80 research outputs found


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    In the article some statements ofIn the article the participation of the National Science Center «Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius Forensic Science Institute» in the bilateral research project was elucidated. It had been emphasized that the participation in the projects of the international cooperation is a new form of interaction of institutions of forensic activity that promote a development of the sphere of expert ensuring of justice. The regulatory and legal enactments of Ukraine and the Republic of Latvian, which regulate the participation’ question of scientists in fundamental and applied international research projects were analyzed. It is noticed that, Riga Stradins University and the National Science Center «Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius Forensic Science Institute» are participants of Joint Scientific Research Project. The content of the Ukrainian-Latvian project on the topic «Open Educational Resource: Forensic Science» is revealed that was devoted to the complex research of modern scientific approaches, the formation of theoretical regulations and practical summaries, related to the improvement of implementation of educational and scientific activity’s mechanisms of modern scientific approaches in the field of expert ensuring of justice Within the framework of the scientific project particular topical issues in forensic science are proposed to resolved. As a result of work on the project it is planned to publish scientific works, an open web-resource containing scientific, research and other materials, and also educational video presentations of work of the forensic expert with a possibility of their remote use is created. It was proved that the participation of domestic institutions within international projects assists the integration to European Higher Education Area and European Forensic Science Area.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Освітня діяльність науково-дослідних установ у сфері експертного забезпечення правосуддя: актуальні питання адміністративно-правового регулювання

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    The purpose of the article is to study actual issues of administrative and legal regulation of providing educational activities to research institutions in the sphere of expert ensuring justice. It is devoted to the clarification of certain issues of the activity of research institutes of forensic examinations, which provide educational activities at the third (educational-scientific) level of higher education (preparation of applicants for higher education of the degree of doctor of philosophy). The modern administrative legislation is analysed and the proposals are given for improving educational activities, which affects the development of expert ensuring of justice in general. Studying of various scientific works on the problems of administrative and legal regulation of higher education institutions and scientific institutions during the training of highly qualified personnel (doctors of philosophy) allowed the author to form his own position regarding the educational activities of research institutes in the sphere of expert ensuring justice. The author focuses on the existing shortcomings and gaps in the administrative and legal regulation of the activities of research institutions, in particular, the issues related to the organization of the postgraduate departments’ departments and the problem of introducing information into the General Pablic Electronic Base on Questions of Education. It is emphasized the special legal nature of the Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius Kharkiv Research Institute of Forensic Examinations, who, besides forensic, scientific, scientific and technical, scientific and organizational activity, is attracted to the implementation of educational activities, which directly affects the development in the field of expert ensuring justice. The educational activity of Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius Kharkiv Research Institute of Forensic Examinations in the field of higher education is considered as an additional type of activity of the scientific institution.Висвітлено окремі аспекти діяльності науково-дослідних установ судових експертиз, які забезпечують провадження освітньої діяльності на третьому (освітньо-науковому) рівні вищої освіти (підготовка здобувачів вищої освіти ступеня доктора філософії). Проаналізовано сучасне адміністративне законодавство та надано пропозиції з удосконалення освітньої діяльності, яка впливає на розвиток сфери експертного забезпечення правосуддя в цілому. Акцентовано увагу на наявних недоліках і прогалинах в адміністративно-правовому регулюванні діяльності науково-дослідних установ, зокрема висвітлено питання щодо організації діяльності відділів аспірантур та розглянуто проблему внесення інформації до Єдиної державної електронної бази з питань освіти. Запропоновано освітню діяльність Харківського науково-дослідного інституту судових експертиз ім. Засл. проф. М. С. Бокаріуса у сфері вищої освіти розглядати як додатковий напрям діяльності наукової установи

    Retinoblastoma protein prevents enteric nervous system defects and intestinal pseudo-obstruction

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    The retinoblastoma 1 (RB1) tumor suppressor is a critical regulator of cell cycle progression and development. To investigate the role of RB1 in neural crest–derived melanocytes, we bred mice with a floxed Rb1 allele with mice expressing Cre from the tyrosinase (Tyr) promoter. TyrCre(+);Rb1(fl/fl) mice exhibited no melanocyte defects but died unexpectedly early with intestinal obstruction, striking defects in the enteric nervous system (ENS), and abnormal intestinal motility. Cre-induced DNA recombination occurred in all enteric glia and most small bowel myenteric neurons, yet phenotypic effects of Rb1 loss were cell-type specific. Enteric glia were twice as abundant in mutant mice compared with those in control animals, while myenteric neuron number was normal. Most myenteric neurons also appeared normal in size, but NO-producing myenteric neurons developed very large nuclei as a result of DNA replication without cell division (i.e., endoreplication). Parallel studies in vitro found that exogenous NO and Rb1 shRNA increased ENS precursor DNA replication and nuclear size. The large, irregularly shaped nuclei in NO-producing neurons were remarkably similar to those in progeria, an early-onset aging disorder that has been linked to RB1 dysfunction. These findings reveal a role for RB1 in the ENS

