101 research outputs found


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    In the dif?cult conditions of the contemporary society which are far from being favorable to maintain one’s emotional and physical health the problem of development and achievement of emotional maturity as a factor of the well-being is getting more signi?cant. Based on the theoretical concepts of different scientists who de?ned the construct of emotional maturity three groups of psychological methods for assessing emotional maturity are analyzed. The ?rst group includes the methods that are used to assess emotional maturity explicitly and have a theoretical or empirical veri?cation. The second group includes the methods that are intended to assess emotional maturity as a separate scale complimented by other scales, related to evaluating other aspects of emotionality in  the  structure  of  the  personality.  The  third  group  includes  the  methods  in  which  emotional maturity is mentioned in the description of other psychic phenomena, or in the interpretation of certain factors (scales). Psychodiagnostic methods studying different parameters depending on the theoretical concepts of the authors about the structure and content of the emotional maturity of the personality make references to concepts of emotional development, consciousness, cognitive and volitional capacities of the personality and the coping strategies the individual prefer to use. The problem of developing valid and reliable psychodiagnostic methods of studying emotional maturity of the adult personality as a holistic phenomenon still awaits attention and retains its signi?cance.Рассмотрены теоретические основы изучения эмоциональной зрелости личности, приведены ее характерные признаки. Рассмотрены и проанализированы некоторые методики  психологической  диагностики,  которые  измеряют  эмоциональную  зрелость  в  различных  контекстах:  как  самостоятельный  конструкт;  как  компонент в составе определенных параметров особенностей личности (в качестве отдельной шкалы); как один из характерных признаков в интерпретации отдельных факторов (шкал).Розглянуто теоретичні основи вивчення емоційної зрілості особистості, наведено її характерні ознаки. Розглянуто й проаналізовано деякі методики психологічної діагностики, які вимірюють емоційну зрілість у різноманітних контекстах: як самостійний конструкт; як компонент у складі певних параметрів особливостей особистості (в якості окремої шкали); як характерну ознаку в описі досліджуваних показників

    Discriminability of tryptophan containing dipeptides using quantum control

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    We show that the coherent manipulation of molecular wavepackets in the excited states of trp-containing dipeptides allows efficient discrimination among them. Optimal dynamic discrimination fails, however, for some dipeptide couples. When considering the limited spectral resources at play (3nm bandwidth at 266nm), we discuss the concept of discriminability, which appears uncorrelated to both static spectra and relaxation lifetime

    Acute mitral chodae rupture in the early postcovid in heavy physical active men. Case series

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    The opinion that COVID-19 is a greater threat only to the elderly people has changed over the past year. Experience has been accumulated in the development of complications of varying severity in young patients who had optimal health indicators before infection. The consequences of myocarditis are most dangerous, especially in athletes and military personnel. We present a series of clinical cases of spontaneous mitral valve chordae rupture in highly trained middle-aged men in the early post-COVID period. In all cases, the infection proceeded subclinically; SARS-CoV-2 was verified only by analysis for IgM. 1–2 weeks after infection, against the background of a routine training process, patients felt pain in the heart area, which was underestimated. Patients presented for help at 2 and 10 weeks with complaints of reduced endurance and shortness of breath. Echocardiography revealed rupture of one of the chords of the anterior part of the mitral valve against the background of signs of myocarditis with the development of valvular insufficiency of the 1st degree. By the time of treatment, the pathology of other laboratory data and ECG was not observed. The control after 6 months showed in 1 patient a focus of myocardial fibrosis according to MRI, a minimal increase in NT-proBNP, a decrease in exercise tolerance, in 2 patients there was no visible fibrosis, normal NT-proBNP and complete restoration of exercise tolerance, but a decrease in local myocardial deformation according to echocardiography

    Results of Epizootiological Monitoring of Small Mammals Habitant in Crimea Over the Period of 2015–2017

