5 research outputs found

    Implementing Smart Mobile Application to Achieve a Sustainable Campus

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    The use of technology nowadays is not an unusual matter especially in universities. The use of computer technology and the advanced networking that creates an integrated services and enables communication among the community of universities is a concept in a digital campus. However, in the education sector, the digital campus needs to be built as an essential foundation for the modernization of education and to facilitate a better campus life. This paper presents the concept and framework of Digital Campus as part of the universitys challenges in fostering an economical and socially sustainable campus. The implementation of co-created value in framework increases the efficiency of the digital campus concept. The use of mobile applications is very appropriate for achieving campus sustainability because of its increasing significant and ability. UKM Mobile Application as part of Digital Campus strategy is seen to be able to contribute to the sustainability of the campus. We also present the implementation of Digital Campus based on smart card usage in the applications such as attendance system, canteen payment and academic services. Mobile application development embedding value co-creation can improve the quality of service in terms of good communication with customers and the best services to the university

    Analisis Pengambilan Keputusan Deviasi Kapal: Studi Kasus Angkutan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) Jenis Solar

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    Transportasi laut memiliki peran penting bagi Indonesia dalam kegiatan distribusi produk dengan jumlah besar, salah satunya sebagai angkutan bahan bakar minyak (BBM) jenis Solar. Selama proses distribusi berjalan, ditemukan aktivitas deviasi kapal (penyimpangan rute), karena stok kritis pada Terminal Bahan Bakar Minyak (TBBM). Ketika terjadi kondisi kritis, formula baku belum tersedia untuk mendukung keputusan manajemen, dalam penentuan kapal deviasi. Tujuan dari Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk membuat model pengambilan keputusan kapal deviasi untuk penanganan stok kritis di TBBM Surabaya. Metode yang digunakan adalah Analytic Network Process (ANP), dengan kriteria pengambilan keputusan deviasi kapal. Analisis dilakukan melalui 2 (dua) tahap identifikasi, dengan menggunakan 6 (enam) kriteria, yaitu draft kapal, seatime dan port time kapal, sisa jumlah muatan kapal, kebutuhan operasional kapal, selisih biaya, dan waktu ketahanan stok di TBBM tujuan kapal. Analisis tahap pertama menunjukkan bahwa, lokasi asal sebelum deviasi memiliki jarak yang tidak jauh ke Surabaya. Solar yang dikirim dapat berasal dari wilayah Jawa Timur, Bali, dan Nusa Tenggara, kilang minyak BBM Solar, yaitu Cilacap/Balikpapan, atau lokasi lain dengan batas jarak terjauh ke lokasi deviasi adalah 614,9 Nm. Tahap kedua menunjukkan bahwa, deviasi kapal merupakan pilihan terbaik untuk penanganan stok kritis di TBBM Surabaya. Untuk masing-masing skenario kondisi kritis, kapal yang terpilih paling optimal untuk deviasi adalah, Kapal 10 (DWT-13.185 Ton) yang digunakan pada skenario kondisi kritis hari ke-3, skenario kondisi kritis hari ke-6, dan skenario kondisi kritis hari ke-15, dengan biaya satuan Rp 12 Jt/Ton, dan rata-rata jarak lokasi asal ke Surabaya adalah 131 Nm =================================================================================================================================== Sea transportation has an important role for Indonesia in product distribution activities for large quantities, one of them is used as diesel fuel oil transportation. During the distribution process, ship deviation activities (route deviation) were found, due to critical stocks at the Fuel Terminal. When a critical condition occurs, standard formula is not available to support management decisions, in determining the ship deviation. The purpose of this Final Project is to create a model for the decision making of ship deviation, for handling critical stocks at Fuel Terminal Surabaya. Method used was the Analytic Network Process (ANP), with ship deviation as decision making criteria. The analysis was carried out in 2 (two) stages of identification, by using 6 (six) criteria, namely ship draft, seatime and ship port time, the remaining amount of ship cargo, ship operational needs, financial aspects, and coverage days of stock at the Fuel Terminal destination. The first stage shows that the origin location, before the deviation, was not far from Surabaya. Diesel Oil can be from Jawa Timur, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Refinery of Diesel Fuel Oil (Cilacap/Balikpapan), or another location, with the farthest distance to the deviation location was 614.9 Nm. The second stage shows that ship deviation is the best choice for handling critical stocks at Fuel Terminal Surabaya. For each critical condition scenario, the most optimal selected vessel for deviation is, Ship 10 (DWT-13.185 Tonne) which is used in 3rd day critical condition, 6th day critical condition, and 15th day critical condition, with a unit cost Rp 12 Million/Tonne, and the average distance from origin to Surabaya is 131 N