of the two atomic transitions is affected by the thermal field. In the case when both atomic transitions are affected by the thermal field, we demonstrated that regardless of the intensity of the thermal field the destructive effect on the CPT can be circumvented by the collective behavior of the atoms. An analytic expression was obtained for the populations of the upper atomic levels which can be considered as a measure of the level of thermal decoherence. The results show that the collective interaction between the atoms can significantly enhance the population trapping in that the population of the upper state decreases with increased number of atoms. The physical origin of this feature was explained by the semiclassical dressed atom model of the system. We introduced the concept of multiatom collective coherent population trapping by demonstrating the existence of collective (entangled) states whose storage capacity is larger than that of the equivalent states of independent atoms.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.