11 research outputs found

    Cadmium Reduction in Spring Wheat: Root Exudate Composition Affects Cd Partitioning Between Roots and Shoots

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    Cadmium (Cd) in cereals is one of the major sources of Cd intake by human diets, and solutions to reduce Cd concentrations in wheat still need to be developed. Plant breeding, by selecting low-Cd varieties, can be an important tool to reduce Cd in crops. Knowing the genotypic variation in Cd accumulation and furthering our understanding of the impact of root exudates composition on Cd accumulation in crops may provide valuable information for plant breeding. In this study, we selected nine spring wheat varieties and analysed the accumulation and distribution of Cd in shoots, roots, root surfaces and kernels in relation to their qualitative and quantitative composition of root exudates, determined by H-1-NMR (Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance). Results showed that the Cd concentration in shoots at an early stage could be used as a predictor for Cd concentration in kernels. Total Cd uptake was not correlated to the mobility of Cd in the rhizosphere, but total Cd was negatively correlated to Cd adsorbed at the root surface. Furthermore, (i) exudation of organic acids (primarily succinate and acetate) increased Cd concentration in shoots, and (ii) exudation of nucleosides, DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) degradation products, increased Cd adsorption at the root surface. Therefore, root exudates composition should be taken into account when selecting for low-Cd wheat traits

    Soil carbon dioxide venting through rice roots

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    The growth of rice in submerged soils depends on its ability to form continuous gas channels—aerenchyma—through which oxygen (O2) diffuses from the shoots to aerate the roots. Less well understood is the extent to which aerenchyma permits venting of respiratory carbon dioxide (CO2) in the opposite direction. Large, potentially toxic concentrations of dissolved CO2 develop in submerged rice soils. We show using X‐ray computed tomography and image‐based mathematical modelling that CO2 venting through rice roots is far greater than thought hitherto. We found rates of venting equivalent to a third of the daily CO2 fixation in photosynthesis. Without this venting through the roots, the concentrations of CO2 and associated bicarbonate (HCO3−) in root cells would have been well above levels known to be toxic to roots. Removal of CO2 and hence carbonic acid (H2CO3) from the soil was sufficient to increase the pH in the rhizosphere close to the roots by 0.7 units, which is sufficient to solubilize or immobilize various nutrients and toxicants. A sensitivity analysis of the model showed that such changes are expected for a wide range of plant and soil conditions

    Soil CO2 venting as one of the mechanisms for tolerance of Zn deficiency by rice in flooded soils

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    We sought to explain rice (Oryza sativa) genotype differences in tolerance of zinc (Zn) deficiency in flooded paddy soils and the counter-intuitive observation, made in earlier field experiments, that Zn uptake per plant increases with increasing planting density. We grew tolerant and intolerant genotypes in a Zn-deficient flooded soil at high and low planting densities, and found (a) plant Zn concentrations and growth increased with planting density and more so in the tolerant genotype, whereas the concentrations of other nutrients decreased, indicating a specific effect on Zn uptake; (b) the effects of planting density and genotype on Zn uptake could only be explained if the plants induced changes in the soil to make Zn more soluble; and (c) the genotype and planting density effects were both associated with decreases in dissolved CO2 in the rhizosphere soil solution and resulting increases in pH. We suggest the increases in pH caused solubilisation of soil Zn by dissolution of alkali-soluble, Zn-complexing organic ligands from soil organic matter. We conclude that differences in venting of soil CO2 through root aerenchyma were responsible for the genotype and planting density effects

    Approche des mécanismes de tolérance du romarin aux éléments traces métalliques et métalloïdes : perspectives pour une phytostabilisation des sols méditerranéens pollués

