66 research outputs found

    Draft Genome Sequence of Vibrio coralliilyticus strain OCN008 Isolated from Kāneʻohe Bay, Hawaiʻi.

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    Vibrio coralliilyticus is a Gram-negative bacterium found in seawater and is associated with diseased marine organisms. Strains of V. coralliilyticus have been shown to infect coral from multiple genera. We report the draft genome sequence of V. coralliilyticus strain OCN008, the third V. coralliilyticus genome to be sequenced

    Assessment of disease lesion removal as a method to control chronic Montipora white syndrome

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    Coral colonies in Ka–ne‘ohe Bay, Hawai‘i (USA), are afflicted with the tissue loss disease chronic Montipora white syndrome (cMWS). Here we show that removal of chronic disease lesions is a potential method to slow the progression of cMWS in M. capitata. Over the 24 wk observation period, treatment colonies lost almost half the amount of tissue that was lost by control colonies. The percentage of tissue loss at each sampling interval (mean ± SEM; treatment: 1.17 ± 0.47%, control: 2.25 ± 0.63%) and the rate of tissue loss per day (treatment: 0.13 ± 0.04%, control: 0.27 ± 0.08%) were both significantly lower on treated colonies than control colonies. While lesion removal stopped tissue loss at the initial infection site, which allowed colony healing, it did not prevent re-infection; in all but one of the treated colonies, new cMWS lesions appeared in other areas of the colony but not around the treatment margins. Additionally, the rate of new infections was similar between treatment and control colonies, indicating that physical injury from lesion removal did not appear to increase cMWS susceptibility. These results indicate that lesion removal reduced morbidity in M. capitata exhibiting cMWS but did not stop the disease

    Complete Genome Sequence of Pseudoalteromonas sp. Strain OCN003, Isolated from Kāneʻohe Bay, Oʻahu, Hawaii

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    Pseudoalteromonas sp. strain OCN003 is a marine gammaproteobacterium that was isolated from a diseased colony of the common Hawaiian reef coral, Montipora capitata, found on a reef surrounding Moku o Loʻe in Kāneʻohe Bay, Hawaii. Here, we report the complete genome of Pseudoalteromonas sp. strain OCN003

    Vibrio coralliilyticus Strain OCN008 Is an Etiological Agent of Acute Montipora White Syndrome

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    Identification of a pathogen is a critical first step in the epidemiology and subsequent management of a disease. A limited number of pathogens have been identified for diseases contributing to the global decline of coral populations. Here we describe Vibrio coralliilyticus strain OCN008, which induces acute Montipora white syndrome (aMWS), a tissue loss disease responsible for substantial mortality of the coral Montipora capitata in Ka ne‘ohe Bay, Hawai‘i. OCN008 was grown in pure culture, recreated signs of disease in experimentally infected corals, and could be recovered after infection. In addition, strains similar to OCN008 were isolated from diseased coral from the field but not from healthy M. capitata. OCN008 repeatedly induced the loss of healthy M. capitata tissue from fragments under laboratory conditions with a minimum infectious dose of between 107 and 108 CFU/ml of water. In contrast, Porites compressa was not infected by OCN008, indicating the host specificity of the pathogen. A decrease in water temperature from 27 to 23°C affected the time to disease onset, but the risk of infection was not significantly reduced. Temperature-dependent bleaching, which has been observed with the V. coralliilyticus type strain BAA-450, was not observed during infection with OCN008. A comparison of the OCN008 genome to the genomes of pathogenic V. coralliilyticus strains BAA-450 and P1 revealed similar virulence-associated genes and quorum-sensing systems. Despite this genetic similarity, infections of M. capitata by OCN008 do not follow the paradigm for V. coralliilyticus infections established by the type strain

    First Record of Black Band Disease in the Hawaiian Archipelago: Response, Outbreak Status, Virulence, and a Method of Treatment

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    A high number of coral colonies, Montipora spp., with progressive tissue loss were reported from the north shore of Kaua‘i by a member of the Eyes of the Reef volunteer reporting network. The disease has a distinct lesion (semi-circular pattern of tissue loss with an adjacent dark band) that was first observed in Hanalei Bay, Kaua‘i in 2004. The disease, initially termed Montipora banded tissue loss, appeared grossly similar to black band disease (BBD), which affects corals worldwide. Following the initial report, a rapid response was initiated as outlined in Hawai‘i’s rapid response contingency plan to determine outbreak status and investigate the disease. Our study identified the three dominant bacterial constituents indicative of BBD (filamentous cyanobacteria, sulfate-reducing bacteria, sulfide-oxidizing bacteria) in coral disease lesions from Kaua‘i, which provided the first evidence of BBD in the Hawaiian archipelago. A rapid survey at the alleged outbreak site found disease to affect 6-7% of the montiporids, which is higher than a prior prevalence of less than 1% measured on Kaua‘i in 2004, indicative of an epizootic. Tagged colonies with BBD had an average rate of tissue loss of 5.7 cm2/day over a two-month period. Treatment of diseased colonies with a double band of marine epoxy, mixed with chlorine powder, effectively reduced colony mortality. Within two months, treated colonies lost an average of 30% less tissue compared to untreated controls

    Pseudoalteromonas piratica sp. nov., a budding, prosthecate bacterium from diseased Montipora capitata, and emended description of the genus Pseudoalteromonas

