3 research outputs found

    Scintillation neutron detector on the basis of boron-containing plastics

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    Main parameters are presented for plastic scintillators containing boron. These scintillators were obtained by the block polymerization method of polystyrene with luminescent dopants and allyldodecaborane. Sample dimensions: diameter 25 mm, height 25 mm. Parameters studied included light output, sensitivity to neutrons and time characteristics.У роботі представлені основні параметри пластмасових сцинтиляторів, які містять бор. Ці сцинтилятори одержані за допомогою методу блочної полімеризації полістиролу з домішками, що випромінюють люмінесценцію та алилдодекабораном. Розміри зразків: Ø25х25 мм. Досліджені світловий вихід, чутливість до нейтронів та компоненти висвічування.В работе представлены основные параметры пластмассовых сцинтилляторов, содержащих бор. Эти сцинтилляторы получены методом блочной полимеризации полистирола с люминесцирующими добавками и аллилдодекабораном. Размеры образцов: диаметр 25 мм и высота 25 мм. Исследованы световой выход, чувствительность к нейтронам и времен- ные характеристики

    Synthesis, structure, and spectral fluorescence properties of 1,4-di(5-phenyl-2-oxazolyl)benzene heteroanalogs

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    Novel organic luminophors belonging to the oxazole and oxadiazole classes of compounds have been synthesized, namely, thiophene and furan analogs of 1,4-di(5-phenyl-2-oxazolyl)benzene. The optical properties of these compunds have been studied both theoretically and experimentally. Their IR spectra have been measured and their UV absorption, fluorescence, and excitation spectra have been analyzed. Details of their electronic structure and their principal spectral fluorescence parameters have been calculated using the PPP method. Possible methods or pathways for improving the spectral fluorescence parameters of organic luminophors in these classes of compounds in the visible region of the spectrum have also been analyzed. © 1990 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Synthesis, structure, and spectral fluorescence properties of 1,4-di(5-phenyl-2-oxazolyl)benzene heteroanalogs

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    Novel organic luminophors belonging to the oxazole and oxadiazole classes of compounds have been synthesized, namely, thiophene and furan analogs of 1,4-di(5-phenyl-2-oxazolyl)benzene. The optical properties of these compunds have been studied both theoretically and experimentally. Their IR spectra have been measured and their UV absorption, fluorescence, and excitation spectra have been analyzed. Details of their electronic structure and their principal spectral fluorescence parameters have been calculated using the PPP method. Possible methods or pathways for improving the spectral fluorescence parameters of organic luminophors in these classes of compounds in the visible region of the spectrum have also been analyzed. © 1990 Plenum Publishing Corporation