78 research outputs found
Антигенное разнообразие вирусов гриппа А и В, выделенных от детей в г. Санкт-Петербурге в период с 2013 по 2015 г.
Purpose of the study: study of the circulation, isolation and antigenic analysis of influenza viruses A and B in St.-Petersburg in the children aged 0–18 in the seasons 2013–2015.Materials: nasal swabs from children-inpatients from Saint-Petersburg.Methods: virus isolation in MDCK cell culture and chicken embryos, antigenic analysis with the hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) test with the set of hyper-immune rat antisera to the epidemic and reference strains, antigenic cartography.Results: The epidemic seasons 2013–2015 were characterized by the co-circulation in children in St.-Petersburg of influenza sub-types А(H1N1)pdm09, A(H3N2), and B of Yamagata lineage (B yam). In the season 2014–2015 the low activity of epidemic process was observed with the predominant sub-type A(H3N2) and in the next season – 2014–2015 with the more pronounced epidemic activity – the pre-dominance of B yam viruses. Antigenic analysis of influenza viruses А(H1N1)pdm09 which circulated in children revealed their antigenic homogeneity and full correspondence with vaccine strain A/California/07/09. As for А(H3N2) viruses, two antigenic groups were established: strains similar to A/St.-Petersburg/80/14 (sub-clade 3C.2a) and strains similar to A/Switzerland/9715293/13 (sub-clade 3C.3a). А(Н3N2) strains of the season 2013-2014 were similar to the vaccine strain. However isolates of the season 2014-2015 did not fit to the vaccine strain because in the children were predominant strains similar to the evolution branch A/St.-Petersburg/80/14 while according the WHO recommendations the influenza vaccine contained the strain A/Texas/50/12. Antigenic analysis of influenza viruses B showed their homogeneity and all they were B/Phuket/3073/13-like. Influenza strains B also incompletely corresponded to the vaccine strain – B/Massachusetts/2/12 belonging to the different genetic sub-clade. That might be the reason of enhanced morbidity of children with influenza B in the last season.Conclusion: The obtained results stress the urgency for the wide coverage of human population with the epidemic studies, virus isolation in different time periods and geographic regions and their etiological studies with the modern techniques. Only in these conditions we can assure high efficiency of flu seasonal vaccines.Цель исследования: особенности циркуляции, выделение и антигенный анализ вирусов гриппа А и В в Санкт-Петербурге в 2013–2015 гг. от детей от 0 до 18 лет.Материалы исследования: назальные мазки от детей из стационаров и закрытых детских учреждений Санкт-Петербурга.Методы: выделение вирусов на культуре клеток MDCK и куриных эмбрионах, антигенный анализ методом реакции торможения гемагглютинации (РТГА) с набором гипериммунных крысиных антисывороток к эталонным и эпидемическим штаммам гриппа, антигенная картография.Результаты: в эпидемические сезоны 2013–2015 гг. в г. Санкт-Петербурге среди детей была выявлена совместная циркуляция вирусов гриппа А(H1N1)pdm09, A(H3N2), B Ямагатской линии (B yam), причем в сезоне 2013–2014 гг. при общей невысокой активности эпидемического процесса преобладали вирусы A(H3N2), а в следующем эпидемическом сезоне – 2014–2015 гг. – при более высокой интенсивности эпидемии – вирусы В yam. Антигенный анализ вирусов А(H1N1)pdm09, циркулировавших среди детей, выявил их антигенную однородность и полное соответствие вакцинному штамму А/Калифорния/07/09. Зафиксирован антигенный дрейф вирусов А(H3N2), выявлены 2 антигенные группы: вирусы, подобные А/Санкт-Петербург/80/14 (генетическая подгруппа 3С.2а) и вирусы, подобные А/Швейцария/9715293/13 (подгруппа 3С.3а). Вирусы А(Н3N2) сезона 2013–2014 гг. были подобны вакцинному штамму. В то же время изоляты сезона 2014–2015 гг. не соответствовали вакцинному штамму, поскольку среди детей в основном выявлены штаммы, подобные эволюционной ветви А/Санкт-Петербург/80/14, а в вакцину по рекомендации ВОЗ был включен штамм А/Техас/50/12. Антигенный анализ вирусов гриппа В yam показал их однородность, они были подобны эталонному вирусу В/Пхукет/3073/13. Вирусы В также антигенно не полностью соответствовали вакцинному компоненту, поскольку данные вирусы были подобны штамму В/Пхукет/3073/13, а в состав вакцины входил штамм В/Массачусетс/2/12, принадлежащий к другой генетической подгруппе, что могло привести к повышению заболеваемости детей гриппом типа В в данном сезоне. Заключение: для своевременного правильного выбора штаммов, входящих в состав сезонных противогриппозных вакцин, по-прежнему актуальной остается задача как можно более широкого охвата населения эпидемиологическими исследованиями, выделения вирусов в разные периоды эпидемического сезона и в разных географических регионах, их антигенный и генетический анализ современными методами
Diet supplementation for 5 weeks with polyphenol-rich cereals improves several functions and the redox state of mouse leucocytes
BACKGROUND: Cereals naturally contain a great variety of polyphenols, which exert a wide range of physiological effects both in vitro and in vivo. Many of their protective effects, including an improvement of the function and redox state of immune cells in unhealthy or aged subjects come from their properties as powerful antioxidant compounds. However, whether cereal-based dietary supplementation positively affects the immune function and cellular redox state of healthy subjects remains unclear. AIM OF THE STUDY: To investigate the effects of supplementation (20% wt/wt) for 5 weeks with four different cereal fractions on healthy mice. METHODS: Several parameters of function and redox state of peritoneal leukocytes were measured. The cereals, named B (wheat germ), C (buckwheat flour), D (fine rice bran) and E (wheat middlings) contained different amounts of gallic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, vanillic acid, sinapic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, quercetin, catechin, rutin and oryzanol as major polyphenols. RESULTS: In general, all cereal fractions caused an improvement of the leukocyte parameters studied such as chemotaxis capacity, microbicidal activity, lymphoproliferative response to mitogens, interleukin-2 (IL-2) and tumor necrosis factor (TNFα) release, as well as oxidized glutathione (GSSG), GSSG/GSH ratio, catalase (CAT) activity and lipid oxidative damage. We observed similar effects among the cereal fractions. