59 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial peptides: agents of border protection for companion animals.

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    Over the past 20 years, there have been significant inroads into understanding the roles of antimicrobial peptides in homeostatic functions and their involvement in disease pathogenesis. In addition to direct antimicrobial activity, these peptides participate in many cellular functions, including chemotaxis, wound healing and even determination of canine coat colour. Various biological and genetic approaches have helped to elucidate the role of antimicrobial peptides with respect to innate immunity and host defense. Associations of antimicrobial peptides with various skin diseases, including psoriasis, rosacea and atopic dermatitis, have been documented in humans. In the longer term, therapeutic modulation of antimicrobial peptide expression may provide effective new treatments for disease. This review highlights current knowledge about antimicrobial peptides of the skin and circulating leukocytes, with particular focus on relevance to physiology and disease in companion animals

    A de novo variant in the keratin 1 gene (KRT1) in a Chinese shar-pei dog with severe congenital cornification disorder and non-epidermolytic ichthyosis.

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    A 3-months old Chinese shar-pei puppy with ichthyosis was investigated. The dog showed generalized scaling, alopecia and footpad lesions. Histopathological examinations demonstrated a non-epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. The parents of the affected puppy did not show any skin lesions. A trio whole genome sequencing analysis identified a heterozygous de novo 3 bp deletion in the KRT1 gene in the affected dog. This variant, NM_001003392.1:c.567_569del, is predicted to delete a single asparagine from the conserved coil 1A motif within the rod domain of KRT1, NP_001003392.1:p.(Asn190del). Immunohistochemistry demonstrated normal levels of KRT1 expression in the epidermis and follicular epithelia. This might indicate that the variant possibly interferes with keratin dimerization or another function of KRT1. Missense variants affecting the homologous asparagine residue of the human KRT1 cause epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. Histologically, the investigated Chinese shar-pei showed a non-epidermolytic ichthyosis. The finding of a de novo variant in an excellent functional candidate gene strongly suggests that KRT1:p.Asn190del caused the ichthyosis phenotype in the affected Chinese shar-pei. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first description of a KRT1-related non-epidermolytic ichthyosis in domestic animals

    SOAT1 missense variant in two cats with sebaceous gland dysplasia.

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    Spontaneously arisen hereditary diseases in domestic animals provide an excellent opportunity to study the physiological functions of the altered genes. We investigated two 4-month-old sibling domestic short haired kittens with dry dark debris around the eyes, nose, and ears, dark crusting on the legs and a thin poor hair coat. Skin biopsies revealed abnormal sebaceous gland morphology with lack of normal sebocyte arrangement and differentiation. Hair follicles had a distorted silhouette, interpreted as a change secondary to the observed sebaceous gland dysplasia. Whole genome sequencing on both affected kittens and 65 genetically diverse feline genomes was performed. Filtering for variants that were present in both kittens but absent from the control genomes revealed a homozygous missense variant in SOAT1, encoding sterol O-acyltransferase 1. The protein is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum and catalyzes the formation of cholesteryl esters, an essential component of sebum and meibum. The identified SOAT1:c.1531G > A variant is predicted to change a highly conserved glycine residue within the last transmembrane domain of SOAT1, p.Gly511Arg. In mice, variants in Soat1 or complete knockout of the gene lead to the "hair interior defect" (hid) or abnormal Meibomian glands, respectively. SOAT1:c.1531G > A represents a plausible candidate variant for the observed sebaceous gland dysplasia in both kittens of this study. The variant was not present in 10 additional cats with a similar clinical and histopathological phenotype suggesting genetic heterogeneity. SOAT1 variants should be considered as potential cause in hereditary sebaceous gland dysplasias of humans and domestic animals

    Development of a flow cytometric panel to assess prognostic biomarkers in fine needle aspirates of canine cutaneous or subcutaneous mast cell tumors

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    Mast cell tumor (MCT) is a common skin cancer in dogs that has a wide range of clinical behaviors. The purpose of this study was to develop a novel multicolor flow cytometry (FC) panel that will enable the quantification of candidate prognostic markers (Ki-67 and pKIT) in fine needle aspirate (FNA) samples prior to surgical removal of the tumors. FNA of canine MCTs and the NI-1 cell line were utilized to develop a FC panel that includes a viability dye (FVS620, BD Biosciences; 7-AAD, Invitrogen) and the following primary conjugated antibodies: CD117-PE (ACK45, BD Biosciences), pKIT-A647 (polyclonal bs-3242R, BIOSS) and Ki-67-FITC (20Raj1, eBioscience; MIB-1, DAKO). A total of nine FNA samples of canine MCTs were collected, seven out which produced sufficient cells for FC analysis. The Ki-67 antibody clone 20Raj1 produced a positive signal when applied to blood leukocytes but failed to provide robust labeling of neoplastic mast cells. The Ki-67 antibody clone MIB-1 delivered a superior staining quality in both the NI-1 cells and primary MCT cells. CD117-PE signal was adequate post fixation and permeabilization and in the combination of 7-AAD. pKIT produced non-specific staining and was not suitable for this multicolor FC panel. In conclusion, FNA samples of canine MCTs can often yield adequate cell numbers for FC analysis, and a multicolor FC panel was developed that can detect Ki-67 in canine mast cells. This would permit further studies into the potential use of this panel for canine cutaneous and subcutaneous MCT prognostication purposes

    Aus der QM-Praxis: Evaluation und Qualitätszirkel in der Hochschullehre

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    Beck, E., & Messerli, V. (2013). Qualitätsmanagement an Hochschulen: Optimierung der Lehre durch Evaluation und Qualitätszirkel (Lehrerbildung auf dem Prüfstand, Sonderheft 2), S. 52-90Im ersten Teil dieses Beitrages wird ausgewählte Literatur zu Evaluation in der Hochschullehre und zum betriebswirtschaftlich situierten Konzept von Qualitätszirkeln repliziert. An der Pädagogischen Hochschule St. Gallen (CH) wurden Qualitätszirkel als Instrument der Qualitäts-entwicklung eingeführt. Der zweite Teil des Beitrages stellt Ergebnisse einer Studie dar, in welcher die Einschätzung dieser Qualitätszirkel durch die Dozierenden erhoben wurde. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass aus Sicht der Dozierenden die Reflexion der Evaluationsergebnisse in den Qualitäts-zirkeln wesentlich dazu beitragen kann, die Lehre zu verbessern und weiter zu entwickeln. Qualitäts-zirkel werden dadurch zum wirksamen Nukleus der Weiterentwicklung der Hochschullehre. Konstruktiv aufgenommene Kritik aus den Rückmeldungen der Studierenden wird zum Ausgangs-punkt für die Optimierung der Lehre
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