17,912 research outputs found

    Aspects of Integrability in N =4 SYM

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    Various recently developed connections between supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories in four dimensions and two dimensional integrable systems serve as crucial ingredients in improving our understanding of the AdS/CFT correspondence. In this review, we highlight some connections between superconformal four dimensional Yang-Mills theory and various integrable systems. In particular, we focus on the role of Yangian symmetries in studying the gauge theory dual of closed string excitations. We also briefly review how the gauge theory connects to Calogero models and open quantum spin chains through the study of the gauge theory duals of D3 branes and open strings ending on them. This invited review, written for Modern Physics Letters-A, is based on a seminar given at the Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton.Comment: Invited brief review for Mod. Phys. Lett. A based on a talk at I.A.S, Princeto

    SU(2|2) for Theories with Sixteen Supercharges at Weak and Strong Coupling

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    We consider the dimensional reductions of N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on R x S^3 to the three-dimensional theory on R x S^2, the orbifolded theory on R x S^3/Z_k, and the plane-wave matrix model. With explicit emphasis on the three-dimensional theory, we demonstrate the realization of the SU(2|3) algebra in a radial Hamiltonian framework. Using this structure we constrain the form of the spin chains, their S-matrices, and the corresponding one- and two-loop Hamiltonian of the three dimensional theory and find putative signs of integrability up to the two-loop order. The string duals of these theories admit the IIA plane-wave geometry as their Penrose limit. Using known results for strings quantized on this background, we explicitly construct the strong-coupling dual extended SU(2|2) algebra and discuss its implications for the gauge theories.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figure. v2 some minor improvements to the text, version to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Localization and transport in a strongly driven Anderson insulator

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    We study localization and charge dynamics in a monochromatically driven one-dimensional Anderson insulator focussing on the low-frequency, strong-driving regime. We study this problem using a mapping of the Floquet Hamiltonian to a hopping problem with correlated disorder in one higher harmonic-space dimension. We show that (i) resonances in this model correspond to \emph{adiabatic} Landau-Zener (LZ) transitions that occur due to level crossings between lattice sites over the course of dynamics; (ii) the proliferation of these resonances leads to dynamics that \emph{appear} diffusive over a single drive cycle, but the system always remains localized; (iii) actual charge transport occurs over many drive cycles due to slow dephasing between these LZ orbits and is logarithmic-in-time, with a crucial role being played by far-off Mott-like resonances; and (iv) applying a spatially-varying random phase to the drive tends to decrease localization, suggestive of weak-localization physics. We derive the conditions for the strong driving regime, determining the parametric dependencies of the size of Floquet eigenstates, and time-scales associated with the dynamics, and corroborate the findings using both numerical scaling collapses and analytical arguments.Comment: 7 pages + references, 6 figure

    Nutritional Status of Households of Rural Field Practice Area of a Tertiary Care Hospital in India

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    Introduction: In the world as a whole there appears to be a shift from under-nourishment towards over-nourishment making more and more children, adolescents, adults and even elderly to be overweight and obese. Objectives: Study aimed to find out the age and sex wise commonness of over-weight & obesity amongst the families of an overtly different socio-economic environment and its trend in the members of one type of families. Materials & Methods: The undergraduate medical students are supposed to maintain record of individual health (including height & weight) of their own family as well as that of the allotted family. The data collected (record maintained ) by students was utilized to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI). Results: Out of total 291 subjects (males 168; females 123) in students own family 28.9% (28.0%; 30.1%) were overweight and 5.9% (6.0%; 5.7%) were obese. The similar figures for 262 subjects (males 143 & females 119) in the allotted families were 20.2% (18.5%; 20.2%) and 6.5% (4.2%; 8.4%) respectively. The respective percentages of under nourished individuals were 18.6 (17.9; 19.5) and 35.5 (37.8; 32.8). Thus over-nutrition was more common amongst the members of students own families (34.8% vs. 26.7%) and under-nutrition was more common amongst the members of allotted families (35.5% vs. 18.6%) For the years 2000-2003, BMI amongst individuals of students own families the under-nutrition in the age group of 15-24 years amongst males increased from 15.9% to 32.9% and over-nutrition from 13.6% to 20.5%. There was no case of overweight and obesity up to the age of 34 years in the previous analysis which was 2.6% in the present analysis Previous results demonstrated overweight to be more common in males (32.4% Vs. 24.4% in females) and obesity being more common females ( 6.3% Vs. 2.6% in females). Conclusion: Males are increasingly becoming prey of malnutrition (adolescents for under-nutrition and adults & elderly for over-nutrition. More studies covering larger samples are required to be conducted on a more frequent basis