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    A Gram-stain-negative, motile, rod-shaped bacterium designated OCN003T was cultivated from mucus taken from a diseased colony of the coral Montipora capitata in Kāne‘ohe Bay, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i. Colonies of OCN003T were pale yellow, 1–3 mm in diameter, convex, smooth and entire. The strain was heterotrophic, strictly aerobic and strictly halophilic. Cells of OCN003T produced buds on peritrichous prosthecae. Growth occurred within the pH range of 5.5 to 10, and the temperature range of 14 to 39 °C. Major fatty acids were 16 : 1!7c, 16 : 0, 18 : 1!7c, 17 : 1!8c, 12 : 0 3-OH and 17 : 0. Phylogenetic analysis of 1399 nucleotides of the 16S rRNA gene nucleotide sequence and a multi-locus sequence analysis of three genes placed OCN003T in the genus Pseudoalteromonas and indicated that the nearest relatives described are Pseudoalteromonas spongiae, P. luteoviolacea, P. ruthenica and P. phenolica (97–99 % sequence identity). The DNA G+C content of the strain’s genome was 40.0 mol%. Based on in silico DNA–DNA hybridization and phenotypic differences from related type strains, we propose that OCN003T represents the type strain of a novel species in the genus Pseudoalteromonas, proposed as Pseudoalteromonas piratica sp. nov. OCN003T (=CCOS1042T =CIP 111189T ). An emended description of the genus Pseudoalteromonas is presented

    Energy depletion and opportunistic microbial colonisation in white syndrome lesions from corals across the Indo-Pacific

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    Corals are dependent upon lipids as energy reserves to mount a metabolic response to biotic and abiotic challenges. This study profiled lipids, fatty acids, and microbial communities of healthy and white syndrome (WS) diseased colonies of Acropora hyacinthus sampled from reefs in Western Australia, the Great Barrier Reef, and Palmyra Atoll. Total lipid levels varied significantly among locations, though a consistent stepwise decrease from healthy tissues from healthy colonies (HH) to healthy tissue on WS-diseased colonies (HD; i.e. preceding the lesion boundary) to diseased tissue on diseased colonies (DD; i.e. lesion front) was observed, demonstrating a reduction in energy reserves. Lipids in HH tissues were comprised of high energy lipid classes, while HD and DD tissues contained greater proportions of structural lipids. Bacterial profiling through 16S rRNA gene sequencing and histology showed no bacterial taxa linked to WS causation. However, the relative abundance of Rhodobacteraceae-affiliated sequences increased in DD tissues, suggesting opportunistic proliferation of these taxa. While the cause of WS remains inconclusive, this study demonstrates that the lipid profiles of HD tissues was more similar to DD tissues than to HH tissues, reflecting a colony-wide systemic effect and provides insight into the metabolic immune response of WS-infected Indo-Pacific corals

    Microbial ecology of coral-dominated reefs in the Federated States of Micronesia

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Apprill, A., Holm, H., Santoro, A. E., Becker, C., Neave, M., Hughen, K., Richards Dona, A., Aeby, G., Work, T., Weber, L., & McNally, S. Microbial ecology of coral-dominated reefs in the Federated States of Micronesia. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 86, (2021): 115–136, https://doi.org/10.3354/ame01961.Microorganisms are central to the functioning of coral reef ecosystems, but their dynamics are unstudied on most reefs. We examined the microbial ecology of shallow reefs within the Federated States of Micronesia. We surveyed 20 reefs surrounding 7 islands and atolls (Yap, Woleai, Olimarao, Kosrae, Kapingamarangi, Nukuoro, and Pohnpei), spanning 875053 km2. On the reefs, we found consistently higher coral coverage (mean ± SD = 36.9 ± 22.2%; max 77%) compared to macroalgae coverage (15.2 ± 15.5%; max 58%), and low abundances of fish. Reef waters had low inorganic nutrient concentrations and were dominated by Synechococcus, Prochlorococcus, and SAR11 bacteria. The richness of bacterial and archaeal communities was significantly related to interactions between island/atoll and depth. High coral coverage on reefs was linked to higher relative abundances of Flavobacteriaceae, Leisingera, Owenweeksia, Vibrio, and the OM27 clade, as well as other heterotrophic bacterial groups, consistent with communities residing in waters near corals and within coral mucus. Microbial community structure at reef depth was significantly correlated with geographic distance, suggesting that island biogeography influences reef microbial communities. Reefs at Kosrae Island, which hosted the highest coral abundance and diversity, were unique compared to other locations; seawater from Kosrae reefs had the lowest organic carbon (59.8-67.9 µM), highest organic nitrogen (4.5-5.3 µM), and harbored consistent microbial communities (>85% similar), which were dominated by heterotrophic cells. This study suggests that the reef-water microbial ecology on Micronesian reefs is influenced by the density and diversity of corals as well as other biogeographical features.Samples were collected under Federated States of Micronesia collection permits FM12-11-03S and FM12-11-05S. This project was supported by funding to A.A.: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Access to the Sea, Dalio Family Foundation, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Endowed Fund for Innovative Research, and National Science Foundation awards OCE- 1233612 and OCE-1736288. A.E.S. was supported by startup funds from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences. K.H. obtained funding from WHOI Access to the Sea and the Dalio Explore Foundation that supported this cruise