5 research outputs found

    Edukasi K3L kepada Tenaga Kerja Proyek Peningkatan Jalan Pulokulon-Tuko R.55 Kecamatan Pulokulon Kabupaten Grobogan

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    Occupational safety, health, and environment (OSH) is inseparable from the labor and human resources system. Not only are safety, health and the work environment very important for employees, but safety, health, and the work environment also determine workplace productivity. According to Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Employment, what is meant by employment for workers is the obligation to provide protection, including the welfare of body and soul, safety, and health of workers. Companies take various steps to protect their employees from the dangers of work accidents. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is an effort to protect part or all of the body from the potential hazards of work accidents and occupational diseases. This activity aims to foster a sense of responsibility among workers regarding the importance of implementing OSH so that they can minimize the number of work accidents. The method used in socialization is lectures. The results obtained are an increase in workers' understanding and discipline regarding the importance of OSH in the field

    Unjuk Kerja Waduk Jatigede

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    Jatigede Reservoir located in Sumedang, West Java. As the second largest reservoir in Indonesia, the main purpose of the reservoir construction is to irrigate the 90.000 Ha of irrigation area, the source of 3,5 m3/s of raw and drinking water, as well as the source of water for hydropower plan Jatigede requiring water supply as much as 61,84 m3/s. One of the efforts that can be taken to optimize reservoir of water resources, particularly for irrigation water needs, is to do a simulation model of the Jatigede Reservoir operation. This study is discusses the analysis of the performance of the operating pattern Jatigede were analyzed based on the stochastic model of Cimanuk river flow and rain data of Cimanuk Water District. Data needs to be tested first to qualify for a normal statistical distribution using AProb software version 4.1. Stochastic models were analyzed with software SAMS 2007 from Colorado State University. Surgery simulation analysis to determine the performance of the reservoir using software Ribasim. To test the performance of reservoir used the criteria of reliability, resilience, and vulnerability. From the analysis of performance can be concluded that the reliability of the reservoir in an effort to meet the needs of raw water, irrigation, and hydropower at existing condition is of 98.3%, the resilience of the reservoir by 50%, and the vulnerability of dams throughout the simulation period amounted to 6824.70 m3/s , While in the next 50 years the condition of the dam by 92.7% reliability, resilience reservoir by 34%, and the vulnerability of dams throughout the simulation period amounted 20.540,51m3/s. It can be concluded that the performance of  Jatigede reservoir decreased after the analysis of reservoir operation plan for the next 50 years

    PENGENDALIAN BANJIR SUNGAI JAJAR KABUPATEN DEMAK Flood Control of Jajar River at Demak Regency

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    Kejadian banjir dirasakan menjadi sesuatu yang luar biasa apabila kita tidak mampu lagi untuk mengendalikannya seperti fenomena pada Sungai Jajar. Dalam kondisi demikian kita tidak mungkin lagi menghindari timbulnya kerugian sebagai akibat dari bencana yang terjadi, dan yang masih mungkin bisa dilakukan hanyalah mengurangi dampak kerugian yang ditimbulkan. Secara solusi struktural upaya pengaturan dan pengarahan banjir berupa Normalisasi dan pembuatan Floodway guna mengatasi limpasan yang terjadi di beberapa ruas sungai dengan menggunakan periode ulang 50 tahun. Dari perhitungan hidrologi dihasilkan debit sebesar 555.112 m3/dt yang dialirkan melalui ruas Sungai Jajar bagian hilir sepanjang 11.6 km, sedangkan debit sebesar 224.816 m3/dt dialirkan ke Sungai Branjangan sepanjang 12.76 km. Dengan menggunakan program HEC-RAS, dihasilkan Normalisasi Sungai Jajar dengan dimensi penampang ganda yaitu lebar dasar sungai 50 m, kemiringan lereng 1:2, lebar bantaran 10 m. Sedangkan Normalisasi Sungai Branjangan sebagai floodway dengan dimensi penampang tunggal yaitu lebar dasar sungai 30 m, kemiringan lereng 1:2. Untuk menstabilkan pembagian debit pada daerah percabangan, dibuat Bangunan Ambang Pengatur Muka Air Rendah (MAR) dengan dimensi bangunan 2.6 x 3 x 32 m dimaksudkan agar debit normal 11.335 m3/dt mengalir ke Sungai Jajar untuk memenuhi debit minimum Bendung Jajar. Dibuat juga Bangunan Girdel dengan dimensi 23.9 x 3 x 2.6 m, berfungsi untuk menahan erosi agar butiran tanah tidak ikut tergerus aliran air, sehingga pembagian debit tetap konstan. Kata Kunci : Normalisasi Sungai, Floodway, Bangunan Ambang ABSTRACT Flood can be an extraordinary thing if we are no longer able to control, like the phenomenon in Jajar River. In such circumstances it is impossible for us avoid losses as the result of the particular disaster and the reducing impact of it may be the only thing we can still do. The structural solution in the effort of setting up and directing the flood is in the form of several improvement including “Normalisasi” and floodway creating to overcome some overflows in several sections of the river by using a return period of 50 years. With the solution structure of a river improvement and flooodway to overcome the run off that occure several section of rivers. The hydrological calculations has resulted in debit for “Normalisasi” in the downstream segment Jajar River along 11.6 km of 555.112 m3/dt . While the discharge is channeled to the planning of Normalization in Branjangan River along 12.76 km of 224.816 m3/dt. By using HEC-RAS program, Normalization of Jajar River with a double cross-sectional dimensions of the riverbed 50 m wide, 1:2 slope, floodplain width of 10 m is produced. While the normalization of Branjangan River as a Floodway with a single cross-sectional dimension produces 30 m width of riverbed, and slope 1:2. To stabilize the discharge distribution at bifurcation area, the Building Regulatory Threshold “Muka Air Rendah (MAR)” is created the dimensions of the Building is 2.6 x 3 x 32 m so that the normal 11.335 m3/dt discharge flows into the Jajar River to fulfill its minimum discharge of Weir Jajar. The Girdel dam with the dimensions of 23.9 x 3 x 2.6 m, is also created to hold the soil erotion, so that beads of soil won’t be rubbed down by the water flow, and the distribution of discharge remains constant. Keywords: Normalization River, Floodway, Threshold Buildin

    Benefits of Embungs in the Rawa Pening Catchment Area for Reducing Tuntang River Flood Discharge

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    Rawa Pening is a natural lake as a source of water for Tuntang River which is used for hydropower, raw water source, main irrigation water source in Glapan weir located in Grobogan District, Central Java provinces. Rawa Pening will be developed as location of national and international ecotourism. An Optimal Water Resources Management is required with several studies. This study is the beginning of a series of studies planned to determine the potential of embungs and its utilization as flood control, sediment control of Rawa Pening and for reducing weeds growth

    Benefits of Embungs in the Rawa Pening Catchment Area for Reducing Tuntang River Flood Discharge

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    Rawa Pening is a natural lake as a source of water for Tuntang River which is used for hydropower, raw water source, main irrigation water source in Glapan weir located in Grobogan District, Central Java provinces. Rawa Pening will be developed as location of national and international ecotourism. An Optimal Water Resources Management is required with several studies. This study is the beginning of a series of studies planned to determine the potential of embungs and its utilization as flood control, sediment control of Rawa Pening and for reducing weeds growth