25 research outputs found

    Responsible investments in hop farming: Foreign and domestic experience

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    The article examines the current trends in the investment activity of hop farming in the main hop-producing countries. The structure of investments in fixed assets of the industry in large specialized farms in the USA (Washington State University methodology), in small farms in the USA (joint methodology of the University of Michigan and Vermont), in average farms in Europe (SIMAHOP methodology of the Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing) and in farms of the Chuvash Republic — the main hop-producing region of Russia (model CCU of the Czech Republic “Agro-Innovations”). According to the results of the study, it was revealed that the hop growers bear the greatest investment costs at the initial stage — during the construction of the hop frames and the laying of hops. Capital investments at this point account for 50-60% of all long-term investments. On average, 15% to 19% of investments are invested in the purchase of specialized machinery and equipment. From 20% to 30% is occupied by investment costs for hop harvesting points

    Development of Scada-model for trunk gas pipeline's compressor station

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    Nowadays, at all levels of created automated control systems for technological processes, programmable technical means are used that require specific software within framework of necessary functional tasks. This software should include a set of software tools that communicate with technical devices and organize «human-machine interface» (HMI) in the form of application software for AWPs with assigned communication tasks for persons, responsible for management decision-making: operators, dispatchers, managers. However, hardware architecture is unique for each particular case, so it is necessary to refine or create a new control system. This is a rather laborious process. To simplify creation of such systems SCADA-systems are used. Article is devoted to development of SCADA-component for trunk gas pipeline's compressor workshop. Developed component allows tracking the characteristics of gas transportation process selected by operator. Development is based on «Windows» operating system and integrated environment TRACE MODE (SCADA/HMI)

    Prediction of exacerbation chronic bronchopulmonary diseases in children with influenza

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    The objective: To develop a method for predicting exacerbation of chronic illness in children with asthma and cystic fibrosis, patients with influenza, based on the study of the dynamics of cytokines. Materials and methods: Were examined 52 patients with bronchial asthma and 45 children with cystic fibrosis at the age from 1 year to 12 years, located in infectious pulmonary Department at the planned treatment of underlying pathology, in which influenza was in-hospital infection. Control group observations included 40 patients with the flu, without concomitant pulmonary disease. The etiology of viral infection was established by detection of viral RNA in nasopharyngeal swabs by PCR. Among the influenza viruses were identified influenza АH1N1, АH3N2, influenza B, and in 2009–2010 the predominant antigen was the pandemic influenza virus АH1N1pdm09. Determination of the concentration of serum interleukins IL-1β, IL-4, IL-8, IL-10, ТNF-α, IFN-γ was performed in the 1st and 3rd day of hospitalization cytokines by the solid-phase immune-enzyme assay. Analysis of the results performed using statistical package SPSS 17.0 EN for Windows. Results: The flu caused the aggravation associated bronchopulmonary pathology in 2/3 of children, as MV patients, and patients with BA (65,4%-66,7%, respectively). With an increase of the ratio of IL-4 / IFN-γ and IL-10/IFN-γ, at least 5-6 times, influenza can be considered a trigger of exacerbation of chronic bronchopulmonary pathologies that require amplification of the therapy of bronchial asthma and of сystic fibrosis. The growth of prognostic coefficients in 2-3 times allows using for treatment of influenza in these patients only antiviral agents. Conclusion: The study has shown a method for predicting exacerbation of bronchial asthma and cystic fibrosis in children at an early stage of influenza by calculating the ratio of IL-4/IFN-γ and IL-10/IFN-γ in children aged from 1 year to 12 years

    Adaptation of first-year students of the pharmaceutical faculty to the terms of studying at the university

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of problems encountered by first-year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy regarding the conditions of study at a university. Based on the results of the survey, the main problems that freshmen are experiencing are identified and some recommendations are given to accelerate the process of students' adaptation.Статья посвящена анализу проблем, возникающих у студентов фармацевтического факультета первого курса к условиям обучения в вузе. По результатам анкетирования определены основные проблемы, которые испытывают первокурсники, и даны некоторые рекомендации по ускорению процесса адаптации студентов

    Changing the PH value of herbal decoctions for determining the optimum storage conditions

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    The purpose of the study is to find out which degree of purification water is less affected by various environmental conditions to determine the optimal temperature regimes for storage of decoctions.Цель исследования - выяснить, вода какой степени очистки меньше подвержена влиянию различных условий внешней среды и определить оптимальные температурные режимы хранения отваров

    Professional liability insurance of dentists as the form of social-legal defense

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    The article is devoted to the problems of the Medical professional liability insurance in Russia. Medical organizations or government are responsible for medical professional liability insurance

    Прогнозирование обострения хронических бронхолёгочных заболеваний при гриппе у детей

