44 research outputs found

    Simulation of Control Options for HVAC Management of a Typical Office Building

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    Disponible Ă  l'adresse : http://www.harmonac.info/index.php?id=300International audienceAn investigation of correction of defects, as Energy Conservation Opportunities (ECOs) in HarmonAC project, can be done to fulfill two objectives: to improve thermal comfort and to reduce energy consumption of buildings. Among defect correction, HVAC control appears as a way of significant improvement. HVAC control is examined by using a dynamic simulation to improve the management of HVAC system for two opportunities: centrally, one opportunity is to sequence better Winter and Summer mode; locally, another one is the modification of internal set points to adapt to external climatic conditions. Adaptive comfort is examined to develop new rules for local control. Energy impact and thermal comfort of these two ECOs is investigated in the paper. An analysis of thermal comfort criterion shows that applying the operative temperature of EN15251 increases the consumption of the simulated building compared with a simple temperature control. According to our definition of heating and cooling modes, a good management of water network pumps for a four pipes system can reduce their consumption by 33%. A method to determine heating and cooling seasons is proposed to provide sufficient thermal comfort. A proposal to model the reasoned use of air conditioning equipment are investigated, it achieves a good thermal comfort and reduces the cooling load by 7% for Liege location

    Procedures to identify Energy Conservation Opportunities applied to HVAC system: example of VSD of chilled water pumps

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    International audienceA procedure to identify energy savings of variable speed drive (VSD) applied to chilled water network is proposed. The purpose is to identify on which type of building and climate this opportunity can be preferably examined among the list of Energy Conservation Opportunities (137) identified in the HARMONAC project [1]. First, a preliminary analysis of the likely energy savings is led using two methodologies. A simplified approach is proposed in order to create parametric benchmarks. Results of the parametric simulations for several representative buildings of the French stock can be used to select this ECO according to the approximate potential of energy savings. The effect of appliance loads and climatic condition are examined. These procedures, to identify ECOs on site, could be used to be integrated into inspection procedures across Europe in order to apply Article 9 of Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)

    Autonomie budgétaire et financière des universités et nouveau système d\u27allocation des moyens (SYMPA) : le chemin de la vertu ?

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    Rapport d\u27information n° 532 (2008-2009) de MM. Philippe ADNOT et Jean-Léonce DUPONT, fait au nom de la commission de la culture et de la commission des finances. Une synthèse du rapport est disponible en ligne : http://www.senat.fr/rap/r08-532/r08-532-syn.pd

    Financement des universités : pour un SYstème de répartition des Moyens à l\u27Activité et à la Performance (SYMPA) (le)

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    Sénat - Rapport d\u27information n° 382 (2007-2008) du 10 juin 2008 - par MM. Philippe ADNOT, Jean-Léonce DUPONT, Christian GAUDIN, Serge LAGAUCHE, Gérard LONGUET et Philippe RICHERT, fait au nom de la commission des Affaires culturelles et de la commission des Finances, du contrôle budgétaire et des comptes économiques de la Natio

    Optimal Recharging Strategy for Battery-Switch Stations for Electric Vehicles in France

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    Most papers that study the recharging of electric vehicles focus on charging the batteries at home and at the work-place. The alternative is for owners to exchange the battery at a specially equipped battery switch station (BSS). This paper studies strategies for the BSS to buy and sell the electricity through the day-ahead market. We determine what the optimal strategies would have been for a large fleet of EVs in 2010 and 2011, for the V2G and the G2V cases. These give the amount that the BSS should offer to buy or sell each hour of the day. Given the size of the fleet, the quantities of electricity bought and sold will displace the market equilibrium. Using the aggregate offers to buy and the bids to sell on the day-ahead market, we compute what the new prices and volumes transacted would be. While buying electricity for the G2V case incurs a cost, it is possible to generate revenue in the V2G case, if the arrivals of the EVs are evenly spaced during the day. We compare the total cost of implementing the strategies proposed with the cost of buying the same quantity of electricity from EDF

    Performances saisonnières des groupes de production d'eau glacée

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    PARIS-MINES ParisTech (751062310) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Definition of functionalities of air conditioners for better public policies.

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    vol III; p. 1261-1267 [CD-ROM

    Strategies for reducing the environmental impacts of room air conditioners in Europe

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    International audienceIn Europe, buildings tend to be equipped with individual air conditioners, which constitute a fast growing electrical end-use. In this context, this study aims to assess the environmental impacts of European individual air conditioners and to analyse policy strategies to reduce these impacts. After analysing the European context concerning individual air conditioners, the environmental impacts of European air conditioners are assessed using a Life Cycle Analysis approach. The following step consists in studying, both technically and economically, different improvement options aiming at reducing the environmental impacts of these appliances. These results, obtained at the product level, are then generalised at the European level and different policy measures are defined and analysed. The main conclusion is that the implementation of a Minimum Energy Performance Standard based on Least Life Cycle Costs could save up to 49TWh and 20MtCO 2-eq in 2020 and be economically beneficial to the European end-user