27 research outputs found

    Identification of selective aptamer ligands for Glioblastoma Stem Cells as new therapeutic tools for Glioblastoma

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most frequent and aggressive primary brain tumour in adults. Standard treatments for GBM patients consist of tumour resection, radiotherapy (RT) and chemotherapy with alkylating agent Temozolomide (TMZ). However, despite advances in surgical and medical treatment, prognosis for GBM patients remains dismal, with a median survival of 14–15 months. A small population of cancer stem cells (glioblastoma stem cells, GSCs), that retains stem cell properties including self-renewal and multipotency, has been implicated as responsible for the frequent relapse of glioblastoma and its resistance to conventional therapeutic. Thus, the identification of new molecules that can specifically target these GSCs is a fundamental challenge for the development of effective glioma therapies. In this study, we developed a differential whole cell-SELEX, an  in vitro  evolution-based approach, which allowed us to generate RNA-ligands with high affinity and specificity for GSCs, named aptamers. These nucleic acids were obtained by iterative evolution of a random pool of sequences using human primary GSCs as target. The obtained aptamer, 40L had been proved to be selective for GSCs, distinguishing them from tumor differentiated cells. Moreover, 40L revealed to be functionally active on target cells and able to inhibit stemness, cell growth and migration in vitro as well as in vivo. In conclusion, our results indicate that 40L and its short form A40s can selectively target GSCs and, given the crucial role of these cells in GBM recurrence and multi-drug resistance, 40L and A40s represent innovative drug candidates with a great potential in the GBM treatment

    Pancreatic Progenitor Commitment Is Marked by an Increase in Ink4a/Arf Expression

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    The identification of the molecular mechanisms controlling early cell fate decisions in mammals is of paramount importance as the ability to determine specific lineage differentiation represents a significant opportunity for new therapies. Pancreatic Progenitor Cells (PPCs) constitute a regenerative reserve essential for the maintenance and regeneration of the pancreas. Besides, PPCs represent an excellent model for understanding pathological pancreatic cellular remodeling. Given the lack of valid markers of early endoderm, the identification of new ones is of fundamental importance. Both products of the Ink4a/Arf locus, in addition to being critical cell-cycle regulators, appear to be involved in several disease pathologies. Moreover, the locus’ expression is epigenetically regulated in ES reprogramming processes, thus constituting the ideal candidates to modulate PPCs homeostasis. In this study, starting from mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), we analyzed the early stages of pancreatic commitment. By inducing mESCs commitment to the pancreatic lineage, we observed that both products of the Cdkn2a locus, Ink4a and Arf, mark a naïve pancreatic cellular state that resembled PPC-like specification. Treatment with epi-drugs suggests a role for chromatin remodeling in the CDKN2a (Cycline Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2A) locus regulation in line with previous observations in other cellular systems. Our data considerably improve the comprehension of pancreatic cellular ontogeny, which could be critical for implementing pluripotent stem cells programming and reprogramming toward pancreatic lineage commitment

    MiR-24 induces chemotherapy resistance and hypoxic advantage in breast cancer

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    Breast cancer remains one of the leading causes of cancer mortality among women. It has been proved that the onset of cancer depends on a very small pool of tumor cells with a phenotype similar to that of normal adult stem cells. Cancer stem cells (CSC) possess self-renewal and multilineage differentiation potential as well as a robust ability to sustain tumorigenesis. Evidence suggests that CSCs contribute to chemotherapy resistance and to survival under hypoxic conditions. Interestingly, hypoxia in turn regulates self-renewal in CSCs and these effects may be primarily mediated by hypoxic inducible factors (HIFs). Recently, microRNAs (miRNAs) have emerged as critical players in the maintenance of pluripotency and self-renewal in normal and cancer stem cells. Here, we demonstrate that miR-24 is upregulated in breast CSCs and that its overexpression increases the number of mammospheres and the expression of stem cell markers. MiR-24 also induces apoptosis resistance through the regulation of BimL expression. Moreover, we identify a new miR-24 target, FIH1, which promotes HIFα degradation: miR-24 increases under hypoxic conditions, causing downregulation of FIH1 and upregulation of HIF1α. In conclusion, miR-24 hampers chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in breast CSCs and increases cell resistance to hypoxic conditions through an FIH1−HIFα pathway

    C-Reactive Protein Levels at the Midpregnancy Can Predict Gestational Complications

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    Although essential for a successful pregnancy, a growing body of evidence suggests that maternal inflammation, when dysregulated, may represent a risk factor for both maternal and neonatal outcomes. Here, we assessed the accuracy of maternal C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations at the middle phase of pregnancy in the identification of maternal adverse outcomes (MAO) until delivery. A correlation between CRP and a complicated pregnancy including both maternal and neonatal adverse outcomes has been investigated, too. In this retrospective study, conducted at the Diabetology Unit of IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino, Genoa (Italy), 380 outpatient pregnant women have been enrolled at the prenatal visit before performing a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test at 24th-26th gestational week for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) screening. Demographic, medical, and reproductive history has been obtained by verbal interview. Data about pregnancy and delivery have been retrieved from medical records. The median value of maternal baseline serum CRP was 3.25 \u3bcg/mL. Women experiencing MAO were older, more frequently suffering from hypertension, and showed higher CRP concentrations, with a cutoff value >1.86 \u3bcg/mL found by a ROC curve analysis to be accurately predictive for MAO. By a logistic regression analysis, serum CRP levels >1.86 \u3bcg/mL have been found to predict MAO also considering maternal age, hypertension, and GDM. Maternal CRP levels have been positively associated with overall pregnancy adverse outcomes (maternal and neonatal), too. In conclusion, in pregnant women serum levels of CRP can early recognize subjects at higher risk for maternal and neonatal complications needing a more stringent follow-up

