40 research outputs found

    Hubungan Praktik Pemberian Asi Eksklusif dengan Karakteristik Sosial, Demografi dan Faktor Informasi Tentang Asi dan Mp-asi (Studi di Kota Padang dan Kabupaten Solok Provinsi Sumatera Barat)

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    Background: Although the important of breast milk has been well known world wide, the number of exclusive breastfeeding is still low in most countries, including Indonesia. This research objective is to identify social demography characteristic and the influence of breast milk and weaning food information to 6 months exclusive breastfeeding in West Sumatera. Methods: Cross-sectional study design has been used. Population of this study was house holds and samples that had been chosen by simple randomized were mothers who had a baby aged 6–12 months (n = 637). Variables that had been analyzed were sample identity, information factor of breast milk and weaning food promotion and other supportive factors. To compare categorical variable which was respondent characteristic of exclusive breast milk and non-exclusive breast milk group, chi-square test had been used. Results: It is found a significant relationship between having information about breast milk and weaning food status and breastfeeding practice. Also it shows a significant relationship between colostrum feeding status and the continuing breastfeeding practice. However, there is no significant relationship between social-demography characteristic and the place of getting breast milk/weaning food information, the information for breast milk/weaning food, interpersonal contact about breast milk/weaning food and type of media information about breast milk/weaning food and breast feeding practice. Conclusion: having information of breast milk/weaning food, also colostrum feeding status are factors that influence breastfeeding status in West Sumatera. However, the place and medical birth delivery helper have less association to exclusive breast feeding practice

    Tekanan Darah Sistolik Penduduk Dewasa dengan Indeks Massa-Tubuh Normal di Indonesia: Analisis Riskesdas 2013

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    Abstrak Penduduk dewasa dengan tekanan darah sistolik (TDS) normal dan indeks massa-tubuh (IMT) normal dapat digunakan sebagai nilai acuan untuk mengembangkan nilai kecukupan asupan zat gizi untuk orang dewasa. Data dari partisipan Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2013 dianalisis untuk penduduk Indonesia dewasa umur 25-59 tahun dengan IMT 18,5—24,9 kg/m2 (n = 19.401). Pada artikel ini, tekanan darah di atas normal merujuk ke TDS >115 mm Hg; itu meliputi kategori prahipertensi dan hipertensi seperti didefinisikan dalam JNC 7. Dua kategori TDS dari partisipan laki-laki dan perempuan tersebut dikelompokkan menjadi empat interval usia (25-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 tahun); lima jenjang pendidikan dan pekerjaan utama kepala keluarga; dua jenis tempat tinggal (kota, desa); lima kuintil kepemilikan; dan 33 provinsi di Indonesia. Di antara orang dewasa dengan IMT normal, 26,2% laki-laki dan 37,6% perempuan memiliki TDS normal. Persentase TDS normal paling tinggi dijumpai pada interval umur termuda, kuintil paling tinggi dan tinggal di kota. Makin bertambah usia, semakin rendah persentase TDS normal. Empat provinsi yang mempunyai persentase tertinggi laki-laki dengan TDS normal adalah Papua Barat, DKI Jakarta, Gorontalo, dan Bali. Sementara empat provinsi yang memiliki persentase paling tinggi perempuan dengan TDS normal ialah Kepulauan Riau, Sulawesi Barat, DKI Jakarta, dan Bali. Bila IMT dan TDS normal orang dewasa akan digunakan antara lain untuk nilai acuan, seperti untuk mengembangkan nilai kecukupan asupan zat gizi untuk orang dewasa, perlu mempertimbangkan nilai batas TDS dan tempat tinggi, terutama kota. Abtract Adult population with normal systolic blood pressure (SBP) among those with normal body-mass index (BMI) can be used as a reference value to develop the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) for Adult Data from participants of the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2013 were analyzed for Indonesian adult population aged 25 to 59 years with BMI 18,5—24,9 kg/m2 (n = 19 401). In this paper, above-normal blood pressure refers to SBP >115 mm Hg; this includes all categories of prehypertension and hypertension as defined in 7th report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 7). The two SBP categories of man and woman participants were grouped into fourths of the age intervals (25-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 years); fifths of the educational and main job level of head of household; two types of residence (urban, rural); fifths of the expenditure level per capita per month; and 33rd of the Indonesian provinces. Among adults with normal BMI, 26,2% of men and 37,6% of women had normal SBP. Percentage of the highest normal SBP found in the youngest age interval, the highest quintile and the urban residence. As we get older, the lower the percentage of normal SBP. The four provinces that have the highest percentage of men with normal SBP were West Papua, DKI Jakarta, Gorontalo, and Bali. The four provinces having the highest percentage of women with normal SBP were Riau Island, West Sulawesi, DKI Jakarta, and Bali. If the adult’s normal BMI and SBP will be used among other things for a reference value, such as to develop the DRI, it is necessary to consider the SBP thresholds and residence, in particular the urban


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    This research was carried out because of the interest of researchers in the work agreements made by soccer players with the AREMA FC club. Work agreements that are regulated in legislation often have problems in the field, not least in the world of football. Starting from the existence of salary arrears, until the player's rights are not fulfilled. This is certainly very detrimental to the player as a party employed. Therefore, recently Indonesia was in the international spotlight because of FIFA sanctions related to the problems of arrears in salaries of soccer players by several clubs. This study aims to determine the form of default in the employment agreement between Club AREMA FC and its players as well as how to settle the default in implementing its work agreement. This research is a type of empirical research, namely by going directly to the field to find work agreement data to AREMA management and players. The approach used is case approach to measure the implementation of work agreements in the field. Data collection techniques used are interviews, in this case AREMA management and the players concerned. The results obtained by the researchers are that there has been a default made by the AREMA football club to the players. There was a delay in the fulfillment of protracted salaries, in resolving disputes there are still normative problems because PSSI has not yet been regulated in detail, so that it still leaves some problems in resolving disputes between clubs and soccer players in Indonesia