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    Objective of this work is to analyze the spatial distribution of various species of small mammals, caught between 2015 and 2017, and to identify the dominant species in different landscape areas, as well as their role in functioning of natural foci of zoonotic infections (tularemia, leptospirosis, tick-borne encephalitis, Lyme disease, Crimean hemorrhagic fever, hantavirus infection) in the territory of Crimea. Materials and methods. Small mammals were caught during the period of 2015–2017 and investigated using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) and direct hemagglutination reaction. Results and conclusions. The dominant species of small mammals, containing the causative agents of some or other natural-focal infection are ubiquitous species, i.e. disseminated across the territory of the whole peninsula. In the presence of concomitant favorable conditions, they may contribute to the expansion of the natural foci of these infections. Positive tests for Lyme disease detected not only in small mammals caught in mountain-forest areas, but in steppe zone too may testify to the fact that the border of the natural focus of this infection is expanded. To clarify the boundaries of the natural foci of infections circulating in the territory of Crimea, it is necessary to conduct comprehensive analysis of distribution of small mammals, blood-sucking ectoparasites, and also epidemic manifestations in different natural areas of Crimea

    Management of personnel motivation

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    The article examines the involvement of doctors and students of the medical university in the work process by means of a questionnaire.В статье рассматривается вовлеченность врачей и студентов медицинского университета в рабочий процесс с помощью анкетирования

    Characteristics of insulin therapy of diabetes mellitus type 1 in children and adolescents receiving glucocorticoids

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    BACKGROUND: In coexistence of diabetes mellitus type 1 (DM1) with severe autoimmune and inflammatory diseases some patients need simultaneous administration of insulin and glucocorticoids (GC). GC therapy in patients with DM1 can worsen glycemic control. AIM: To determine characteristics of insulin therapy of DM1 in children and adolescents receiving GC. DESCRIPTION OF CLINICAL CASES: We observed 5 patients with DM1 receiving GC for juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), juvenile systemic sclerosis (JSS), juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM), ulcerative colitis (UC), and reactive arthritis (RA). Intra-articular administration of GC did not significantly influence glycemic control. In case of GC pulse therapy hyperglycemia and increased insulin requirements were recognized in 3–6 hours after GC receipt, persisted from few hours up to 3 days after each administration. While therapy with oral GC in high doses the worst glycemic control was registered in daylight hours. To overcome insulin resistance change of time of injection and 10%-increase of long-acting insulin analogue, additional injections of ultrashort-acting insulin analogues, temporal prescription of short-acting human insulin were used. While GC therapy insulin daily dose was individual and could reach 2.0 U/kg. After transition to maintaining doses of GC or discontinuation of GC therapy patients returned to standard or relatively low insulin requirements. Levels of glycosylated hemoglobin differed significantly among patients at different stages of treatment, were maximal while long-term therapy with high doses of oral GC, but mostly depended on patient’s compliance. CONCLUSION: Bettering of glycemic control while receiving GC can be reached by timely dose correction of insulin therapy, selection of individual schemes, taking into account time of receipt and pharmacokinetic characteristics of GC. Adherence of the patient and his family to treatment of DM1 plays an important role in glycemic control

    Analysis of the dynamics and structure of morbidity of athletes of the national teams of Moscow based on the results of medical examination

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    Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze the structure and dynamics of morbidity of athletes, members of sports teams of the city of Moscow based on the results of an in-depth medical examination in the period 2017–2021.Materials and methods: The data of the medical examination of athletes, which took place at the Moscow scientific and Practical Center for Medical Rehabilitation, restorative and sports medicine, including instrumental, functional and laboratory studies from 2017 to 2021, were analyzed. In 2017, 15176 athletes were examined, in 2018 and 2019, 11200, in 2020, 10080 people and in 2021–11922 athletes.Results: The results of the study showed an increase in the proportion of amenorrhea within the triad of athletes, an increase in general therapeutic morbidity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, among which the proportion of secondary hyperbilirubinemia in 2021 increased 3 times compared to 2020, which, in our opinion, is also due to the impact of the pandemic and quarantine restrictions.The high prevalence of ophthalmological morbidity of athletes and changes in the cardiovascular system is shown. During 2017–2021, a change in the structure of cardiac morbidity was revealed in the form of an increase in the proportion of cardiac arrhythmias and hypertensive response to stress.An increase in the endocrine morbidity of athletes in 2021 was revealed due to an increase in the proportion of hypothyroidism and more frequent detection of hyperthyroidism, possibly related to the COVID-19 pandemic, which requires further research.There was also an increase in diseases of the skin and genitourinary system in athletes. Psychological problems of athletes increased during the observation period from 2017 to 2021. There was no significant dynamics of surgical and traumatological diseases, otolaryngological pathologу.Conclusion: The results of the study indicate the importance of regular full-fledged examination of athletes, identification of various functional disorders and diseases for their timely prevention and treatment in order to preserve the health of athletes and improve athletic performance

