4 research outputs found

    Klassicism och statsintresse : Stilutveckling och statlig sprÄk- och litteraturpolitik i 1600-talets Sverige

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    Lars Gustafsson, Klassicism och statsintresse. Stilutveckling och statlig sprĂ„k- och litteraturpolitik i 1600-talets Sverige (Classicism and governmental concern. Stylistic development and governmental linguistic and literary policy in 17th Century Sweden) This study discusses the development of linguistic and literary classicism in the Swedish 17th century. The classicist tendency is seen in connection with governmental and ecclesiastical linguistic concerns: the classicist demand for linguistic simplicity and clarity, perspicuitas (as opposed to the baroque predilection for ornamentation, ornatus) complied with the authorities’ demands on language and literature as an effective means of public communication. Stylistic ideals, rooted in traditional rhetorical and poetological doctrine, hence came to perform a political function, something which probably was of greater significance for the development of 17th Century Swedish classicism, than the influence of its French counterpart. An important agent in the development of a functional and easily accessible language was the Royal Chancellery. The chancellery was the designated authority as far as official linguistic policy was concerned. In Queen Christina’s view the chancellery was in this respect to perform duties similar to those of the French Academy. Petrus Lagerlöf (1648–1699), professor of eloquence at Uppsala University, functioned during the 1690-s by appointment by the chancellery, as a stylistic and linguistic critic. In this capacity he scrutinized Haquin Spegel’s (1645–1714) biblical epic Thet öpna Paradis (“The opened Paradise”) upon royal demand. In this assignment Lagerlöf (much like Spegel himself ) pushed for a classicist ideal, not least in his stylistic concerns, where he demanded a clear separation between the sublime, the mediocre and the low style. The government’s concern with Spegel’s poem and its linguistic form is likely to be explained by its perceived politico-religious importance as a didactic, religious text. Olof Hermelin (1658–1709) became known as a Latin poet in the style of the baroque. During his career in the chancellery in the early 18th Century, he however came to orientate himself towards a more classicist position. In the present study this tendency towards stylistic reorientation is seen in connection with his function as royal propagandist during the military campaigns of King Charles XII. At the end of the 17th Century a classicist tendency can hence be perceived in public linguistic concern, as well as in Swedish Latin poetry. This tendency however does not directly challenge the stylistic ideals of the literary baroque. Rather classicist and baroque traits coexist, but they perform different functions within the literary realm. Whereas the baroque style continues to dominate for instance the panegyric genres, classicist style, with its demand for perspicuitas, comes to the forefront where governmental and ecclesiastical interests require a clear and easily accessible linguistic form

    Sino ang Pilipino, ikaw ba o ako?: A qualitative study regarding the national identity of Filipinos through the use of the social identity approach

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    The researchers studied whether derogation has an effect on ones national identity, while controlling language, with the use of the Social Identity Approach. This suggests that the derogation of the out-group can lead to positive evaluations of the in-group and therefore the self. As a form of intervention, the researchers used 4 articles about the fight of Manny Pacquiao and Shane Moseley, which varied in terms of Language and Derogation, as well as 2 control articles. A total of 288 samples were used to conduct the research. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used as the primary method of statistical analysis. The results reveal that Language (p=0.46) and Derogation (P=0.69) had no significant main effects but had significant interaction (P=0.01). Post-hoc Tukey HSD concluded that derogation may not be always necessary and that the Filipino groups were confounded. Furthermore, mixed model ANOVA shows no significant results for interactions with test and the independent variables. The results were related to the explanation that there are other forms of increasing self-esteem such as social modeling and that the Filipino language may not be prevalent with sample

    The rise and fall of the Pacquiao effect: Contrastive priming and national identification

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    We demonstrate in a series of field and controlled experiments that assimilative and contrastive priming effects can be observed in the pattern of self-concept change in response to a major cultural event. Study 1 used the brief implicit association test (BIAT) to measure national identification of Filipinos online across a period of time that encompassed a national sporting event. The pattern of scores support the hypothesis that while people who were ambivalent about identifying with Filipino concepts exhibited an assimilation effect (i.e. a slight rise in identification after the fight), people who already highly identified with being Filipino experienced a contrast effect (i.e. a slight drop in identification). Study 2 replicated this result five months later with a new sample and ruled out several possible alternative hypotheses. A subsequent controlled experiment and a qualitative investigation consistently supported the hypothesis that the pattern observed in the previous studies is more consistent with assimilative and contrastive priming effects rather than disidentification. © 2015 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd, Asian Association of Social Psychology and Beijing Normal University