14 research outputs found

    Time efficiency of catch landing using Sondong catcher at fish landing base Dumai City, Riau Province

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    Efficiency is important in landing with the aim that the catch as soon as possible reaches the hands of consumers in good quality condition. Sondong fishing gear is a type of active fishing gear with an application process that is not too long so it is useful for maintaining the quality of shrimp because shrimp have organoleptic properties that rot quickly. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficiency level of landing time of catches using sondong fishing gear at the Fish Landing Base, Dumai City, Riau Province. The research was carried out at the Fish Landing Base, Dumai City, Riau Province, from June 5-25, 2021. The material in the research object was a sondong fishing boat, while the equipment needed was stationery, a stopwatch, a camera, and a laptop. The data collected are basic data, namely unloading time, effective time, wasted time, and supporting data, namely fleet size (GT), number of fish landed (kg), number of unloading personnel (people), and age of activity actors (years). The efficiency of the landing time of the catch using sondong fishing gear at the fish landing base in the city of Dumai is classified into the less efficient category, while the factors that influence fishing productivity are fishing experience, crew, and fishing time

    Implementasi Program One Village One Product (Ovop) Pada Koperasi Paguyuban Tenun Troso Kabupaten Jepara

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    Program One Village One Product (OVOP) is the government's efforts to improve thewelfare of the community through productive business activities. One of these activities isdone by increasing the value of products in the regions which have market opportunities indomestic and export markets, in addition to the program of One Village One Product(OVOP) according to the Ministry of Cooperatives and UKM RI is "the government's effortsto increase value-added products in the regions in order to improve the welfare of society ina cooperative or UKM."This study aims to determine how the implementation process OVOP program at thecooperative society of Weaving Troso and how it impacts on the OVOP programimplementation Troso Weaving cooperative society. In this study, researchers used themethod of evaluation research in a qualitative approach, namely to determine the extent ofthe effectiveness of a program once implemented fully. Evaluation of the implementation ofinforming the decision maker about what is happening in the program, how the program wasdeveloped, and why the program deviate from the original plan. Therefore, qualitativemethods suitable to describe the implementation of the program.The results of this study the overall process of implementation of the OVOP programTroso Weaving Cooperative Society has been running well in accordance with the CentralJava Governor Instruction number 518/23546. Although the input stage has a bad judgment,it is due to the unavailability of the raw material supply business unit and human resourcesare inadequate because of education . While the savings and loan business unit that alreadyexist can not fully help undercapitalized member

    Association Between Parental Education, Occupation, Income, Language Activity, and Language Proficiency in Children

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    Background: Language proficiency should be mastered by children before school admision. The process of language development was affected by cognitive and neurologic maturity. Language proficiency determine communication foundation, social and academic interaction. Children with retardation in language proficiency may encounter problem in the social and academic relationship. This study investigated the association between parental education, occupation, income, language activity, and language proficiency in children.Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with cross sectional design. This study was conducted in Gondangrejo sub-district, Karanganyar, Central Java. A total sample of 102 children aged 4 to 5 years were selected for this study. The dependent variable was language proficiency. The independent variables were parental education, occupation, income, and language activity. The data were collected by a set of questionnaire and analyzed by multiple logistic regression.Results: Parental education ≥ senior high school (OR= 2.95; 95% CI= 1.03 to 8.39; p= 0.043), employed parents (OR= 3.45; 95% CI= 1.27 to 9.39; p= 0.015), family income ≥ regional minimum wage (OR= 6.35; 95% CI= 2.02 to 19.93; p= 0.002), and intense language activity (OR= 4.32; 95% CI= 1.61 to 11.51; p= 0.003) were associated with better language proficiency.Conclusion: Parental education ≥ senior high school, employed parents, family income ≥ regional minimum wage, and intense language activity are associated with better language proficiency.Keywords: parental education, occupation, language activity, language proficiency, childrenCorrespondence: Hafidz Triantoro Aji Pratomo. School of Health Polytechnics, Poltekkes Surakarta. Email: [email protected] Journal of Medicine (2016), 1(3): 152-159https://doi.org/10.26911/theijmed.2016.01.03.0


