104 research outputs found

    Assessment of the Effect of Glycine, Oxalic Acid and Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium (NPK) Fertilizer as Nutrient Supplement Using Phosphate and Oxalic Acid as Indices

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    This study evaluated the release profiles of phosphate and oxalic acid in soils treated with oxalic acid a low molecular weight organic acid and glycine an amino acid compared with NPK fertilizer monitored over a period of 21 days. The soil treated with oxalic acid and glycine released higher phosphate and oxalic acid than that treated with NPK fertilizer. The soil treated with oxalic acid released higher phosphate than that which was treated with glycine while higher oxalic acid was observed in the soil treated with glycine rather than for that treated with oxalic acid. Significant effects were observed between the treatment and the length of time for phosphate release (P<0.05) while for the release of oxalic acid, there was no significant effect between the treatment (P>0.05) but with increase in length of time (P<0.05). This demonstrates the efficient ability of oxalic acid and glycine as substitutes for phosphate fertilizers

    Effects of Computer-Based Simulations on Senior Secondary School Students’ Performance in Physics Practical, Osun State, Nigeria

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    The study determined the effects of Computer-based Simulations (CBSs) on the academic performance of  senior secondary school students’ in Physics Practical. It also determined the influence of sex on the effects of the simulations on students’ academic performance in Physics practical. Pretest - posttest control group quasi experimental design was adopted for the study. Two intact classes of students of Physics in senior secondary II (SS II) were purposively selected for the study. The classes were randomly assigned into experimental and Control group. Physics Practical Performance Test (PPPT) was used for data gathering. Data collected were analysed using ANCOVA and 2 – way ANOVA. Results showed that CBSs had significant effects on students’ academic performance in Physics practical (F(1,74) = 5.51; p &lt; 0.05). Sex has no significant influence on the effect of CBSs on students’ academic performance in Physics practical (F(1,74) = 0.05; p &gt; 0.05). It is therefore concluded that CBSs can be employed in the teaching of Physics practical at the senior secondary schools. Keywords: Computer-based simulations, Learning Outcomes, Physics practical, Senior secondary II (SSII). DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-21-06 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Comparative evaluation of the nutritional benefits of some underutilised plants leaves

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    Edible plants are good nutrients sources. Seven lesser known plant leaves (Tecoma stans (Tecom), Solenostemon monostachyus (SoleMon), Ficus exasperata (FicEx), Senna fistula (SenFist), Citrullus lanatus (CitLan), Ocimum gratissimum (OciGrat) and Ipomea involucrata (Ipocrata)) were assessed for their nutrients along with those commonly used for nutritional and medicinal purposes. Tecom (46.27 %); CitLan (58.22 %); SoleMon (4.64 %) and SenFist (5.12 %); SenFist (26.19 %); and FicEx (20.94 %) exhibited highest carbohydrate; protein; fat; crude fibre; and ash respectively. Variable levels of minerals were found in all except in OciGrat, FicEx, Tecom, Vernonia amygdalina and Talinum triangulare that lack copper. Ipocrata and Cymbopogon citratus were adequately rich in all the bulk nutrients. Cadmium and lead were generally high in all the plants. The underutlised leaves may useful as medicinal foods that are required in small quantity to prevent heavy metal toxicity

    Monetary Policy and Bank Credit in Nigeria: A Toda-Yamamoto Approach

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    &nbsp;The importance of money in economic life has made policy makers and other relevant stakeholders to accord special recognition to the conduct of monetary policy. This study investigated the relationship that exists between monetary policy instruments and Deposit Money Banks Loans and Advances in Nigeria. An annual time series data covering a period of 36years from 1981-2016 were sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria and used for the study. The relationship between monetary policy and credit creation of Deposit Money Banks was captured by monetary policy variables and structural changes in monetary policy. The study employed Toda and Yamamoto granger non-causality model to examine the relationship existing between Deposit Money Banks loan and advances and monetary policy variables in Nigeria. The findings revealed that structural changes in monetary policy system exerted positive significant impact on loan and advances of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria findings also revealed bidirectional relationship existing between MPR and loan and advances of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria. Precisely, MPR proved to be a significant variable which causes Deposit Money Bank loans and advances in Nigeria. The other explanatory variables; broad money supply (LM2),liquidity ratio (LR), inflation rate (IFR) and cash reserve ratio (CRR) does not granger cause loan and advances of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria within the study period. The study concluded that the structural change in monetary policy system &nbsp;and monetary policy rate have significant impact on loan and advances of deposit money banks in Nigeria .Hence, the study recommended that monetary authority should formulate policies that will stabilize interest rate so as to boost the investors&rsquo; confidence

