239 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Relationship Between Return Rate on Deposit of Islamic Bank and Conventional Bank in Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini menganalisis hubungan antara tingkat bagi hasil deposito bank syariah dengan tingkat suku bunga deposito bank konvensional yang ada di Indonesia menggunakan data bulanan periode Februari 2009 hingga Februari 2014. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode VECM. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan jangka panjang antara tingkat bagi hasil deposito bank syariah dengan tingkat suku bunga bank konvensional pada semua model deposito berjangka (deposito 1 bulan, deposito 3 bulan, deposito 6 bulan, dan deposito 12 bulan) dalam penelitian. Hasil olah data menunjukkan bahwa peranan guncangan tingkat suku bunga deposito bank konvensional dalam menjelaskan fluktuasi tingkat bagi hasil deposito bank syariah lebih besar dibandingkan peranan guncangan tingkat bagi hasil deposito bank syariah dalam menjelaskan fluktuasi tingkat suku bunga deposito bank konvensional

    Pengaruh sudut twist drill terdahap kekasaran dan kebulatan pada proses pemesinan drilling

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    Coolant and twist drill angle is one of the factors that affect the quality of the workpiece. Coolant selection and twist drill angle are useful for reducing hole roughness and increasing drill hole precision. In addition, the coolant must be easily degraded in the environment so that the environment is not polluted. An example of coconut oil is oil that can be degraded in the environment. This study aims to determine the effect of coconut oil (CO) and drill bit angle on the hole and hole precision obtained during the drilling process. In experimental testing, conventional drilling machines are used for test testing. the tests were carried out under various machining parameters, namely spindle rotation speed of 1100 rpm, drill bit angles of 130° and 135°. Based on these parameters, the spindle rotation speed of 1100 rpm and the drill bit angle of 135° is rougher than the drilling results for the spindle rotation speed of 1100 rpm and the drill bit angle of 130°. In addition, the roundness of the drilled holes for a spindle rotational speed of 1100 rpm and a drill bit angle of 130° is more precise than the spindle rotation speed of 1100 rpm and a drill bit angle of 135°

    Pengaruh Suplementasi Serat Galaktomanan Ampas Kelapa terhadap Penghambatan Kenaikan Kadar Kolesterol Darah

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    The high level of blood cholesterol is one of the risk factor for artherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. The number of people suffering from cardiovascular disease as the consequence of their life style, particularly in the city. On the other hand, it was reported that dietary fiber supplementation could inhibit the increase of the blood cholesterol level. One of these dietary fibers known as galactomannan found sufficiently in the residue of coconut kernel. This study was to prove the effect cif this dietary fiber supplementation to the increased level of the blood cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDJ), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and triglyceride, in the rabbit experiment. The result of the study shown that the effect of supplemention of galactomannan dietary fiber of the coconut kernel to the cholesterol level was in the form of isolated galactomanan. In 26 days, the isolated galactomannan reduced the cholesterol level by 12 mg/dl (p=0.069), 10 mg/dl (p=0.231) of the LDL, and 7 mg/dl (p=0.138) of the triglyceride. The HDL level raised 1 mgldl (p=0.021). The inhihitation raises significantly when the supplemetation was continued for 52 days. There were an increase of 24 mg/dl (p=0.010) for cholesterol, 15 mg/dl for HDL (p=0.045), 18 mg/dl (p=0.015) for triglyceride. Whereas the increase of the HDL level remained in 1 mg/dl (p=0.032). The conclusion of this study was that the effect of supplemention of galactomannan dietary fiber contained in the coconut kernel to the cholesterol, trigliseride was in the form of the isolated galactomannan. It could he suggested that the isolated galactomannan produced from the residue of coconut kernel was becoming an alternative food supplementation for reducing the cholesterol level of hyperlipidemia

    Implementasi Snort Sebagai Alat Pendeteksi Intrusi Menggunakan Linux

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    Network security system on the server is an important factor to ensure the stability , integrity and validity of the data . Implementation of Snort -based Intrusion Detection System can save the cost of procurement of software because it is free and quite reliable in detecting security attacks . Snort -based IDS systems can be implemented on the Linux operating system . Snort main settings and network settings , especially on existing Snort rule . An attack can be detected or not by SnortI IDS , depending on the presence or absence of an appropriate rule. Testing the IDS system was done with several attack patterns to test the reliability of Snort to detect an attack against the security system . Based on the results of testing the system Snort IDS with ping , nmap port scanning , exploits , SQL Injection , accessing the database . Snort can provide warning of an attack against the security of a network system . The warning results can be used as a reference for determining the network security policy

