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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkonfirmasi indikator dari variabel laten yang dianalisis melalui pertanyaan pertanyaan yang ada. Variabel laten yang dianalisis ialah kecemasan, motivasi, dan kemandirian belajar matematika. Pada kecemasan belajar matematika terdapat 4 variabel indikator yaitu perasaan, fisik, pikiran, dan prilaku peserta didik.Pada motivasi belajar matematika memiliki 6 variabel indikator yaitu percaya diri, Fleksibel, Kerelaan meninggalkan kewajiban lain, ketekunan belajar, berani berpendapat, serta gigih dan ulet dan terurai pada 20 pertanyaan. Pada kemandirian belajar matematika ini memiliki 6 variabel indikator yaitu Progresif dan ulet, inisiatif, mengendalikan dari dalam, kemantapan diri, memperoleh kepuasan diri, dan tanggung jawab yang terurai pada 30 pertanyaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di MAN 1 Lampung Utara dengan melibatkan 97 responden kelas XI.Teknik analisis faktor yang digunakan ialah Confirmatory Factor Analysis yang merupakan teknik analisis multivariate yang digunakan untuk mengkonfirmasi suatu variabel. Hasil yang didapat dari analisis faktor menggunakan LISREL terdapat 2 variabel laten yang dinyatakan sebagai model yang cukup baik yaitu kecemasan dan motivasi belajar sedangkan kemandirian belajar setelah dilakukan modifikasi dinyatakan sebagai model yang baik (memenuhi goodness of fit). Pada perhitungan analisis faktor menggunakan SPSS bahwasanya pada variabel kecemasan terdapat 4 variabel indikator yang sesuai dan tepat dengan 25 pertanyaan yang valid, pada variabel laten motivasi terdapat 2 variabel indikator dengan 7 pertanyaan yang valid, dan variabel kemandirian belajar terdapat 3 variabel indikator dengan 16 pertanyaan yang valid, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa indikator pada variabel kecemasan, motivasi, dan kemandirian belajar setelah dilakukan analisis dinyatakan sesuai dan tepat untuk mengukur masing masing variabel laten. Kata kunci : Kecemasan, Motivasi, Kemandirian, Confirmatory Factor Analysis iiAbstract This study aims to confirm the indicators of the latent variables analyzed through the existing questions. The latent variables analyzed were anxiety, motivation, and independence in learning mathematics. In mathematics learning anxiety there are 4 indicator variables, namely feelings, physical, thoughts, and behavior of students. The motivation to learn mathematics has 6 indicator variables, namely self-confidence, flexibility, willingness to leave other obligations, perseverance in learning, daring to think, as well as persistent and tenacious and decomposes into 20 questions. The independent learning mathematics has 6 indicator variables, namely progressive and tenacious, initiative, controlling from within, self- steadiness, gaining self-satisfaction, and responsibility which is broken down into 30 questions. This research was conducted at MAN 1 North Lampung involving 97 respondents in class XI. The factor analysis technique used is Confirmatory Factor Analysis which is a multivariate analysis technique used to confirm a variable. The results obtained from the factor analysis using LISREL there are 2 latent variables which are stated as a fairly good model, namely anxiety and learning motivation, while learning independence after modification is stated as a good model (meets goodness of fit). In the calculation of factor analysis using SPSS, there are 4 appropriate and appropriate indicator variables on the anxiety variable with 25 valid questions, on the motivational latent variable there are 2 indicator variables with 7 valid questions, and the learning independence variable there are 3 indicator variables with 16 questions that are valid. valid, so that it can be concluded that the indicators on the variables of anxiety, motivation, and learning independence after the analysis is declared appropriate and appropriate to measure each latent variable. Keywords: Anxiety, Motivation, Independence, Confirmatory Factor Analysi

    SAVI and DLPS learning models on mathematical problem solving

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    Problem-solving ability is an skills related to mathematical characteristics which instructors need to encourage educators to be able to solve problems. This process certainly uses the right learning model to reach the target in accordance with the curriculum. This study aims to compare the influence of Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, and Intellectually (SAVI) and Double-loop Problem-solving (DLPS) methods in influencing mathematical problem solving skills. This study uses quantitative types with data analysis techniques using the T test. The results of this study are that there is an average value in the SAVI learning model of 77.7 while the average value of the DLPS learning model is 77.3. The conclusion can be drawn that the SAVI and DLPS learning models have the same effect on problem solving skills.

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning Tipe POE dan Aktivitas Belajar terhadap Kemampuan Metakognitif

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    Remembering formulas without understanding its concept is a constraint in students’ learning activities. Therefore, the learning model needs to be implemented to make students active in understanding the concept of the material that teachers provide. This research intention is to reveal: (1) the effect of the discovery learning model of POE learning type towards metacognitive ability; (2) the influence of learning activity towards metacognitive ability; (3) the interaction between discovery learning model of POE learning type and learning activity toward metacognitive ability. This research applied experimental research; it was conducted through experiments or trials. It used a Quasy-Experimental design that has control group design, but it does not fully function to control the external variables that affect the execution of the experiment. The research outcomes show: (1) there is an effect of discovery learning model of POE learning type towards metacognitive ability; (2) there is an influence of learning activity towards students’ metacognitive ability; (3) there is no interaction between discovery learning model of POE learning type and learning activity toward students’ metacognitive ability.Menghafal rumus-rumus tanpa memahami konsepnya merupakan suatu kendala dalam aktivitas belajar peserta didik saat ini. Oleh sebab itu, perlu diterapkannya pembelajaran yang bisa membuat peserta didik untuk aktif dalam memahami konsep materi yang pendidik berikan di kelas. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui: (1) pengaruh model pembelajaran Discovery Learning tipe POE ( Preiction, observation, and Explanation) terhadap kemampuan metakognitif; (2) pengaruh aktivitas belajar terhadap kemampuan metakognitif; (3) interaksi antara model pembelajaran Discovery Learning tipe POE dan aktivitas belajar terhadap kemampuan metakognitif. Penelitian ini menerapkan penelitian eksperimen, yaitu dilaksanakan melalui eksperimentasi atau percobaan. Jenis eksperimen yang digunakan yaitu Quasy Experiment, yaitu desain yang mempunyai kelompok kontrol, tetapi tidak sepenuhnya berfungsi untuk mengontrol variabel-variabel luar yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan eksperimen. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran Discovery Learning tipe POE terhadap kemampuan metakognitif; (2) terdapat pengaruh aktivitas belajar terhadap kemampuan metakognitif peserta didik; (3) tidak ada interaksi antara model pembelajaran Discovery Learning tipe POE dan aktivitas belajar terhadap kemampuan metakognitif peserta didik