4 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis perkembangan ekspor kopi Indonesia, harga ekspor kopi, produksi dan konsumsi kopi Indonesia, nilai tukar rupiah (kurs) di pasar internasional, dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penawaran ekspor kopi Indonesia. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dan metode kuantitatif, Metode kuantitatif yang digunakan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi volume ekspor kopi Indonesia dalam jangka pendek adalah dengan pendekatan Error Correction Model (ECM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan ekspor kopi Indonesia pada tahun 1990-2020 menunjukkan fluktuasi baik dalam volume, nilai, maupun harga ekspor kopi Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menggunakan ECM didapatkan bahwa penawaran ekspor kopi Indonesia dalam jangka pendek secara signifikan dipengaruhi oleh produksi kopi dan pengaruhnya positif. Sementara itu, penawaran ekspor kopi Indonesia dalam jangka panjang secara signifikan dipengaruhi oleh produksi kopi dan harga kopi internasional dan pengaruhnya positif. Sedangkan hanya pada jangka panjang, harga ekspor kopi mempengaruhi signifikan negatif terhadap penawaran ekspor kopi Indonesia. Implikasi kebijakan yang dapat diambil pemerintah untuk mempertahankan atau meningkatkan pangsa pasar dalam kondisi persaingan yang semakin ketat, maka produktivitas kopi harus ditingkatkan (menekan biaya produksi) sehingga harga relatif kopi Indonesia lebih murah dan pada akhirnya daya saing ekspor kopi Indonesia dapat meningkat. Selain itu, perlu adanya kebijakan diversifikasi produk kopi menjadi olahan kopi melalui penggunaan teknologi pasca panen sehingga mampu menciptakan nilai tambah kopi untuk mengatasi fluktuasi harga kopi domestik maupun internasional.Kata Kunci : Kopi, Ekspor, Error Corection Model, Harga, Nilai Tukar Rupia

    Knowledge and Attitudes of Health Science and Non-Health Sciences in the Use of Antibiotics in DKI Jakarta Province and Their Review from Islamic Perspectives

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    Background: Antibiotics are used to treat infectious diseases caused by bacteria, but because of the public's perception that killing antibiotics can be used for all diseases, and the easy access to antibiotics due to poor supervision causes the rationality of using antibiotics to be doubted. Antibiotics used not according to the rules will cause serious problems such as side effects of these drugs and antibiotic resistance.Methods: The method used is by distributing questionnaires to health and non-health sciences in DKI Jakarta Province. The number of samples is 161 people using stratified sampling technique.Results: The results showed that in the knowledge category, health sciences had good knowledge of 33%, while non-health sciences had good knowledge of 6.6%. From the overall cross tabulation of 161 people, the majority of respondents had a good level of knowledge and a positive attitude of 81.1%.Conclusion: The conclusion in this study is that health sciences have more broad insight to use antibiotics better when compared to non-health sciences. The ability of health professionals must be strengthened to prescribe and administer antibiotics appropriately and to communicate effectively with patients. Governments should promote specific information on the rational use of antibiotics and AMR to certain target groups

    Identifikasi Bakteri Escherichia Coli dari Air Minum Unggas di Peternakan Layer

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    This study aims to identify Escherichia coli bacteria from drinking water poultry in layer farms, Ponggok sub-district, Blitar district. 7 samples of water were collected from layer farms in the village of Kebonduren Ponggok Blitar. Water samples were examined for Escherichia coli bacteria using the Most Probable Number (MPN) method and analyzed descriptively. The results in this study were from 7 farms found 1 farm whose drinking water was contaminated with Escherichia coli bacteria, the number of E.coli was 210 MPN/100 ml, these results still met the MPN Coliform threshold value for class II farm water according to PP no 82 in 2001, which was 5000 MPN/100 ml of water and 2000 MPN/100 ml of E. coli