33 research outputs found
Development of knowledge model for effective implementation of quality management programs.
Quality of products and services is a major factor in any organisation’s viability and competitive advantage and it is necessary that all levels and functions in organisation receive training in the quality disciplines. However, literature analysis indicates that many quality improvement programmes are ineffective. By using knowledge management practices, organisations can increase the effectiveness of quality management training. Knowledge management processes allow organisations collecting, analysing, storing, disseminating and using information that is relevant to the organisation. This article discusses knowledge management processes for organisational learning mechanisms, which can contribute to more successful planning and implementing of quality management programmes. Six-phase processbased explicit knowledge management models are identified in the analysis as the basis for successful preparation and implementation of quality programmes. In this model, the processes are implemented in sequence for development and implementation of quality programme in an organisation.Organizacija, siekdama konkurencijos sėkmingumo, t uri didinti organizacijos darbuotojų gebėjimus greičiau reaguoti į rinkos poreikius, gerinti organizacijos veiklos, produktų ir paslaugų kokybę, tačiau literatūros analizė rodo, kad dažnai kokybės gerinimo programos nepasiekia juose numatytų tikslų. Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo rasti būdus, kaip efektyviau įgyvendinti kokybės gerinimo programas. Tyrimai parodė, kad panaudodamos žinių vadybos patirtį organizacijos gali padidinti kokybės gerinimo programų efektyvumą. Žinių vadybos procesai padeda organizacijai geriau analizuoti, parengti ir perimti aktualią organizacijos darbuotojams informaciją. Siekiant sėkmingesnio kokybės gerinimo programų įsisavinimo, organizacijai tikslinga pasirengti žinių vadybos mechanizmą, kuris būtų pakankamai lankstus ir lengvai pritaikomas įvairiomis kintančiomis veiklos sąlygomis. Straipsnyje pateikiamas analizės pagrindu parengtas šešių fazių žinių vadybos modelis. Modelyje nuosekliai išdėstyti procesai, kurių reikia laikytis rengiant ir įgyvendinant kokybės gerinimo programą. Prieš rengiant kokybės gerinimo programą būtiną išanalizuoti organizacijos darbuotojų mokymosi poreikius. Organizacijos vadovai turėtų asmeniškai dalyvauti planuojant programą ir pageidautina, kad dalyvautų apmokant darbuotojus. [...
Teisinis kokybės reglamentavimas Europos Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje.
Legislative regulation of quality of product and services is very important for economy of every country for removing technical barriers to trade, protecting the health and safety of consumers. In order to speed up this process, in 1985 the Council of Ministers agreed a resolution on the „New Approach to technical harmonization and standards“. In contrast with the detailed, product-based Directives of the old style, New Approach Directives are limited to fixing essential requirements on general issues such as safety, health and environment. The effective operation of all the Directives, but particularly those of the New Approach, depends on existence of an infrastructure of bodies, rules and relationships typical of market economy. Without these infrastructures, which are particularly concerned with regulatory enforcement, market surveillance, standardization and conformity assessment, the Directives would not achieve their goals. Standardization provides a link between the regulator, the product and the European market. Policies relating to conformity assessment in the EU have as a cornerstone the Commission Communication to the Council submitted on 15 June 1989, „A Global Approach to certification and testing – quality measures for industrial products“ and the Council Decision of 22 July 1993 concerning the modules for the various phases of the conformity assessment procedures and rules for the affixing and use of the CE conformity marking are intended to be used in technical harmonization Directives (93/465/EEC). The documents mentioned above should guide the authorities of the Lithuania in the conformity assessment area. It is necessary to develop of conformity assessment bodies that are competent, in terms of experience, human resources, facilities and organization. Legislative alignment involving also technical harmonization is a complex process where Lithuania changes it former market surveillance system to a new system, whose objective is to suppress in an effective manner barriers to trade and allow free movement of products within the Union.
Lithuania solved the problems associated with the alignment of legislation to EU requirements consecutively. In 1996 the Government of Lithuania approved National program for quality. The program was oriented to speed the process of integration to EU economical area and to achieve these objectives:
To adopt appropriate Lithuanian legislation with requirements of EU Directives.
To adopt European harmonized standards as Lithuanian National standards that facilitate the implementation of the New Approach Directives.
To approximate Lithuanian market surveillance system with EU market surveillance system.
