111 research outputs found

    Comment mesurer la délinquance des toxicomanes adultes ? Une comparaison empirique de la validité des registres de police et des sondages de délinquance autoreportée

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    Cet article se base sur une analyse comparative des interpellations enregistrées par la police et des délits admis par un échantillon de toxicomanes adultes dans le cadre d'un sondage de délinquance autoreportée. La moyenne d'âge des membres de l'échantillon (N=491 dont 135 femmes) est de 31 ans. Il s'agit de toxicomanes qui étaient très engagés dans la délinquance avant de participer aux essais suisses de prescription d'héroïne. Différents concepts de validité sont testés, à savoir La validité de contenu (qui comprend la validité apparente et la validité logique) et la validité concourante (qui comprend la validité pour groupes différents et la validité corrélationnelle). L'analyse montre que ce n'est pas tellement le nombre de délits commis qui détermine le risque de se faire interpeller par la police, mais plutôt la diversité et la gravité de ces délits. Elle montre également que, dans le contexte étudié, le sondage de délinquance autoreportée s'avère être un indicateur valide de La criminalité. En fait, le sondage offre plus d'information et permet de déceler un plus grand nombre de délin- quants et de délits que les données de police.This paper is based on a comparison of self-reported delinquency and police recorded contacts for a sample of adult drug-addicts. The average age of the sample (N=491 of which 135 are females) is thirty-one. The members of the sample were heavily involved in delinquency before entering a heroin prescription program in Swit- zerland. Different concepts of validity are tested, namely content validity (including face validity and logical validity) and concurrent validity (including known-group validity and correlational validity). The results show that the risk of having a police contact is explained better by the variety and the seriousness of the offences than by the number of offences. They also show that the self-report method can produce valid results in this particular context. Moreover, self-reports seem to measure the amount and patterns of delinquent behavior more accurately than official data

    Prisons and Prisoners in Europe 2018: Key Findings of the SPACE I report

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    This document summarises the main findings of the 2018 Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics on Prison Populations, better known under the acronym SPACE I. The rates and percentages presented here correspond to the European median values computed on the basis of figures weighted by the population and the number of inmates in each country (see Methodology for further details). Forty-five (45) out of the 52 Prison Administrations in the 47 Council of Europe member states answered the SPACE I 2018 questionnaire, which corresponds to a participation rate of 87%

    Probation and Prisons in Europe, 2018: Key Findings of the SPACE reports

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    This document summarises the main findings of the 2018 Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics on Persons under the Supervision of Probation Agencies , better known under the acronym SPACE II, and compares them to those of the 2018 Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics on Prison Populations, SPACE I, which was published in April 201

    Les données de police permettent-elles la détection des agresseurs sexuels sériels? Une analyse de la validité concourante de VICLAS

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    Cette recherche s’intéresse à la capacité du Violent Crime Linkage Analysis System (ViCLAS) à identifier les auteurs sexuels sériels. Pour ce faire, l’étude se focalise sur l’analyse de la validité concourante de l’outil en comparant le pourcentage d’agresseurs sexuels sériels identifié par cet instrument et celui mis en avant par des recherches basées sur des sondages de délinquance autoreportée. Les données utilisées dans cette étude proviennent de la base de données ViCLAS utilisée par les forces de police française. Ces données concernent 3901 cas d’agressions sexuelles extrafamiliales commises entre 1979 et 2013 ainsi que 3500 agresseurs. Les résultats montrent que, parmi les agresseurs de victimes de 15 ans et plus, ViCLAS identifie 5.75 % d’auteurs sériels et que ce pourcentage augmente à 13.5 % pour les agresseurs de victimes de moins de 15 ans. Ces pourcentages sont nettement inférieurs à ceux trouvés par les recherches basées sur des sondages de délinquance autoreportée, ce qui soulève des questionnements sur la validité de ViCLAS

    Council of Europe annual penal statistics SPACE II: Survey 2015. Persons serving non-custodial sanctions and measures in 2015.

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    Key points of SPACE II 2015 • The participation rate in the 2015 SPACE II Survey was very satisfying: 47 out of the 52 probation services of the 47 Council of Europe Member States answered the questionnaire. • About 80% of the probation services of the responding countries are placed under the authority of the national Ministry of Justice. This authority is shared with the Prison Administration in around 34% of these cases. • During the year 2015, 1,173,278 persons entered into supervision by the probation services, and 1,130,444 left that supervision. For countries with at least one million inhabitants, this represents an average rate of 227.7 entries and 167.3 exits per 100,000 inhabitants. As a comparison, in 2014, there 220.9 entries per 100,000 inhabitants (+3.07% in 2015) and 165.6 exits per 100,000 inhabitants (+1.02% in 2015). Between 2010 and 2015, the entries into supervision per 100,000 population decreased by 9.3% and the exits decreased by 10.4%. • On 31st December 2015, there were 1,239,426 persons under the supervision or care of the probation services of the responding countries. For countries with at least one million inhabitants, this represents an average rate of 195 per 100,000 inhabitants. As a comparison, on 31st December 2014, the average rate of persons under the supervision or care of the probation services was 196.5 per 100,000 inhabitants (-0.7% in 2015). Between 2010 and 2015, the decrease reached 9.7%. • Non-custodial sanctions and measures are seldom used as an alternative to pre-trial detention: Roughly, only 7.5% of the probation population corresponds to persons placed under supervision before trial. • On average, on 31st December 2015, female probation clients represented 9.8% of the total probation population. The proportion of minors and foreigners was 4.9% and 15.1% respectively. • On average, there are 5.6 probation staff members per 100,000 inhabitants, with great individual variation among the responding countries. • On average, each probation staff member across Europe is in charge of 10.8 pre-sentence reports. • In 24 countries, probation is used for all kind of criminal offences. • The average length of probation for persons sentenced for violence against persons and robbery are 17.5 months and 20.1 months respectively. • The longer length of probation is, on average, 22.8 months, and corresponds to persons sentenced for sexual offences