8 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of safety and health assessment system in construction (SHASSIC)

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    Construction industry is really known as one of the industry within the highest accident record. Even though Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1994 has established guidelines for occupational safety and health management system (OSHMS), but it seems ineffective due to several contractor’s firm still lacking of some important elements which should be applied to mitigate accident in construction site. Therefore in 2008, CIS 10:2008 (SHASSIC) introduce by CIDB Malaysia as method for contractors to assess their safety and health complementary performance in site. Since the method still new in the construction industry, this study aims to measure the effectiveness of SHASSIC tool in improving occupational safety and health management in construction site. Four objectives has to be pursued in order to achieve the aim of study: 1) To study the level of OSH management in construction site using SHASSIC tool; 2) To determine weaknesses area of OSH management in construction site; 3) To propose suggestion for improving OSH management towards contractor’s firm; and 4) To identify the effectiveness of SHASSIC tool in improving OSH management. Data were obtained by carried out two phases of safety and health assessment which uses CIS 10:2008 SHASSIC as tool to assess six sites selected within Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Skudai compound. The results indicate the performance ranking of sites according to the SHASSIC standard. Three items of weaknesses determine in documentation, seven items in workplace, while category of worker as employees which contribute to the lowest level of compliance to the safety and health requirement. Suggestions were proposed according to the CIS 10:2008 SHASSIC guideline which takes precedence of 1) Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1994 (Act 514) and Regulations, 2) Factories and Machinery Act, 1967 (Act 139) and Regulations and Rules, and 3) OHSAS 18001: 2007, MS 1722: 2005 and ILO OHS MS: 2001 as to comply with safety and health legislation. Thus the effectiveness of SHASSIC tool was identified based on improvement of SHASSIC Score percentage from first toward second assessment carried out on sites

    A literature review on the improvement strategies of passive design for the roofing system of the modern house in a hot and humid climate region

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    Increase of indoor temperature compared with outdoor temperature is a major concern in modern house design.Occupants suffer from this uncomfortable condition because of overheating indoor temperature.Poor passive design causes heat to be trapped, which influences the rise in indoor temperature.The upper part, which covers the area of the roof, is the most critical part of the house that is exposed to heat caused by high solar radiation and high emissivity levels.During daytime, the roof accumulates heat, which increases the indoor temperature and affects the comfort level of the occupants.To maintain the indoor temperature within the comfort level, most house designs usually depend on mechanical means by using fans or air conditioning systems.The dependence on a mechanical ventilation system could lead to additional costs for its installation, operation, and maintenance. Thus, this study concentrates on reviews on passive design and suggests recommendations for future developments.New proposals or strategies are proposed to improve the current passive design through ventilated and cool roof systems. It is possible to achieve the comfort level inside a house throughout the day by reducing the transmitted heat into the indoor environment and eliminating the internal hot air.These recommendations could become attractive strategies in providing a comfortable indoor temperature to the occupants as well as in minimizing energy consumption

    Study on the Optimum Roof Type with 30° Roof Angle to Enhance Natural Ventilation and Air Circulation of a Passive Design

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    One of the major problems in modern housing design is overheating. Occupants suffer higher indoor temperatures due to a lack of natural ventilation. This issue arises because of poor passive design. A good passive design promotes natural ventilation and provides better indoor air temperatures without reliance on mechanical cooling systems. The roofing system plays an important role in a house’s design. Since the roof contributes to 70% of the total heat gain, it is important to investigate its design to reduce the impact of overheating. It has been found that many roofs lack a ventilation system in the top part of the house. These openings in the roof provide areas for trapped hot air to exit into the environment. The openings also enhance natural ventilation and allow for effective air circulation inside the house. The optimum roof is designed to tackle this matter by reducing the overheating inside the house, especially during the hottest hours of the day. The hot air exits based on the differences in air density and due to prevailing wind. In this study, the optimum roof was tested on a small-scale model and verified by simulation using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) software, namely ANSYS 18.0. From the data obtained, it was proven that the opening in the roof reduced the indoor temperature. In conclusion, the optimum roof could improve the passive design and help to reduce overheating inside a house

    Study On The Optimum Roof Type With 30° Roof Angle To Enhance Natural Ventilation And Air Circulation Of A Passive Design

