26 research outputs found

    Composición química del aceite esencial de madera de Aniba cinnamomiflora C. K. Allen, andes venezolanos

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    Aniba cinnamomiflora C. K. Allen is a tree species of Lauraceae family that produces essential oil. Study on the hydrodistillation product of wood pieces from branches of Aniba cinnamomiflora is presented. The 0.05% of essential oil was obtained. The essential oil was analyzed by gas chromatography and Mass spectrometry. Fifteen compounds were identified (98.55%) of the total retrieved. The major component (54.00%) corresponds to the lipid γ-palmitolactone, followed by 1-epi-cubenol (9.56%), δ-cadinene (6.05%), t-cadinol (5.00%) and chamazulene (3.53%). This is the first study on the wood essential oil of Aniba cinnamomiflora.  Aniba cinnamomiflora  C. K. Allen  es una especie arbórea de la familia Lauraceae que produce aceite esencial. Se presenta un estudio sobre el producto de la hidrodestilación de partículas de madera provenientes de ramas de  Aniba cinnamomiflora. El 0,05% de aceite esencial fue obtenido. El aceite esencial fue analizado por cromatografia de gases y espectrometria de masas. Fueron identificados quince compuestos (98.55%) del total recuperado. El principal componente (54.00%) corresponde al lípido γ-palmitolactona, seguido por 1-epi-cubenol (9.56%), δ-cadineno (6.05%), t-cadinol (5.00%) y chamazuleno (3.53%) . Este es el primer reporte del studio del aceite esencial de la madera de Aniba cinnamomiflora

    Sentido de pertenencia e inclusión social, desde las expectativas de los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso en la UDO Anaco | Sense of belonging and social inclusion from the expectations of newentry students at the UDO Anaco

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    Los estudios universitarios representan un desafío no siempre fácil; implican enfrentar algunos conflictosque afectan a las universidades, originados por la pérdida o el desconocimiento de los valores humanos quepermiten una convivencia armónica. Por ello, desarrollar el sentido de pertenencia en los estudiantes hacia suinstitución educativa facilitará ambas, su inclusión social en el ámbito universitario y el camino hacia la excelenciaacadémica. En tal sentido, el propósito de esta investigación fue valorar el sentido de pertenencia e inclusiónsocial, desde las expectativas de los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso en la UDO Anaco. El estudio se sustentó en lasteorías del Intercambio Social (Homans 1959), la Elección Racional (Abitbol y Botero 2005) y el Vínculo Afectivo(Buchanans 2000). El análisis se realizó bajo el enfoque cualitativo y el método fenomenológico para interpretarla realidad desde la perspectiva de quienes la viven. Los informantes clave fueron un grupo de estudiantes denuevo ingreso que cursan las carreras Ingeniería Industrial y de Sistemas, del tercer periodo académico de 2011.Las categorías de análisis fueron: sentido de pertenencia, inclusión social y ser estudiante universitario. En lainvestigación fue posible conocer que existen situaciones que reflejan problemas con las actitudes relacionadascon la pertenencia e identificación de los estudiantes con la Universidad de Oriente, Extensión Región Centro-Sur-Anaco. Se concluye que afianzar el sentido de pertenencia de los estudiantes dependerá de los mecanismosinstitucionales de inclusión y de los comportamientos y la valoración o percepción de los estudiantes.Palabras clave: Estudiantes universitarios.ABSTRACTUniversity studies represent a challenge that is not always easy; they involve facing some conflicts thataffect universities, caused by the loss or lack of human values that allow a harmonious coexistence. Therefore,developing a sense of belonging in students to their school will promote both, their social inclusion in the universityenvironment, and the path towards academic excellence. In this sense, the purpose of this study was to evaluatethe sense of belonging and social inclusion, from the expectations of newly admitted students at UDO Anaco. Itwas based on the theories of social exchange (Homans 1959), Rational Choice (Abitbol and Botero 2005), andAffective Link (Buchanans 2000). The analysis was framed on the qualitative approach and the phenomenologicalmethod to interpret reality from the perspective of those whose live it. Key informants were a group of newstudents of Industrial and Systems Engineering, of the third academic period of 2011. The categories of analysiswere: sense of belonging, social inclusion and be a college student. The research made it possible to know thatthere are situations that reflect problems related to the belonging and identification of students with the university.It is concluded that strengthening the sense of belonging of students will depend on the institutional mechanismsof inclusion and the perception of students.Key words: College students

    Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding COVID-19 Among Healthcare Workers in Venezuela:An Online Cross-Sectional Survey