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    Les consĂ©quences des activitĂ©s industrielles passĂ©es, et notamment mĂ©tallurgiques, persistent encore aujourd'hui. C'est le cas dans l'actuel Parc National des Calanques, qui abrite l'ancienne fonderie de plomb de l'Escalette (sud-est de Marseille). Ainsi, plus de 80 ans aprĂšs la fermeture de cette usine, une contamination importante et Ă©tendue en Ă©lĂ©ments traces mĂ©talliques et mĂ©talloĂŻdes (ETMM) est prĂ©sente. Les objectifs de cette thĂšse ont Ă©tĂ© de contribuer Ă  l'Ă©valuation de la contamination diffuse en ETMM des sols des Calanques situĂ©s aux alentours du site industriel abandonnĂ© de l'Escalette. Dans un but futur de restauration Ă©cologique, solution adaptĂ©e dans le contexte particulier de la zone de pollution diffuse, situĂ©e dans le Parc National des Calanques, les capacitĂ©s d'accumulation et les mĂ©canismes de tolĂ©rance d'une espĂšce autochtone, le romarin (Rosmarinus officinalis) ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s. Ainsi, cette Ă©tude a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence quelques mĂ©canismes de tolĂ©rance aux ETMM certainement mis en jeu dans le cas du romarin. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que le romarin pourrait ĂȘtre un candidat intĂ©ressant pour la phytostabilisation aux vues de sa capacitĂ© d'accumulation des ETMM dans les racines, ainsi que sa rĂ©sistance Ă  des niveaux de contamination trĂšs Ă©levĂ©s.Past industrial activities, particularly metallurgical one, have current environmental consequences. As an example, the former lead smelter from l'Escalette (South-East Marseille, France) in the National Park of Calanques lead to an important environmental pollution of its surroundings. Thus, more than 80 years after its activity ceased, a trace metal and metalloide (TMM) diffuse pollution is still present. This PhD study aimed to contribute to the assessment of the diffuse contamination levels by TMM of the Calanque's soils around the former lead smelting factory. Aiming at identifying an adapted solution of ecological restoration of the areas with diffuse pollution located in the National Park of Calanques. Accumulation abilities and tolerance mechanisms of a native plant species, rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), were studied. In order to achieve this, in situ and ex situ assays were performed. TMM concentrations in rosemary organs (leaves, stems, roots) and some stress phytometabolites were assessed. Moreover, the role of mycorrhizal symbioses in rosemary tolerance was evaluated

    Cadmium accumulation in soil resulting from application of biogas digestate and wood ash - Mass balance modelling

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    This study investigates the impact of substituting conventional NPK fertilizer with wood ash and biogas digestates at an agricultural field site in southwest Sweden. A three-year field experiment, comprising a crop rotation cycle of spring wheat, winter wheat, and oats, was conducted. The obtained results were employed to establish a dynamic mass balance model for the A horizon of the soil at the site. The Cd leaching term in the model was estimated using the Stockholm Humic model (SHM), which was recalibrated to accommodate low Cd concentrations by incorporating Cd complexation to thiol sites. The findings indicate that treatments receiving NPK fertilizer and biogas digestates experienced a net Cd loss, whereas treatments with wood ash demonstrated net Cd accumulation, attributed to its higher Cd content. Harvest yields were highest in the NPK treatment, and lower in two of the wood ash treatments, likely due to lower nitrogen additions in the latter. Cd offtake mirrored this trend, with the highest values in the NPK treatments and the lowest in the wood ash treatments, potentially also influenced by a pH difference of 0.2 units during the last year of the experiment. Geochemical modelling showed that Cd leaching is highly dependent on pH and that geochemically active soil Cd in the A horizon may have doubled between 1950 and 2002, due to elevated atmospheric deposition and fertilizer Cd during this period. Despite significant reductions in anthropogenic Cd fluxes since 2002, soil Cd has only decreased by 4%, showing the slow response of the soil pool to flux changes. Attaining a new steady-state after alterations in input fluxes will require hundreds of years. These results carry significance for determining sustainable application rates for recycled nutrient sources and underscore the crucial role of pH-dependent Cd sorption for Cd leaching

    Can Cd content in crops be controlled by Se fertilization? A meta-analysis and outline of Cd sequestration mechanisms

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    Aim: Cadmium mitigation in crops is a worldwide concern. Selenium application has been suggested as a potential solution to reduce cadmium concentration in plants, but published results were contradictory. We analysed literature data with respect to the effect of selenium addition on cadmium uptake and elucidated processes possibly involved. Method: A meta-analysis was performed on data collected from previously published studies presenting cadmium concentration in plants subjected to selenium treatments. Metaregression random models were run to test the impact of different factors. In addition, soil and crop inventory data exemplifying the natural variation of Cd and Se in soil were evaluated. Results: The results highlighted a significant reduction of cadmium concentration in crops after selenium addition. The reduction was dose-dependent for crops growing under aerobic, but not for plants cultivated under anoxic conditions such as rice. This suggests that different process can be involved. Conclusion: We demonstrated the potential of selenium fertilization to mitigate cadmium uptake and highlighted that for non-rice species, the main process seems to take place in the soil, while mechanisms in roots restricting uptake may be involved for all crops. The inventory data also indicated an impact of natural soil Se on Cd contents in crops