The most of these objectives was successfully solved. National accreditation body in September of 1997 presented application to the European Cooperation for Accreditation. Positive decision for associated member of this organization was given in 23-06-1998. Standardization body of Lithuania till beginning of 2002 year adopted 2160 harmonized European standards as Lithuanian National standards. It offers the possibilities for various sectors of economy of Lithuania to approximate Lithuanian technical regulations with requirements of EU New Approach Directives. At present time Lithuanian technical legislation is approximated with 19 New Approach Directives.Tinkamas produktų ir paslaugų kokybės teisinis reglamentavimas ir valstybinis rėmimas daro didelę įtaką šalies ekonomikos plėtrai ir visuomenės gyvenimui. Straipsnyje atskleisti senojo požiūrio į teisinį kokybės reglamentavimą, taikytą Europos Sąjungoje (toliau ES) iki 1983 m., trūkumai ir parodyti naujojo požiūrio į techninį derinimą ir standartus pranašumai. Parodyta būtinybė taikyti lanksčias teisinio reglamentavimo formas naudojant darniuosius standartus ir atitikties įvertinimą, siekiant sudaryti sąlygas prekėms laisvai judėti ir užtikrinti vartotojų teises į kokybiškus ir saugius produktus bei paslaugas. Nagrinėjamas Lietuvos rinkos priežiūros sistemos derinimas su ES rinkos priežiūros sistema
The Knowledge Management Process for Implementing Quality Improvement Programs
The importance of quality to any and all organizations is well known, and it is necessary to teach employees quality discipline. However, the analysis of literature indicates that many of quality improvement programs are ineffective. This article discusses knowledge management processes for the organizational learning mechanisms that can help to plan and implement quality management programs more successfully. The processes are implemented in sequence for the development of knowledge management in an organization in which user needs and expectations are recognized as an input. The processes are controlled by knowledge management strategy planning, knowledge process, customer and knowledge supplier relationships. The mechanisms are led by a knowledge management leader, knowledge management personnel, and knowledge management system infrastructure. The input is transformed into knowledge management results in terms of users’ needs and expectations of knowledge management outcomes, knowledge management strategy and planning outcomes, knowledge management delivery outcomes. By using the knowledge management process organizations can increase the effectiveness of quality management training.Keywords: quality management, knowledge management, ISO 9000 standards, quality programsŽinių vadybos procesas kokybės gerinimo programoms įgyvendinti Adolfas Kaziliūnas
Daugelis organizacijų, siekdamos konkurencinio pranašumo, įtraukia kokybės gerinimą į savo strateginius tikslus, tačiau literatūros analizė rodo, kad dažnai kokybės gerinimo programos nepasiekia numatytų savo tikslų. Tai dažniausiai atsitinka dėl netikslaus kokybės programų pritaikymo organizacijos reikmėms ir netinkamai vykdomo mokymosi proceso. Šio tyrimo tikslas – rasti būdų efektyviau įgyvendinti kokybės gerinimo programas. Tyrimai parodė, kad pasitelkdamos žinių vadybos patirtį organizacijos gali padidinti kokybės gerinimo programų efektyvumą. Žinių vadybos procesai padeda organizacijai geriau analizuoti, parengti ir įsisavinti aktualią organizacijos darbuotojams informaciją. Straipsnyje pateikiamas literatūros analizės pagrindu parengtas septynių fazių žinių vadybos procesas. Procese nuosekliai išdėstytos veiklos, kurias reikia atlikti rengiant ir įgyvendinant kokybės gerinimo programą. Prieš rengiant šią programą būtina išana lizuoti organizacijos darbuotojų mokymosi poreikius ir pagal tai suformuluoti mokymų strategiją. Organizacijos vadovai turėtų asmeniškai dalyvauti planuojant programą ir pageidautina – mokant darbuotojus. Kokybės gerinimo programos tikslai ir jų pasiekimo planai turi būti aiškiai apibrėžti. Į planavimo procesą būtina įtraukti vidurinės grandies vadybininkus, nes jie geriausiai pastebi darbuotojų žinių trūkumus. Būtina rimtai vertinti dalies darbuotojų skeptišką požiūrį į mokymų programą ir reaguoti į jų pastabas. Labai svarbu mokymosi rezultatų matavimas ir analizė bei nuolatinis grįžtamojo ryšio su programos dalyviais palaikymas. Rezultatų matavimas ir analizė turi būti atliekama po kiekvienos esminės proceso fazės: vartotojų poreikių nustatymo, mokymosi strategijos suformulavimo ir planavimo, mokymo planų įgyvendinimo. Reikšminiai žodžiai: kokybės vadyba, žinių vadyba, kokybės programos, ISO 9000 standartai
Viešasis administravimas : recenzija / tinkamų Lietuvai modelių paieška
Reikšminiai žodžiai: Viešasis administravima
Project audit and closure