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    Background: The deterioration of Venezuela's health system in recent years undoubtedly contributes to an increased impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding healthcare workers' (HCWs) knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAPs) toward COVID-19 in the early stages of the pandemic could inform their medical training and improve their preparedness. Methods: A online national cross-sectional survey was conducted between May 26th and May 30th, 2020, to assess KAPs among HCWs in Venezuela. Results: A total of 1,441 HCWs from all 24 regions of the country responded to the survey. The mean age of the HCWs was 44 (SD [standard deviation] 14) years; most were women (66.4%). Most HCWs were specialized doctors (48%), followed by nurses (13%) and resident doctors (12.3%). The majority of HCWs had good knowledge (76.3%), obtained information mainly from scientific literature (85.4%); had negative attitudes (53.6%), felt uncomfortable with their work during the current pandemic (59.8%); and reported appropriate practices (76.9%). However, participation in COVID-19 related training was absent in more than half of the HCWs. Positive attitudes were significantly more frequent in frontline workers than in non-frontline workers (p = 0.001). Bioanalysts, students, and doctors were more likely to have good knowledge; participating in training was a predictor for positive attitudes and older age was an appropriate practice predictor. Conclusions: HCWs, knowledge in Venezuela could be improved by strengthening education and training programs. Strategies should focus on reducing fear and improving attitudes toward the care of COVID-19 patients, as well as the promotion of preventive practices

    Essential oils obtained from hydrodistillation of leaves of three trees species of the Myrtaceae family

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    Mediante la técnica de hidrodestilación se obtuvo aceites esenciales de las hojas de 3 especies de la familia Mirtaceae: Callistemon viminalis, Psidium guajava y Myrcia splenden,s con rendimientos promedio de 1,67 %, 0,39 % y 0,09 % respectivamente, estableciendo además los rangos de tiempo de destilación óptimos para cada una de ellas, lo que se traduce en un ahorro de energía. A las hojas y al aceite esencial obtenido se les determinó el potencial calórico, permitiendo evidenciar una relación entre calor de combustión de la biomasa y rendimiento de aceite esencial. Los componentes mayoritarios reportados para los aceites esenciales de las especies estudiadas poseen actividades biológicas reconocidas tales como antimicrobiales, citotóxicos y antioxidantes, entre otros.64 - [email protected],[email protected]@[email protected] oils were obtained using hydrodistillation of leaves of 3 species of the Myrtaceae family: Callistemon viminalis, Psidium guajava and Myrcia Splendens, with average yields of 1,67%, 0,39% and 0,09% respectively. Furthermore, optimal distillation time ranges were established for each raw material, driving to the saving energy as consequence. The gross heat of leaves and essential oils were analyzed, in order to demonstrate some relationship between combustion heat of biomass and essential oil yield. Among some of the biological activities reported for the major components of the essential oils of these species, their effectiveness as antimicrobials, antioxidants and cytotoxic are guaranteed by a significant amount of scientific research

    Uso de recursos vegetales nativos y exóticos en la dieta de aves nectarívoras en los Jardines Ecológicos Topotepuy, Caracas, Venezuela / Use of Native and Exotic Plant Resources in the Diet of Nectarivorous Birds in Topotepuy Ecological Gardens, Caracas, Venezuela

