5 research outputs found

    Efeito de épocas de irrigação e de parcelamento de adubação sobre a produtividade do cafeeiro 'Catuaí' Effect of times of irrigation and splitting of fertilizer on the productivity of 'Catuaí' coffee plant

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    Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, avaliar o efeito de épocas de irrigação e de parcelamentos de adubação sobre a produtividade do cafeeiro. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados com parcelas subdividas em faixas. O experimento foi composto por 4 blocos (repetições), cada bloco foi dividido em 4 parcelas, que receberam o efeito de diferentes parcelamentos de adubação (4, 12, 24 e 36 aplicações de fertilizantes), as parcelas foram subdivididas em 5 subparcelas, correspondentes às diferentes épocas de irrigação: "A" entre 01/06 e 30/09, "B" entre 15/07 e 30/09, "C" de 01 a 30/09, "D" entre 01/06 e 30/09 com adubação manual e "E" não irrigada. Promoveu-se análise de variância sobre os dados de produtividade, identificando-se que houve efeito apenas do fator épocas de irrigação sobre a mesma. O teste de comparação de médias possibilitou concluir que a irrigação entre 01/06 e 30/09, seja com o uso de fertirrigação ou com aplicação manual de fertilizantes, proporcionou as melhores médias de produtividade.<br>This work aimed to evaluate the irrigation time and fertilizer splitting effects on coffee crop productivity. Random blocks with parcels subdivided into strips were the experimental design applied. The blocks had four replications and were divided into four plots. These plots (4, 12, 24 and 36 fertilizer applications) were subdivided into five subplots associated to different irrigation times: "A" between 06/01 and 09/30, "B" between 07/15 and 09/30, "C" between 09/01 and 09/30, "D" between 06/01 and 09/30 with manual application of fertilizer and "E" without irrigation. Analysis of variance was applied to evaluate the coffee crop productivity, which showed that only the irrigation time factor was effective. The mean comparison test allowed concluding that irrigation between 06/01 and 09/30, with fertigation or with manual application of fertilizer, produced the best productivity means

    Sequential post-heading applications for controlling wheat blast: a summary of fungicide performance

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    Wheat blast, caused by Pyricularia oryzae Triticum (PoT) lineage, is a major constraint to wheat production, mainly in the tropics of Brazil where severe epidemics are more frequent. We analyzed disease and wheat yield data from 42 uniform field trials conducted during nine years (2012 to 2020) in order to assess whether the percent control and yield response were influenced by fungicide type, region (tropical or subtropical), and year. Six treatments were selected, all evaluated in at least 19 trials. Two fungicides were applied as solo active ingredients: MANCozeb, and TEBUconazole, and four were premixes: AZOXistrobin + TEBU, TriFLoXistrobin + PROThioconazole, TFLX + TEBU, and PYRAclostrobin + EPOXiconazole. Percent control, calculated from back-transforming estimates by a meta-analysis network model fitted to the log of the means, ranged from 43% to 58%, with all but PYRA + EPOX showing efficacy greater than 52% on average, not differing among them. The variation in both efficacy and yield response were explained by region and all but TEBU performed better in the subtropics than in the tropics. Yield response from using three sequential sprays was around two times greater in the subtropics (319 to 532 kg/ha) than in the tropics (149 to 241.3 kg/ha). No significant decline in fungicide efficacy or yield response were observed in nine years of study for any of the fungicides. Our results reinforce the need to improve control by adopting an integrated management approach in the tropics given the poorer performance and lower profitability, especially for the premixes, than in the subtropics

    Observation of the rare Bs0oμ+μB^0_so\mu^+\mu^- decay from the combined analysis of CMS and LHCb data

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