    Relationship between isokinetic leg strength and knee frontal plane projection angle during single leg squat among male junior athletes

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    injuries. However, studies on the top down kinetic chain of lower limb mechanics during dynamic motions such as single leg squat (SLS) among trained males were scarce. Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate the relationship between isokinetic hip and knee strength and frontal plane projection angle (FPPA) of the knee joint during SLS. Methods: Thirty-two male junior athletes (twelve cyclists, ten runners and ten squash players) were screened for excessive dynamic knee valgus (DKV) prior to participation. Only those within the normal value of DKV were included. Their hip and knee isokinetic strength in sagittal plane were evaluated at 60º/s of angular velocity for both legs using dynamometer. Two dimensional knee FPPA was evaluated during SLS at 60º of knee flexion. Pearson correlation was evaluated between knee FPPA during SLS and isokinetic leg strength. Results: Correlations between knee FPPA and hip and knee isokinetic strength were not statistically significant except between knee flexion peak torque/body weight (r = -0.35, p = 0.05) and hamstring to quadriceps ratio (r = -0.39, p = 0.03) of non-dominant leg. Conclusions: Isokinetic hip and knee strength and knee FPPA during SLS was correlated only for non-dominant leg during SLS among male junior athletes. DKV during SLS may be reduced through strengthening the muscles around hip and knee joints

    Analisis Pengaruh Variabel Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Urban terhadap Kemandirian Ekonomi Ditinjau dari Aspek Keuangan, Energi, dan Pangan di Kecamatan Singosari Kabupaten Malang

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    This study aims to assess the contribution of local economic independence for theurban community village of Candi Renggo, Singosari District in the short term fromthe aspects of finance, energy and food; and analyze whether independence was simultaneously able to survive in the long run. The analysis showed that the economicand social resource for the urban community is quite adequate so that resources can besynergy between mutually exclusive and weaknesses. For the people in selected vil-lages have the ability to develop and demonstrate a significant contribution, althoughthe level is still low. The results of this study partially and simultaneously to thecombined respondents (agricultural and non agricultural sector) contribution provedadequate, but not yet able to explain in detail the contribution was sufficient forrespondents who work in agriculture and non agricultural sector alones

    Rancang Bangun Server Learning Management System Menggunakan Load Balancer Dan Reverse Proxy

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    Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah beban pada web server adalah dengan menggunakan lebih dari satu web server. Trafik internet akan dikendalikan oleh load balancer yang akan membagi request yang diterimanya ke masing-masing web server. Selain load balancer bisa juga dipasang reverse proxy untuk men-cache halaman web sehingga bisa di-load lebih cepat lagi. Rancang bangun sistem yang diuji dalam tugas akhir ini meliputi dua web server Learning Management System (LMS) yang dikontrol oleh satu load balancer dan reverse proxy (cluster). Pengujian juga dilakukan pada server LMS single untuk dijadikan tolok ukur perbandingan. Pengujian dilakukan untuk mengamati perbedaan performansi yang dicapai server LMS cluster dibandingkan dengan server LMS single. Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan bahwa server LMS cluster mampu meningkatkan performansi secara signifikan ketika jumlah user yang mengakses berjumlah lebih dari 40 user. Peningkatan tersebut terutama terlihat pada parameter throughput, packet retransmission dan page load time yang mampu meningkat sampai 57.93%

    Effects of palm fat blends inclusion on the quality of chicken frankfurters

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    Three types of palm fats (PF) to be incorparated into meat batters were prepared from palm oil (PO) and palm stearin (POs) with the ratio ofpO:POs at 60:40, 70:30 and 80:20 (wt/wt). The slip melting point (SMP), iodine value (IV) and solid fat content (SFC) ofPF were measured. Eight formulations offrankfurters were then produced using PF60:40, PF70:30, PF80:20 and palm olein (POo) at 20% and 25% offat levels. Chopping temperature, emulsion stability (ES) and water holding capacity (WHC) ofmeat batters containing PF and POo were measured. At 25%fat level, meat batters mixed with PF60: 40 recarded the highest final chopping temperatures at the end of comminution, while POo recarded the lowest value. Fluid loss of meat batters prepared with PF60:40 and PF80:20 were significantly lower at 20% fat level compared to that of25%(P<0.05). Higher WHC was exhibited by meat batters containing various PF compared to the one with POo (P<0.05)