    Microbiological Monitoring in the System of Epidemiological Surveillance of Purulent-Septic Infections in a Multidisciplinary Hospital

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    The purpose of the research was to study epidemiological manifestations and etiological structure of sepsis in a multidisciplinary hospital for children.Materials and methods. An analysis of cases of 85 patients with a diagnosis of sepsis hospitalized in a multidisciplinary hospital at the regional level (Irkutsk) for the period 2013–2018 was carried out.Results and discussion. The most affected age groups are children under one year old (23.5 %) and from one year to two years (29.4 %). During the study period, 572 bacterial and fungal cultures, represented by 19 types of microorganisms, playing a leading role in the formation of the microbial ecology of the hospital, were isolated from patients with GPSI. In the structure of the GPSI microflora, gram-negative microorganisms are found in 49.8 % of cases, grampositive microbiota – in 30.1 %, fungi account for one fifth of all positive findings. A. baumannii and P. aeruginosa were sown more often from blood, sputum and abdominal cavity, and S. aureus and A. baumannii were the most frequent pathogens from wounds. The largest number of enterococci is isolated from urine.Conclusions. The etiological factor in the development of nosocomial GPSI in most cases is gram-negative microorganisms – A. baumanii (39.9 %), P. aeruginosa (20.7 %), K. pneumoniae (23.1 %). At the same time, in recent years, fungi have become increasingly important in the etiology of septic conditions

    Using structure-based organic chemistry online tutorials with automated correction for student practice and review

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    This article describes the development and implementation of an open-access organic chemistry question bank for online tutorials and assessments at University College Cork and Dublin Institute of Technology. SOCOT (structure-based organic chemistry online tutorials) may be used to supplement traditional small-group tutorials, thereby allowing students to develop essential problem-solving skills in organic chemistry. This online approach may be used for both formative and summative assessment. Students complete one problem set weekly or fortnightly, which consists of a number of questions of varying difficulty. A wide range of question types is possible; for example, prediction of reaction products, identification of reaction intermediates or reagents, and retrosynthetic analyses. Questions involving stereochemistry may be also be incorporated. The implementation is described, along with several sample questions and advice for creating questions. This approach is suitable for all levels of undergraduates, from introductory nonmajors to final-year chemistry students. Student feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and in particular, students found SOCOT to be a quite useful tool for review purposes. Our approach uses MarvinSketch, which is free for academic purposes, and the SMILES algorithm, which converts chemical structures into a text string and is compatible with any learning management system

    Биодеградируемые материалы на основе тканей из натурального шелка как перспективные скаффолды для тканевой инженерии и регенеративной медицины

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    Objective: to develop a method for obtaining scaffolds based on natural silk fabric and to study their biocompatibility in vitro. Materials and methods. To obtain biodegradable scaffolds based on natural silk fabric, we propose treating natural silk fabric with a water-ethanol solution of calcium chloride. Differences in the structure of the resulting scaffolds were identified via scanning electron microscopy. Conclusion. The resulting scaffolds are non-toxic to cells and support cell adhesion and proliferation. Our studies make it possible to consider the resulting biodegradable scaffolds as promising constructs for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.Целью исследования была разработка методики получения скаффолдов на основе ткани из натурального шелка и изучение их биосовместимости in vitro. Для получения биодеградируемых скаффолдов на основе ткани из натурального шелка предложена  обработка тканей из натурального шелка водно-спиртовым раствором хлорида кальция. Методом сканирующей электронной микроскопии выявлены различия в структуре полученных скаффолдов. Полученные скаффолды не являются токсичными для клеток, а  также поддерживают адгезию и пролиферацию клеток. Проведенные исследования позволяют рассматривать полученные биодеградируемые скаффолды как перспективные конструкции для тканевой инженерии и регенеративной медицины

    Анализ пролиферативной активности клеток в микрочастицах, полученных из децеллюляризованной ткани печени и почки

