4 research outputs found

    Intragenic deletions and a deep intronic mutation affecting pre-mRNA splicing in the dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase gene as novel mechanisms causing 5-fluorouracil toxicity

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    Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) is the initial enzyme acting in the catabolism of the widely used antineoplastic agent 5-fluorouracil (5FU). DPD deficiency is known to cause a potentially lethal toxicity following administration of 5FU. Here, we report novel genetic mechanisms underlying DPD deficiency in patients presenting with grade III/IV 5FU-associated toxicity. In one patient a genomic DPYD deletion of exons 21–23 was observed. In five patients a deep intronic mutation c.1129–5923C>G was identified creating a cryptic splice donor site. As a consequence, a 44 bp fragment corresponding to nucleotides c.1129–5967 to c.1129–5924 of intron 10 was inserted in the mature DPD mRNA. The deleterious c.1129–5923C>G mutation proved to be in cis with three intronic polymorphisms (c.483 + 18G>A, c.959–51T>G, c.680 + 139G>A) and the synonymous mutation c.1236G>A of a previously identified haplotype. Retrospective analysis of 203 cancer patients showed that the c.1129–5923C>G mutation was significantly enriched in patients with severe 5FU-associated toxicity (9.1%) compared to patients without toxicity (2.2%). In addition, a high prevalence was observed for the c.1129–5923C>G mutation in the normal Dutch (2.6%) and German (3.3%) population. Our study demonstrates that a genomic deletion affecting DPYD and a deep intronic mutation affecting pre-mRNA splicing can cause severe 5FU-associated toxicity. We conclude that screening for DPD deficiency should include a search for genomic rearrangements and aberrant splicing

    Peripheral blood methylation profiling of female Crohn's disease patients

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    Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory disorder belonging to the inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). CD affects distinct parts of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to symptoms including diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, weight loss, and anemia. The aim of this study was to assess whether the DNA methylome of peripheral blood cells can be associated with CD in women. Samples were obtained from 18 female patients with histologically confirmed ileal or ileocolic CD and 25 healthy age- and gender-matched controls (mean age and standard deviation: 30.5 ± 6.5 years for both groups). Genome-wide DNA methylation was determined using the Illumina HumanMethylation 450k BeadChip. Our analysis implicated 4287 differentially methylated positions (DMPs; corrected p  < 0.05) that are associated to 2715 unique genes. Gene ontology enrichment analysis revealed significant enrichment of our DMPs in immune response processes and inflammatory pathways. Of the 4287 DMPs, 32 DMPs were located on chromosome X with several hits for MIR223 and PABPC5. Comparison with previously performed (epi)genome-wide studies revealed that we replicated 33 IBD-associated genes. In addition to DMPs, we found eight differentially methylated regions (DMRs). CD patients display a characteristic DNA methylation landscape, with the differentially methylated genes being implicated in immune response. Additionally, DMPs were found on chromosome X suggesting X-linked manifestations of CD that could be associated with female-specific symptom

    Analysis of severely affected patients with dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency reveals large intragenic rearrangements of DPYD and a de novo interstitial deletion del(1)(p13.3p21.3)

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    Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) deficiency is an infrequently described autosomal recessive disorder of the pyrimidine degradation pathway and can lead to mental and motor retardation and convulsions. DPD deficiency is also known to cause a potentially lethal toxicity following administration of the antineoplastic agent 5-fluorouracil. In an ongoing study of 72 DPD deficient patients, we analysed the molecular background of 5 patients in more detail in whom initial sequence analysis did not reveal pathogenic mutations. In three patients, a 13.8 kb deletion of exon 12 was found and in one patient a 122 kb deletion of exon 14-16 of DPYD. In the fifth patient, a c.299_302delTCAT mutation in exon 4 was found and also loss of heterozygosity of the entire DPD gene. Further analysis demonstrated a de novo deletion of approximately 14 Mb of chromosome 1p13.3-1p21.3, which includes DPYD. Haploinsufficiency of NTNG1, LPPR4, GPSM2, COL11A1 and VAV3 might have contributed to the severe psychomotor retardation and unusual craniofacial features in this patient. Our study showed for the first time the presence of genomic deletions affecting DPYD in 7% (5/72) of all DPD deficient patients. Therefore, screening of DPD deficient patients for genomic deletions should be considered