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    La pérdida de hábitat y fragmentación de bosques causada por el desarrollo urbano genera graves consecuencias sobre la biodiversidad local. La ausencia de recursos alimenticios es una de las causas de la disminución de la riqueza de especies de aves en ambientes urbanos. Con la reducción de la cobertura vegetal nativa, los jardines y fragmentos de bosques urbanos han tomado gran importancia en la conservación de la avifauna al proveer recursos necesarios para la alimentación. Con el objetivo de evaluar el uso de jardines con plantas ornamentales por la comunidad de aves nectarívoras se realizaron muestreos semanales entre junio y octubre de 2018 en los Jardines Ecológicos Topotepuy (Caracas), adyacentes a un fragmento de bosque nublado. Dentro del jardín ornamental, se determinó semanalmente la riqueza, abundancia y composición de especies de aves nectarívoras, la disponibilidad de recursos fl orales y cuáles de éstos eran utilizados por las aves como parte de su dieta. Se observaron nueve especies de nectarívoros pertenecientes a dos familias: Trochilidae (87,5%) y Thraupidae (12,5%). Las cinco especies más comunes fueron Saucerottia tobaci, Heliodoxa leadbeateri, Colibri delphinae, Chrysuronia oenone y Coereba fl aveola. Se registraron 333 visitas de forrajeo a 37 especies de plantas pertenecientes a 16 familias, el 79,28% de las vistas fueron a especies nativas de América y el 20,72% a plantas exóticas. Entre las especies de nectarívoros, S. tobaci realizó el mayor porcentaje de las visitas observadas seguido de C. fl aveola. Las especies de plantas más visitadas fueron Clusia multifl ora y Heliconia caribea, ambas nativas de América. La red de interacción planta-ave tuvo un valor medio alto de especialización por lo que existen interacciones que no se dan al azar basándose en la disponibilidad del par ave-planta sino por otros mecanismos, observándose preferencias de ciertas aves por algunas especies de plantas. El gran número de especies de plantas presentes en los jardines que fueron incorporadas en la dieta, evidencia la importancia de este tipo de ambiente para la comunidad de aves nectarívoras de un área suburbana de Caracas. Habitat and forest fragmentation caused by urban development generates serious consequences on local biodiversity. The absence of food resources is one of the causes of the decline in bird species richness in urban environments. With the decrease of native vegetation cover, urban gardens and forest fragments have great relevance in bird conservation by providing the necessary foraging resources. In order to evaluate the use of gardens with ornamental plants by the community of nectarivorous birds, weekly samples were conducted between June and October 2018 at the Topotepuy Ecological Gardens (Caracas), adjacent to a fragment of cloud forest. Richness, abundance and composition of nectarivorous bird species, availability of fl oral resources, and which of these were used by the birds as part of their diet, were determined weekly within the ornamental garden. Nine species of nectarivorous birds belonging to two families were observed: Trochilidae (87.5%) and Thraupidae (12.5%). The fi ve most common species were Saucerottia tobaci, Heliodoxa leadbeateri, Colibri delphinae, Chrysuronia oenone and Coereba fl aveola. Three hundred and thirty three foraging visits to 37 species of plants belonging to 16 families were recorded, 79.28% of the visits were to plant species native to America and 20.72% to exotic plants. Among the nectarivorous species, S. tobaci made the highest percentage of observed visits followed by C. fl aveola. The most visited plant species were Clusia multifl ora and Heliconia caribea, both native of America. The plant-bird interaction network had a slightly high specialization level, so there are interactions that are not random based on the availability of the plant-bird pair but by other mechanisms, observing preferences of certain birds for some species of plants. The great number of plant species present in the gardens incorporated into the diet, demonstrates the importance of this kind of environments for the nectarivorous bird community of a suburban area of Caracas

    Foamy oil transport as a multiphase flow system

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    In some heavy and extra heavy oil production fields in Venezuela the oil production occurs due to the gas in solution, which tends to form a foam, consisting of a dispersion of gas and water in oil. Foamy oil behavior at reservoir conditions and its transport process through porous media have been the focus of many multiphase flow researches. However, few studies have been developed at surface conditions, in which the oil viscosity increases considerably and the gas bubbles that are trapped in the foamy oil are expanded due to the change in pressure and temperature. Transportation of foamy oil through pipelines is a challenge in Venezuelan fields due to the relatively high gas volumes produced with oil. Part of this gas is dispersed as foam and the rest flows as a separate phase generating different flow patterns in the pipelines. This experimental study is focused on the behavior of a multiphase mixture composed by foamed emulsion, with high oil viscosity flowing through horizontal pipelines. The evaluated conditions correspond to 8.5 wt.% water, 1.5 wt.% surfactant and 90 wt.% mineral oil, pressures up to 255 kPa, temperature of 20°C, superficial gas velocities between 0.92 - 17.56 m/s and superficial liquid velocities between 0.04 - 1.07 m/s, with pipeline diameters of 0.0243 and 0.0508 m. Three different flow patterns were obtained: foamy stratified, foamy slug and foamy annular. Foaminess and foam stability were found to be dependent on the operational conditions. Foamability increases with the increment of the gas and liquid flow rates, while foam stability tends to decrease when the liquid flow rate increases and the gas flow rate decreases

    Growth and hydro distillation roots of Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Roberty

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    Se registró la sobrevivencia y el crecimiento de las raíces de Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Roberty (vetiver) sin intervención de cuidados de cultivo, obteniendo una sobrevivencia de 78 % y un incremento en peso de masa radicular que se triplicó en mes y medio a partir de la semana 14 de la siembra. La longitud de algunas de las raíces superaron los 80 cm en menos de 5 meses. Mediante hidrodestilación, durante tiempos mayores de 30 horas, se obtuvo aceite esencial de raíces de vetiver con rendimientos entre 0,47% y 0,62% y densidades entre 0,82 g/mL a 0,86 g/mL. La composición química del aceite esencial de vetiver reportada en varias investigaciones establece la predominancia de sesquiterpenoides, cuyas propiedades le confieren al aceite actividades biológicas antioxidante, sedativa y [email protected]@[email protected]@ula.vesemestralSurvival plants and growth of Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Roberty (vetiver) were observed, without intervention of crop care, obtaining survival of 78% and increasing mass root weight than tripling in a month and a half from the 14th week of planting. The length of some of the roots exceeded 80 cm in less than 5 months. By hydro distillation of over of 30 hours, yields of vetiver essential oil were 0.47% to 0.62% and densities were 0.8166 g/mL to 0.8640 g/mL. It is know that chemical composition of vetiver oil shows predominance of sesquiterpenoids confer it biological activities as antioxidant, sedative and anti-inflammatory

    Analysis of Lemna sp. of the lake of Maracaibo for its possible use in the feeding animal.

