20 research outputs found

    Spatio-temporal dynamics of dengue-related deaths and associated factors

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    Since the reintroduction of dengue viruses in 1987, Sao Paulo State (SP), Brazil, has experienced recurrent epidemics in a growing number of municipalities, each time with more cases and deaths. In the present study, we investigated the spatio-temporal dynamics of dengue-related deaths and associated factors in SP. This was an ecological study with spatial and temporal components, based on notified dengue-related deaths in the municipalities of SP between 2007 and 2017. A latent Gaussian Bayesian model with Poisson probability distribution was used to estimate the standardized mortality ratios (SMR) for dengue and relative risks (RR) for the socioeconomic, demographic, healthcare-related, and epidemiological factors considered. Epidemiological factors included the annual information on the number of circulating serotypes. A total of 1,019 dengue-related deaths (0.22 per 100,000 inhabitant-years) between 2007 and 2017 were confirmed in SP by laboratory testing. Mortality increased with age, peaking at 70 years or older (1.41 deaths per 100,000 inhabitant-years). Mortality was highest in 2015, and the highest SMR values were found in the North, Northwest, West, and coastal regions of SP. An increase of one circulating serotype, one standard deviation in the number of years with cases, and one standard deviation in the degree of urbanization were associated with increases of 75, 35, and 45% in the risk of death from dengue, respectively. The risk of death from dengue increased with age, and the distribution of deaths was heterogeneous in space and time. The positive relationship found between the number of dengue serotypes circulating and years with cases at the municipality/micro-region level indicates that this information can be used to identify risk areas, intensify surveillance and control measures, and organize healthcare to better respond to this disease

    Primeiro isolamento de Dengue 4 no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, 2011

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    We report the first isolation of Dengue virus 4 (DENV-4) in the state of São Paulo, from two patients - one living in São José do Rio Preto and the other one in Paulo de Faria, both cities located in the Northwest region of the state. The virus isolations were accomplished in the clone C6/36 Aedes albopictus cell line, followed by indirect immunofluorescence assays, performed with type-specific monoclonal antibodies that showed positive reactions for DENV-4. The results were confirmed by Nested RT-PCR and Real-Time RT-PCR assays. The introduction of DENV-4 in a country that already has to deal with the transmission of three other serotypes increases the possibility of the occurrence of more severe cases of the disease. The importance of early detection of dengue cases, before the virus spreads and major outbreaks occur, should be emphasized.Relatamos o primeiro isolamento do vírus Dengue 4 (DENV-4) no Estado de São Paulo, de dois pacientes residentes em São José do Rio Preto e Paulo de Faria, ambos municípios localizados na região Noroeste do Estado. O isolamento do vírus foi realizado em clone C6/36, linhagem de células de Aedes albopictus seguido por imunofluorescência indireta, realizada com anticorpos monoclonais tipo específicos, que apresentou reação positiva para DENV-4. Os resultados foram confirmados por testes de Nested RT-PCR e RT-PCR em Tempo Real. A introdução do DENV-4 no país, com uma população suscetível a esse vírus e que já convive com a transmissão de outros três sorotipos, aumenta a possibilidade da ocorrência de casos mais graves da doença. Deve ser enfatizada a importância da detecção precoce de casos de dengue, antes que ocorra a propagação do vírus e que surtos importantes aconteçam

    Avaliação da detecção do antígeno NS1 para diagnóstico de dengue nos Laboratórios de Saúde Pública, Estado de São Paulo, 2009