Regular use of project audits has yielded continuous improvements in project management. As more mem¬bers of organizations learn from project mistakes and the issues that contribute to project success, the process of managing projects continuously improves in their respective organizations. As the project approaches the end of its life cycle, people and equipment are directed to other activities or projects. Carefully managing the closure phase is as important as any other phase of the project. The article discusses some problems related to different kinds of project audits and the audit process. The article also presents issues related to a project closure and an evaluation of a team and individual project performance.Vis daugiau viešojo sektoriaus organizacijų savo veiklos naujoves įgyvendina panaudodamas projektus. Labai svarbios projekto vykdymo dalys yra projekto auditas ir baigimas. Dažnai šioms dalims skiriama nepakankamai dėmesio, nors praktika rodo, kad šios dalys yra tokios pat svarbios, kaip ir visos kitos. Straipsnyje analizuojama projekto audito reikšmė tobulinant būsimus projektus organizacijoje, projekto audito ypatumai, įvairios projektų auditu formos ir auditu vykdymo procesai, nagrinėjamos projekto baigimo sąlygos ir būdai, projekto komandos, jos narių ir projekto vadovo vertinimo metodai
The problems of project management in public administration
The article covers the project management problems, which will be especially important for the Lithuanian public sector after joining the European Union and trying to use the Structural and Cohesion funds investments succesfully..
Strategic Project Management
For the project manager to effectively plan and control a project, an accurate estimating is essential. Estimating usually focuses on the financial aspects of the project. In the book are discussed some of the estimating techniques that can be used to predict the project’s parameters quickly with reasonable accuracy. Use of the structure provides powerful framework for project control that identifies deviations from plan, identifies responsibility and spots areas for improved performance. The WBS, OBS and cost accounts provides this necessary information. The WBS serves as the database for developing the project network and is useful for establishes the timing of work, equipment, people and costs. The work breakdown structure provides a structured breakdown of the scope of work into manageable work packages that can be further developed using critical path method to establish a logical relationship between the activities of the project. In the book is also presented haw to use bar charts for planning and control documents for communication schedule information. Organizations must develop and manage systems for efficiently allocating and scheduling resources across projects with different priorities, recourse requirements, sets of activities and risks. In the book are presented methods for recourse forecasting, recourse planning, scheduling and control.Vadovėlyje išdėstytas strateginio projektų valdymo kursas, aprėpiantis šio dalyko teorinius ir praktinius aspektus. Skaitytojas nuosekliai supažindinamas su projektų vadybos pagrindinėmis koncepcijomis, organizacijoje vykdomų projektų derinimu su organizacijos strategija, su projektų planavimu ir atranka, projektų organizacinėmis struktūromis, biudžeto sudarymu, rizikos ir kokybės valdymu, projektų vadyboje taikomais metodais ir priemonėmis. Projektų rengimas ir valdymas nagrinėjami atsižvelgiant į specifines Europos Sąjungos struktūrinių fondų nuostatas. Vadovėlis skirtas vadybos ir administravimo, ekonominio ir kitokio profilio programose studijuojantiems universitetų ir neuniversitetinių aukštųjų mokyklų studentams bei vadybos specialistams
Legislative regulation of quality in European Union and Lithuania
Legislative regulation of quality of product and services is very important for economy of every country for removing technical barriers to trade, protecting the health and safety of consumers. In order to speed up this process, in 1985 the Council of Ministers agreed a resolution on the "New Approach to technical harmonization and standards". In contrast with the detailed, product-based Directives of the old style, New Approach Directives are limited to fixing essential requirements on general issues such as safety, health and environment. The effective operation of all the Directives, but particularly those of the New Approach, depends on existence of an infrastructure of bodies, rules and relationships typical of market economy. Without these infrastructures, which are particularly concerned with regulatory enforcement, market surveillance, standardization and conformity assessment, the Directives would not achieve their goals. Standardization provides a link between the regulator, the product and the European market. Policies relating to conformity assessment in the EU have as a cornerstone the Commission Communication to the Council submitted on 15 June 1989, "A Global Approach to certification and testing – quality measures for industrial products" and the Council Decision of 22 July 1993 concerning the modules for the various phases of the conformity assessment procedures and rules for the affixing and use of the CE conformity marking are intended to be used in technical harmonization