7 research outputs found

    Viabilidade do uso de Artemia franciscana (Kellogg, 1906) de Grossos-RN, Brasil, no cultivo de Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) em tanques-berçário

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    Foram avaliados o Método de Alimentação Comercial (MAC) e o Método de Alimentação Artemia (MAA), objetivando maximizar a taxa de crescimento e sobrevivência das pós-larvas do camarão marinho Litopenaeus vannamei, reduzir os níveis de poluentes dos efluentes do berçário e, estabelecer uma relação custo/benefício da alimentação, na fase de cultivo das pós-larvas nos tanques-berçário. O experimento foi realizado na carcinicultura Tabatinga Aquacultura Ltda, em fevereiro de 2003, utilizando-se tanques berçário de 60 m3, em que as pós-larvas (Pl19) foram estocadas em densidades de 16 Pl’s/L. Ao final de 10 dias de cultivo, verificou-se com base nas relações do peso em função do comprimento e do tempo, que as pós-larvas alimentadas com MAA apresentaram maior ganho de peso (P<0,05) do que as que receberam o MAC. Os modelos matemáticos para o peso em função do comprimento e do tempo podem ser escritos da seguinte forma: W(g) = (0,0069MAC +0,0094MAA).L(cm)2,9094 (R2= 99,33%); W(g)=e0,1739T(dias)-5,4083MAC-5,1609MAA (R2=99,71%). A sobrevivência das pós-larvas provenientes do MAA (86,25%) foi superior (P≤0,05) ao MAC (62,12%). As concentrações das variáveis físicas, químicas e biológicas da água do tanque-berçário que foi ministrado o MAA, foram menores e conseqüentemente induziram menor taxa de incremento diário do que o MAC. Pôde-se concluir que as taxas de crescimento e sobrevivência das pós-larvas de L. vannamei foram maiores quando se utilizou náuplios de Artemia franciscana como alimento nos tanques-berçário, além de ser registrada uma redução extremamente significativa (P<0,01) dos níveis de nutrientes responsáveis pela eutroficação e conseqüente poluição. Em termos de quantidade de alimento, a A. franciscana foi viável economicamente em relação ao alimento artificial.The Método de Alimentação Comercial (MAC) and the Método de Alimentação Artemia (MAA) were evaluated, aiming to maximize the growth and survival rate of the Litopenaeus vannamei post-larvae, reducing the feeding cost/benefity, in the post-larvae culture in nursery tanks. The experiment took place at the Tabatinga Aquacultura Ltda farm, in february 2003, using nursery tanks of 60m3, where the post-larvae (Pl19) were stocked at 16Pl’s/L. The end of ten days of culture, the weith-length relationship and time, that MAA fed post-larvae had heavier a significant growth (in weigth) (P<0,05) than those treated with MAC. The models could had been written in the following form: W(g) = (0,0069MAC + 0,0094MAA).L(cm)2,9094 (R2= 99,33%); W(g)=e0,1739T(dias)-5,4083MAC-5,1609MAA (R2=99,71%). The post-larvae survival treated with MAA(86,25%), was higher than (P≤0,05) other method (62,12%). The physical, chemical and biological parameters of water of the tank, where the MAA was administrated, were always smaller than MAC and consequently induced a lower daily increase rate. We could conclude that the growth and survival rates of the post-larvae of L. vannamei results were better when Artemia franciscana nauplii were used in nursery tanks. They represented a significant reduction (P<0,01) polluting levels. Economicaly, the artemia was viable in when compared to artificial food

    <b>Influência de duas dietas na qualidade da água dos tanquesberçário, utilizados no cultivo do camarão marinho <em>Litopenaeus vannamei</em></b> - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v28i1.670 <b>The influence of two diets on the quality of water in nursery tanks used in marine shrimp (<em>Litopenaeus vannamei</em>, Boone, 1931)</b> - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v28i1.670