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    The present work evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of detection of Dengue NS1 antigen employing two NS1 assays, an immunochromatographic assay and ELISA, in the diagnostic routine of Public Health laboratories. The results obtained with NS1 assay were compared with virus isolation and, in a subpopulation of cases, they were compared with the IgM-ELISA results obtained with convalescent samples. A total of 2,321 sera samples were analyzed by one of two NS1 techniques from March to October 2009. The samples were divided into five groups: groups I, II and III included samples tested by NS1 and virus isolation, and groups IV and V included patients with a first sample tested by NS1 and a second sample tested by IgM-ELISA. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, Kappa Index and Kappa Concordance were calculated. The results showed that NS1 testing in groups I, II and III had high sensitivity (98.0%, 99.5% and 99.3%), and predictive values and Kappa index between 0.9 - 1.0. Groups IV and V only had Kappa Concordance calculated, since the samples were analyzed according to the presence of NS1 antigen or IgM antibody. Concordance of 92.1% was observed when comparing the results of NS1-negative samples with IgM-ELISA. Based on the findings, it is possible to suggest that the tests for NS1 detection may be important tools for monitoring the introduction and spread of Dengue serotypes.Esse estudo avaliou a acurácia do diagnóstico por detecção do antígeno NS1 do vírus Dengue empregando-se ensaios em dois formatos, imunocromatográfico e ELISA, na rotina diagnóstica dos laboratórios de Saúde Pública. Compararam-se os resultados de NS1 com os resultados de isolamento viral e, em parte dos casos, foi feita a comparação com os resultados de IgM-ELISA, obtidos nas segundas amostras. Um total de 2.321 amostras de soros, obtidas no período de março a outubro de 2009, foram analisadas por uma das duas técnicas NS1. As amostras foram divididas em cinco grupos: I, II e III, que incluíram amostras analisadas por testes NS1 e por isolamento de vírus. Os grupos IV e V incluíram pacientes com a primeira amostra processada por NS1 e segunda por IgM-ELISA. Foram analisadas sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo e negativo, concordância e índice Kappa. Os resultados mostraram que os grupos I, II e III apresentaram alta sensibilidade (98,0%, 99,5% e 99,3%), valores preditivos e índice Kappa entre 0,9 - 1,0. Nos grupos IV e V, apenas concordância foi calculada, dado que as amostras foram analisadas quanto à presença de antígeno NS1 ou de anticorpos IgM. Comparando-se os resultados negativos de NS1 com IgM-ELISA houve 92,1% de concordância. Com base nas constatações feitas, é possível sugerir que a detecção de NS1 pode ser importante ferramenta para monitorar a introdução e disseminação dos sorotipos de Dengue

    Epizootias de febre amarela em primatas não humanos no estado de São Paulo, Brasil, 2008-2009

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    Desde 2000, vem sendo observada a expansão da febre amarela (FA) no Sudeste do Brasil, sendo detectados casos em áreas consideradas silenciosas por décadas. Epizootias em primatas não humanos (NHPs) são considerados eventos sentinela para a detecção de casos humanos. É importante relatar eventos epizoóticos que podem ter impacto sobre o estado de conservação de espécies sensíveis. Descrevemos as epizootias, notificadas em NHPs no estado de São Paulo, Brasil, entre setembro de 2008 a agosto de 2009. Noventa e um eventos epizoóticos, envolvendo 147 animais, foram notificados em 36 municípios. As amostras foram obtidas a partir de 65 animais (44,2%). A maioria das epizootias (46,6%) foram registradas entre março e abril, no mesmo período no qual YF em que casos humanos ocorreram no estado. As amostras biológicas foram coletadas de animais encontrados mortos e enviadas ao Instituto Adolfo Lutz, em São Paulo. Duas amostras, coletadas em dois municípios, sem indicação para a vacinação de febre amarela, foram positivos para o vírus. Outros 48 animais foram associados com FA por vínculo clínico-epidemiológico com casos confirmados laboratorialmente. Devido a doença em humanos e NHPs terem ocorrido no mesmo período, a detecção do vírus em NHPs não funcionou como sentinela, mas ajudou no processo de delimitação de novas áreas de risco.Since 2000, the expansion of Sylvatic Yellow Fever (YF) has been observed in the southeast of Brazil, being detected in areas considered silent for decades. Epizootics in non-human primates (NHPs) are considered sentinel events for the detection of human cases. It is important to report epizootic events that could have impact on the conservation status of susceptible species. We describe the epizootics in NHPs, notified in state of São Paulo, Brazil, between September 2008 to August 2009. Ninety-one epizootic events, involving 147 animals, were reported in 36 counties. Samples were obtained from 65 animals (44.2%). Most of the epizootics (46.6%) were reported between March and April, the same period during which human cases of YF occurred in the state. Biological samples were collected from animals found dead and were sent to Instituto Adolfo Lutz, in São Paulo. Two samples, collected in two counties without an indication for YF vaccination, were positive for the virus. Another 48 animals were associated with YF by clinical-epidemiological linkage with laboratory confirmed cases. Because the disease in human and NHPs occurred in the same period, the detection of the virus in NHPs did not work as sentinel, but aided in the delineation of new areas of risk

    Yellow fever epizootics in non-human primates, São Paulo state, Brazil, 2008-2009

