83 research outputs found

    Prediction of first test day milk yield using historical records in dairy cows

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    The transition between two lactations remains one of the most critical periods during the productive life of dairy cows. In this study, we aimed to develop a model that predicts the milk yield of dairy cows from test day milk yield data collected in the previous lactation. In the past, data routinely collected in the context of herd improvement programmes on dairy farms have been used to provide insights in the health status of animals or for genetic evaluations. Typically, only data from the current lactation is used, comparing expected (i.e., unperturbed) with realised milk yields. This approach cannot be used to monitor the transition period due to the lack of unperturbed milk yields at the start of a lactation. For multiparous cows, an opportunity lies in the use of data from the previous lactation to predict the expected production of the next one. We developed a methodology to predict the first test day milk yield after calving using information from the previous lactation. To this end, three random forest models (nextMILKFULL, nextMILKPH, and nextMILKP) were trained with three different feature sets to forecast the milk yield on the first test day of the next lactation. To evaluate the added value of using a machine-learning approach against simple models based on contemporary animals or production in the previous lactation, we compared the nextMILK models with four benchmark models. The nextMILK models had an RMSE ranging from 6.08 to 6.24 kg of milk. In conclusion, the nextMILK models had a better prediction performance compared to the benchmark models. Application-wise, the proposed methodology could be part of a monitoring tool tailored towards the transition period. Future research should focus on validation of the developed methodology within such tool

    Anisotropic light propagation in bovine muscle tissue depends on the initial fiber orientation, muscle type and wavelength

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    The effects of fiber orientation on vis/NIR light propagation were studied in three bovine muscles: biceps brachii, brachialis and soleus. Broadband light was focused onto the sample and the diffuse reflectance spot was captured using a hyperspectral camera (470-1620 nm), after which rhombuses were fitted to equi-intensity points. In samples with fibers running parallel to the measurement surface, the rhombus’ major axis was oriented perpendicular to the fiber direction close to the point of illumination. However, at larger distances from the illumination spot, the major axis orientation aligned with the fiber direction. This phenomenon was found to be muscle dependent. Furthermore, the rhombus orientation was highly dependent on the sample positioning underneath the camera, especially when the muscle fibers ran parallel to the measurement surface. The bias parameter, indicating the deviation from a circular shape, was higher for samples with the fibers running parallel to the measurement surface. Moreover, clear effects of wavelength and distance from the illumination point on this parameter were observed. These results show the importance of fiber orientation when considering optical techniques for measurements on anisotropic, fibrous tissues. Moreover, the prediction of muscle fiber orientation seemed feasible, which can be of interest to the meat industry.status: publishe
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