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that some of these effects may due, at least partially, to the antioxidant activity of the polyphenols naturally present in cereals. Since an appropriate function of the leukocytes has been proposed as marker of the health state, a short-term intake of cereals seems to be sufficient to exert a benefit in the health of the general population. However, further studies are needed to assess the optimal doses and to find out which active polyphenols are able to mediate the observed physiological effects before recommending their regular consumption
Antarctica challenges the new horizons in predictive, preventive, personalized medicine: preliminary results and attractive hypotheses for multi-disciplinary prospective studies in the Ukrainian “Akademik Vernadsky” station
Mechanism of the crushing of particles for production of submicron powders of refractory compounds in a pneumatic circulation apparatus
The use of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography combined with computed tomography in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer after initial treatment
Establishment of new centers for nuclear medicine in our country made diagnostic and treatment procedures more accessible for patients with differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). It includes radioiodine therapy, considered as a non-alternative method of treatment, and positron emission tomography combined with computed tomography (PET/CT), which is essential in some clinical cases. For many years suspected tumor relapse with increased level of thyroglobulin and negative radioiodine scan was the only indication for PET/CT use among patients with DTC. But over the last decade the indications for PET/CT use in DTC cases expanded significantly. This review is aimed to analyze currently available data on PET/CT in DTC patients, its indications for use, advantages and limitations, new trends and recommendations
The Problem of Social Orphanhood: the Impact Factors and Predictors
The strategic goal of the state social policy is the formation of the necessary legal, socioeconomic, sociocultural conditions for the physical, psychological and social development of children in a difficult life situation. Orphanhood is a social phenomenon in the community caused by the presence of children whose parents have died, as well as children left without parental care due to deprivation of parental rights, the recognition in due course of the parents in disability and missing.Стратегической целью государственной социальной политики является формирование необходимых правовых, социально-экономических, социокультурных условий для физического, психологического и социального развития детей, оказавшихся в трудной жизненной ситуации. Сиротство — социальное явление, обусловленное наличием в обществе детей, родители которых умерли, а также детей, оставшихся без попечения родителей вследствие лишения родительских прав, признания в установленном порядке родителей недееспособными, безвестно отсутствующими
Diagnostic features of lung metastases differentiated thyroid cancer
Background. The worldwide increasing incidence of thyroid cancer (TC) is mainly due to a rise in its major form of differentiated TC (DTC): papillary. Most patients with DTC have a good prognosis; 10-year survival overall rates are as high as 85 %, but not greater than 40 % in a group of patients with distant metastases. At the same time, the lung is the most frequent target for distant metastases, accounting for 70 % of all sites.Objective: to estimate and compare the capabilities of different diagnostic techniques to detect lung metastases of DTC. Materials and methods. The results of diagnosing lung metastases were retrospectively analyzed in 36 patients (33 women and 3 men; mean age 53 years) with DTC (29 patients with papillary TC and 7 with follicular TC) treated at the department of radiotherapy with systemic therapy, Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Oncology Center from 2011 to 2014.Results. Chest X-ray could reveal pulmonary metastases in 13 (36 %) patients; lung pathology foci were absent in 23 (64 %) patients. 131I whole-body scintigraphy (WBS) proved to be of informative value in 24 (66.7 %) patients, it displayed no increased accumulation of the radiopharmaceutical in the lung of 12 (33.3 %) cases. Multislice spiral computed tomography (MSCT) of the chest was carried out in 22 (61 %) patients; out of them 21 (95.5 %) were found to have 1.4-to-20-mm lung cancer foci. 18Fluorodeoxyglucose (18FDG) positron emission tomography / computed tomography (PET / CT) was performed in 18 (50 %) patients, which showed 3–26-mm lung pathology foci in all the patents; out of them 16 (88.9 %) were detected to have metastases owing to the CT component of this method. Thus, the highest sensitivity was exhibited by MSCT (95.5 %), 18FDG PET / CT (100 % due to its CT component), and 131I WBS (66.7 %).Conclusion. When lung metastases of DTC are suspected, 1) chest X-ray should be used as a screening test; 2) 131I WBS should be performed in all patients; 3) MSCT of the chest is the gold standard for diagnosis; 4) 18FDG PET / CT should not be employed in routine practice
Model of the deformation and fracture of a metal ceramic based on TiB2 + B4C upon dynamic loading
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