71 research outputs found

    Recurrent leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminate: a case report

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    Leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata (LPD), a rare and unusual condition affecting mainly women of reproductive age, causes peritoneal and subperitoneal nodules formed by smooth muscle. Very few cases have been diagnosed since the disease was first described. We present a 42year old female who was managed for infertility and uterine myomata at a Municipal hospital in Ghana. Following a pelvic ultrasound diagnosis of multiple uterine myomata the patient was booked for myomectomy. At surgery to remove her myomata, the patient was found to have several peritoneal nodules some of which were attached to peritoneum, omentum and the surface of bowel loops in addition to a uterine myoma. The disease has since recurred twice after two laparotomies. The diagnosis was made by histopathology of ultrasound-guided biopsy of the nodules, and she has since been on GnRH analogue treatment. LPD simulates peritoneal carcinomatosis; thus, a good history, clinical evaluation, radiological imaging, and histopathologic analysis must be accurately diagnosed. Surgeons’ and Radiologists’ knowledge of the condition is fundamental to ensuring correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment and to minimising the probability of malignant transformation

    An additional human chromosome 21 causes suppression of neural fate of pluripotent mouse embryonic stem cells in a teratoma model

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    Background: Down syndrome (DS), caused by trisomy of human chromosome 21 (HSA21), is the most common genetic cause of mental retardation in humans. Among complex phenotypes, it displays a number of neural pathologies including smaller brain size, reduced numbers of neurons, reduced dendritic spine density and plasticity, and early Alzheimer-like neurodegeneration. Mouse models for DS show behavioural and cognitive defects, synaptic plasticity defects, and reduced hippocampal and cerebellar neuron numbers. Early postnatal development of both human and mouse-model DS shows the reduced capability of neuronal precursor cells to generate neurons. The exact molecular cause of this reduction, and the role played by increased dosage of individual HSA21 genes, remain unknown.Results: We have subcutaneously injected mouse pluripotent ES cells containing a single freely segregating supernumerary human chromosome 21 (HSA21) into syngeneic mice, to generate transchromosomic teratomas. Transchromosomic cells and parental control cells were injected into opposite flanks of thirty mice in three independent experiments. Tumours were grown for 30 days, a time-span equivalent to combined intra-uterine, and early post-natal mouse development. When paired teratomas from the same animals were compared, transchromosomic tumours showed a three-fold lower percentage of neuroectodermal tissue, as well as significantly reduced mRNA levels for neuron specific (Tubb3) and glia specific (Gfap) genes, relative to euploid controls. Two thirds of transchromosomic tumours also showed a lack of PCR amplification with multiple primers specific for HSA21, which were present in the ES cells at the point of injection, thus restricting a commonly retained trisomy to less than a third of HSA21 genes.Conclusion: We demonstrate that a supernumerary chromosome 21 causes Inhibition of Neuroectodermal Differentiation (INDI) of pluripotent ES cells. The data suggest that trisomy of less than a third of HSA21 genes, in two chromosomal regions, might be sufficient to cause this effect

    T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma 1 (TCL1): An Oncogene Regulating Multiple Signaling Pathways

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    Almost 30 years ago, Carlo Croce's group discovered the T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma 1A oncogene (TCL1A or TCL1). TCL1 protein is normally expressed in fetal tissues and early developmental stage lymphocytes. Its expression is deregulated in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) and most lymphomas. TCL1 plays a central role in lymphomagenesis as a co-activator of AKT kinases and other recently elucidated interacting protein partners. These include ATM, HSP70 and TP63, which were all confirmed as binding partners of TCL1 from co-immunoprecipitation experiments utilizing endogenously expressed proteins. The nature of these interactions highlighted the role of TCL1 in enhancing multiple signaling pathways, including PI3K and NF-ÎşB. Based on its role in the aforementioned pathways and, despite the lack of a well-defined enzymatic activity, TCL1 is considered a potential therapeutic target for TCL1-positive hematological malignancies. This perspective will provide an overview of TCL1A and its interacting partners

    Characterization of GECPAR, a noncoding RNA that regulates the transcriptional program of diffuse large B cell lymphoma

