727 research outputs found


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    In this paper the researchers have investigated students' perceptions about theeffectiveness of their online education. The sample consisted of 180 participants of theVirtual University (VU) of Pakistan, and already developed instruments were used tomeasures dependent and independent variables. Through using correlation matrix andregression analysis, it was found that the following areas are important for studentsabout the effectiveness of online education; Instructor competence, Course structure,and level of technology. The results of our research showed that faculty iat VU isdelivering online education that meets the students' needs in regard to course structureand instructor competence. Moreover, results also indicated that students think thatcourse structure and instructor competence are more important for the effectiveness ofonline education than the current level of technology

    The Walrus Internship

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    Hina interned at The Walrus for her Experiential Learning credit, and herein reflects on the challenges of the job and her personal growth throughout the experience

    Between Suspicion and Trust

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    An investigation on energy harvesting from wrist for smart electronic devices

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    In this thesis energy harvested using the wrist movement of human arm is discussed. Human arm is constantly being used during our normal routine work, walking running or doing chores. These actions could be helpful in producing electricity. Previously research has been performed on the human body's ability to produce energy. Magnets have been utilized to design a device that harvests the energy using the wrist movement for electronic devices. The magnets were placed inside a 3-D printed tube and coils were wrapped the tube to convert the electromagnetic field into electricity. It can be worn to collect energy all day long. To determine the maximum performance throughout the arm movements, simulations were performed on software called COMSOL. The experiments were carried out by placing this device on the shaker and open circuit voltage was calculated with and without a resistor using an oscilloscope. The open circuit voltage generated at the least frequency of the shaker was 0.24 V and 0.064 V with resistance and without resistance, respectively. Different frequencies were applied to further measure the voltages. As batteries are constantly being needed to be replaced for the wearable electronic devices so, we developed the device which will continuously recharge them. This is a significant step towards future wearable electronics not requiring battery maintenance as it can charge the batteries as the wearer is normally doing their work in their routine.Bu tezde insan kolunun bilek hareketi kullanılarak elde edilen enerji ele alınmıştır. Normal rutin işlerimizde, yürürken, koşarken veya ev işleri yaparken insan kolu sürekli olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu eylemler elektrik üretiminde yardımcı olabilir. Daha önce insan vücudunun enerji üretme yeteneği üzerine araştırmalar yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada mıknatıslar, elektronik cihazlar için bilek hareketini kullanarak enerji toplayan bir cihaz tasarlamak için kullanıldı. Mıknatıslar, 3 boyutlu baskılı bir tüpün içine yerleştirildi ve elektromanyetik alanı elektriğe dönüştürmek için tüpe bobinler sarıldı. Bu cihaz gün boyu enerji toplamak için giyilebilir. Kol hareketleri boyunca maksimum performansı belirlemek için COMSOL adı verilen yazılım üzerinde simülasyonlar yapılmıştır. Bu cihaz çalkalayıcı üzerine yerleştirilerek deneyler yapılmış ve osiloskop kullanılarak dirençli ve dirençsiz açık gerilim voltajı hesaplanmıştır. Çalkalayıcının en düşük frekansında üretilen açık devre voltajı dirençli ve dirençsiz durum için sırasıyla 0,24 V ve 0,064 V olmuştur. Voltajları daha fazla ölçmek için farklı frekanslar uygulandı. Giyilebilir elektronik cihazlar için pillerin sürekli olarak değiştirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu, pilleri şarj edebildiği için pil bakımı gerektirmeyen, geleceğin giyilebilir elektronik cihazlarına doğru önemli bir adımdır çünkü kullanıcı normal olarak rutin işlerini yaparken pilleri şarj edebilir.No sponso

    Behavioral Deficits and Associated Alterations in the Proteome in the Amygdala of Adolescent Rats Exposed to Delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol as Juveniles