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    One of the major problems in modern housing design is overheating. Occupants suffer higher indoor temperatures due to a lack of natural ventilation. This issue arises because of poor passive design. A good passive design promotes natural ventilation and provides better indoor air temperatures without reliance on mechanical cooling systems. The roofing system plays an important role in a house’s design. Since the roof contributes to 70% of the total heat gain, it is important to investigate its design to reduce the impact of overheating. It has been found that many roofs lack a ventilation system in the top part of the house. These openings in the roof provide areas for trapped hot air to exit into the environment. The openings also enhance natural ventilation and allow for effective air circulation inside the house. The optimum roof is designed to tackle this matter by reducing the overheating inside the house, especially during the hottest hours of the day. The hot air exits based on the differences in air density and due to prevailing wind. In this study, the optimum roof was tested on a small-scale model and verified by simulation using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) software, namely ANSYS 18.0. From the data obtained, it was proven that the opening in the roof reduced the indoor temperature. In conclusion, the optimum roof could improve the passive design and help to reduce overheating inside a house

    Impak Nasional : Program Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat (PSH) Tidak Formal di Malaysia

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    Merujuk kepada Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara (PSPTN), pembudayaan pembelajaran sepanjang hayat (PSH) merupakan Teras ke-6 bagi membolehkan individu memperolehi kemahiran baharu dan meningkatkan kemahiran sedia ada, serta dalam proses tersebut memperolehi manfaat sosioekonomi. Dalam aspek ini, peningkatan dalam kompetensi pekerja dijangka membolehkan Malaysia beralih daripada sektor pembuatan elektronik dan barangan perkilangan, ke sektor pembuatan barangan berasaskan pengetahuan intensif (knowledge-intensiJied goods). Kemajuan ke arah ekonomi berasaskan pengetahuan dalam era ICT, akan merealisasikan impian Malaysia untuk menjadi sebuah negara maju pada tahun 2020. Sehubungan dengan itu, kerajaan telah meningkatkan pelaburan dalam program PSH melalui pelbagai agensi kerajaan untuk membudayakan PSH dalam' kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Namun begitu, maklumat mengenai kerelevanan program PSH dalam latihan semula (reskilling) dan peningkatan kemahiran (upskilling) bagi peserta, hanya dapat diperolehi daripada maklum balas yang diberikan oleh peserta pada hari terakhir program PSH. Hasil maklum balas tersebut merupakan jangkaan peserta tentang kerelevanan kemahiran dan pengetahuan yang dipelajari. Buat masa ini, pola penyertaan dalam program PSH belum dikaji dan maklumat ini penting untuk mengenal pasti kesedaran awam dan ekuiti dalam peluang untuk menyertai program PSH (Strategi 2 PSPTN)

    A literature review on the improvement strategies of passive design for the roofing system of the modern house in a hot and humid climate region

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    Increase of indoor temperature compared with outdoor temperature is a major concern in modern house design. Occupants suffer from this uncomfortable condition because of overheating indoor temperature. Poor passive design causes heat to be trapped, which influences the rise in indoor temperature. The upper part, which covers the area of the roof, is the most critical part of the house that is exposed to heat caused by high solar radiation and high emissivity levels. During daytime, the roof accumulates heat, which increases the indoor temperature and affects the comfort level of the occupants. To maintain the indoor temperature within the comfort level, most house designs usually depend on mechanical means by using fans or air conditioning systems. The dependence on a mechanical ventilation system could lead to additional costs for its installation, operation, and maintenance. Thus, this study concentrates on reviews on passive design and suggests recommendations for future developments. New proposals or strategies are proposed to improve the current passive design through ventilated and cool roof systems. It is possible to achieve the comfort level inside a house throughout the day by reducing the transmitted heat into the indoor environment and eliminating the internal hot air. These recommendations could become attractive strategies in providing a comfortable indoor temperature to the occupants as well as in minimizing energy consumption

    Lifelong Learning for Personal and Professional Development in Malaysia

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    The study examined economic and non-economic benefits of non-formal lifelong learning for participants. A survey of 1,923 participants of non-formal lifelong learning programmes offered by six ministries in Malaysia showed that 50% participated in programmes that are related to the jobs and 50% participated in non job-related programmes. In the category of job-related lifelong learning programmes, participants of technical skills-based programmes are the most likely to enjoy salary increment and promotion. For others, the employment benefits are in the form of additional opportunities for training and increased job responsibilities. Besides bringing about personal development, non job-related lifelong learning programmes also endowed participants with useful skills and knowledge to earn additional income, get a job, and set up small businesses. For lifelong learning programmes to bring about better economic returns, the findings indicate that the programmes need to be structured based on skill levels (basic to advanced) and market surveys need be conducted to determine industry needs

    Feasibility study for green energy island : final report, Vol.

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    This report consists of narrowing down more than 200 off grid sites based on the report by Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah (KKLW), Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB) and Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) Sarawak to ten (10) sites that may have the potential for the GEI project implementation. The site investigations are carried out through rigorous and extensive site visits over eight (8) months period. Details of these site studies are presented in this report, covering the background of the selected sites, demographic data and technical data that includes hydrological data and load demand analysis