    Analysis of food insecurity and hunger on nigeria’s poverty level

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    Food insecurity is lack of access to an adequate supply of affordable and wholesome food for a population. As a results of years of food decline, the number of individuals who experience poverty and consequently hunger have begun to rise on continual basis This study focuses on the food insecurity, hunger and poverty in Nigeria. The indicator of poverty is poverty rate while the indicators of food insecurity and hunger were food production index, prevalence of food inadequacy and number of the undernourished. The study employed autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model using time series data from 1990-2021. The study showed that food production index had negative impact on poverty level (p=.0008; t=-3.859645; coef. at -0.133758) and that undernourishment had significant negative impact on extreme poverty level (p=.0001; t=-4.861845). The study also found that the direction of causality between food production, hunger, and extreme poverty level showed that both food production and hunger granger caused extreme poverty (t=-4.152609, t=-2.250300 & t=5.317666 > t=2.0000).  The study suggested that in order to increase affordability, a distribution system for increased food production must be put in place to improve malnourishmen

    Improving nutritive value of fermented cereal porridge ‘Ogi’ by fortifying with Bambara nut

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    Ogi, a fermented cereal porridge made from maize (Zea mays), sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) or millet (Pennisetum typoideum), experiences nutritional loss during traditional method of production. Hence, this study was undertaken to improve the nutritive value of ‘Ogi’ by fortifying with Bambara nut, a nutritious legume rich in carbohydrate, moderate protein and low fat. Fortification ratio of Bambara to the commonly known substrates (maize, millet and sorghum grains) was 2:3 while the control was constituted with equal quantity of substrate without Bambara. Traditional process including steeping, grinding, sieving and souring was used. Microbiological and physicochemical analysis were carried out on the resulting fortified and unfortified Ogi at 0, 24, 48 and 72 hours during primary fermentation and at 0, 24 and 48 hours during secondary fermentation. Bacteria isolated include Lactobacillus fermentum, L. plantarum, Bacillus subtilis, Flavobacterium rigense, Proteus vulgaris, Flavobacterium aquantile and Bacillus alvei and the fungi include Geotrichum candidum, G. fermentum, Penicillium atrovene, Aspergillus niger, Rhizopus oryzae, etc. Reduction in pH of the fermenting substrates was noticed as fermentation progressed and this was accompanied with increase in total titratable acid (TTA) in all cases. Temperature was constant at 30 ± 2 °C. Proximate analysis of the final products revealed that more than 100% nutrient improvement in protein composition in fortified Ogi from sorghum and maize and 53.82% nutrient improvement in fortified Ogi from millet. There is also increase in the fat content of the fortified Ogi from sorghum, maize and millet by 38%, 57% and 174% respectively. Fortifying these cereals with Bambara nut also improved the ash content of sorghum and maize ‘ogi’ by 23.89% and 15.33%. The organoleptic assessment designed to measure appearance, sourness, flavour, taste, aroma/smell, acceptability and comparability among 32 untrained panellists at overall acceptability at 5% confidence level revealed that fortified Ogi made from maize was the most acceptable

    Research trend in the processing and application of macroporous ceramic components

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    Porous ceramic components with decently controlled porosity offers remarkable advantages in industrial and structural applications such as fluid filtration, thermal insulation and scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. In this review study of porous ceramic components, requisite processing techniques necessary for the development of porous ceramics with imbued microstructural model intended for a specific application. An appraisal of the fabrication was made with respect to their economic viability wherein cost effective methods having great potentials in decently controlling the pore network imbued within the host ceramic matrix was preferred over the capital intensive counterparts

    Assessment of Antiphospholipid Antibodies, CD4 Count and Some Haematological Parameters in HIV Patients attending a Tertiary Health Institution in South-Western Nigeria