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    Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is an active component of marijuana. During recent years, the popularity of marijuana in the United States has increased tremendously. Marijuana edibles are a form of marijuana that has become very popular in recent years. These are easily accessible not only to adolescents but also to young children. According to recent statistical data, the consumption of marijuana edibles by children below the age of 5 has increased 600% in the states that have legalized marijuana. This has led to an adverse impact on children’s health as evidenced by a sudden increase in the number of children seeking emergency assistance in hospitals. In the current research, we addressed the issue of possible persistent effects on children’s behavior due to an earlier exposure to THC. Juvenile rats were treated with 10 mg/kg of THC from postnatal day 10 through 16. Once they reached adolescence, these rats were tested using several behavioral paradigms. To evaluate the biological basis for the behavioral deficits observed, brain samples obtained from these rats were subjected to proteomic analysis to determine any altered pathways related to the behavior. Our behavioral data indicated that juvenile exposure to THC has no effect on anxiety-related behavior in adolescents. However, we observed a significant effect of treatment on multiple parameters related to social interactions. Of these, episodes and time of social play were significantly increased in the THC treated rats suggesting alterations in the reward circuit function occurring as a result of developmental THC exposure. In the proteomics, we observed a significant effect on relevant canonical pathways such as the changes in thrombin and opioid signaling. Thrombin signaling in neurons is associated with processes involved in the connection between neurons and opioid signaling is involved in the activation processes of the reward circuit suggesting that juvenile THC exposure alters these processes in adolescence which could have detrimental effects on behavior. Overall, our data suggest that consumption of edibles by juveniles leads to altered behavioral and biochemical outcomes in adolescence. This may be detrimental in terms of the appropriate acquisition of skills necessary for meeting the challenges in future life

    Piezoresistive effect of p-type single crystalline 3C-SiC on (111) plane

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    This paper presents for the first time the effect of strain on the electrical conductivity of p-type single crystalline 3C-SiC grown on a Si (111) substrate. 3C-SiC thin film was epitaxially formed on a Si (111) substrate using the low pressure chemical vapor deposition process. The piezoresistive effect of the grown film was investigated using the bending beam method. The average longitudinal gauge factor of the p-type single crystalline 3C-SiC was found to be around 11 and isotropic in the (111) plane. This gauge factor is 3 times smaller than that in a p-type 3C-SiC (100) plane. This reduction of the gauge factor was attributed to the high density of defects in the grown 3C-SiC (111) film. Nevertheless, the gauge factor of the p-type 3C-SiC (111) film is still approximately 5 times higher than that in most metals, indicating its potential for niche mechanical sensing applications

    Evaluating Information Technology Strategic Planning Process: Lesson Learnt from Bruneian Small Businesses

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    The chapter investigates the 85 small and medium organizations in Brunei Darussalam within the context of information technology (IT) strategic planning process. The study results reveal that although the surveyed Bruneian SMEs are familiar with IT strategy basic methods, however, the use of any of the basic IT strategic development process is at the grassroot level. The results further found that only three methods have indirect influence on IT strategy development such as critical success factors, transaction cost, and balanced scorecard. Conclusion from these findings further suggests that no statistical difference exists among SMEs on the basis of organization size and industry sector. These findings are useful for both the researchers and practitioners. For researchers, it helps in building a theoretical foundation in developing the repository of organizational use of IT strategy basic methods and for practitioners to gauge the performance of SMEs in relation with developing IT strategy basic methods in designing the relevant policies

    Examining the Role of Transformational Leadership in Technology Adoption: Evidence from Bruneian Technical & Vocational Establishments (TVE)

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    This pioneering study discusses the thirty-five Bruneian technical & vocational institutions of top management (principals, deputy principals, senior masters, ICT coordinators and technical administrators) leadership style with the adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The study uses a survey approach further to indicate that the majority of the Technical and Vocational schools leaders have transformational leaders style which is related with the various uses of ICT. The correlation analysis has also shown the significant relationship between transformational leadership styles and the technology development and operational phase. Therefore, based upon the analysis some recommendations are made for the relevant authorities. Keywords: Information and Communication Technology (ICT), technology leadership, technical and vocational institutions, leadership style, Brunei Darussala

    Findings of Bruneian Senior Government Executives\u27 Use of the Internet

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    Environment Friendly Products: Factors that Influence the Green Purchase Intentions of Pakistani Consumers

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    This study examines the influence of various factors on the green purchase intentions of Pakistani consumers. To this end, a conceptual model has been proposed and subjected to empirical verification with the use of a survey. The survey results obtained in two major Pakistani cities provide reasonable support for the validity of the proposed model. Specifically, the findings from the correlation matrix, simple regression followed by multiple regression analysis confirm the influence of OGI, EK, EC and PPP&Q on consumers purchase intentions toward green products. The OGI, EK and EC, in turn, also seem to affect consumers green purchase intentions via the moderating role of PPP&Q of a green product. Although the present findings provide a better understanding of the process and significant antecedents of green purchasing intentions, this also highlights one area for more thorough investigation. This is the significant moderating role of PPP&Q variables in consumers’ green purchasing process. As the findings suggest that respondents have a high positive attitude regarding green products and are ready to buy green products more often, but as for as the product price and quality are concerned, green products must perform competitively just like the traditional products. This study also discusses how the present findings may help the Pakistani government and green marketers to fine-tune their environmental programs