    Soil carbon dioxide venting through rice roots

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    The growth of rice in submerged soils depends on its ability to form continuous gas channels – aerenchyma – through which oxygen (O2) diffuses from the shoots to aerate the roots. Less well understood is the extent to which aerenchyma permits venting of respiratory carbon dioxide (CO2) in the opposite direction. Large, potentially toxic concentrations of dissolved CO2 develop in submerged rice soils. We show using X‐ray computed tomography (CT) and image‐based mathematical modelling that CO2 venting through rice roots is far greater than thought hitherto. We found rates of venting equivalent to a third of the daily CO2 fixation in photosynthesis. Without this venting through the roots, the concentrations of CO2 and associated bicarbonate (HCO3‐) in root cells would have been well above levels known to be toxic to roots. Removal of CO2 and hence carbonic acid (H2CO3) from the soil was sufficient to increase the pH in the rhizosphere close to the roots by 0.7 units, which is sufficient to solubilise or immobilise various nutrients and toxicants. A sensitivity analysis of the model showed such changes are expected for a wide range of plant and soil conditions

    Transfer of metals and metalloids from soil to shoots in wild rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) growing on a former lead smelter site: Human exposure risk

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    International audienceThis study aimed at estimating exposition risks to wild rosemary used as herbs in the contaminated area of the former smelting factory of L'Escalette (South of Marseille, France). Metals and metalloids i.e. Pb, As, Sb, Zn, and Cu concentrations were analyzed in soils and in rosemary aerial parts (stems and leaves) on two sites: one heavily contaminated and the other far away from the pollution source, considered as reference, The metal and metalloid transfer into water during the brewing process of herbal tea was also determined. A mixed contamination by the above-cited contaminants was demonstrated in soils of the factory site, with average concentrations of 9253, 1127, 309, 2698 and 32 mg/kg for Pb, As, Sb, Zn and Cu, respectively. However, metals and metalloids' transfer in rosemary aerial parts was limited, as bioaccumulation factors were under 1. Thus, Pb, As and Cu concentrations in leaves were below international regulation limits concerning ingestion of medicinal herbs (no regulation values available for Sb and Zn). This study highlighted that, if contaminated rosemary leaves were ingested, health risks may be limited since acceptable daily intake (ADI) for Pb, As, Sb and Cu (no ADI value available for Zn) will only be reached if very high quantities are consumed. Furthermore, we aimed to establish if this mixed contamination could alter rosemary's essential oil quality, and thereby the compositions of essential oils obtained from individuals on the heavily contaminated soil were compared to those obtained from the reference population. An increased biosynthesis of antioxidant compounds was favored in essential oils from rosemary individuals growing in contaminated site. Although the health risk of a long-term exposition of low level of the mixed contamination by rosemary ingestion is not easy to elucidate, the use of rosemary essential oils from contaminated site appears as safe. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    As, Pb, Sb, and Zn transfer from soil to root of wild rosemary: do native symbionts matter?

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    International audienceThis is an in natura study aimed to determine the potential of Rosmarinus officinalis for phytostabilization of trace metal and metalloid (TMM)-contaminated soils in the Calanques National Park (Marseille, southeast of France). The link between rosemary tolerance/accumulation of As, Pb, Sb, and Zn and root symbioses with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and/or dark septate endophytes (DSE) was examined. Eight sites along a gradient of contamination were selected for soil and root collections. TMM concentrations were analyzed in all the samples and root symbioses were observed. Moreover, in the roots of various diameters collected in the most contaminated site, X-ray microfluorescence methods were used to determine TMM localization in tissues. Rosemary accumulated, in its roots, the most labile TMM fraction in the soil. The positive linear correlation between TMM concentrations in soil and endophyte root colonization rates suggests the involvement of AM fungi and DSE in rosemary tolerance to TMM. Moreover, a typical TMM localization in root peripheral tissues of thin roots containing endophytes forming AM and DSE development was observed using X-ray microfluorescence. Rosemary and its root symbioses appeared as a potential candidate for a phytostabilization process of metal-contaminated soils in Mediterranean area