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    Cultivos experimentais com pós-larvas do <em>Litopenaeus vannamei</em>, na fase de berçário, foram realizados em uma fazenda de camarão, objetivando avaliar a influência da utilização de duas dietas na qualidade físico-química das águas residuais. As dietas foram formuladas à base de ração comercial e náuplios de artêmia, denominadas MAC e MAA, respectivamente. Foram utilizadas pós-larvas no estágio (PL<sub>19</sub>), estocadas a 16PL/L em dois tanques-berçário de 60 m<sup>3</sup>. Ao final de 10 dias de cultivo, as concentrações dos compostos nitrogenados (amônia, nitrito e nitrato) e fosfatados (fósforo total e ortofosfatos) dos tanquesberçário foram menores na dieta MAA do que na MAC (p < 0,05). Conseqüentemente, a dieta MAA induziu menores taxas de incremento diário desses compostos, contribuindo com uma redução significativa dos nutrientes responsáveis pela eutrofização da água.<br>Experiments were carried out in a commercial marine shrimp farm in order to evaluate the use of two diets in <em>Litopenaeus vannamei</em> post-larvae, during nursery phase, on physiochemical wastewater quality. Two feeding methods were adopted: Commercial Feeding Method (MAC) and Artemia Feeding Method (MAA).0 The nursery tanks (60 m<sup>3</sup>) were provided with 19 days post-larvae (PL<sub>19</sub>) with a stocking density of 16PL/liter. After 10 days of culture, the concentrations of nitrogen (ammonia, nitrite and nitrate) and phosphorus compounds (total phosphorus and orthophosphate) in the nursery tank were smaller for MAC, rather than MAA treatment (p < 0.05). Consequently, MAA treatment induced low levels of daily compounds increment, thus contributing to a significant reduction of the nutrients that caused water eutrophication

    Utilização da artêmia nacional como dieta para pós-larvas do Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) na fase berçário - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v28i3.52

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    Experiments were carried out in a commercial marine shrimp farm to evaluate growth and survival rate of the Litopenaeus vannamei post-larvae during nursery phase using different diets. The nursery tanks (60 m3) will be provided with post-larvae of 19 days (PL19) with a density of 16 PL/liter. The post-larvae were submitted to a Commercial Feeding Method (MAC) and an Artemia Feeding Method (MAA). Considering the correlations between weight and length, and between weight and culture duration, a better efficiency (pExperimentos foram realizados em uma fazenda comercial de criação de camarões marinhos, objetivando avaliar a taxa de crescimento e sobrevivência das pós-larvas do Litopenaeus vannamei, quando cultivadas em tanques-berçário e submetidas a diferentes dietas. As pós-larvas utilizadas encontravam-se com 19 dias (PL19) e foram estocadas a 16 PL/L, em tanques-berçário de 60 m3. As pós-larvas foram submetidas ao Método de Alimentação Convencional (MAC) e o Método de Alimentação com Artêmia (MAA). Verificou-se que ao se correlacionar o peso em função do comprimento e do tempo de cultivo, o MAA apresentou uma relação estatisticamente superior (

    163 Ciência Rural

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    ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine the most adequate stocking density for tambatinga during the initial grow-out phase in net pen

    AQUAPESQUISA: strategic diagnosis of institutions suppliers and demanders of technology in fisheries and aquaculture

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    The research project named Aquapesquisa aimed to do a survey and a database of public and private organizations, suppliers and demanders of technologies and knowledge of the Brazilian national fishing and aquaculture sector and, afterwards, with the application of a quantitative survey to the registered organizations, characterize and describe the profile of the companies in this sector. The first stage of this survey was conducted between February and December of 2012, which was the search for institutions that fit the categories: research and development; rural extension and technical assistance; science and technology; fishing colonies and associations. In this first stage 3,480 institutions were identified throughout Brazil. On a second stage, which was held between December of 2012 and July of 2013, the identified institutions were asked to answer voluntarily to some questionnaires, with 273 institutions responding to the survey. For this survey, four questionnaires were developed by the technical staff of Embrapa Fisheries and Aquaculture; the main questionnaire applied to all institutions, while the other 3 specific questionnaires were applied according with the area of work developed by each institution. The questionnaires were applied in electronic media via web or through phone calls. The results obtained from this survey is a diagnosis of the sector, presenting, among other information: the profile of the institutions that responded to the survey; the main aquatic species used in the work undertaken in each region; the main methods used for technology transfer; the main sponsors of research projects; the main public who have used the developed technologies; a list of the courses in fishing and aquaculture offered by the educational institutions and; the main demands of the technical assistance professionals for technologies and knowledge in fishing and aquaculture. It also presents a register of researchers and their respective areas of research