    Fast global convergence of gradient methods for high-dimensional statistical recovery

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    Many statistical MM-estimators are based on convex optimization problems formed by the combination of a data-dependent loss function with a norm-based regularizer. We analyze the convergence rates of projected gradient and composite gradient methods for solving such problems, working within a high-dimensional framework that allows the data dimension \pdim to grow with (and possibly exceed) the sample size \numobs. This high-dimensional structure precludes the usual global assumptions---namely, strong convexity and smoothness conditions---that underlie much of classical optimization analysis. We define appropriately restricted versions of these conditions, and show that they are satisfied with high probability for various statistical models. Under these conditions, our theory guarantees that projected gradient descent has a globally geometric rate of convergence up to the \emph{statistical precision} of the model, meaning the typical distance between the true unknown parameter θ\theta^* and an optimal solution θ^\hat{\theta}. This result is substantially sharper than previous convergence results, which yielded sublinear convergence, or linear convergence only up to the noise level. Our analysis applies to a wide range of MM-estimators and statistical models, including sparse linear regression using Lasso (1\ell_1-regularized regression); group Lasso for block sparsity; log-linear models with regularization; low-rank matrix recovery using nuclear norm regularization; and matrix decomposition. Overall, our analysis reveals interesting connections between statistical precision and computational efficiency in high-dimensional estimation

    Fast preparation of critical ground states using superluminal fronts

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    We propose a spatio-temporal quench protocol that allows for the fast preparation of ground states of gapless models with Lorentz invariance. Assuming the system initially resides in the ground state of a corresponding massive model, we show that a superluminally-moving `front' that locally\textit{locally} quenches the mass, leaves behind it (in space) a state arbitrarily close\textit{arbitrarily close} to the ground state of the gapless model. Importantly, our protocol takes time O(L)\mathcal{O} \left( L \right) to produce the ground state of a system of size Ld\sim L^d (dd spatial dimensions), while a fully adiabatic protocol requires time O(L2)\sim \mathcal{O} \left( L^2 \right) to produce a state with exponential accuracy in LL. The physics of the dynamical problem can be understood in terms of relativistic rarefaction of excitations generated by the mass front. We provide proof-of-concept by solving the proposed quench exactly for a system of free bosons in arbitrary dimensions, and for free fermions in d=1d = 1. We discuss the role of interactions and UV effects on the free-theory idealization, before numerically illustrating the usefulness of the approach via simulations on the quantum Heisenberg spin-chain.Comment: 4.25 + 10 pages, 3 + 2 figure

    Collective coherent population trapping in a thermal field

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    We analyzed the efficiency of coherent population trapping (CPT) in a superposition of the ground states of three-level atoms under the influence of the decoherence process induced by a broadband thermal field. We showed that in a single atom there is no perfect CPT when the atomic transitions are affected by the thermal field. The perfect CPT may occur when only one of the two atomic transitions is affected by the thermal field. In the case when both atomic transitions are affected by the thermal field, we demonstrated that regardless of the intensity of the thermal field the destructive effect on the CPT can be circumvented by the collective behavior of the atoms. An analytic expression was obtained for the populations of the upper atomic levels which can be considered as a measure of the level of thermal decoherence. The results show that the collective interaction between the atoms can significantly enhance the population trapping in that the population of the upper state decreases with increased number of atoms. The physical origin of this feature was explained by the semiclassical dressed atom model of the system. We introduced the concept of multiatom collective coherent population trapping by demonstrating the existence of collective (entangled) states whose storage capacity is larger than that of the equivalent states of independent atoms.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Exactly solvable PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric models in two dimensions

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    Non-hermitian, PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric Hamiltonians, experimentally realized in optical systems, accurately model the properties of open, bosonic systems with balanced, spatially separated gain and loss. We present a family of exactly solvable, two-dimensional, PT\mathcal{PT} potentials for a non-relativistic particle confined in a circular geometry. We show that the PT\mathcal{PT} symmetry threshold can be tuned by introducing a second gain-loss potential or its hermitian counterpart. Our results explicitly demonstrate that PT\mathcal{PT} breaking in two dimensions has a rich phase diagram, with multiple re-entrant PT\mathcal{PT} symmetric phases.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure