247 research outputs found

    Education: The Retooling Challenge

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    Children are born learning and press for chances to push abilities as long as they feel safe and have a hope of succeeding at the demands of the day. It is the whole child that comes to school and whose needs, desires and aptitudes, varied and exciting, need to be honored. Children crave attention, affection, safety, growth, companionship, knowledge, success. They thrive in social situations where they feel honored and sense they belong. They are energized with stimulation and the opportunity to press forward at the developmental tasks that call, individually, to them for completion. Curriculum that springs from this natural essence of children is motivating and supports academic gains. When the needs of the child are part of the focus, the youngster cares about learning and the self and excels at personal potentials. When it is the whole child who is nurtured, seen for strengths and gifts, it is exhilarating, challenging, potentiating and the child yearns, strives and presses with energy and hope

    Untersuchung einer neuen Herzklappe für Herzunterstützungssysteme

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Ein bewährtes Verfahren zur Behandlung erkrankter natürlicher Heizklappen ist die Implantation von Heizklappenprothesen. Neben diesem Einsatz entwickelt sich zur Zeit ein weiteres Anwendungsgebiet; der Einsatz von Herzklappenprothesen in Herzunterstützungssystemen. Eine häufig dabei auftretende Komplikation stellt die Thrombenbildung dar. Diese tritt insbesondere im Bereich der verwendeten Herzklappenprothesen auf. Bei einer Implantation einer Heizklappenprothese ist ihre unmittelbare Umgebung durch die Anatomie vorgegeben. Bei einem Einsatz in einem Herzunterstützungssystem dagegen kann diese Umgebung frei gestaltet werden. Mit diesem Ansatz ergeben sich für die strömungstechnische Gestaltung der Herzklappen für Blutpumpen ganz neue Möglichkeiten. Die unmittelbare Umgebung der Klappe ist der Strömungskanal. Mit dem neuen, hier vorgestellten S-förmigen Strömungskanal der Klappe scheint es möglich zu sein, die Gefahr der Thrombenbildung zu reduzieren. Insbesondere die Vermeidung von Ablösungen führt zu einer Verringerung des Risikos der Thrombenbildung und ermöglicht damit eine verminderte Dosierung von Antikoagulantien

    Exposição a níveis de pressão sonora elevados entre professores de dança de Porto Alegre (RS)

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    Introduction: Dance teachers are exposed to high sound intensities. Aim: To verify the sound intensity of music used by dance teachers during classes. Method: This was a transversal and prospective study. Dance teachers were evaluated with a sociodemographic questionnaire, and sound intensity level measurements were taken at the beginning, middle, and end of dance classes. Results: The sample comprised 35 teachers (average age, 31.8 years). The duration of their career as dance teachers was 1–37 years; they worked daily for approximately 1–10 h. Among the classes followed, there were 15 (42.85%) classical ballet classes, 4 (11.42%) tap dancing lessons, 5 (14.28%) jazz dance classes, 2 (5.71) Arab dance lessons, 6 (17.14%) street dance classes, and 3 (8.57%) ballroom dancing lessons. The average values observed at the beginning, middle, and end of the classes were 80.91 dB (A), 83.22 dB (A), and 85.19 dB (A), respectively. The music played in the street dance classes exposed teachers to the highest sound intensity. Conclusion: The average level of sound intensity of the dance classes in this study was either below or equal to the limit considered harmful for hearing health. Analysis of different class types showed that the sound densities of street, ballroom, and tap dance classes were above the recommended limits.Introdução: professores de dança podem estar expostos a elevadas intensidades sonoras. Objetivos: Verificar o nível de intensidade sonora da música utilizada pelos professores de dança em suas aulas. Metodologia: foram avaliados professores de dança, por meio de um questionário sociodemográfico e realizadas medidas do nível de intensidade da música utilizada no início, meio e final das aulas. Resultados: fizeram parte da amostra 35 professores, com média de idade de 31,8 anos. O tempo de atuação variou de 1 a 37 anos, com atuação diária entre 1 e 10 horas. Foram acompanhadas 15 (42,85%) aulas de balé clássico; 4 (11,42%) de sapateado; 5 (14,28%) de jazz; 2 (5,71) de danças árabes; 6 (17,14%) de street dance e 3 (8,57%) aulas de dança de salão. O valor médio de intensidade observado no início, metade e final das aulas foi de 80,91 dB(A), 83,22 dB(A) e 85,19 dB(A), respectivamente. Os professores de street dance utilizavam música em maior intensidade. Conclusão: Constatou-se que o nível médio da intensidade sonora utilizado durante as aulas estava abaixo ou no limite do que é considerado prejudicial para a saúde auditiva. Ao analisar o tipo de aula, constatou-se que no street dance, dança de salão e sapateado, a intensidade é superior ao recomendável

    Effect of daptomycin and vancomycin on Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms: An in vitro assessment using fluorescence in situ hybridization

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    Colonization of in-dwelling catheters by microbial biofilms is a major concern in patient health eventually leading to catheter-related blood stream infections. Biofilms are less susceptible to standard antibiotic therapies that are effective against planktonic bacteria. Standard procedure for the detection of microorganisms on the catheter tip is culture. However, viable but non-culturable cells (VBNCs) may be missed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) as an indicator to visualize and quantify the effect of the antibiotics daptomycin and vancomycin on biofilms in situ. We established an in vitro catheter biofilm model of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms on polyurethane catheters. Biofilm activity was measured by FISH and correlated to colony forming units (CFU) data. Digital image analysis was used for quantification of total biofilm mass and the area of the FISH positive biofilm cells. FISH showed a pronounced effect of both antibiotics on the biofilms, with daptomycin having a significantly stronger effect in terms of both reduction of biofilm mass and number of FISH-positive cells. This supports the anti-biofilm capacity of daptomycin. Interestingly, neither antibiotic was able to eradicate all of the FISH-positive cells. In summary, FISH succeeded in visualization, quantification, and localization of antibiotic activity on biofilms. This technique adds a new tool to the arsenal of test systems for anti-biofilm compounds. FISH is a valuable complementary technique to CFU since it can be highly standardized and provides information on biofilm architecture and quantity and localization of survivor cells

    Continuous wrist blood pressure measurement with ultrasound

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Blood pressure is an important parameter for the development of cardiovascular disease. By monitoring the blood pressure over 24 hours hypertension can be detected and treatment can be started. A new noninvasive long term blood pressure measurement method measures the blood pressure continuously on the wrist using ultrasound, a small balloon and a controller. The pressure is controlled with a voice coil actuator. The wrist blood pressure changes during motion. These movements are assessed with a water filled tube to calibrate the measurement to aortic blood pressure

    O tratamento de dados pessoais pelo “legítimo interesse" do controlador : análise da perspectiva europeia e brasileira

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    Vistos como o “novo petróleo”, os dados pessoais são, hoje, insumos essenciais para grande parte das atividades econômicas, o que justifica a crescente preocupação dos ordenamentos jurídicos com a proteção destes ativos. Neste contexto de necessidade de uma sistematização da proteção de dados, tanto a União Europeia, por meio do General Data Protection Regulation, quanto o Brasil, por meio da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (Lei 13.709/2018), criaram ferramentas jurídicas com a finalidade exclusiva de fortalecer e harmonizar o nível de proteção de dados dos cidadãos. Dentre as muitas semelhanças existentes entre tais legislações, a principal é a previsão de um rol taxativo de fundamentos legais em que o tratamento de dados é considerado lícito. E um destes fundamentos, o “legítimo interesse do controlador”, há muito vem sendo reconhecido como um dos mais complexos e incertos de todas as hipóteses legais para o tratamento lícito de dados pessoais, tanto na Lei brasileira, quanto no Regulamento europeu. Tal complexidade resulta da necessidade de ponderar uma diversidade de fatores para aplicação dessa norma e da ausência de subsídios concretos que orientem sua aplicação. Assim, tendo em vista o caráter aberto da hipótese legal do legítimo interesse do controlador, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo contribuir para a delimitação da amplitude do legítimo interesse como fundamento lícito de tratamento de dados pessoais, através da análise do desenvolvimento desta hipótese legal na União Europeia e no Brasil.Over the last couple of years, data has become a valuable asset and is even called the “new oil”, which justifies the growing concern of the legal systems on this subject. In this context, both the European Union and Brazil have created data protection regulations to further harmonize the rules for data protection and to raise the level of privacy for the affected individuals. Among the similarities between such legislations, the main one is the provision of an exhaustive list of legal grounds in which data processing is considered lawful. One of these legal grounds is the “legitimate interest of the controller”, which has been considered one of the most complex and uncertain of all grounds of lawful processing of personal data, both in Brazil and in the European Union. Such complexity results from the need to consider a diversity of factors and from the absence of concrete considerations that might guide the task of those interpreting or applying this provision. Thus, considering the open nature of the legitimate interest ground in Brazilian law and the development of the matter within the European Union, the present work aims to contribute, to some extent, in the process of delimitation of the legitimate interest as a basis for the lawful processing of personal data

    NFTS : da revolução tecnológica à evolução jurídica

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    Famosos pelas suas coleções de artes digitais milionárias, os NFTs são ativos que operam em uma rede descentralizada que dispensa autoridades controladoras para a sua gestão. A complexa interoperabilidade desse token e a ausência de regulação revelam um ambiente de anarquia digital que proporciona liberdade no desenvolvimento da tecnologia e, ao mesmo tempo, gera inseguranças jurídicas aos usuários e artistas. O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar os paradigmas desse criptoativo, a fim de desvendar as problemáticas e os impactos jurídicos da sua utilização, bem como compreender os rumos de uma possível regulação futura. Para desenvolver o estudo, foi utilizado o método dedutivo e, de procedimento, o histórico, dogmático e conceitual, tendo por técnica de pesquisa a revisão bibliográfica. Como resultado de pesquisa, tem-se que os NFTs possuem uma funcionalidade ímpar que os destaca no mercado cripto, cuja atividade, no entanto, merece ser alvo de regulação, em razão da inexistência de controle sobre as transações no ambiente digital. Ao final, conclui-se que a regulação deve ser moderada, a fim de que o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias relacionadas ao token infungível não seja limitado.Famous for its multi-million-dollar digital arts collections, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are assets that operate in a decentralized network that dismiss controlling authorities. The complex interoperability of this token and the absence of regulation reveal an environment of digital anarchy that provides freedom in the development of technology and, at the same time, generates legal insecurities for users and artists. The present study aims to analyze the paradigms of this crypto asset, in order to unravel the problems and legal impacts of its use, as well as understand the possible directions of future regulations. This study was developed under the deductive method and, regarding the procedure, under the historical, dogmatic and conceptual methods, using the bibliographic review as a research technique. The conclusion of this research was that NFTs have a unique functionality that highlights them in the crypto market, whose activity, however, deserves to be regulated, due to the lack of control over transactions in the digital environment. Finally, it is concluded that regulation should be moderate, so that the development of new technologies related to the infungible token is not prevented