13 research outputs found

    Kőtenger : Gondolatok az előző MÉTA-túráról

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    From Külső-Somogy to Mecsek Hills: Vegetation of three hilly landscape regions of SW Hungary

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    Landscape-level GIS analysis of actual vegetation of Baranyai-hegyhát, Völgység and Tolnaihegyhát was performed on the base of Landscape Ecological Vegetation Database and Map of Hungary (MÉTA). Natural and semi-natural vegetation covers 34% in Baranyai-hegyhát, closest to Mecsek hills, and about 10% in the other regions. 45 habitat types occur, 53% of all Hungarian ones. Patterns of mesophilous and dry and semi-dry grasslands and forests, according to climatic data, shows a distinct SW-NE gradient from mesophilous beech and hornbeam-oak forests to turkey oak-pedunculate oak and closed steppe oak forests and from colline hay meadows to xero-mesophilous grasslands and closed steppes. Our results support Hungary’s new vegetation-based landscape regions

    A Dráva baranyai holtágai 2. Vegetáció­-térképek

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    Authors have been studying oxbow lakes since 1996, and has published more papers on their plant species and communities, successional and historical aspects, nature conservational values and problems. This paper gives a short review of previous works and presents vegetation maps of 8 of biggest oxbow lakes together with general and botanical description

    Alapkutatás a hazai Duna-ártér és Dráva-mellék erdeinek összehasonlító-cönológiai vizsgálatához, tekintettel a térség természetvédelmi célú rekonstrukciójára = Comparative phyto-sociological research of the forests of home Duna flood-area and Drava plains regarding to the possibilities of the forest restoration in the region

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    A hazai Duna- és Dráva-ártér bejárása teljes hosszában megtörtént, s kb. 1200 cönológiai felvétel készült. Ezek többsége a síksági tölgy-kőris-szil ligetekből és gyertyános-tölgyesekből, kisebb része fűzligetekből, fehér nyárligetekből, égerligetekből és száraz tölgyesekből származik. E felmérések során néhány új asszociáció leírására került sor: fekete galagonya-cserjés, ártéri gyertyános-tölgyes, homoki gyertyános-tölgyes, lösz gyertyános-tölgyes, kiszáradó kavicson fejlődő gyertyános-tölgyes, zárt lösztölgyes. A Szigetközben a Duna szlovákiai elterelésének hatását is vizsgáltuk: 6 fás társulásban bekövetkezett változásokat. 15 fás társulás 41 szubasszociációjából 5-5 talajmintát küldtünk laboratóriumba, így összesen 205 talajminta elemzésére került sor. A hagyományos cönológiai felmérések mellett a Dráva mentén monitoring-vizsgálatokat is végeztünk. | The wandering of the native Danube-Drava's floodplain in entire length has been carried out and about 1200 coenological records have been made. Most of them come from the oak, ash, elm groves of the plain and horn beamed-oak, the miner apart of willow groves, white poplar groves, alder groves and of dry oak groves. In course of the observation some new associations have been described: black hawthorn shrubs, floodplain-horn beamed-oaks, sand-horn beamed-oaks, loess-horn beamed-oaks. In the Szigetköz impact of the diversion of the Danube in Slovakia has been studied: the changes which occurred in woody phytosocialisation. We have sent ground-sample of 41 subassociations of 15 woody phytosocialisation to laboratory, so there has been a dissection of 205 ground-samples altogether. Besides the traditional coenological assessments along the River Dráva monitoring-analyzations have been carried out, too

    Quantitative classification of macrohabitats for small mammals’ habitat segregation surveys in a forest reserve

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    To investigation of coexistent small mammals’ macro-habitat association first we discriminated three habitat groups of the 13 small mammal monitoring quadrats which were placed in Kőszegi-forrás Forest Reserve based on their age and structure using biotic variables. Than we used number of captures to show how dominant small mammal species differed between groups

    Egy ismeretlen „őserdő” a Kelet-Mecsekben : 25 éve felhagyott bükkös aljnövényzetének térbeli mintázatai = A scarcely known old-growth forest in Eastern Mecsek hills : Spatial patterns of the herb layer of a beech forest abandoned 25 years ago

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    A 130-years old beech forest stand (Helleboro odori – Fagetum) in Eastern Mecsek hills (Southern Hungary), abandoned 22-25 years ago, provides excellent opportunities for the study of spontaneous forest dynamics. In 2010 intensive studies started, iniciated by Mecsekerdő Zrt: repeating an individuum-based tree-stand survey of 1986-87, and a gridbased herb layer survey according to the Forest Reserve Protocol. In the herb layer 95 species were found, amongst them 14 protected ones, most of them in the hillside-hilltop ecotone. Most important are the more thousand exemplars of Doronicum orientale. More than 30% percentage of specialist and competitor species indicates a very good naturalness state, comparable with forest reserves