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of photoperiod on the growth and survival of siamese catfish (Pangasius hypopthalmus). The results of the research data showed the highest growth rate relative weight in the treatment of A (0 T: 24 G) to the average value -value 1713.3, The highest growth rate relative to the length of treatment A (0 T: 24 G) to the average value -rata 145.7, The highest daily growth rate in the treatment of A (0 T: 24 G) to the average value - value 5.17, and the highest survival in the treatment of A (0 T: 24 G) with a mean value of89.3 value. The statistic shows that there are very real differences between the treatment given, and test results further stated that treatment A highly significant compared with other treatments.Then the calculation results continued to be a factor supporting parameter condition, also obtained the highest score in the treatment of A (0 T: 24 G) to the average value – value 0.82 and the highest feed efficiency in treatment A (0 T: 24 G) with a mean value - value 159.6 and waterquality data that is still in the range and standard of living desired. Data growth and survival showed that the longer the dark period is given, the better the growth and survival, because the dark atmosphere to give effect to test the appetite of fish, according to his habits are active at night (nocturnal). Means the results of this study to answer the hypothesis, H1 accept and reject Ho where foto periode given effect on the growth and survival of the test fish

    Diseminasi Teknologi Pembuatan Aerator tanpa Listrik di Kelurahan Karang Mekar, Kecamatan Banjarmasin Timur Kalimantan Selatan

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    Kelurahan Karang Mekar adalah salah satu kelurahan di kecamatan Banjarmasin Timur, Kota Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan.  Selama masa pandemik Covid 19, pelajar-mahasiswa atau pemuda-pemudi tidak ada kegiatan di kelas atau kampus, semua proses pembelajaran dilakukan dari rumah secara online. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan kejenuhan dan kebosanan. Begitu pula dengan pembudidaya ikan hias yang selama ini menggunakan aerator bertenaga listrik, menyebabkan peningkatan pembayaran listrik. Sehingga perlu segera dicari kegiatan bagi khalayak sasaran mitra (pemuda-pemudi dan pembudidaya ikan hias). Tujuan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat adalah diseminasi teknologi aerator tanpa listrik dan meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan khalayak sasaran mitra dalam melakukan kegiatan produktif di masa pandemik covid 19. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penyuluhan, demonstrasi, dan evaluasi. Hasil evaluasi tingkat pengetahuan diperoleh nilai t hit = 25,84 > t tab (0,025) = 2,074 dan t tab (0,005) = 2,819. Tingkat keterampilan diperoleh nilai t hit = 14,84 > t tab (0,025) = 2,074 dan t tab (0,005) = 2,819. Hal ini berarti terjadi peningkatan tingkat pengetahuan dan keterampilan khalayak sasaran mitra secara sangat signifikan. Dari kegiatan PKM ini, khalayak sasaran mitra memiliki sikap yang mendukung terhadap kegiatan yang dilaksanakan. Ditunjukkan dengan keramah tamahan dan aktivitasnya dalam berdialog dan pelaksanaan program kegiatan PKM ini

    Livelihood Revitalization In Peatlands: Woven Crafts From Purun AS A Sustainable Business Option In Ogan Komering Ilir (Oki) Regency, South Sumatra

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    This study is conducted to better understand the potential of purun weaving as a suitable business approach that could support peatland restoration in South Sumatra. It aims to analyze the obstacles of purun weaving and its market potential as green products. This study applies qualitative and quantitative methods, including in-depth interviews and surveys. The in-depth interviews invove local business actors in Pedamaran Sub-district, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency (i.e. harvesters, weavers, and traders) and the policy-makers. Online and intercept surveys are conducted to analyze current condition and market potential of purun handicrafts, especially as the example of green products. Identified challenges include lack of market knowledge and connections, unstable supply of raw materials, lack of financial capitalization, and low product quality. The market potential for green products, however, is highly promising, as more than 80% of respondents are willing to pay a higher price for these products. Gaps between existing production system and market potential could be narrowed down by adjusting policies for existing peat swamp areas, improving access to microfinance, and implementing specific capacity building for the weavers. Moreover, suitable marketing strategies are required to support the business sustainability of purun weaving