2,193 research outputs found

    Mass transfer efficiency of a tall and low plate free area liquid pulsed sieve-plate extraction column

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    Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge Chakwal group of industries for funding the project. Ms. Madiha, Ms. Zona, Mr. Sohaib, Mr. Abdullah, Mr. Mudassar, and Mr. Salahuddin also deserve our acknowledgements for their assistance in different ways.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Experience with larangeal mask airway in Pakistani patients

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    One hundred and thirty seven adult patients undergoing peripheral surgery were studied regarding ease of larangeal mask airway (LMA) insertion, airway maintenance during surgery and complication encountered during insertion, maintenance and in the postoperative period. In a majority (84%) of patients, the airway was positioned correctly at the first attempt, 3% patients had mild laryngospasm at insertion and in 85% a good airway was obtained. No airway related problems were encountered intraoperatively. Two percent patients had laryngospasm on removal of LMA. Postoperatively, the complaint of sore throat and uvular trauma was seen in 4% cases

    Indications of repair of radon-induced chromosome damage in human lymphocytes: an adaptive response induced by low doses of X-rays.

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    Naturally occurring radon is a relatively ubiquitous environmental carcinogen to which large numbers of people can be exposed over their lifetimes. The accumulation of radon in homes, therefore, has led to a large program to determine the effects of the densely ionizing alpha particles that are produced when radon decays. In human lymphocytes, low doses of X-rays can decrease the number of chromatid deletions induced by subsequent high doses of clastogens. This has been attributed to the induction of a repair mechanism by the low-dose exposures. Historically, chromosome aberrations induced by radon have been considered to be relatively irreparable. The present experiments, however, show that if human peripheral blood lymphocytes are irradiated with low doses of X-rays (2 cGy) at 48 hr of culture, before being exposed to radon at 72 hr of culture, the yield of chromatid deletions induced by radon is decreased by a factor of two. Furthermore, the numbers of aberrations per cell do not follow a Poisson distribution but are overdispersed, as might be expected because high-linear energy transfer (high LET) alpha particles have a high relative biological effectiveness compared to low-LET radiations such as X-rays or gamma rays. Pretreatment with a low dose of X-rays decreases the overdispersion and leads to a greater proportion of the cells having no aberrations, or lower numbers of aberrations, than is the case in cells exposed to radon alone.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

    Setaria cervi: enzymes of glycolysis and PEP-succinate pathway

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    Setaria cervi, the filarial parasite inhabiting the Indian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis Linn.) contained almost all the enzymes involved in glycogen degradation. Significant activities of glycogen phosphorylase, glucokinase, phosphoglucomutase, phosphoglucose isomerase, phosphofructokinase, FDP-aldolase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphopyruvate hydratase, pyruvate kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase were detected in cell-free extracts of whole worms. The presence of PEP-carboxykinase, malate dehydrogenase, fumarase and fumarate reductase revealed the functioning of the PEP-succinate pathway in addition to phosphorylating glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathway in the parasite. Excepting fumarate reductase all other enzymes were localized in the particulate-free cytosol fraction, although small amounts of glycogen phosphorylase, aldolase and lactate dehydrogenase were also detected in the mitochondrial fraction

    Effectiveness of Solvent Vapor Annealing over Thermal Annealing on the Photovoltaic Performance of Non-Fullerene Acceptor Based BHJ Solar Cells

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    We explore two small molecules containing arms of dicyano-n-hexylrhodanine and diathiafulvalene wings terminated with benzothiadiazole linker, denoted as BAF-4CN and BAF-2HDT, respectively, as small molecule non-fullerene acceptors (SMNFAs) in organic solar cells. The proposed materials are mixed with a low band gap polymer donor PTB7-Th having broad absorption in the range of 400–750 nm to form solution-processed bulk heterojunctions (BHJs). The photoluminescence (PL) measurements show that both donor and acceptor can quench each other’s PL effectively, implying that not only electrons are transferred from PTB7-Th → SMNFAs but also holes are transferred from SMNFAs → PTB7-Th for efficient photocurrent generation. Furthermore, solvent vapor annealing (SVA) processing is shown to yield a more balanced hole and electron mobility and thus suppresses the trap-assisted recombination significantly. With this dual charge transfer enabled via fine-tuning of end-groups and SVA treatment, power conversion efficiency of approximately 10% is achieved, demonstrating the feasibility of the proposed approach

    Paediatric drug development of ramipril:reformulation, in vitro and in vivo evaluation

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    Ramipril is used mainly for the treatment of hypertension and to reduce incidence of fatality following heart attacks in patients who develop indications of congestive heart failure. In the paediatric population it is used most commonly for the treatment of heart failure, hypertension in type 1 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy. Due to the lack of a suitable liquid formulation, the current study evaluates the development of a range of oral liquid formulations of ramipril along with their in vitro and in vivo absorption studies. Three different formulation development approaches were studied: solubilisation using acetic acid as a co-solvent, complexation with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) and suspension development using xanthan gum. Systematic optimisation of formulation parameters for the different strategies resulted in the development of products stable for twelve months at long term stability conditions. In vivo evaluation showed CMAX of 10.48 µg/mL for co-solvent, 13.04µg/ml for the suspension and 29.58µg/mL for the cyclodextrin based ramipril solution. Interestingly, both ramipril solution (co-solvent) and the suspension showed a TMAX of 2.5h, however, cyclodextrin based ramipril produced TMAX at 0.75h following administration. The results presented in this study provide translatable products for oral liquid ramipril which offer preferential paediatric use over existing alternatives

    Influence of Incomplete Fusion Reaction on Complete Fusion Below 10 Mev/ Nucleon Energies

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    An attempt has been made in the present work to provide an ample opportunity to explore the information about the influence of incomplete fusion (ICF) reaction dynamics on complete fusion in heavy ion induced nuclear reactions. excitation functions for several evaporation residues produced in the interaction of projectile 16O with target 175lu have been measured over the wide projectile energy range ≈ 70-100 MeV. the recoil-catcher activation technique followed by the offline γ-ray spectroscopy has been used for the present measurements. In case of precursor decay, we have made use of Cavinato et al. formulation to calculate the independent cross-section of the identified residues. the measured efs are compared with theoretical predictions of statistical model code PACE-2 and any enhancement in the measured cross-section from theoretical prediction may be due to ICF reaction process. An attempt has been made to estimate the ICf contribution of the cross-section from the measured excitation function data and the dependence of ICf cross-section on projectile energy