106 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Spectral Identification of Various New Ligands and Complexes with (Pb2+)

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    This paper involved  ,synthesis of new four ligands & their complexes with lead ion (Pb2+) have been synthesized via coupling reaction of azo compound & condensation reaction of imine compounds , the resulting compound containing azo group (ligand1) linked with imine compound will react with (maleic anhydride , sodium azide , chloro acetyl chloride) to give other three ligands containing azo –heterocycles from ( azo–oxazepine , azo –tetrazole , azo –azetidine), All four ligands & their complexes were confirmed by  spectral  studies such as{FT.IR–spectra , 1H.NMR-spectra , UV.Vis –spectra , Atomic Absorption  } , and  physical  studies  such as { molar conductance  ., solubility  in  different solvents   ., measurement of melting point } , with analytical  studies  such as  stoichiometric of complexes ., determination of  optimal  conditions of  complexes . It has been found that the four ligands behave as tridentate donor ligands forming chelates with (1:2) (Pb: ligand) stoichiometry . Keywords : optimal , conductance , coordination , donor

    Synthesis and Characterization of Iron(II), Cobalt(II), Nickel(II), Copper(II), and Zinc(II) Complexes Using Diphenylmethyl Xanthate Ligand

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    Potassium Diphenylmethyl Xanthate and its monomeric complexes were synthesized at room temperature under inert gas and stirring condition. The ligand and its complexes of the general formula [M(L)2] (where M= FeII, CoII, NiII , CuII, ZnII and CdII) were characterized by spectroscopic methods (IR, UV-Vis, 1H-, 13C-, DEPT-, HQMC- and COSY-NMR), elemental analysis, metal content, magnetic susceptibility  measurement and molar conductance. These studies revealed the formation of four coordinate complexes

    Synthesis and Antibacterial Activity of Isatin Schiff Base Derivative with 3-Aminoacetophenone and its Ni(II), Co(II) Transition Metals Complexes

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    The (E)-3-(3-acetylphenylimino) indolin-2-one (Bidentate) ligand type [HL], has been prepared from Isatin and 3-aminoacetophenone in the presence of KOH. In general, the ligand contains oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N) donor atoms. The reaction of Isatin and 3-aminoacetophenon was carried out in ethanol by condensation reaction at 80°C with reflux for 4 h, to form [HL] ligand type. This ligand has been used to prepare NiII and CoII complexes in the ratio of 1:1 metal-ligand. All compounds have been characterized by spectroscopic methods (Fourier transform infrared and ultravioletvisible), C.H.N, thin-layer chromatography, mass spectrum, X-ray diffraction, magnetic moment, conductivity measurements and milting point, the synthesized ligand and its metal complexes have been tested for their antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis using agar disc diffusion method. The ligand and its complexes showed significant activities against S. aureus and B. subtilis. Our study revealed the formation of four coordinate square planar complexes around NiII and CoII metal ions


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    ABSTRACT: In high dilution method and in ethanol solution has been reacted two moles (o – phenylendiamin ) with tow moles (2,5 – Hexandion) to yield Macrocyelic Ligand type N4 . This Ligand ( L ) has been reacted with some metal ion to product metal complexes (M L ) where M = Cr+3, Cu+2and Cd+2. The metal complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, (C.H.N), molar conductivities, I.R spectra, UV-Vis., HPLC, and atomic absorption. From the above data the proposed molecular structure for (ML) is octahedral, and Trigonal bipyrime

    Synthesis and Characterization of Sodium Diphenylcarbamodithioate Ligand [L] and its Cobalt, Nickel, and Copper Complexes

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    A correlation of the infrared spectra of thiocarbonyl derivatives based on the literature data has been carried out. Assignments have also been made in some new systems. Sodium Diphenylcarbamodithioate ligand and its monomeric complexes were synthesized at room temperature and stirring condition. The ligand and its complexes of the general formula [M(L)2] (where M= Co+2, Ni+2  and Cu+2) were characterized by spectroscopic methods (IR and ultraviolet-visible), elemental analysis (C.H.N. and S) metal content, magnetic susceptibility measurement, and biological activity (an antibacterial activity of the complex was studied by agar disc diffusion method and minimum inhibitory concentration strain against Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis). The complex exhibited significant activities against S. aureus and B. subtilis, thin-layer chromatography, mass spectrometry, X-ray powder diffraction, and molar conductance. Our study revealed the formation of four-coordinate square planar complexes around Coп, Niп, and Cuп metal ions

    An Environmental and Life Study of Retithrips Syriacus Mayet Thripidae: Thysanopter in Babylon