    RYK promotes the stemness of glioblastoma cells via the WNT/ \u3b2-catenin pathway

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is characterized by a strong self-renewal potential and a poor differentiation state. Since receptor-like tyrosine kinase (RYK) activates the WNT/\u3b2-catenin pathway essential for cancer stem cell maintenance, we evaluated its contribution in conferring stemness to GBM cells. Here, we report that Ryk (related-to-receptor tyrosine kinase), an atypical tyrosine kinase receptor, is upregulated in samples from GBM patients as well as in GSCs. Ryk overexpression confers stemness properties to GBM cells through the modulation of the canonical Wnt signaling and by promoting the activation of pluripotency-related transcription factor circuitry and neurosphere formation ability. In contrast, siRNA-mediated knockdown of Ryk expression suppresses this stem-like phenotype. Rescue experiments reveal that stemness-promoting activity of Ryk is attributable, at least in part, to \u3b2-catenin stabilization. Furthermore, Ryk overexpression improves cell motility and anchorage independent cell growth. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that Ryk promotes stem cell-like and tumorigenic features to glioma cells its essential for the maintenance of GSCs and could be a target of novel therapies

    miR-340 predicts glioblastoma survival and modulates key cancer hallmarks through down-regulation of NRAS

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    Glioblastoma is the most common primary brain tumor in adults; with a survival rate of 12 months from diagnosis. However, a small subgroup of patients, termed long-term survivors (LTS), has a survival rate longer then 12–14 months. There is thus increasing interest in the identification of molecular signatures predicting glioblastoma prognosis and in how to improve the therapeutic approach. Here, we report miR-340 as prognostic tumor-suppressor microRNA for glioblastoma. We analyzed microRNA expression in > 500 glioblastoma patients and found that although miR-340 is strongly down-regulated in glioblastoma overall, it is up-regulated in LTS patients compared to short-term survivors (STS). Indeed, miR-340 expression predicted better prognosis in glioblastoma patients. Coherently, overexpression of miR-340 in glioblastoma cells was found to produce a tumor-suppressive activity. We identified NRAS mRNA as a critical, direct target of miR-340: in fact, miR-340 negatively influenced multiple aspects of glioblastoma tumorigenesis by down-regulating NRAS and downstream AKT and ERK pathways. Thus, we demonstrate that expression of miR-340 in glioblastoma is responsible for a strong tumor-suppressive effect in LTS patients by down-regulating NRAS. miR-340 may thus represent a novel marker for glioblastoma diagnosis and prognosis, and may be developed into a tool to improve treatment of glioblastoma

    The Role of RNA and DNA Aptamers in Glioblastoma Diagnosis and Therapy: A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most lethal primary brain tumor of the central nervous system in adults. Despite advances in surgical and medical neuro-oncology, the median survival is about 15 months. For this reason, initial diagnosis, prognosis, and targeted therapy of GBM represent very attractive areas of study. Aptamers are short three-dimensional structures of single-stranded nucleic acids (RNA or DNA), identified by an in vitro process, named systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX), starting from a partially random oligonucleotide library. They bind to a molecular target with high affinity and specificity and can be easily modified to optimize binding affinity and selectivity. Thanks to their properties (low immunogenicity and toxicity, long stability, and low production variability), a large number of aptamers have been selected against GBM biomarkers and provide specific imaging agents and therapeutics to improve the diagnosis and treatment of GBM. However, the use of aptamers in GBM diagnosis and treatment still represents an underdeveloped topic, mainly due to limited literature in the research world. On these bases, we performed a systematic review aimed at summarizing current knowledge on the new promising DNA and RNA aptamer-based molecules for GBM diagnosis and treatment. Thirty-eight studies from 2000 were included and investigated. Seventeen involved the use of aptamers for GBM diagnosis and 21 for GBM therapy. Our findings showed that a number of DNA and RNA aptamers are promising diagnostic and therapeutic tools for GBM management

    The Role of Exo-miRNAs in Cancer: A Focus on Therapeutic and Diagnostic Applications

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    Exosomes are extracellular vesicles released into biological fluids where they act as carriers of various molecules, including proteins, lipids, and RNAs, between cells, modulating or perturbing specific physiological processes. Recently, it has been suggested that tumoral cells release excessive amounts of exosomes that, through their cargo, promote tumor progression, stimulating growth, angiogenesis, metastasis, insensitivity to chemotherapy, and immune evasion. Increasing evidence highlights exosomal microRNAs (exo-miRNAs) as important players in tumorigenesis. MicroRNA (miRNA) are a class of small non-coding RNA able to regulate gene expression, targeting multiple mRNAs and inducing translational repression and/or mRNA degradation. Exo-miRNAs are highly stable and easily detectable in biological fluids, and for these reasons, miRNAs are potential cancer biomarkers useful diagnostically and prognostically. Furthermore, since exosomes are natural delivery systems between cells, they can be appropriately modified to carry therapeutic miRNAs to specific recipient cells. Here we summarize the main functions of exo-miRNAs and their possible role for diagnostic and therapeutic applications