210 research outputs found

    Information culture of the mass

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    The significance of the research is determined by the necessity to improve the quality of information culture of the modern society. In this context, the article refers to the "mass" or "the mass person" that has a certain way of thinking and life style which begin dominating under certain conditions. "The mass person" represents a historically arisen and historically passing phenomenon generated by a certain stage of the development of technology. The research is focused upon a brief outline of philosophical and historical stages which have led to the emergence of the “mass person” who strives only for the benefit and achievement of the personal purposes. He obediently accepts ready-made stamps and stereotypes, without caring for their validity. As a result, despite all the talks of individualization, the original identity is lost and replaced with the average, mass person who is going down the stream, turning into a slave of sociality that once again convinces us that "the mass person" is now a phenomenon which arises quite suddenly, but as a result of those substitutions about which we have spoken above. It is that norm which is characteristic of the society constructed on the ideas of pragmatism and usefulness.peer-reviewe

    Consumption of animal-source protein is associated with improved height-for-age z scores in rural Malawian children aged 12–36 months

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    Linear growth faltering, caused by insufficient diet, recurrent infections and environmental enteric dysfunction (EED), continues to plague young children in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Diets in LMICs are primarily plant based, and thus have poor-quality protein and low levels of essential micronutrients. The aim of this study was to assess the association of the type and protein quality of food consumed with stunting, EED and acute malnutrition in children aged 6⁻36 months in Limera and Masenjere, two rural Southern Malawian communities. This is a secondary analysis of two randomized controlled trials that tested the effects of common bean and cowpea flour on stunting in children aged 6⁻36 months. We used data from two interactive 24-h dietary recalls conducted 12 weeks after enrolment into each trial. Food intakes were compared between the regions using Chi-square and Student’s t-test. There were 355 children that participated in the dietary recalls. The diets of children were of poor quality, but the children from Limera consumed more fish (54% vs. 35%, p = 0.009) and more bioavailable protein (26.0 ± 10.3 g/day vs. 23.1 ± 8.1 g/day, p = 0.018, respectively) than children in Masenjere. Food type and protein quality were not associated with any of the outcomes except an association between animal protein consumption and improvement in height-for-age z scores in children aged 12⁻36 months (p = 0.047). These findings support the notion that animal-source food (ASF) consumption in this vulnerable population promotes linear growth

    Environmental enteric dysfunction and the fecal microbiota in malawian children

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    Environmental enteric dysfunction (EED) is often measured with a dual sugar absorption test and implicated as a causative factor in childhood stunting. Disturbances in the gut microbiota are hypothesized to be a mechanism by which EED is exacerbated, although this supposition lacks support. We performed 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing of fecal samples from 81 rural Malawian children with varying degrees of EED to determine which bacterial taxa were associated with EED. At the phyla level, Proteobacteria abundance is reduced with severe EED. Among bacterial genera, Megasphaera, Mitsuokella, and Sutterella were higher in EED and Succinivibrio, Klebsiella, and Clostridium_XI were lower in EED. Bacterial diversity did not vary with the extent of EED. Though EED is a condition that is typically believed to affect the proximal small bowel, and our focus was on stool, our data do suggest that there are intraluminal microbial differences that reflect, or plausibly lead to, EED

    BAP1 deficiency causes loss of melanocytic cell identity in uveal melanoma

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    BACKGROUND: Uveal melanoma is a highly aggressive cancer with a strong propensity for metastasis, yet little is known about the biological mechanisms underlying this metastatic potential. We recently showed that most metastasizing uveal melanomas, which exhibit a class 2 gene expression profile, contain inactivating mutations in the tumor suppressor BAP1. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of BAP1 in uveal melanoma progression. METHODS: Uveal melanoma cells were studied following RNAi-mediated depletion of BAP1 using proliferation, BrdU incorporation, flow cytometry, migration, invasion, differentiation and clonogenic assays, as well as in vivo tumorigenicity experiments in NOD-SCID-Gamma mice. RESULTS: Depletion of BAP1 in uveal melanoma cells resulted in a loss of differentiation and gain of stem-like properties, including expression of stem cell markers, increased capacity for self-replication, and enhanced ability to grow in stem cell conditions. BAP1 depletion did not result in increased proliferation, migration, invasion or tumorigenicity. CONCLUSIONS: BAP1 appears to function in the uveal melanocyte lineage primarily as a regulator of differentiation, with cells deficient for BAP1 exhibiting stem-like qualities. It will be important to elucidate how this effect of BAP1 loss promotes metastasis and how to reverse this effect therapeutically