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    The objective: To develop a method for predicting exacerbation of chronic illness in children with asthma and cystic fibrosis, patients with influenza, based on the study of the dynamics of cytokines. Materials and methods: Were examined 52 patients with bronchial asthma and 45 children with cystic fibrosis at the age from 1 year to 12 years, located in infectious pulmonary Department at the planned treatment of underlying pathology, in which influenza was in-hospital infection. Control group observations included 40 patients with the flu, without concomitant pulmonary disease. The etiology of viral infection was established by detection of viral RNA in nasopharyngeal swabs by PCR. Among the influenza viruses were identified influenza АH1N1, АH3N2, influenza B, and in 2009–2010 the predominant antigen was the pandemic influenza virus АH1N1pdm09. Determination of the concentration of serum interleukins IL-1β, IL-4, IL-8, IL-10, ТNF-α, IFN-γ was performed in the 1st and 3rd day of hospitalization cytokines by the solid-phase immune-enzyme assay. Analysis of the results performed using statistical package SPSS 17.0 EN for Windows. Results: The flu caused the aggravation associated bronchopulmonary pathology in 2/3 of children, as MV patients, and patients with BA (65,4%-66,7%, respectively). With an increase of the ratio of IL-4 / IFN-γ and IL-10/IFN-γ, at least 5-6 times, influenza can be considered a trigger of exacerbation of chronic bronchopulmonary pathologies that require amplification of the therapy of bronchial asthma and of сystic fibrosis. The growth of prognostic coefficients in 2-3 times allows using for treatment of influenza in these patients only antiviral agents. Conclusion: The study has shown a method for predicting exacerbation of bronchial asthma and cystic fibrosis in children at an early stage of influenza by calculating the ratio of IL-4/IFN-γ and IL-10/IFN-γ in children aged from 1 year to 12 years. Цель: разработать способ прогнозирования обострения основного заболевания при гриппе у детей, больных бронхиальной астмой и муковисцидозом, на основании изучения динамики цитокинов. Материалы и методы: обследованы 52 пациента с бронхиальной астмой и 45 детей с муковисцидозом в возрасте от 1 года до 12 лет, находившихся в инфекционно-пульмонологическом отделении на плановом лечении основной патологии, у которых грипп являлся госпитальной инфекцией. Контрольную группу наблюдений составили 40 пациентов с гриппом, но без сопутствующих бронхолегочных заболеваний. Этиология вирусной инфекции устанавливалась определением вирус-специфической РНК в носоглоточных смывах методом ПЦР. Среди вирусов гриппа определялись АH1N1, АH3N2, В, а в 2009–2010 гг. преобладающим антигеном являлся вирус пандемического гриппа АH1N1pdm09. Определение содержания в сыворотке крови интерлейкинов IL-1β, IL-4, IL-8, IL-10, ТNF-α, IFN-γ проводилось в 1-й и 3-й день госпитализации «сэндвич»-методом твердофазного иммуноферментного анализа. Статистическая обработка результатов выполнена с применением программы SPSS 17.0 RU for Windows. Результаты: грипп вызывал обострение сопутствующей бронхолегочной патологии у большинства детей, больных как муковисцидозом, так и бронхиальной астмой (65,4% и 66,7% соответственно). При увеличении коэффициента соотношения IL-4/IFN-γ и IL-10/IFN-γ как минимум в 5–6 раз грипп может считаться триггером обострения сопутствующей хронической бронхолегочной патологии. Нарастание прогностических коэффициентов в 2–3 раза позволяет ограничить лечение гриппа у данной категории больных противовирусными средствами. Заключение: представлен способ прогнозирования обострения бронхиальной астмы и муковисцидоза у детей на ранней стадии гриппа с помощью расчета коэффициентов соотношения IL-4/IFN-γ и IL-10/IFN-γ у детей в возрасте от 1 года до 12 лет.


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    The article is devoted to the study of the impact of personalized data on the profitability of companies. Personalized data is considered as a resource that allows you to achieve customer loyalty and thereby increase sales, i.e. increase profits. The research considers ways to use personalized data in various fields of activity and identifies the reasons for limitations in using this approach, the most common of which are the lack of qualified personnel, resource consumption and lack of a clear vision of the result. We concluded that it is necessary to use various tools for studying and personalizing customer experience, regardless of the field of activity of the companies in order to maximize the company's profits


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    The article presents an overview of the current state of work on the integrated use of hydrocarbon raw materials for energy supply to industrial and domestic consumers, as well as generation of process gas. A thermal scheme of an energy-chemical plant with a combined production of energy carriers (thermal and electric energy) and a process gas containing H2 and CO is proposed. The software product was registered in the form of a mathematical model of a partial oxidation reactor, which made it possible to estimate the parameters of gas synthesis at an air flow coefficient of α=0,7, a pressure increase of πk=5, and a specific steam flow rate of 6,5 kg/kg (N2=35,8 %, H2O=50,2%, CO2=5,9%, CO=2,6%, H2=5,5% and temperature 1570 °C), as well as geometrical dimensions of the apparatus D=1,3 m and L=10,8 m

    Prospects and characteristics of thermal and electrochemical energy storage systems

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    The integration of energy storage into energy systems is widely recognised as one of the key technologies for achieving a more sustainable energy system. The capability of storing energy can support grid stability, optimise the operating conditions of energy systems, unlock the exploitation of high shares of renewable energies, reduce the overall emissions and, consequently, limit the environmental impacts of energy production, transformation and consumption. Energy storage is a very wide and variegate topic in which several aspects \u2013 from material and process design, control and optimisation, economic and environmental aspects, specific application, etc. \u2013 play a fundamental role. The present paper offers a critical overview of the main energy storage to help readers navigate across the different technologies available to store energy, their current development status, common applications and future research trends and opportunities. Due to the complexity of the topic, the paper focuses the attention on thermal and electrochemical energy storage and their synergies with the development of renewable energy source technologies