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    أن أعلى معدل لتواجد بالغات حشرة تربس على جميع اصناف العنب كان في شهري كانون الاول وكانون الثاني اذ بلغ 15,55 و44,75 بالغة/ ورقة على التوالي وكان اعلى معدل لتواجد يرقات حشرة التربس في شهري ايلول وكانون الثاني 110,19 و57,77 يرقة \ ورقة على التوالي. وبلغ أدنى معدل تواجد لها في شهر اذار, نيسان, أيار لتصل الى 0.00 بالغة او يرقة/ ورقة ,أما بالنسبة لمواقع اخذ العينات من الجزء النباتي اظهر اعلى معدل لكثافة البالغات واليرقات18,16,  58,73بالغة او يرقة/نبات على التوالي في الموقع الاعلى من النبات, وكان اقل معدل لتواجدبالغات ويرقات التربس5,39, 20,84 بالغة او يرقة/ نبات على التوالي على مواقع السفلى من النبات.          Laboratary and field studies conducted  in the province of Babylon which is 60 km away from Baghdad on Retithrips Syriacus Mayet during the year 2015-2016, as well as, the percentage of infection in the different varites of grapes  of this insect . The results showed : - The class summer Royal, variety was the most favorable of grapes to Thrips throughout the numbers of the adults which were settling down more than the other  varsity Prinster, which was the least preferable one to Trips . -The highest rate was recorded to the adults of the R. syriacus which existed on the grapes trees was in October, November, reached to 5.00 adult/leaf of some trees which have already been composted by an organic compost rated 5ml/L and 4.08 adults/leaf to some other trees also been composted by an organic compost within 10 lm/L percentage successfully , while, the highest rate to the Thrips larvae's existence was through September and October. Whilst, 4.16 larva/leafto some composted trees by an organic compost in the rate of 5 M/L and 9.00 larva/leaf also to some composted trees, by an organic compost, its percentage was 10 M/L successfully . Yet, in January it reached the least rate to be found. For March 0.00 adult or larva/leaf. - Trips adults were more attracted to the yellow traps recorded 18.83 percentage of the number of insects were settling down and 0.00 insect/ trap for the white one. - The highest average was recorded  to the existence of the Thrips adults on grapes trees was in December and January to reach 15.55 and 44.75 adult/leaf successfully, yet, for the larvae's existence, the highest average was in September and January as 110.19 and 157.77 larva/leaf alike. The least rate for its existence in March, April, May to reach 0.00 adult or larva/leaf . Concerning the locations which some samples were taken from, the samples of the botanical part, showed out the highest destiny to the adults and larvae, reached 18.16, 58.73 adult or larva/plant successfully in the upper part of the plant. Yet, the percentage was less to the existence of the Thrips' adults and larvae came to 5.39, 20.84 adult or larva/plant successfully than the lower part of the plant

    Synthesis and characterization of benzil crown cyclic Schiff base ligand and its metal complexes

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    ABSTRACT. The reaction between benzil and hexamethylenediamine formed a new ligand [L], [(1Z,3Z)-2,3-diphenyl-5,6,7,8,9,10-hexahydro-1,4-diazecine], of the type [N2], was synthesized by the condensation reaction through Schiff base reaction between benzil and hexamethylenediamine. The new Schiff base ligand reacts with Mnп, Niп and Coп metal ions to give the complexes with the general formula: [M(L)Cl2]. The elemental investigations have been used to analyze the ligand and its complexes by CHN, FT-IR, UV-Vis, TLC, mass spectrum, melting point with the study of biological activity to the formed compounds. From the data obtained, the proposed molecular structure adopts square planar structure about the metal ions. The study reveals the formation of a new ligand type [N2] and it's metal ion complexes with square planar structures metal:ligand ratio of 1:1, which can be employed in a variety of fields such as medicine and industry.     KEY WORDS: Benzil, Hexamethylenediamine, Metal complexes, Square planar structure   Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2022, 36(4), 791-799.                                                                DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v36i4.6                                                       &nbsp

    Ein freiheitliches, ganzheitliches, auf Verantwortung setzendes Bildungsverständnis braucht den Religionsunterricht

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    Novonastala situacija u školi stavlja školski vjeronauk pred nove izazove. Nastavni se planovi liberaliziraju, neke škole dobivaju sve više autonomije, a u Njemačkoj je skraćeno i trajanje gimnazijskog obrazovanja. Stoga su "slabiji predmeti", kao što su glazbeni i sportski odgoj, ali i vjeronauk i etika, stavljeni u drugi plan. Međutim, nestanak mnogih tradicija u društvu i složenost suvremenoga svijeta pozivaju na usmjeravanje i postavljaju pitanja o smislu života. Školski vjeronauk može i mora pomoći učenicima u pronalaženju samih sebe i u tumačenju svijeta postavljajući tako čvrste temelje sposobnosti osobnog snalaženja u životu. Vjeronauk mora imati stalno mjesto u svim godištima školovanja i ne smije se zanemarivati zbog praktičnih školskih razloga.The new situation in the school system presents new challenges for religious education. Teaching plans are liberalized, some schools receive more autonomy, and in Germany the duration of high school education has been diminished. Consequently, the "weaker subjects", such as music and sports education, and religion and ethics, are relegated to the background. However, the disappearance of many traditions in society and the complexity of today\u27s world call for guidance and ask questions about the meaning of life. School religious education can and must help students in finding themselves and offer an interpretation of the world by setting a firm foundation for helping students to cope in life. Religious education must have a permanent place in all years of education and should not be neglected for practical reasons.Neue Entwicklungen in den Schulen bringen den Religionsunterricht in Gefahr. Die Lehrplane werden liberalisiert, die einzelnen Schulen erhalten immer mehr Autonomie, in Deutschland wurde auch die Dauer des Gymnasiums verkurzt. Dies fuhrt dazu, dass "weiche Fächer", wie Musik und Sport, aber auch Religion und Ethik, im Schulalltag zurückstehen müssen. Der Abbruch vieler Traditionen in der Gesellschaft und die Unübersichtlichkeit der modernen Welt rufen aber nach Orientierung und werfen Fragen nach dem Lebenssinn auf. Religionsunterricht kann und soll zur Selbstfindung und Weltdeutung helfen und damit ein festes Fundament der Handlungsfähigkeit im Leben legen. Er muss seinen festen Platz in allen Jahrgangsstufen haben und darf nicht aus schulpraktischen Erwägungen benachteiligt werden