4 research outputs found

    Precision of scoring radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei by unexperienced scorers

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    Purpose: Dose assessment plays an important role in case of radiological accidents and can be performed by scoring structural changes of chromosome morphology induced in cells by ionizing radiation. The results of such a test are biased by scorer experience, therefore, simple to learn assays are recommended to be used when fast analysis of a large amount of data is needed. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of two radiobiological assays – chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei – by unexperienced scorers with the reference values generated by an expert. Materials and methods: Each participant of an EU-funded two-week radiobiology course was asked to score Chinese hamster ovary cells exposed to gamma radiation up to 4 Gy. The congruence of students’ and expert’s scores at each dose and the coherence of the dose-response curve parameters between the students were investigated. Results: Micronucleus test tended to be faster and easier to learn than scoring chromosomal aberrations. However, both assays carried out by inexperienced students showed reasonable dose-response curves. Conclusions: In the case of a large radiological accident involving many casualties, the unexperienced scorers would support the process of biodosimetric triage by cytogenetic biological dosimetry

    Cell Type-Specific Patterns in the Accumulation of DNA Damage Following Multifractional Radiation Exposure

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    Predicting the risk of second malignant neoplasms is complicated by uncertainties regarding the shape of the dose–response relationship at high doses. Limited understanding of the competitive relationship between cell killing and the accumulation of DNA lesions at high doses, as well as the effects of other modulatory factors unique to radiation exposure during radiotherapy, such as dose heterogeneity across normal tissue and dose fractionation, contribute to these uncertainties. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of fractionated irradiations on two cell systems, focusing on the endpoints relevant for cancer induction. To simulate the heterogeneous dose distribution across normal tissue during radiotherapy, exponentially growing VH10 fibroblasts and AHH-1 lymphoblasts were irradiated with 9 and 12 fractions (VH10) and 10 fractions (AHH-1) at 0.25, 0.5, 1, or 2 Gy per fraction. The effects on cell growth, cell survival, radiosensitivity and the accumulation of residual DNA damage lesions were analyzed as functions of dose per fraction and the total absorbed dose. Residual γH2AX foci and other DNA damage markers (micronuclei, nuclear buds, and giant nuclei) were accumulated at high doses in both cell types, but in a cell type-dependent manner. The competitive relationship between cell killing and the accumulation of carcinogenic DNA damage following multifractional radiation exposure is cell type-specific

    A matter of space: how the spatial heterogeneity in energy deposition determines the biological outcome of radiation exposure

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    The outcome of the exposure of living organisms to ionizing radiation is determined by the distribution of the associated energy deposition at different spatial scales. Radiation proceeds through ionizations and excitations of hit molecules with an ~ nm spacing. Approaches such as nanodosimetry/microdosimetry and Monte Carlo track-structure simulations have been successfully adopted to investigate radiation quality effects: they allow to explore correlations between the spatial clustering of such energy depositions at the scales of DNA or chromosome domains and their biological consequences at the cellular level. Physical features alone, however, are not enough to assess the entity and complexity of radiation-induced DNA damage: this latter is the result of an interplay between radiation track structure and the spatial architecture of chromatin, and further depends on the chromatin dynamic response, affecting the activation and efficiency of the repair machinery. The heterogeneity of radiation energy depositions at the single-cell level affects the trade-off between cell inactivation and induction of viable mutations and hence influences radiation-induced carcinogenesis. In radiation therapy, where the goal is cancer cell inactivation, the delivery of a homogenous dose to the tumour has been the traditional approach in clinical practice. However, evidence is accumulating that introducing heterogeneity with spatially fractionated beams (mini- and microbeam therapy) can lead to significant advantages, particularly in sparing normal tissues. Such findings cannot be explained in merely physical terms, and their interpretation requires considering the scales at play in the underlying biological mechanisms, suggesting a systemic response to radiation

    ITV, mid-ventilation, gating or couch tracking - A comparison of respiratory motion-management techniques based on 4D dose calculations

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    PURPOSE: Respiratory motion-management techniques (MMT) aim to ensure tumor dose coverage while sparing lung tissue. Dynamic treatment-couch tracking of the moving tumor is a promising new MMT and was compared to the internal-target-volume (ITV) concept, the mid-ventilation (MidV) principle and the gating approach in a planning study based on 4D dose calculations. METHODS: For twenty patients with lung lesions, planning target volumes (PTV) were adapted to the MMT and stereotactic body radiotherapy treatments were prepared with the 65%-isodose enclosing the PTV. For tracking, three concepts for target volume definition were considered: Including the gross tumor volume of one phase (single-phase tracking), including deformations between phases (multi-phase tracking) and additionally including tracking latencies of a couch tracking system (reliable couch tracking). The accumulated tumor and lung doses were estimated with 4D dose calculations based on 4D-CT datasets and deformable image registration. RESULTS: Single-phase tracking showed the lowest ipsilateral lung Dmean (median: 3.3Gy), followed by multi-phase tracking, gating, reliable couch tracking, MidV and ITV concepts (3.6, 3.8, 4.1, 4.3 and 4.8Gy). The 4D dose calculations showed the MidV and single-phase tracking overestimated the target mean dose (-2.3% and -1.3%), while it was slightly underestimated by the other MMT (<+1%). CONCLUSION: The ITV concept ensures tumor coverage, but exposes the lung tissue to a higher dose. The MidV, gating and tracking concepts were shown to reduce the lung dose. Neglecting non-translational changes of the tumor in the target volume definition for tracking results in a slightly reduced target coverage. The slightly inferior dose coverage for MidV should be considered when applying this technique clinically