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    Since 2000, the expansion of Sylvatic Yellow Fever (YF) has been observed in the southeast of Brazil, being detected in areas considered silent for decades. Epizootics in non-human primates (NHPs) are considered sentinel events for the detection of human cases. It is important to report epizootic events that could have impact on the conservation status of susceptible species. We describe the epizootics in NHPs, notified in state of São Paulo, Brazil, between September 2008 to August 2009. Ninety-one epizootic events, involving 147 animals, were reported in 36 counties. Samples were obtained from 65 animals (44.2%). Most of the epizootics (46.6%) were reported between March and April, the same period during which human cases of YF occurred in the state. Biological samples were collected from animals found dead and were sent to Instituto Adolfo Lutz, in São Paulo. Two samples, collected in two counties without an indication for YF vaccination, were positive for the virus. Another 48 animals were associated with YF by clinical-epidemiological linkage with laboratory confirmed cases. Because the disease in human and NHPs occurred in the same period, the detection of the virus in NHPs did not work as sentinel, but aided in the delineation of new areas of risk

    Evaluation of dengue NS1 antigen detection for diagnosis in public health laboratories, São Paulo State, 2009

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    The present work evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of detection of Dengue NS1 antigen employing two NS1 assays, an immunochromatographic assay and ELISA, in the diagnostic routine of Public Health laboratories. The results obtained with NS1 assay were compared with virus isolation and, in a subpopulation of cases, they were compared with the IgM-ELISA results obtained with convalescent samples. A total of 2,321 sera samples were analyzed by one of two NS1 techniques from March to October 2009. The samples were divided into five groups: groups I, II and III included samples tested by NS1 and virus isolation, and groups IV and V included patients with a first sample tested by NS1 and a second sample tested by IgM-ELISA. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, Kappa Index and Kappa Concordance were calculated. The results showed that NS1 testing in groups I, II and III had high sensitivity (98.0%, 99.5% and 99.3%), and predictive values and Kappa index between 0.9 - 1.0. Groups IV and V only had Kappa Concordance calculated, since the samples were analyzed according to the presence of NS1 antigen or IgM antibody. Concordance of 92.1% was observed when comparing the results of NS1-negative samples with IgM-ELISA. Based on the findings, it is possible to suggest that the tests for NS1 detection may be important tools for monitoring the introduction and spread of Dengue serotypes

    Isolamento do vírus da Febre Amarela de mosquitos naturalmente infectados Haemagogus (Conopostegus) leucocelaenus (Diptera, Culicidae), São Paulo, Brasil, 2009

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    After detecting the death of Howlers monkeys (genus Alouatta) and isolation of yellow fever virus (YFV) in Buri county, São Paulo, Brazil, an entomological research study in the field was started. A YFV strain was isolated from newborn Swiss mice and cultured cells of Aedes albopictus - C6/36, from a pool of six Haemagogus (Conopostegus) leucocelaenus (Hg. leucocelaenus) mosquitoes (Dyar & Shannon) collected at the study site. Virus RNA fragment was amplified by RT-PCR and sequenced. The MCC Tree generated showed that the isolated strain is related to the South American I genotype, in a monophyletic clade containing isolates from recent 2008-2010 epidemics and epizootics in Brazil. Statistical analysis commonly used were calculated to characterize the sample in relation to diversity and dominance and indicated a pattern of dominance of one or a few species. Hg. leucocelaenus was found infected in Rio Grande do Sul State as well. In São Paulo State, this is the first detection of YFV in Hg. leucocelaenus.Após a detecção de morte de macacos Bugios (gênero Alouatta) e isolamento do vírus da Febre Amarela (YFV) no município de Buri, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, foi iniciada uma investigação entomológica em campo. Uma cepa de YFV foi isolada em camundongos recém-nascidos e cultura de células de Aedes albopictus - C6/36, a partir de um lote de seis mosquitos Haemagogus (Conopostegus) leucocelaenus (Hg leucocelaenus) Dyar & Shannon coletados no local de estudo. RNA do vírus foi amplificado por RT-PCR e seqüenciado. A topologia gerada indica que a cepa isolada está relacionada ao genótipo South American I, em clado monofilético englobando isolados recentes de epidemias e epizootias entre 2008 e 2009. Análises estatísticas geralmente usadas caracterizaram a amostra em relação à diversidade e dominância, indicando dominância relativa de uma ou poucas espécies. Hg. leucocelaenus foi detectado infectado também no Rio Grande do Sul. No Estado de São Paulo trata-se da primeira detecção do YFV em Hg leucocelaenus