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    Aim. To develop the protocols for liver and kidney tissue decellularization, and to develop an analysis of the proliferative activity of human Hep-G2 hepatocarcinoma cells on various carriers.Materials and methods. Decellularization of the liver and kidneys was performed by perfusion of detergent solutions with gradually increasing concentrations of Triton X-100 (1, 2 and 3%). A histological analysis of the obtained samples was performed, and the method of optical and scanning electron microscopy was used to study the obtained samples. The proliferative activity of human Hep-G2 hepatocarcinoma cells was studied on the obtained samples of decellularized liver and kidney tissue.Results. Decellularization of the organ does not lead to changes in the specific structure of the tissue matrix. Microparticles with an average size of 200 μm were made from their decellularized matrix of liver and kidney tissues. The level of proliferative activity of human Hep-G2 hepatocarcinoma cells cultured on microparticles from a decellularized liver was significantly higher than on microparticles from a decellularized kidney.Conclusion. The decellularized matrix retains the native three-dimensional structure of the tissue. The level of cell proliferative activity is significantly higher on microparticles from the decellularized liver, which confirms the preservation of the specificity of the extracellular matrix of the tissue after the process of decellularization.Цель. Разработка протоколов децеллюляризации ткани печени и почек, а также анализ пролиферативной активности клеток гепатокарциномы человека Hep-G2 на различных носителях.Материалы и методы. Децеллюляризация печени и почек была произведена путем перфузии растворов детергентов с постепенно возрастающими концентрациями Тритона Х-100 (1, 2 и 3%). Был произведен гистологический анализ полученных образцов, использован метод оптической и сканирующей электронной микроскопии для исследования полученных образцов. Исследована пролиферативная активность клеток гепатокарциномы человека Hep-G2 на полученных образцах децеллюляризованной ткани печени и почки.Результаты. Децеллюляризация органа не приводит к изменениям в специфической структуре матрикса ткани. Микрочастицы со средним размером 200 мкм были изготовлены из децеллюляризованного матрикса тканей печени и почки. Уровень пролиферативной активности клеток гепатокарциномы человека Hep-G2 , культивированных на микрочастицах из децеллюляризованной печени, был существенно выше, чем на микрочастицах из децеллюляризованной почки.Заключение. Децеллюляризованный матрикс сохраняет нативную трехмерную структуру ткани. Уровень пролиферативной активности клеток существенно выше на микрочастицах из децеллюляризованной печени, что подтверждает сохранность специфичности межклеточного матрикса ткани после процесса децеллюляризации


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    Aim. To perform a comparison of three-dimensional nanostructure of porous biocompatible scaffolds made of fibroin Bombix mori and recombinant spidroin rS1/9. Materials and methods. Three-dimensional porous scaffolds were produced by salt leaching technique. The comparison of biological characteristics of the scaffolds shows that adhesion and proliferation of mouse fibroblasts in vitro on these two types of scaffolds do not differ significantly. Comparative experiments in vivo show that regeneration of bone tissue of rats is faster with implantation of recombinant spidroin scaffolds. Three-dimensional nanostructure of scaffolds and interconnectivity of nanopores were studied with scanning probe nanotomography (SPNT) to explain higher regenerative activity of spidroin-based scaffolds. Results. Significant differences were detected in the integral density and volume of pores: the integral density of nanopores detected on 2D AFM images is 46 μm–2    and calculated volume porosity is 24% in rS1/9-based scaffolds; in fibroin-based three-dimensional structures density of nanopores and calculated volume porosity were 2.4 μm–2  and 0.5%, respectively. Three-dimensional reconstruction system of nanopores and clusters of interconnected nanopores in rS1/9-based scaffolds showed that volume fraction of pores interconnected in percolation clusters is 35.3% of the total pore volume or 8.4% of the total scaffold volume. Conclusion. Scanning probe nanotomography method allows obtaining unique information about topology of micro – and nanopore systems of artificial biostructures. High regenerative activity of rS1/9-based scaffolds can be explained by higher nanoporosity of the scaffolds.Цель. Сравнение трехмерной наноструктуры пористых биосовместимых матриксов из фиброина шелка Bombyx mori и рекомбинантного спидроина rS1/9. Материалы и методы. Трехмерные пористые матриксы были получены методом выщелачивания. При сравнении биологических свойств показано, что адгезия и пролиферация мышиных фибробластов на двух видах матриксов различались незначительно. В сравнительных экспериментах in vivo показано, что регенерация костной ткани у крыс происходит быстрее при имплантации матриксов из рекомбинантного спидроина. С целью объяснения более высокой регенеративной активности матриксов из спидроина с помощью сканирующей зондовой нанотомографии была исследована трехмерная наноструктура матриксов, а также сообщаемость нанопор внутри матриксов. Результаты. Были обнаружены существенные отличия в плотности и объеме нанопор: в матриксах из rS1/9 интегральная плотность нанопор, зафиксированная в двухмерном атомно-силовом изображении, составляла 46 мкм–2, а степень пористости – 24%; в трехмерных структурах из фиброина шелка плотность нанопор и степень пористости были 2,4 мкм–2  и 0,5% соответственно. Трехмерная реконструкция системы нанопор и образованных ими кластеров в матриксах из rS1/9 показала, что объемная доля взаимосвязанных пор в перколяционных кластерах равна 35,3% от всего объема пор, что составляет 8,4% от общего объема матрикса. Выводы. Метод сканирующей зондовой нанотомографии позволяет получить уникальную информацию о топологии систем нанопор искусственных биоконструкций. При сравнительном анализе наноструктуры искусственных матриксов из регенерированного шелка и рекомбинантного спидроина, полученных методом выщелачивания, показано, что скэффолды из спидроина имеют более высокую интегральную плотность нанопор, степень пористости и объемную долю взаимосвязанных пор