6 research outputs found

    Programas de interven??o com homens na lei Maria da Penha : viol?ncias contra as mulheres, masculinidades e responsabiliza??o sem dor.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Direito. Departamento de Direito, Escola de Direito, Turismo e Museologia, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.A disserta??o tem por objetivo analisar se os programas de interven??o com homens autores de viol?ncia podem funcionar, em releitura do sistema de justi?a penal e a partir da compreens?o da interconex?o entre masculinidades e viol?ncia, como instrumentos de enfrentamento da viol?ncia contra a mulher e responsabiliza??o sem dor. Assim, parte-se, em um primeiro momento, dos estudos da racionalidade penal moderna (PIRES, 2004), que desnudam a incapacidade de o direito penal apresentar solu??es aos conflitos sem a imposi??o de dor. No ?mbito das rela??es de afeto, o binarismo crime-pena n?o conseguiria, de modo adequado, suprir as necessidades dos envolvidos no conflito, especialmente da mulher, v?tima de quem se apropria o conflito e a quem se devolve uma resposta que, em quase todos os casos, n?o atenderia as suas necessidades. Mas se o direito penal n?o ? capaz, na sua estrutura tradicional, de apresentar respostas penais adequadas aos conflitos, qual a raz?o da escolha dos programas de interven??o com homens, como via distinta, dentre todas as poss?veis pr?ticas de restauratividade? A resposta a esse questionamento consiste justamente no segundo ponto do estudo, que pretende compreender a raz?o pela qual a no??o de masculinidade constitui elemento-chave da g?nese da viol?ncia contra mulher, isto ?, pretende-se trabalhar a constru??o social das identidades masculinas (CONNELL, 2003; BOURDIEU, 2012) e apontar a vincula??o entre essa constru??o e o uso da viol?ncia contra a mulher, que sobressai como forma de controle masculino dos dissensos nas rela??es de afeto. Feito esse percurso, se passar? ao estudo dos programas de interven??o com homens autores de viol?ncia propriamente ditos, especialmente quanto ? ess?ncia e principais requisitos, com a finalidade de comprova??o ou refuta??o da hip?tese. Nessa oportunidade, ser?o trazidos dados colhidos em pesquisa de campo em uma comarca da zona da mata mineira.The dissertation aims to analise that intervention programs with male perpetrators, in a rereading of the criminal justice system, can be, based on an understanding of the interconnection between masculinities and violence, instruments to fight violence against women and to hold responsible men without pain. Therefore, the start point lies on the studies of modern criminal rationality (PIRES, 2004; 2011), which exposes the inability of criminal law to present solutions to conflicts without the imposition of pain. In the context of affective relations, the crime-punishment binarism can not adequately meet the needs of those involved in the conflict, especially the woman, the victim whose the conflict is appropriate from and to whom the response, in almost all cases, does not meet her needs. However, if criminal law is not capable, in its traditional structure, of presenting adequate penal responses to conflicts, what is the reason for choosing, as a third way, intervention programmes with men among all possible restorative justice technologies? The answer to this questioning consists precisely in the second point of the study, which seeks to understand why the notion of masculinity is a keyelement of the genesis of violence against women, or, what is the role of the construction of masculine identities (CONNELL, 2003; BOURDIEU, 2012) in the context of violence against women. Once this is done, we will study intervention programs with male perpetrators of violence, especially regarding the essence and requirements, with the intention of proving the hypothesis. In this opportunity, data will be collected from field research in one county of Minas Gerais, Brazil

    Restorative justice as a mechanism for horizontalization of penal conflicts and recognition of victims as subjects of rights.

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    Este artigo discute a necessidade de supera??o do modelo processual penal fundamentado na neutraliza??o da v?tima e consequente expropria??o do conflito pelo Estado, como f?rmula ?nica para solu??o do caso penal. Com foco nesse modelo processual, questiona-se se a sua l?gica de fato atende ?s necessidades das v?timas, respeitando seus direitos e garantias fundamentais. Em seguida, indaga-se sobre a necessidade de se discutir, ainda que de forma coadjuvante ao modelo vigente, um novo modelo de solu??o consensual de conflitos penais, marcado pela constru??o de procedimentos dial?gicos e horizontais como forma de resposta ao delito. Para tanto, o presente artigo possui como marco a no??o de justi?a horizontalizada, apontada por Nils Christie, que trabalha a import?ncia de se construir uma justi?a que se atenha ?s especificidades dos personagens centrais do conflito penal ? ofensores e v?timas ? para uma constru??o participada na decis?o do caso penal. Por fim, analisa-se se a Justi?a Restaurativa tem potencial suficiente para conferir a autonomia necess?ria ?s v?timas para que sejam, efetivamente, compreendidas como sujeitos de direitos.This article discusses the need to overcome the criminal procedural model based on the neutralization of the victim and the consequent expropriation of the conflict by the State, as the only formula for solving the criminal case. Focusing on this procedural model, it is questioned whether its logic actually meets the needs of victims, respecting their fundamental rights and guarantees. The next question is about the urge to discuss, even in a way that is compatible with the current model, a new model of consensual solution of criminal conflicts, marked by the construction of dialogical and horizontal procedures as a response to crime. This article is based on the notion of horizontal justice, pointed out by Nils Christie, which demonstrates the importance to build a justice that fits the specificities of the central characters of the criminal conflict ? offenders and victims ? to a participative decision of the criminal case. Finally, it is analyzed if the Restorative Justice has sufficient potential to confer the necessary autonomy to the victims so that they are effectively understood as subject of rights

    Sterile clay pozzolans from phosphate mining.

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    The work presents the characterization of clays from sterile mining of the concentrated phosphatic materials of Arax? in Minas Gerais as pozzolanic materials. Three clays of distinct tones, namely, yellow (YC), red (RC), and intermediate (IC) clays, were used at different levels of excavation depth. The clays were calcined at three temperatures (680, 760, and 840 ?C) in a muffle-type electric oven. The pozzolanic activity levels of the calcined clays was measured through the conductivity change in saturated Ca(OH)2 solutions and also from the result of the compressive failure load achieved by mortars with 35% of the Portland cement replaced with the calcined material. The results indicated that the calcined clays showed a high level of pozzolanic activity and can be used as a partial substitute for Portland cement, thus suggesting the possibility of recovering this sterile material