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    To the article the types of interactive employments that areused at educating of students of faculty of computer and fundamental sciences (FCFS) Pacific state university (PNU, Khabarovsk) are driven. Ananalysis over of results of educating of students is brought on such employments.В статье приведены виды интерактивных заданий, которые применяются при обучении студентов факультета компьютерных и фундаментальных наук (ФКФН) Тихоокеанский государственный университет (ТОГУ, г. Хабаровск). Приведен анализ результатов обучения студентов на таких занятиях

    Using structure-based organic chemistry online tutorials with automated correction for student practice and review

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    This article describes the development and implementation of an open-access organic chemistry question bank for online tutorials and assessments at University College Cork and Dublin Institute of Technology. SOCOT (structure-based organic chemistry online tutorials) may be used to supplement traditional small-group tutorials, thereby allowing students to develop essential problem-solving skills in organic chemistry. This online approach may be used for both formative and summative assessment. Students complete one problem set weekly or fortnightly, which consists of a number of questions of varying difficulty. A wide range of question types is possible; for example, prediction of reaction products, identification of reaction intermediates or reagents, and retrosynthetic analyses. Questions involving stereochemistry may be also be incorporated. The implementation is described, along with several sample questions and advice for creating questions. This approach is suitable for all levels of undergraduates, from introductory nonmajors to final-year chemistry students. Student feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and in particular, students found SOCOT to be a quite useful tool for review purposes. Our approach uses MarvinSketch, which is free for academic purposes, and the SMILES algorithm, which converts chemical structures into a text string and is compatible with any learning management system

    Ligand Trap of the Activin Receptor Type IIA Inhibits Osteoclast Stimulation of Bone Remodeling in Diabetic Mice with Chronic Kidney Disease

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    Dysregulation of skeletal remodeling is a component of renal osteodystrophy. Previously, we showed that activin receptor signaling is differentially affected in various tissues in chronic kidney disease (CKD). We tested whether a ligand trap for the activin receptor type 2A (RAP-011) is an effective treatment of the osteodystrophy of the CKD-mineral bone disorder. With a 70% reduction in the glomerular filtration rate, CKD was induced at 14 weeks of age in the ldlr−/− high fat-fed mouse model of atherosclerotic vascular calcification and diabetes. Twenty mice with CKD, hyperphosphatemia, hyperparathyroidism, and elevated activin A were treated with RAP-011, wherease 19 mice were given vehicle twice weekly from week 22 until the mice were killed at 28 weeks of age. The animals were then evaluated by skeletal histomorphometry, micro-computed tomography, mechanical strength testing, and ex vivo bone cell culture. Results in the CKD groups were compared with those of the 16 sham-operated ldlr−/− high fat-fed mice. Sham-operated mice had low-turnover osteodystrophy and skeletal frailty. CKD stimulated bone remodeling with significant increases in osteoclast and osteoblast numbers and bone resorption. Compared with mice with CKD and sham-operated mice, RAP-011 treatment eliminated the CKD-induced increase in these histomorphometric parameters and increased trabecular bone fraction. RAP-011 significantly increased cortical bone area and thickness. Activin A-enhanced osteoclastogenesis was mediated through p-Smad2 association with c-fos and activation of nuclear factor of activated T cells c1 (NFATc1). Thus, an ActRIIA ligand trap reversed CKD-stimulated bone remodeling, likely through inhibition of activin-A induced osteoclastogenesis