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    Editorial.Suniaga Q., JoséAnálisis de la lemna sp. del lago de Maracaibo para su eventual utilización en la alimentación de rumiantes.Analysis of Lemna sp. of the lake of Maracaibo for its possible use in the feeding animal.Castillo O., Mayela; Padilla, Adriana; Suniaga Q., José; Betancourt, Arquímedes y Marcano, EnidEfecto de la densidad de siembra sobre el rendimiento de la cebolla, variedad americana, con riego por goteo, en el Valle de Quibor.Effect of plant density on yield of onions, variety Americana, with drip irrigation in the Valley of Quibor.Rázuri R., Luis R.; Romero C., Edgar; Galindo Rodriguez, Alberto; Hernández, José D.; Rosales, José G. y Linares de Gómez, RosalbaEvolución de la salinidad en un suelo del Valle de Quibor, Venezuela, utilizando riego localizado en el cultivo de cebolla.Evolution of salinity in a soil of Valley of Quibor, Venezuela, under drip irrigation in the onion crop.Rázuri R., Luis R.; Linares D., José Grismaldo; Romero C., Edgar; Galindo Rodriguez, Alberto; Hernández, José D.Manejo e índices productivos en las granjas de codornices en Los Andes venezolanos.Management and productive index in the farms quails in Venezuelan Andes.Díaz Cuellar, Doraida R.; Valera, Lorena y Cabrera B., Héctor J.Una aplicación de la novena edición de la clave del soil taxonomy para la clasificación de suelos. Caso estación experimental santa rosa, Mérida.Clasification soils agricultural experimental station of Santa Rosa, Mérida acconding with ninth edition of key to sail taxonomy.Peña G., CliffordRespuestas de crecimiento y producción de la zábila a diferentes densidades de plantación y niveles de fertilización usados.Analysis of Lemna sp. of the lake of Maracaibo for its possible use in the feeding animal.Añez, Bruno y Vásquez Chávez, Jorge A.Micorriza arbuscular glomus intraradice, azospirillum brasilense y brassinoesteroide en la producción de maíz en Mérida-Yucatán, México.Arbuscular mycorrhizal glomus intraradice, azospirillum brasilense and brassinosteroid in the yield of maice in Mérida-Yucatán, México.Uribe V., Gabriel y Petit, JudithÍndice [email protected]@[email protected]@ula.veNivel analíticoanua

    La mortalidad perinatal según 2 fuentes de información Perinatal mortality according to 2 information sources

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    Objetivo: Evaluar la diferencia en muertes perinatales (MP) ocurridas en Cataluña y su evolución según 2 fuentes de información sanitaria. Métodos: Los datos proceden de la estadística de mortalidad (Departament de Salut e Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya) y del Conjunto Mínimo Básico de Datos de Altas Hospitalarias (CMBDAH) del Servei Català de la Salut del período 2000-2003. Se describen las frecuencias totales de MP según si cumplen o no criterio legal de declaración. Resultados: La estadística de mortalidad registró un 27,2% menos de MP, un 44,77% menos de muertes fetales y un 13,5% más de muertes neonatales precoces que el CMBDAH. Estos porcentajes son menores considerando sólo los casos con criterios legales de declaración. Conclusión: Las diferencias de casos entre ambas fuentes están relacionadas con características del recién nacido: bajo peso al nacer, prematuridad y lugar en que se produjo. Los datos hospitalarios podrían mejorar la estadística de mortalidad perinatal.<br>Objective: To evaluate differences in the number of cases of perinatal mortality in Catalonia (Spain) recorded in 2 health information systems, as well as trends in this phenomenon. Methods: Data were obtained from the mortality statistics (Health Department and the Catalan Institute of Statistics) and the minimum data set (MDS) for hospital discharges of the Catalan Health Service from 2000-2003. The frequencies are given for the cases reported and for cases following the legal criteria for reporting. Results: The mortality statistics registered 27.2% fewer perinatal deaths, 44.77% fewer fetal deaths and 13.5% more early neonatal deaths than the MDS. These percentages were lower when only the cases following the legal criteria for reporting were considered. Conclusion: The differences between the two sources were related to low birth weight, prematurity, and the place of occurrence. Use of hospital data might improve the quality of perinatal mortality statistics