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    Antiphospholipid antibodies (aPLs) are the serological markers used in the diagnosis of the antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). HIV infe ction has been as sociated with an elevated aPls level, but its link to the APS with clin ical thrombosis is still been investigated . This study is designed to determine and correlate serum level of antiphospholipid antibodies with CD4 count and some haematological parameters of HIV se ropositive subjects in comparison to those of healthy controls and also to compare these parameters between an tiretroviral therapy (ART) naïve and treated patients. Methodology: A cohort of 110 patients which consist of 90 HIV positive Patients (22 males and 68 females) and 20 HIV negative patients (10 males and 10 females) which serve as control attending Babcock University Teaching Hospital (BUTH) Ilisha n-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria were recruited for the cross-sectional study. HIV anti bodies were detected using 3 rapid diagnostic kits (Determine, Unigold and Stat Pak). CD4+ cells were counted us ing Partec® Cyflow Counter (Germany). The Full Blood Count was analyzed using the Sysmex® Auto mated Haematology Analyzer (Kobe-Japan). Antiphospholipid antibodies (aPLs) were assayed using the Human Anti-Phospholipid Screen IgG/IgM ELISA kit (Alpha Diagnostic International, Texas, U SA). Results: The present study showed that the mean se rum antiphospholipid antibody level was significantly (P<0.001) higher in HIV positive Pa tients (11.83±7.36u/ml) compared to the control group (7.30±3.95u/ml). While on one hand, there was a strong positive correlation between serum aPLs level and PLT (r= 0.044), MCHC (r= 0.084) and LYM (r= 0.105) in HIV infection; on the other hand, there was a strong negative correl ation with CD4 count (r= -0.094), PCV (r= -0.099), Hb (r= - 0.072), RBC (r= -0.003), WBC (r= -0.063), MNO (r= -0 .213), GRA (r= -0.003), MCV (r= -0.023) and MCH (r= -0.005). Also, there was no significant diffe rences (P>0.05) between the aPLs level of HIV group on ART (11.44±7.74 u/ml) and those not on ART (12.00±7.24 u/ml). Some haematological parameters like PLT, PCV, Hb, RBC and red cell indices of the HIV group on ART did not differ significantly from those not on ART. However, the CD4 count (638.89±119.56 cell/ μ L), WBC (5.38±1.49X10 3 / μ L), LYM (51.43±7.99%) and GRA (46.30±10. 18%) of the HIV group on ART were significant higher than those not on ART (465.30±145.92 cell/ μ L, 4.55±1.57X10 3 / μ L, 42.23±10.96% and 39.10±7.81%, respectively). Conclusion: Significant elevated aPLs level is present in HIV infection; however, the information obtained is not sufficient to indicate the occurrence of anti-phospholipid sy ndrome in HIV infection. There was no strong relationship between aPLs level and indicators of immunohaematological abnormalities in HIV infection. This finding is plausible and would therefore require further investigation

    Effect of Drip Irrigation Frequency and N-Fertilization on Soil Physical Properties, Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L) in Ado Ekiti, Southwestern Nigeria

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    Soil water budgets are essential in determining the proper timing and amount of optimal irrigation for improving water and nutrient use efficiency in vegetable production A field experiment was therefore setup at the Teaching and Research Farm, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ekiti State University, Ekiti State, Nigeria during 2015 dry season to evaluate the effect of drip irrigation frequency and N-fertilization on soil physical properties, yield and water use efficiency of cucumber (Cucumis sativus). The experiment was a 3x2 factorial in randomized complete block design, with split-plot arrangement in three replications. The main block consisted of three levels of drip irrigation frequency: daily water application (ID), twice weekly water application (I2W) and weekly water application (IW) while the sub-plots were nitrogen fertilization (No fertilizer (N0) and 80 kg N ha-1 (N80)). The results showed that soil bulk density (BD) and water content (SWC) of the 0-10 cm surface layer increased with time and was significantly highest from ID treatment compared with other treatments. N-fertilization had no influence on both BD and SWC whereas cucumber yield was significantly (p&lt;0.05) increased. Reducing the frequency of water application increased cucumber water use efficiency (WUE) whereas N-fertilization had no significant effect on WUE. The different drip irrigation levels caused distinct spatial patterns of SWC and BD. The study showed that cucumber fruit yield will increase with more availability of water as well as good soil structural condition. However, for optimum yield, water saving strategy, reduced cost of pumping and lesser effect on soil structure, drip irrigation scheduling of twice weekly (I2W) combined with N-fertilization is recommended for cucumber cultivation. Keywords: Drip irrigation frequency, soil physical properties, spatio-temporal variability, cucumber yield, water use efficienc

    Comparative analysis of the performance of hydrophobically associating polymer, xanthan and guar gum as mobility control agent, in enhanced oil recovery application.

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    This study aimed at evaluating the performance of hydrophobically associating polymer (HAPAM), xanthan gum, and guar gum in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes. Their performances in terms of oil recovery applications were investigated through rheological behavior analysis and core flooding experiments. Rheological studies reveal shear thinning characteristics with HAPAM showing superior rheological behavior at elevated shear rates for all concentrations tested. Core flooding tests were conducted on different sandstone core samples with similar petrophysical properties to evaluate the EOR performance using the three polymers. Cumulative oil recovered after waterflood implies that HAPAM shows better oil recovery capability with 41.1, 62.4, and 63.5% oil recovery compared to xanthan achieving 32.8, 33.7, and 56.2% and guar gum achieving 41.8, 57.1, and 61.2% oil recovery using the three concentrations; concentration 1, 2 and 3 (1,000, 4,000 and 6,000 ppm), respectively. The superior performance by HAPAM was also evident in its lesser amount of permeability damage after flooding with 28.3% concentration