    Биодеградируемые материалы на основе тканей из натурального шелка как перспективные скаффолды для тканевой инженерии и регенеративной медицины

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    Objective: to develop a method for obtaining scaffolds based on natural silk fabric and to study their biocompatibility in vitro. Materials and methods. To obtain biodegradable scaffolds based on natural silk fabric, we propose treating natural silk fabric with a water-ethanol solution of calcium chloride. Differences in the structure of the resulting scaffolds were identified via scanning electron microscopy. Conclusion. The resulting scaffolds are non-toxic to cells and support cell adhesion and proliferation. Our studies make it possible to consider the resulting biodegradable scaffolds as promising constructs for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.Целью исследования была разработка методики получения скаффолдов на основе ткани из натурального шелка и изучение их биосовместимости in vitro. Для получения биодеградируемых скаффолдов на основе ткани из натурального шелка предложена  обработка тканей из натурального шелка водно-спиртовым раствором хлорида кальция. Методом сканирующей электронной микроскопии выявлены различия в структуре полученных скаффолдов. Полученные скаффолды не являются токсичными для клеток, а  также поддерживают адгезию и пролиферацию клеток. Проведенные исследования позволяют рассматривать полученные биодеградируемые скаффолды как перспективные конструкции для тканевой инженерии и регенеративной медицины

    Анализ пролиферативной активности клеток в микрочастицах, полученных из децеллюляризованной ткани печени и почки

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    Aim. To develop the protocols for liver and kidney tissue decellularization, and to develop an analysis of the proliferative activity of human Hep-G2 hepatocarcinoma cells on various carriers.Materials and methods. Decellularization of the liver and kidneys was performed by perfusion of detergent solutions with gradually increasing concentrations of Triton X-100 (1, 2 and 3%). A histological analysis of the obtained samples was performed, and the method of optical and scanning electron microscopy was used to study the obtained samples. The proliferative activity of human Hep-G2 hepatocarcinoma cells was studied on the obtained samples of decellularized liver and kidney tissue.Results. Decellularization of the organ does not lead to changes in the specific structure of the tissue matrix. Microparticles with an average size of 200 μm were made from their decellularized matrix of liver and kidney tissues. The level of proliferative activity of human Hep-G2 hepatocarcinoma cells cultured on microparticles from a decellularized liver was significantly higher than on microparticles from a decellularized kidney.Conclusion. The decellularized matrix retains the native three-dimensional structure of the tissue. The level of cell proliferative activity is significantly higher on microparticles from the decellularized liver, which confirms the preservation of the specificity of the extracellular matrix of the tissue after the process of decellularization.Цель. Разработка протоколов децеллюляризации ткани печени и почек, а также анализ пролиферативной активности клеток гепатокарциномы человека Hep-G2 на различных носителях.Материалы и методы. Децеллюляризация печени и почек была произведена путем перфузии растворов детергентов с постепенно возрастающими концентрациями Тритона Х-100 (1, 2 и 3%). Был произведен гистологический анализ полученных образцов, использован метод оптической и сканирующей электронной микроскопии для исследования полученных образцов. Исследована пролиферативная активность клеток гепатокарциномы человека Hep-G2 на полученных образцах децеллюляризованной ткани печени и почки.Результаты. Децеллюляризация органа не приводит к изменениям в специфической структуре матрикса ткани. Микрочастицы со средним размером 200 мкм были изготовлены из децеллюляризованного матрикса тканей печени и почки. Уровень пролиферативной активности клеток гепатокарциномы человека Hep-G2 , культивированных на микрочастицах из децеллюляризованной печени, был существенно выше, чем на микрочастицах из децеллюляризованной почки.Заключение. Децеллюляризованный матрикс сохраняет нативную трехмерную структуру ткани. Уровень пролиферативной активности клеток существенно выше на микрочастицах из децеллюляризованной печени, что подтверждает сохранность специфичности межклеточного матрикса ткани после процесса децеллюляризации