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    Enhancers are regulatory regions of DNA, which play a key role in cell-type specific differentiation and development. Most active enhancers are transcribed into enhancer RNAs (eRNAs) that can regulate transcription of target genes by means of in cis as well as in trans action. eRNAs stabilize contacts between distal genomic regions and mediate the interaction of DNA with master transcription factors. Here, we characterised an enhancer RNA, GECPAR (GErminal Center Proliferative Adapter RNA), that is specifically transcribed in normal and neoplastic germinal center B-cells from the super-enhancer of POU2AF1, a key regulatory gene of the germinal center reaction. Using diffuse large B cell lymphoma cell line models, we demonstrated the tumor suppressor activity of GECPAR, which is mediated via its transcriptional regulation of proliferation and differentiation genes, particularly MYC and the Wnt pathway

    ETS Transcription Factors Control Transcription of EZH2 and Epigenetic Silencing of the Tumor Suppressor Gene Nkx3.1 in Prostate Cancer

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    ETS transcription factors regulate important signaling pathways involved in cell differentiation and development in many tissues and have emerged as important players in prostate cancer. However, the biological impact of ETS factors in prostate tumorigenesis is still debated.We performed an analysis of the ETS gene family using microarray data and real-time PCR in normal and tumor tissues along with functional studies in normal and cancer cell lines to understand the impact in prostate tumorigenesis and identify key targets of these transcription factors. We found frequent dysregulation of ETS genes with oncogenic (i.e., ERG and ESE1) and tumor suppressor (i.e., ESE3) properties in prostate tumors compared to normal prostate. Tumor subgroups (i.e., ERG(high), ESE1(high), ESE3(low) and NoETS tumors) were identified on the basis of their ETS expression status and showed distinct transcriptional and biological features. ERG(high) and ESE3(low) tumors had the most robust gene signatures with both distinct and overlapping features. Integrating genomic data with functional studies in multiple cell lines, we demonstrated that ERG and ESE3 controlled in opposite direction transcription of the Polycomb Group protein EZH2, a key gene in development, differentiation, stem cell biology and tumorigenesis. We further demonstrated that the prostate-specific tumor suppressor gene Nkx3.1 was controlled by ERG and ESE3 both directly and through induction of EZH2.These findings provide new insights into the role of the ETS transcriptional network in prostate tumorigenesis and uncover previously unrecognized links between aberrant expression of ETS factors, deregulation of epigenetic effectors and silencing of tumor suppressor genes. The link between aberrant ETS activity and epigenetic gene silencing may be relevant for the clinical management of prostate cancer and design of new therapeutic strategies

    Macrophage susceptibility to infection by Ghanaian Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex lineages 4 and 5 varies with self-reported ethnicity

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    BackgroundThe epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) lineage 5 (L5) infections in Ghana revealed a significantly increased prevalence in Ewes compared to other self-reported ethnic groups. In that context, we sought to investigate the early phase of tuberculosis (TB) infection using ex vivo infection of macrophages derived from the blood of Ewe and Akan ethnic group volunteers with MTBC L4 and L5 strains.MethodsThe study participants consisted of 16 controls, among which self-reported Akan and Ewe ethnicity was equally represented, as well as 20 cured TB cases consisting of 11 Akans and 9 Ewes. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated from both healthy controls and cured TB cases. CD14+ monocytes were isolated and differentiated into monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) before infection with L4 or L5 endemic strains. The bacterial load was assessed after 2 hours (uptake) as well as 3 and 7 days post-infection.ResultsWe observed a higher capacity of MDMs from Ewes to phagocytose L4 strains (p < 0.001), translating into a higher bacillary load on day 7 (p < 0.001) compared to L5, despite the higher replication rate of L5 in Ewe MDMs (fold change: 1.4 vs. 1.2, p = 0.03) among the controls. On the contrary, within macrophages from Akans, we observed a significantly higher phagocytic uptake of L5 (p < 0.001) compared to L4, also translating into a higher load on day 7 (p = 0.04). However, the replication rate of L4 in Akan MDMs was higher than that of L5 (fold change: L4 = 1.2, L4 = 1.1, p = 0.04). Although there was no significant difference in the uptake of L4 and L5 among cured TB cases, there was a higher bacterial load of both L4 (p = 0.02) and L5 (p = 0.02) on day 7 in Ewe MDMs.ConclusionOur results suggest that host ethnicity (driven by host genetic diversity), MTBC genetic diversity, and individual TB infection history are all acting together to modulate the outcome of macrophage infections by MTBC
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