    Hubungan Konsumsi Makanan Ibu Selama Kehamilan dan Pemberian Asi Pertama Kali Setelah Melahirkan (Association Of Maternal Food Consumption During Pregnancy And The First TIME Breastfeeding After Delivery)

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    Background: Ability to produce breast-milk is to some extent dependent on the storage of material from the mother\u27s food during the prenatal period, as well as on the supply of nutrients from the food she receives during lactation. Objective: To study association of maternal food consumption during pregnancy and the first time breastfeeding after delivery. Methods: We took advantage from a cross-sectional research for Development of Media and Promotional Strategies for Exclusive Breastfeeding in rural and urban West Java, 2006. The analysis is based on 609 mothers who had infants aged 6-12 months in the Bandung city and district, West Java. ‘The first time breastfeeding after delivery\u27 was identified from the question of ‘how many hours after birth did mother breastfeed her child for the first time\u27. We used Chi-Square to analyze the association between the mother\u27s food consumption during prenatal period and the first time breastfeeding after delivery. Results: Mothers who ate more food during pregnancy as much as 1-2 servings per day of pre-pregnancy and the occasional drink of milk to the baby was feeding time less than 3 hours after birth. Whereas mothers who during pregnancy eating just the same as before pregnancy, the first time breastfeeding was longer than 3 hours or even up to 2 days after delivery. The test results obtained was statistically significant difference. Conclusion: Maternal food consumption during pregnancy is significantly associated with the first time breastfeeding after delivery. [Penel Gizi Makan 2010, 33(2): 154-160

    Penggunaan Garam Beriodium Oleh Masyarakat: Studi Kasus Di 12 Desa Di Propinsi Jawa Timur Dan Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mempelajari penggunaan garam beriodium oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan secara cross-sectional di enam desa Propinsi Jatim dan enam desa Propinsi NTB. Responden adalah 60 ibu rumah tangga per desa di Jatim dan 50 ibu rumah tangga per desa di NTB. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah keadaan sosial-ekonomi keluarga, konsumsi garam beriodium, pengetahuan tentang penyakit gondok endemik dan ketersediaan garam beriodium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkkan bahwa lebih dari 86% responden di Jatim menggunakan garam beriodium sehari-hari sedangkan di NTB hanya 10-16%. Di Jatim nampaknya responden sudah mengetahui manfaat garam beriodium disamping ditunjang oleh ketersediaan garam beriodium di desa sehingga penggunaan garam beriodiium di Jatim lebih tinggi. Hanya sebagian kecil responden di Jatim yang tidak menggunakan garaam beriodium karena faktor kebiasaan dan harga garam beriodium yang dirasakan lebih mahal. Responden desa-desa penelitian di Jatim memperoleh pengetahuan tentang penyakit gondok dan manfaat garam beriodium dari kader Posyandu dan petugas Puskesmas. Di NTB persentase ibu rumah tangga yang menggunakan garam beriodium masih rendah. Hal ini disebabkan sebagian besar (78-90%) responden belum mengetahui manfaat garam beriodium karena di desa-desa penelitian di NTB belum ada kegiatan penyuluhan yang berkaitan dengan penyakit gondok endemik. Selain itu juga disebabkan oleh ketersediaan garam beriodium di NTB yang nampaknya masih kurang

    Faktor-faktor Positif Untuk Meningkatkan Potensi Kader Posyandu Dalam Upaya Mencapai Keluarga Sadar Gizi (Kadarzi)

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    POSITIVE FACTORS TO INCREASE THE POTENTIAL OF CADRE'S INTEGRATED SERVICES POST IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THE NUTRITION AWARENESS FAMILY.Background: One of indicators of the nutrition awareness family (KADARZI) is family member's attendance for health and growth monitoring to POSYANDU, especially children aged 1-5 years (8ALITA) and pregnant women. The successful of BALITA growth monitoring depends on the cadre ability to conduct the POSYANDU activities, among others.Objectives: The objective of this study is to describe the positive factors related to POSYANDU cadre ability to increase the family nutrition awareness regarding BALITA growth monitoring.Methods: Cross­ sectional survey was used in this study. The study was conducted in 16 POSYANDU of the Kampar and Pelalawan Districts, Riau Province, and covered 58 cadres as respondents. Interview with respondents was used to collect data using a questionnaire.Results: All cadres are women and most of them are 21-40 of age about 50 percent that having high school education, and almost all of respondents work as housekeeper. Motivation to be cadres is mainly for helping the community member or village development. About 53 percent of cadres had never received training, and the rest of cadres had received training only once although they have been a cadre for more than two years. Besides, most of the POSYANDU has no materials or booklets for community education. About 71 percent cadres have no booklet and about 52 percent have never given information to the community because they have no knowledge in nutrition counseling. Cadre knowledge in growth curve interpretation in the growth chart is very low; it was only nine percent of cadre that able to interpret growth curve correctly. Only two percent cadre knows that the weight change in monthly weighing should be told to mother in nutrition counseling. In order to increase nutrition awareness family, particularly in growth monitoring, the POSYANDU should be revitailzed by improving the cadre ability in growth graph interpretation as well as growth monitoring, nutrition counseling, and provide means of communication in POSYANDU activities