36 research outputs found

    Quality of life, compliance, safety and effectiveness in fit older metastatic colorectal patients with cancer treated in first-line with chemotherapy plus cetuximab: A restrospective analysis from the ObservEr study

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    Abstract Objectives The influence of age ( KRAS wild type (WT) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). Methods 225 patients of the Observed study (PS 0-1) were retrieved based on age ( Results The two patient groups (141  p  = 0.002), which is likely due to higher proportions of metastatic resection (27.0% vs 8.3%; p  = 0.001) and utilization of second-line therapy in younger group (58.9% vs 42.9%; p  = 0.028). Conclusion The current data suggest that fit older patients with mCRC can be safely treated with a cetuximab-based therapy, as QoL and safety profile do not seem to be affected by age. In addition, age did not impact the choice of chemotherapy to be associated to cetuximab and treatment compliance

    Barriers to formal healthcare utilisation among poor older people under the livelihood empowerment against poverty programme in the Atwima Nwabiagya District of Ghana

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    Abstract: Background: Even though there is a growing literature on barriers to formal healthcare use among older people, little is known from the perspective of vulnerable older people in Ghana. Involving poor older people under the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) programme, this study explores barriers to formal healthcare use in the Atwima Nwabiagya District of Ghana. Methods: Interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with 30 poor older people, 15 caregivers and 15 formal healthcare providers in the Atwima Nwabiagya District of Ghana. Data were analysed using the thematic analytical framework, and presented based on an a posteriori inductive reduction approach. Results: Four main barriers to formal healthcare use were identified: physical accessibility barriers (poor transport system and poor architecture of facilities), economic barriers (low income coupled with high charges, and non-comprehensive nature of the National Health Insurance Scheme [NHIS]), social barriers (communication/language difficulties and poor family support) and unfriendly nature of healthcare environment barriers (poor attitude of healthcare providers). Conclusions: Considering these barriers, removing them would require concerted efforts and substantial financial investment by stakeholders. We argue that improvement in rural transport services, implementation of free healthcare for poor older people, strengthening of family support systems, recruitment of language translators at the health facilities and establishment of attitudinal change programmes would lessen barriers to formal healthcare use among poor older people. This study has implications for health equity and health policy framework in Ghana

    Incidence and Economic Cost of Bovine Trypanosomosis in Nomadic Herds at the Jos Plateau, North Central Nigeria

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    Incidence and economic cost of cases of bovine trypanosomosis in nomadic herds at the Jos Plateau from 1997 to 2001 were determined. These were done using records kept at the Plateau State Ministry of Animal and Forest Resources headquarters at Jos, and the model described by Alonge et al. (1984). The incidence of clinical bovine trypanosomosis was 1.33% with a mortality rate of 21.7% the incidence data. The annual average mortality was 0.29%. The economic loss due to mortality and miscellaneous costs during the five-year period was 1.02 billion Naira, with an average annual lose of 204.1 million Naira. Proper, control program should be instituted immediately to curb the increasing incidence

    Hormone inducive effects of Syzygium aromaticum (Clove) extract on the reproductive performance of Bucks

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    Syzygium aromaticum (Clove) is a small evergreen tree of the myrtle family known for its unopened reddish-brown flower bud with strong aromatic flavor that are used for culinary purpose and are believed to have aphrodisiac properties. The objective of the experiment was to assess the effect of clove extract on hormone profile of West African Dwarf (WAD) bucks. One hundred and fifty WAD bucks with average weights of 10kg were randomly assigned to five treatments with 30bucks per treatment in a completely randomized design. Treatment A (control) and B were subcutaneously administered 0.1mL/kg of normal saline solution and 0.1mL/kg sildenafil citrate, respectively. Treatments C, D and E were administered 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3mL/kg of clove extract, respectively. The result showed a significant increase in WBC while PCV decreased with corresponding increase in extract doses. The extracts also significantly cause a reduction in creatinine, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) with a significant increase in serum urea and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). There were significant increase in serum testosterone and prolactin while follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone were reduced. It was therefore concluded that subcutaneous administration of syzygium aromaticum extract could enhance sexual function at low doses of 0.1mL/kg body weight of bucks with no observable tissue damage

    Falcon Conservation: azioni pratiche per la tutela del lanario Falco biarmicus feldeggii

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    Il progetto Falcon Conservation nasce nel 2014 e dal 2016 è supportato dalla fondazione Nando ed Elsa Peretti, con lo scopo di acquisire nuovi dati sulla biologia e la conservazione dei Rapaci ed in particolar modo del lanario Falco biarmicus feldeggii e del pellegrino Falco peregrinus brookei. Falcon Conservation si basa sulla ricerca scientifica e sulla Citizen Science ed ha tra gli obiettivi la divulgazione e il coinvolgimento degli studenti universitari e dell’opinione pubblica in genere. Le azioni pratiche del progetto si sono concentrate sul monitoraggio di popolazione in tre aree-campione che corrispondono alla Sicilia occidentale, centrale ed orientale. I censimenti sul campo sono stati effettuati seguendo un modello predittivo multi-criterio ideato ad hoc per la popolazione di lanario che ha permesso la scoperta di nuovi siti riproduttivi. Annualmente nei siti monitorati vengono inanellati i giovani e prelevati campioni biologici per analisi genetiche, veterinarie ed analisi della dieta. Un campione di 19 pellegrini e 6 lanari è stato finora munito di trasmettitori GPS-GSM, per analizzare le dinamiche di dispersione post-natale e i tassi di mortalità. Le attività di Citizen Science si sono concentrate soprattutto su workshop di riconoscimento delle specie di Rapaci e sull’organizzazione di campi di sorveglianza, di 2-3 siti per anno, per evitare il prelievo illegale di uova e pulli. Nel 2017 sono stati coinvolti 33 volontari provenienti da tutta Italia. Il controllo continuato ha permesso di ridurre l’effettivo numero di fallimenti attribuibili al bracconaggio. Il progetto ha previsto inoltre la creazione di un sito web (www.biarmicus.wordpress.com) dove viene condiviso materiale di divulgazione e sono presenti circa 45 articoli scientifici. Il sito web ha una media di circa 1000 visite mensili. La pagina Facebook collegata al sito ha raggiunto circa 1200 follower. Un workshop sulla biologia e conservazione del lanario (novembre 2016) in diretta streaming ha riunito specialisti, ricercatori ed appassionati con l’obiettivo di analizzare lo stato della specie in Sicilia e proporre rimedi per la sua conservazione