8 research outputs found

    Genotypic and phenotypic diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex genotypes prevalent in West Africa

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    Findings from previous comparative genomics studies of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) suggest genomic variation among the genotypes may have phenotypic implications. We investigated the diversity in the phenotypic profiles of the main prevalent MTBC genotypes in West Africa. Thirty-six whole genome sequenced drug susceptible MTBC isolates belonging to lineages 4, 5 and 6 were included in this study. The isolates were phenotypically characterized for urease activity, tween hydrolysis, Thiophen-2-Carboxylic Acid Hydrazide (TCH) susceptibility, nitric oxide production, and growth rate in both liquid (7H9) and solid media (7H11 and Lowenstein-Jensen (L-J)). Lineage 4 isolates showed the highest growth rate in both liquid (p = 0.0003) and on solid (L-J) media supplemented with glycerol (p<0.001) or pyruvate (p = 0.005). L6 isolates optimally utilized pyruvate compared to glycerol (p<0.001), whereas L5 isolates grew similarly on both media (p = 0.05). Lineage 4 isolates showed the lowest average time to positivity (TTP) (p = 0.01; Average TTP: L4 = 15days, L5 = 16.7days, L6 = 29.7days) and the highest logCFU/mL (p = 0.04; average logCFU/mL L4 = 5.9, L5 = 5.0, L6 = 4.4) on 7H11 supplemented with glycerol, but there was no significant difference in growth on 7H11 supplemented with pyruvate (p = 0.23). The highest release of nitrite was recorded for L5 isolates, followed by L4 and L6 isolates. However, the reverse was observed in the urease activity for the lineages. All isolates tested were resistant to TCH except for one L6 isolate. Comparative genomic analyses revealed several mutations that might explain the diverse phenotypic profiles of these isolates. Our findings showed significant phenotypic diversity among the MTBC lineages used for this study

    Analysis of drug resistance among difficult-to-treat tuberculosis patients in Ghana identifies several pre-XDR TB cases

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    BACKGROUND: Resistance to tuberculosis (TB) drugs has become a major threat to global control efforts. Early case detection and drug susceptibility profiling of the infecting bacteria are essential for appropriate case management. The objective of this study was to determine the drug susceptibility profiles of difficult-to-treat (DTT) TB patients in Ghana. METHODS: Sputum samples obtained from DTT-TB cases from health facilities across Ghana were processed for rapid diagnosis and detection of drug resistance using the Genotype MTBDRplus and Genotype MTBDRsl.v2 from Hain Life science. RESULTS: A total of 298 (90%) out of 331 sputum samples processed gave interpretable bands out of which 175 (58.7%) were resistant to at least one drug (ANY(r)); 16.8% (50/298) were isoniazid-mono-resistant (INH(r)), 16.8% (50/298) were rifampicin-mono-resistant (RIF(r)), and 25.2% (75/298) were MDR. 24 (13.7%) of the ANY(r) were additionally resistant to at least one second line drug: 7.4% (2 RIF(r), 1 INH(r), and 10 MDR samples) resistant to only FQs and 2.3% (2 RIF(r), 1 INH(r), and 1 MDR samples) resistant to AMG drugs kanamycin (KAN), amikacin (AMK), capreomycin (CAP), and viomycin (VIO). Additionally, there were 4.0% (5 RIF(r) and 2 MDR samples) resistant to both FQs and AMGs. 81 (65.6%) out of 125 INH-resistant samples including INH(r) and MDR had katG-mutations (MT) whereas 15 (12%) had inhApro-MT. The remaining 28 (22.4%) had both katG and inhA MT. All the 19 FQ-resistant samples were gyrA mutants whereas the 10 AMGs were rrs (3), eis (3) as well as rrs, and eis co-mutants (4). Except for the seven pre-XDR samples, no sample had eis MT. CONCLUSION: The detection of several pre-XDR TB cases in Ghana calls for intensified drug resistance surveillance and monitoring of TB patients to, respectively, ensure early diagnosis and treatment compliance

    A scorecard of progress towards measles elimination in 15 west African countries, 2001-19: a retrospective, multicountry analysis of national immunisation coverage and surveillance data.

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    BACKGROUND: The WHO Regional Office for the Africa Regional Immunization Technical Advisory Group, in 2011, adopted the measles control and elimination goals for all countries of the African region to achieve in 2015 and 2020 respectively. Our aim was to track the current status of progress towards measles control and elimination milestones across 15 west African countries between 2001 and 2019. METHODS: We did a retrospective multicountry series analysis of national immunisation coverage and case surveillance data from Jan 1, 2001, to Dec 31, 2019. Our analysis focused on the 15 west African countries that constitute the Economic Community of West African States. We tracked progress in the coverage of measles-containing vaccines (MCVs), measles supplementary immunisation activities, and measles incidence rates. We developed a country-level measles summary scorecard using eight indicators to track progress towards measles elimination as of the end of 2019. The summary indicators were tracked against measles control and elimination milestones. FINDINGS: The weighted average regional first-dose MCV coverage in 2019 was 66% compared with 45% in 2001. 73% (11 of 15) of the west African countries had introduced second-dose MCV as of December, 2019. An estimated 4 588 040 children (aged 12-23 months) did not receive first-dose MCV in 2019, the majority (71%) of whom lived in Nigeria. Based on the scorecard, 12 (80%) countries are off-track to achieving measles elimination milestones; however, Cape Verde, The Gambia, and Ghana have made substantial progress. INTERPRETATION: Measles will continue to be endemic in west Africa after 2020. The regional measles incidence rate in 2019 was 33 times the 2020 elimination target of less than 1 case per million population. However, some hope exists as countries can look at the efforts made by Cape Verde, The Gambia, and Ghana and learn from them. FUNDING: None

    Characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 patients admitted to hospital with and without respiratory symptoms

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    Background: COVID-19 is primarily known as a respiratory illness; however, many patients present to hospital without respiratory symptoms. The association between non-respiratory presentations of COVID-19 and outcomes remains unclear. We investigated risk factors and clinical outcomes in patients with no respiratory symptoms (NRS) and respiratory symptoms (RS) at hospital admission. Methods: This study describes clinical features, physiological parameters, and outcomes of hospitalised COVID-19 patients, stratified by the presence or absence of respiratory symptoms at hospital admission. RS patients had one or more of: cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose or wheezing; while NRS patients did not. Results: Of 178,640 patients in the study, 86.4&nbsp;% presented with RS, while 13.6&nbsp;% had NRS. NRS patients were older (median age: NRS: 74 vs RS: 65) and less likely to be admitted to the ICU (NRS: 36.7&nbsp;% vs RS: 37.5&nbsp;%). NRS patients had a higher crude in-hospital case-fatality ratio (NRS 41.1&nbsp;% vs. RS 32.0&nbsp;%), but a lower risk of death after adjusting for confounders (HR 0.88 [0.83-0.93]). Conclusion: Approximately one in seven COVID-19 patients presented at hospital admission without respiratory symptoms. These patients were older, had lower ICU admission rates, and had a lower risk of in-hospital mortality after adjusting for confounders