Directives (93 / 465 / EEC). The documents mentioned above should guide the authorities of the Lithuania in the conformity assessment area.It is necessary to develop of conformity assessment bodies that are competent, in terms of experience, human resources, facilities and organization. Legislative alignment involving also technical harmonization is a complex process where Lithuania changes it former market surveillance system to a new system, whose objective is to suppress in an effective manner barriers to trade and allow free movement of products within the Union. Lithuania solved the problems associated with the alignment of legislation to EU requirements consecutively. In 1996 the Government of Lithuania approved National program for quality. The program was oriented to speed the process of integration to EU economical area and to achieve these objectives: To adopt appropriate Lithuanian legislation with requirements of EU Directives. To adopt European harmonized standards as Lithuanian National standards that facilitate the implementation of the New Approach Directives. To approximate Lithuanian market surveillance system with EU market surveillance system. The most of these objectives was successfully solved. National accreditation body in September of 1997 presented application to the European Cooperation for Accreditation. Positive decision for associated member of this organization was given in 23-06-1998. Standardization body of Lithuania till beginning of 2002 year adopted 2160 harmonized European standards as Lithuanian National standards. It offers the possibilities for various sectors of economy of Lithuania to approximate Lithuanian technical regulations with requirements of EU New Approach Directives. At present time Lithuanian technical legislation is approximated with 19 New Approach Directive
Market surveillance of goods and services according the requirements of the directives based on the New Approach and the Global Approach.
This article provides information on the New Approach to technical harmonization and the
Global Approach to conformity assessment. 25 Directives, adopted on the basis of the New Approach
and the Global Approach have progressively come into force. These Directives have the dual purpose
of ensuring the free movements of goods through technical harmonization of entire product sectors,
and of guaranteeing a high level of protection of public interest objectives. Innovative features of this
legislative technique include the definition of mandatory essential requirements, the setting up of
appropriate conformity assessment procedures and the introduction of CE marking. Business and
industry gave a wide choice of how to meet their obligations. The European standards bodies have a
task of drawing up technical specifications which offer one route to complying with these essential
requirements.Laisvas prekių judėjimas yra bendrosios rinkos pamatas. Norint užtikrinti laisvą prekių judėjimą, kartu garantuojant jų kokybę ir saugą, būtina taikyti naujas reguliavimo metodikas, nustatančias bendrus esminius reikalavimus, darniųjų standartų, integruoto kokybės užtikrinimo ir kitokių šiuolaikinių atitikties įvertinimo būdų, palengvinančių ir sumažinančių valstybės institucijų kontrolę prieš patenkant prekei į rinką, panaudojimą. Visa tai sprendžiama naujuoju požiūriu ir visuotiniu požiūriu grindžiamose direktyvose. Straipsnyje analizuojami šių direktyvų keliami reikalavimai šalims ES narėms ir jų įgyvendinimo ypatumai
Alignment of projects with organization strategy
Strategy is implemented through projects. Every project should have a clear link to organization strategy but there are too many organizations in which many managers cannot identify a project's priority and link it with the strategic plan. The article reviews conditions for managing multiple projects and linking business strategy with project selection. The most important element of this system is the creation of a ranking system that utilizes multiple criteria that reflect the mission and the strategy of the organization. Resources (people, equipment, capital) for major projects must be clearly allocated and not conflict with daily operations. The priority team needs not to only scrutinize significant projects in terms of their strategic value but also their fit with the portfolio of projects currently being implemented. Project selection must be based not only on the merits of the specific projects but also on that it contributes to the current project portfolio mix.Pastarųjų metų patirtis rodo, kad geriausias būdas įgyvendinti organizacijos strategiją yra vykdyti atitinkamus projektus. Tačiau dar daugelio organizacijų vadovai neskiria reikiamo dėmesio projektų prioritetams nustatyti ir jų sąsajai su organizacijos strategija. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas strateginio planavimo procesas, numatantis strategijos įgyvendinimą vykdant projektus, projektų valdymo sistemos kūrimas bei atskleidžiamos tipinės problemos, iškylančios, kai organizacijos strategija ir projektai nedera tarpusavyje