    A miniature world in decline: European Red List of Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts

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    AimThis Red List is a summary of the conservation status of the European species of mosses, liverworts and hornworts, collectively known as bryophytes, evaluated according to IUCN’s Guidelines for Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at Regional Level. It provides the first comprehensive, region-wide assessment of bryophytes and it identifies those species that are threatened with extinction at a European level, so that appropriate policy measures and conservation actions, based on the best available evidence, can be taken to improve their status.ScopeAll bryophytes native to or naturalised in Europe (a total of 1,817 species), have been included in this Red List. In Europe, 1,796 species were assessed, with the remaining 21 species considered Not Applicable (NA). For the EU 28, 1,728 species were assessed, with a remaining 20 species considered NA and 69 species considered Not Evaluated (NE). The geographical scope is continentwide, extending from Iceland in the west to the Urals in the east, and from Franz Josef Land in the north to theCanary Islands in the south. The Caucasus region is not included. Red List assessments were made at two regional levels: for geographical Europe and for the 28 Member States of the European Union.ResultsOverall, 22.5% of European bryophyte species assessed in this study are considered threatened in Europe, with two species classified as Extinct and six assessed as Regionally Extinct (RE). A further 9.6% (173 species) are considered Near Threatened and 63.5% (1,140 species) are assessed as Least Concern. For 93 species (5.3%), there was insufficient information available to be able to evaluate their risk of extinction and thus they were classified as Data Deficient (DD). The main threats identified were natural system modifications (i.e., dam construction, increases in fire frequency/intensity, and water management/use), climate change (mainly increasing frequency of droughts and temperature extremes), agriculture (including pollution from agricultural effluents) and aquaculture.RecommendationsPolicy measures• Use the European Red List as the scientific basis to inform regional/national lists of rare and threatened species and to identify priorities for conservation action in addition to the requirements of the Habitats Directive, thereby highlighting the conservation status of bryophytes at the regional/local level.• Use the European Red List to support the integration of conservation policy with the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and other national and international policies. For example, CAP Strategic Plans should include biodiversity recovery commitments that could anticipate, among others, the creation of Important Bryophyte Areas. An increased involvement of national environmental agencies in the preparation of these strategic plans, and more broadly in ongoing discussions on the Future CAP Green Architecture, would likely also ensure the design of conservation measures better tailored to conserve bryophytes in agricultural landscapes.• Update the European Red List every decade to ensure that the data remains current and relevant.• Develop Key Biodiversity Areas for bryophytes in Europe with a view to ensuring adequate site-based protection for bryophytes.Research and monitoring• Use the European Red List as a basis for future targeted fieldwork on possibly extinct and understudied species.• Establish a monitoring programme for targeted species (for example, threatened species and/or arable bryophytes).• Use the European Red List to obtain funding for research into the biology and ecology of key targeted species.Action on the ground• Use the European Red List as evidence to support multi-scale conservation initiatives, including designation of protected areas, reform of agricultural practices and land management, habitat restoration and rewilding, and pollution reduction measures.• Use the European Red List as a tool to target species that would benefit the most from the widespread implementation of the solutions offered by the 1991 Nitrates Directive (Council Directive 91/676/EEC), including the application of correct amounts of nutrients for each crop, only in periods of crop growth under suitable climatic conditions and never during periods of heavy rainfall or on frozen ground, and the creation of buffer zones to protect waters from run-off from the application of fertilizers.Ex situ conservation• Undertake ex situ conservation of species of conservation concern in botanic gardens and spore and gene banks, with a view to reintroduction where appropriate.</p